
Read Rebel Online

Authors: Heather Graham

BOOK: Rebel
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She inhaled sharply at the sudden flick of his weapon. But his blade didn’t touch her flesh. It lifted the fabric from her right shoulder. She felt the softness of the sheer gown and robe falling and pooling at her feet. She stood naked in the moonlight, facing him.

“You have been beaten.”

Ian; you have merely cost me my sword—”

“You are beaten, and the point here is that you must learn that you can be beaten. If you would duel, you must meet the terms. Ah, the terms. I believe you are supposed to seduce me.”

The breeze grew very chilly; she burned against it. She remembered the feel of his hands, his lips…

“Seduce you! That was not in the terms!”

He grinned at her distress.

“You should be horsewhipped, McKenzie,” she snapped. She wanted to lash out at him so badly. She felt so absurdly on display, the breeze all about her nakedness, trying not to move or tremble, to cool the heat that burned so fiercely in her. She would not be intimidated, yet she was shaking….


His touch.


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