Rebel Magisters (11 page)

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Authors: Shanna Swendson

Tags: #YAF060000 YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Steampunk; YAF019040 YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / Historical; YAF058030 YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Social Themes / Class Differences

BOOK: Rebel Magisters
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“Outstanding!” Rollo cried out, sprinting forward.

Olive settled herself into one of the seats beside the windows. “I’m going to look out from here,” she said. I noticed that she was very pale. There had been many a night when I’d had to soothe her nightmares about the airship accident that had killed her father. I wasn’t sure how much resemblance her dreams bore to reality, so I sat beside her and took her hand.

“I’ve never flown like this before, so may I hold your hand?” I asked softly.

“Yes, Miss Newton. I would like that very much,” she said, and the grip of her tiny hand on mine was likely to leave bruises, it was so fierce.

Even Flora seemed at least a little interested as the great ship began moving slowly forward. We burst out into the light upon leaving the hangar, and the ship drifted upward. The city gradually grew smaller beneath us, and we went out over the open water, turning to head northward. I realized I’d been holding my breath and made myself let it out slowly. I wasn’t sure why I’d been so tense, unless I’d picked up on Olive’s fear. I’d flown on a smaller, unproven nonmagical airship before, without even the security of a closed cabin. This one flew higher and moved faster, which might have accounted for my unease.

Once we’d stopped climbing and were drifting along far enough above the earth that I had less of a sense of speed, I managed to relax. It was quite peaceful, without the whipping wind I’d experienced on the
. I might have enjoyed it, under different circumstances.

However, the presence of the governor was unsettling. Here I was, a rebel operative and a magical half-breed sitting just a few feet away from the person who embodied what we were rebelling against and who had the power of life or death over me. I’d been around him before when I chaperoned Flora at parties, and he’d paid brief visits to the Lyndon home, but now there were only a few of us in a relatively small space for the next five hours. I was afraid to speak, lest I accidentally reveal something incriminating.

On the other hand, I needed to do my job, which was the reason I’d been brought along, and now I had to do it in front of an audience, including my employer. “Olive, are you ready for some lessons?” I asked.

“Oh, yes!” she said enthusiastically. “I want to show Grandfather what I’ve learned.”

I got out her schoolbooks and had just opened the science text when Rollo came bouncing back from the control room. “It was amazing!” he said. “I got to see how they released the tow cables and controlled the ascent. Then they showed me the charts.”

“You’re just in time for your schoolwork,” I said.

His face fell. “Aw, really? In an airship?”

The governor chuckled. “I think perhaps we can postpone the schoolwork for the duration of the voyage. He can catch up later, once we’ve arrived.”

“Thanks, Grandfather!” Rollo said. “Can I take that tour, instead? One of the crewmen said he’d show me the whole ship.”

“I’ll need a report about it,” I said as sternly as I could manage when his enthusiasm was so delightful. “And your schoolwork must be completed at some time today. I’m not the one who made those assignments.”

“I believe your uncle has final say,” the governor said.

“Please, Uncle Henry?” Rollo begged.

“I don’t see why not, as long as you do your work in the evening, and you’ll owe Miss Newton a favor for making her work a longer day.”

“I don’t mind,” I said. “This isn’t going to be a particularly arduous workday.” Though, really, it was more difficult working under those circumstances. I could feel the governor watching us as I read along with Olive and quizzed her on her lessons. Fortunately, she was keen to show off, which made me look extremely competent.

Midmorning, the steward and maid brought around tea and pastries. At noon, the big table in the middle of the room was laid with fine china for a light luncheon. We were just finishing dessert when we began our descent into Boston.

There was only a slight jolt when we moored at the airfield. We exited down a flight of steps wheeled up to the nose of the gondola and boarded the carriages that waited for us. The younger children and I were in one carriage, while the governor, Henry, and Flora rode in the other.

“That’s the only way to travel,” Rollo said. “No bumps or jolts like in a carriage or a train. Maybe they should have smaller airships for traveling around town.”

“They’d block out the sky if there were too many of them,” Olive said. “Why couldn’t we ride with Grandfather and Uncle, like Flora did?”

“We’re just kids,” Rollo said, but he didn’t sound like it bothered him. “They couldn’t fit everyone in one carriage, and this way, we don’t have to act too nice.”

“Oh, really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Aw, Miss Newton, you’re not like Grandfather. I may not act any different with you, but I
like I’m acting better with you.”

The carriage brought us to a stately townhome that wasn’t quite as large as the governor’s mansion, but it was a palace compared to the Lyndon home, which I had considered palatial when I first arrived. Looking at the outside, I thought this building must be a hotel, but once we entered, I realized it was a residence, and it was all ours for the week. Did the governor really keep a house like this just for his occasional visits to this city? I made a mental note to look further into the matter for a possible article.

The children and I were assigned to rooms on one of the upper floors—away from the governor’s suite, much to my relief. I couldn’t tell where Henry’s room was, and there was no way to ask without looking improper. My room was much nicer than the one I had at home, which had clearly been designed for a governess. This room could have been for any guest. For a few days, so long as I was in my room, I might be able to forget my position.

Our bags and trunks were brought up, and while the housemaids were busy unpacking Flora’s belongings, I hung up my own dresses in my room’s wardrobe. When the maid entered, she startled me. “Oh, ye didn’t have to do that, miss,” she said, bustling in to take over. She was a sturdy girl about my age, with dark hair and dark blue eyes.

“I don’t mind looking after myself,” I said. “I’m only the governess.”

“But ye’re a guest in this house, miss.”

“There’s not much to do. I’ve done it already. Really, I don’t mind.”

Ignoring my objections, she picked up my bag and began unpacking. I tried to wrest it away from her, and something fell out of a pair of stockings, hitting the floor with a soft
. I dove for the small gear with a red ribbon through it and hoped she didn’t see it. I knew it had been risky to bring the symbol of the Rebel Mechanics with me while traveling with the governor and staying in his house, but Colin had mentioned arranging meetings with the local Mechanics, so I’d thought I might need it.

I’d hoped the maid hadn’t seen it, but she bent to pick it up. She straightened and held the token by its ribbon, staring at it quizzically. “Ah, now that would explain why ye’re so self-sufficient and don’t like others waitin’ on ye.”

I couldn’t tell if she meant that as a compliment or if she was implying that I’d wanted to unpack for myself because I had something to hide. A million responses flooded through my mind, ranging from threats to denial. Perhaps sensing my terror, she winked at me. “Oh, don’t ye worry none, ye have nothin’ to fear from me. I have one like it that I brought with me when I was hired for this job only just this week.”

All my breath rushed out in a great
of relief. “You’re the local contact Lizzie set me up with? You could have said something before you gave me the vapors!”

She grinned. “And where’s the fun in that?”

“You aren’t related to Colin, by any chance, are you?” The sense of humor was certainly familiar.

“We’re cousins of some sort. I’ve never tried to draw the family tree. I just know that my mother is somehow related to his father. And yes, I know that some things run in the family. I was lucky to get the wit and flair for the dramatic without the ginger hair and freckles.”

“So if I uncover something I need to pass to the Mechanics, I give it to you?”

“Aye. ’Twill be a challenge right under the nose of his nibs, and that’s what makes it fun.”

“I’m sure I can count on your discretion.”

“I’ve got as much to lose as you do. If it’s your word against mine, you could throw me to the wolves.”

“You don’t have to worry about me.”

I gave up fighting her about unpacking for me, since that gave her an excuse to stay and chat. She told me stories about Colin as a child that had me shaking with laughter. When she’d finished getting my room set just so, she surveyed her work with her hands on her hips and gave a nod of satisfaction. “There, just like home. Now, if you need me, pull the bell over there.” I followed her gesture to a cord hanging on the wall over the bed. “My name’s Mary, and I’ll be taking care of you and the children. That Lady Flora’s going to keep me hopping, isn’t she?”

“Very likely, but if she gives you any trouble, let me know. Her uncle won’t stand for it.”

“He’s the one who’s helping? I take it he’s the young one. Rather handsome, if ye like them scholarly. And if you can abide magisters.”

“Yes, that’s the one,” I said, refraining from comment about how handsome Henry might or might not be. “He’s not bad for a magister. You can trust him.”

“Good to know. Well, I’d best be off. Plenty of work to do. Lovely chatting with you, miss. Shall I bring up some tea? We’re letting the guests rest this afternoon, so a formal tea won’t be served, but I can bring refreshments to your room. Dinner for the adults and Lady Flora will be at eight, but we’ll serve supper in the nursery for you and the younger two at half-past six. And then if you’re up to it, the Mechanics are having a gathering tonight. You and your Lord Henry are invited.” She transitioned so smoothly into the invitation that it took me a moment to realize what she’d said.


“Yes, miss. Don’t worry, it wasn’t planned in your honor. The timing was merely convenient. But we’d love to have you there, you and his lordship.”

“I’ll have to speak to him. I’d also need to figure out how to get out of here and how to get there.”

“I can help you with that, miss. Now, would you be wantin’ some tea?”

“Yes, some tea would be lovely, thank you,” I said. “Perhaps in an hour or so? I need to look in on the children and make sure they’re doing their lessons, and if I get a chance to speak to Lord Henry, I can let you know then about the gathering.”

“Very good, miss,” she said, bobbing a quick curtsy. She gave me a wink over her shoulder as she left the room.

I took a moment to adjust my hair before going to check on Olive. She was lying on her back in the middle of a huge canopy bed. “It’s a princess room!” she said.

“Just the thing for a princess,” I replied. “Now, I want you to read that book I gave you on the history of Boston, before dinner. We’ll talk about it then and plan what we want to see.”

She dutifully got out her book and rolled onto her stomach to read, her chin resting on her fists. “I want to see everything,” she declared.

“We have a week, so perhaps we shall,” I said. “Now I’d better check on your brother.”

I found Rollo examining every inch of his room, playing with the magical lights, and looking out the window. “I can’t tell if this house has a central heating system,” he said. “I don’t find any ductwork. Could they really still be using fireplaces?”

“I have no idea. That might be something to ask your grandfather.”

He flopped onto the bed. “What did you think of the airship, Miss Newton?”

“I found it to be a much easier journey than I’ve experienced on a train. Though I do like looking at the scenery from train windows. It’s odd only seeing rooftops.”

“That’s why I think it would be great to have airships that travel just above the ground. No bumps, but you can still see out. I wonder why no one’s done that yet.”

“Perhaps you’ll be the one to invent it. But first, before you forget any details, I’d like you to write an essay about what you learned on your tour of the ship today. I’ll save your school assignments for tomorrow.”

I expected him to protest, as he usually did any schoolwork, but he pulled out a notebook without complaint. “Good idea, Miss Newton. I don’t want to forget any of it.” I left him leaning over his notebook, his pen flying and his tongue sticking out from between his teeth as he concentrated intently.

I ran into Henry in the hallway outside. “Ah, Miss Newton, just the person I wanted to see,” he said. “They’ve given you this room down the hall as a schoolroom.” He escorted me to a sunny corner room that must have once been a playroom for little girls. I imagined the Lyndon children’s late mother and their aunt, Lady Elinor, playing on the rocking horse and practicing the piano on the spinet in the corner.

Once we were in the room, he dropped his voice and said, “I’m afraid the governor is being conventional about dinner arrangements. You and the younger children will have an early meal in the nursery.”

“I know. The maid told me. By the way, she’s with the Mechanics.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That’s interesting. They got someone into the governor’s house?”

“Apparently. She was just hired for our visit.”

“I’ll tell Olive and Rollo about dinner. Olive is bound to be disappointed, and I don’t want you to have to be the bearer of bad news. I’m not sure Rollo will care.” He smiled and added, “And I will have no one to talk to.”

We were standing close together so we could speak without being overheard, and I knew that if we were seen like this, our relationship surely would be misunderstood. I wanted to take a step backward, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so.

“I hope your dinner doesn’t last too long,” I said. “We’ve been invited to a gathering tonight.”

“The local Mechanics?”

“Indeed. And you were specifically included in the invitation. Twice, now that I think about it.”

“Do you know where or when?”

“The maid said she’ll take care of that.”

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