Rebellion (A Dangerous Man, #2) (4 page)

Read Rebellion (A Dangerous Man, #2) Online

Authors: Serena Grey

Tags: #Alpha Male, #serena grey, #romance books for kindle, #virgin romance, #new adult romance, #indie romance, #Romance, #virgin, #erotic romance, #billionaire romance, #New Adult, #kindle books

BOOK: Rebellion (A Dangerous Man, #2)
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He groans, and his hips move, grinding a little. Instinctively,
I take him deeper, running my tongue over his swollen tip, and then allowing
him to slide further inside my mouth. He tastes of skin, of salt, and a flavor
that is all him. I steal a look at his face. His eyes are closed, his lips
parted. He likes it. I purse my lips and suck on him, moving my head, so he
goes slowly in and out of my mouth.

“Sophie.” His groan is deep and raspy, the pleasure in his
voice makes me feel powerful and sexy... all woman. I suck harder, feeling him
grow harder in my mouth as his hands run feverishly through my hair, but I
don’t stop. In every other way, I already feel powerless, but in this, I want
to see him lose control of himself.

He doesn’t give me the chance. He rises from the bed, moving
faster than I could have anticipated, and lifts me, pulling me forward until my
hips are poised over his erection. Then, with his hands on my waist, he guides
me down slowly until I’m completely filled with him. I moan at the exquisite
sensation of him inside me. My whole body is tingling. I forget everything but
what he’s doing to me. I want this, I want this so much.

Even though I am on top, he defines our movements, guiding
my hips as he grinds his, stroking my sensitive insides with each deep thrust.

My body starts to shake. I’m moaning incoherently, crying out
his name over and over. He quickens his pace, thrusting faster, until his body
stiffens, and he groans, exploding into me in a warm surge. At the same moment,
I shout his name one final time, and then collapse onto his chest.

Chapter Four

find myself alone on the bed, my first thought is that David has left for work
again. I feel a little depressed until I hear him in the dressing room. It’s
embarrassing how relieved I am when I see him standing there almost fully
dressed, putting on his cufflinks. I lean on the doorframe, watching him as he
concentrates on fastening the links.

“Good morning.” I say softly, my heart constricting with
longing as I look at him. Watching him makes me feel happy and sad at the same
time, happy that he’s mine, and sad because, somehow, I know he doesn’t truly
belong to me.

He looks up at me, “Good morning Sophie.” He says, finishing
with the links. There’s a tie hanging loosely around his neck, and his fingers
move to knot it.

I don’t want to rehash our conversation of last night, but I
don’t want to spend the whole day missing him either. “I wish you wouldn’t leave
so early,” I say.

He walks away from me, towards the mirror. In the face of
his silence, I start to wish I hadn’t said anything. I watch as he starts to knot
his tie.

“I know you’re really busy...” I start.

He turns to me. The expression on his face is one of sincere
apology. “I’m sorry Sophie,” he says, “Yes, I’ve been busy. I’ve had to deal with
certain issues at work which were there even before I met you.” He stops, “but
that’s no excuse.”

I walk across the room to him, “I understand, really. I’m
not complaining, I just wish we had a little more time for us.” I look at his
face as I say the word, ‘Us’. That’s what’s important to me. I want us to be a
success. I want this to last. I don’t want to be a short statistic in his life.
The thought of not being with him fills me with a sad sort of desperation.

He raises one of his hands, tracing a finger across my lips.
“Things will clear up soon,” he assures me, “and then I’ll make it up to you, I
promise. We’ll go somewhere that will blow your mind.”

I smile, excited as much by his promise as his touch. “You
blow my mind.” I whisper.

He smiles and moves his finger from my lips to my chin,
lifting it up, so I’m looking into his eyes. My lips tingle, waiting for his
kiss, but he doesn’t make any move to touch me.

I lift myself unto my toes and touch my lips to his. He
kisses me back, his brow furrowing in surprise when I gently push him away,
running my hands down the front of his shirt. He watches me as my hands move
down. I’m not sure what I’m doing, but I want to show him how much I want him.
I want to finish what I started last night.

I drop to my knees on the soft carpet in front of him,
stroking him through his trousers, and feeling him harden and push against my
palm. I loosen his belt and undo his zipper, reaching in to pull down his
briefs just enough for him to spring free, hard, rigid, and eager.

Immediately I cover the head with my lips. I feel him
stiffen, but I don’t look up. I suck on the tip, pulling him deeper with my
lips and stroking him with my tongue. His fingers tangle in my hair, and I hear
him groan softly.

I love this. I love the feel, the smell, the warmth of him.
I move my head slowly, letting him go in and out of my mouth while I suck
deeply. He groans again, and the sound of his arousal causes a warm, insistent
need to start in my core, and spread till my whole body is suffused with my
desire for him.

I take him in as deeply as I can, he moans, and his hands
stiffen in my hair, moving my head in the rhythm that he wants, as he starts to
grind into my mouth. I tighten my lips around him, sucking him in as he grinds
faster. There is something so erotic about what we’re doing. A small moan
escapes my lips. The sound does something to him, and his whole body stiffens,
the muscles of his hips tightening under my hands, then he jerks forward and
with a loud groan, comes into my mouth.

I swallow quickly, I can’t believe what I’ve just done, but
I’d do it again and again. He slips out of my mouth, his body shuddering. His
breathing is deep and heavy as he comes down on his knees beside me.

“You’re a bag of surprises, aren’t you?” he says huskily,
moments before his lips descend on mine as his fingers find my wet arousal
under my t-shirt.

I’m already so hot for him, I moan as his fingers stroke me.

“You’re ready for me.” His whisper is warm against my mouth.

“Hmm.” I nod, I’m so ready.

His fingers rub me until I have to hold on to him to steady
myself, but he doesn’t stop slipping them in and out of me until I’m squirming
wildly, begging him to give me more. Suddenly, he turns me around and enters me
from behind.

I bend forward, my hands on the floor as he thrusts into me.
He is so incredibly hard, so sweet, so fast. I can’t catch my breath. I’m
already so far gone when his fingers find my nipples under my shirt, and start
to tease them, I explode into a million pieces of pure pleasure, screaming my
release in a garbled version of his name.

He pulls out of me, still hard, and turns me around until I
am lying on my back and he is still kneeling, poised in front of me. He lifts
my legs, raising them around his hips, and enters me again. My body tightens
around him, unraveling as he starts to move again. He doesn’t stop until we
both climax, and he collapses on the rug beside me.

Later, while I’m still trying to catch my breath, he gets up
and starts to adjust his clothes.

I watch him through a haze of sexual fulfillment. “Have I
made you late for work?”

“Not really.” His movements are swift as he knots his tie
and pulls his trousers back up. It looks like he has already pushed me to the
back of his mind. I watch him silently.

“I’ve asked Linda to make a few appointments for you.” He
says suddenly.

“What kind of appointments?” I frown, I would never admit it
to him, but Linda Mays, his assistant, with her glossy black hair, and her
skirts that put the ‘p’ in pencil, intimidates me to heaven and back.

“Things to do with clothes, and shopping, and other stuff
you need.” He gives me a hand up, dropping a kiss on my nose. “Linda will tell
you all about it.” His eyes go to my side of the dressing room, which is still
sadly sparse.

“Okay.” I’m sure I should be more excited about shopping,
but there are things I want more than new clothes, to be closer to him, for

My day progresses much better than the day before. The new
tablet and smartphone arrive only about an hour after David leaves. The note in
the package says ‘Some toys you can play with while I’m gone.’ Even though I
find it unsatisfactory that he’s trying to take away my loneliness at his
absence by buying me electronic gadgets, I fall in love with them immediately.

They’re both already programmed, the phone with David’s
mobile and office numbers, and the tablet with a couple of apps, books, and
internet access. At first, I stumble a little with the tablet, but then I find
that it’s much like using a computer.

Linda has arranged multiple appointments. She calls me in
the morning, sounding incredibly busy and efficient as she tells me she had
sent my schedule to my new phone. It would be funny if not that as soon as I
cut the connection I see the updates to my calendar. There’s a hairdresser, in
fact, a beauty team, with hairs, nails, and makeup people, and a personal
shopper too. I’m stupefied.

The beauty team arrives before noon. I get my hair cut and
styled by a hilariously funny French man called Jasper, who calls Mrs. Daniels
‘my love’, causing her to blush to the roots of her silver hair. My nails are
fixed to perfection, and the makeup artist, a fierce looking girl with purple
hair and a lip ring, spends nearly an hour making me up to look as if I’m not
wearing any makeup. She leads me through it, finally leaving me with the
products that ‘fit my complexion’.

After they leave, I get a visit from the personal shopper, a
petite but lively girl in her twenties. Her name is Reiko Nakano, she tells me,
eagerly shaking my hand. I can’t help staring at her. She’s incredibly beautiful
in an unusual, exotic way, with grey almond eyes, tilted upwards at the
corners, pale skin, and straight, waist-length black hair with deep scarlet

She talks non-stop as she shows me the samples she’s brought
based on Linda’s description of me. I soon discover that her father is a
Japanese-American heart surgeon, and her mother is a Spanish jewelry designer.
She chatters without pause for almost thirty minutes, but I don’t mind, in
fact, I like it.

“My father wanted me to be a doctor,” She tells me, as she
shows me another beautiful outfit, “so I went to pre-med and got accepted to
medical school.” She shudders, “but I decided I liked clothes more.”

I laugh, “Your father must have hated that.”

“Yes he did, especially since I’m such a genius,” she sighs,
“I’m a great loss to the profession of medicine.” She smiles impishly, “but a
great gain to women who love the way I dress them, right?”

I have to agree. From what I can see, she does know what she
is doing. Based on what she has shown me, my new style is part casual, part classy,
innocent, and sexy. I flatter myself that she’s clothing me in my own
personality. “Seattle is not really a dressy city,” She tells me with a
grimace, “But we do have a little fashion.” She winks at me, promising to deliver
all my new clothes over the course of the week.

David is still extremely busy, so over the next few days, we
fall into a routine. We have breakfast together before he leaves for work.
Afterwards, I read on my tablet, mostly books, but I also read the news, especially
news about software companies, eager to learn more about what David does when
he’s not with me.

The little news I find about Preston Corp is mostly what I
already know. It’s a top-notch software entrepreneurial and investment company,
with David as the CEO. There is some information about their investments, but
it’s mostly abstract. David is as much of an enigma to the public as he is to
me, I soon decide. There’s nothing about his personal life, only a little about
his charity work supporting educational programs all over the world.

When I’m not reading, I draw, filling my sketchbook with
more and more pages of jewelry. Sometimes Mrs. Daniels comes to watch me,
exclaiming about how talented I am.

The day Reiko delivers the first batch of my clothes, I’ve
been in Seattle for a little less than a week. As soon as Mrs. Daniel’s lets
her in, she fills the apartment with her chatter.

“Wait till you see your new clothes.” She tells me, as Mrs.
Daniels wheels the full clothes rack into the apartment.

I’ve been sitting in the living room, sketching at the
window seat. As I get up to join them, Reiko comes over to me. “I didn’t know
you were an artist.” She remarks, her eyes on the sketchpad I just abandoned on
the coffee table.

“I’m not.” I deny, suddenly a little shy of my work. “I just
like to draw jewelry.

“May I?” She looks closer, thumbing through a few pages,
“These are really good.” She looks up at me, her eyes shining, “Why are you
keeping them hidden?”

I laugh, “Please don’t spare my feelings.”

“No,  really!” She nods, “I know what I’m talking about. My
mother designs jewelry.”

I vaguely remember, her mentioning something like that.

She sound excited. “I’d totally rock these.” She turns to me
“Have you made any of them?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I haven’t been to art school or

Reiko’s curtain of black and scarlet hair moves as she
shrugs, “My mother didn’t go either. She took a private course and learned how
to smith herself.”

“Really!” I’m impressed.

“Do you have any plans to make them?” she asks. Mrs. Daniels
is wheeling the rack of clothes towards the door that leads to my dressing room
from the hallway while we follow her behind.

I give a little grimace. “Not really, no.” I say, “at least,
not for now. I just like to draw.”

She gives me a look. “You should though, with your talent,
you could make a name for yourself.” She sounds serious. “I wish I could talk
to my mother about you,” she says, “but I’m sure that would violate the NDA.”

Mrs. Daniels is already inside the dressing room. I stop at
the door. What NDA? I think.

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