Rebellion: The History of England from James I to the Glorious Revolution (79 page)

BOOK: Rebellion: The History of England from James I to the Glorious Revolution
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‘ten propositions’

Tenby Castle

Tenison, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury

Test Acts: (1673); (1678); James II seeks to repeal

Texel, battle of the (1673)

Tey, John

Teynham, Sir John Roper, baron

Thames, river: ‘water-pillar’ (1626)

theatre: in James I’s reign; in Restoration

Thirty Years War (1618–48): beginnings; Catholic advances; Gustavus Adolphus enters

Thirty-Nine Articles (Church of England)

Thoresby, Ralph

‘Thorough’ (principles)

Thurloe, John

‘Tom-Tell-Truth’ (writer)

Tomkins, Thomas

tonnage and poundage (tax)

Tory: as term

trained bands: raised (1642)

Tresham, Francis

Trevor, Sir John

Triennial Act (1640)

Triple Alliance (England–Dutch Republic–Sweden, 1668)

Tuke, Sir Samuel

Turner, Anne (

Turnham Green

Twysden, Sir Roger

United Provinces
Dutch Republic

Uxbridge: peace negotiations (1645)

Van Dyck, Sir Anthony: portrays Charles I; portrays Wentworth (Strafford); portrait of Laud

Vane, Sir Henry

Venables, General Robert

Venn, John

Verney, Sir Edmund

Verney, Sir Ralph

Villiers, George
Buckingham, 1st duke of; Buckingham, 2nd duke of

Viner, Sir Robert

Wakeman, Sir George

Wales: revival of civil war

Waller, Edmund

Waller, Sir William

Wallington, Nehemiah

Walpole, Horace

Walters, Lucy

Walton, Valentine

Warton, Philip, 4th baron

Warwick, Sir Philip;
Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I

Warwick, Robert Rich, 2nd earl of

Waterford, Ireland

Watkins, Daniel

Webster, John:
The Duchess of Malfi

Weldon, Sir Anthony

Wentworth, Thomas

West Indies: Cromwell’s venture in; parts conceded to France (1667)

Westminster Assembly

Weston, Richard
Portland, 1st earl of

Wexford, Ireland

Wharton, Philip

Wharton, Thomas

Whigs: as term; oppose James II’s rights to succession; support Shaftesbury; and Rye House Plot

White Mountain, battle of (1620)

Whitehall, Palace of; Banqueting House; Charles II occupies

Whitelocke, Bulstrode: on beginnings of civil war; on Cromwell; on starvation in Cumberland; advises Cromwell against becoming king

Whitgift, John, archbishop of Canterbury

Wight, Isle of: Charles I in

Wightman, Edward

William, Prince of Orange (
King William III): marriage to Princess Mary; and Charles II’s proroguing of parliament (1680); Calvinism; observes situation in England during James II’s reign; invited to invade England; lands in England and advances on London; guards take up London posts

Williams, John, bishop of Lincoln

Willis, Dr Thomas

Wilson, Arthur

Wilson, Jackie (singer)

Windebank, Sir Francis

Windsor Castle: Charles I in

Winter (or Wintour), Thomas

witch trials

women: delegation demands peace in civil war; role in civil war; maltreated at Naseby; use of cosmetics under commonwealth

Wood, Anthony

Woodford, Robert

Worcester: battle of (1642); Charles I escapes to from Oxford

Wren, Sir Christopher: on Prynne; in Royal Society

Wren, Matthew, bishop of Ely

Wycherley, William:
The Country Wife

York: Charles I raises forces at (1639); great council of peers meet at (1640); Charles I travels to (1642); support for Charles I; royalists capture; besieged and surrenders (1644)

York, Anne, duchess of (

York, James, duke of
James II, king

Also by Peter Ackroyd



The Canterbury Tales: A Retelling

The Trial of Elizabeth Cree

The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde


First Light

English Music

Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem

Milton in America

The Plato Papers

The Clerkenwell Tales

The Lambs of London

The Fall of Troy

The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein

The Death of King Arthur



The Collection: Journalism, Reviews, Essays, Short Stories, Lectures

(edited by Thomas Wright)

London Under: The Secret History Beneath the Streets

Dressing Up: Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession

London: The Biography

Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination

Thames: Sacred River

Venice: Pure City

T. S. Eliot



The Life of Thomas More



J. M. W. Turner


Poe: A Life Cut Short

Foundation: The History of England from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors

Tudors: The History of England from

Henry VIII to Elizabeth I


An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.


. Copyright © 2014 by Peter Ackroyd. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to [email protected].


First published in Great Britain under the title
Civil War
by Macmillan, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited


First U.S. Edition: October 2014


eISBN 9781466855991


First eBook edition: September 2014

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