Rebekah's Treasure (53 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Bambola

BOOK: Rebekah's Treasure
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In the Gentile cities of the Decapolis, the Greeks and Romans worshipped many gods. But while the worship of Isis was popular throughout the Roman Empire, and the facts concerning the worship of Isis are accurately portrayed in the novel, there’s no proof that Isis was worshiped in Pella. There was, however, an ancient Canaanite temple there.

In 70 A.D. Israel would have been called
Eretz Yisrael
(Land of Israel) and Qumran would have been called either
Ir-Tzadok B’Succaca
Essene Yahad
(Essene Community). But since most people are only familiar with the modern names, for reader clarity, I’ve used those names in the book.

Hezekiah’s Tunnel and Solomon’s quarries do exist, as do the multiple cisterns and waterways and plastered ashlar stone drainage channels beneath Jerusalem, many of which were indeed used by rebels to move about undetected. However, the tunnel from the Temple to Qumran is not based on fact, though some speculate it did exist and believe it was the very means by which the holy scrolls and temple treasure were evacuated from the city.

The copper scroll is a genuine artifact, and most scholars believe it describes real Temple treasure; a treasure moved sometime before the Romans destroyed the Temple in 70 A.D. The scrolls were found on a shelf in Cave 3, a cave in the limestone cliffs about a mile north of Qumran. Sixty-four treasure locations are mentioned in the scroll.

Scholars cannot agree on the exact location of The Valley of Achor. Some think it is north of Jericho (a common belief of the early Church fathers) while others believe it is the Valley of Hyrcania in the cliffs southwest of Qumran. I have chosen the southwest location as the one I portrayed in the novel, the location John Allegro—the English scholar and member of the original copper scroll-publication team—believed was the site of some treasure mentioned in the copper scrolls: the fortress of John Hyrcania. And where he himself spent considerable time searching for it.

a claim against a person who placed an institor, or agent, in charge of a business for acts committed by that agent or institor while transacting that busines
Market Manager who oversees and regulates all public auctions.
Roman hot bath
18 to 22 inches, the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow
Curule Aedile
magistrate who had
—the power to apply the law within his magistracy
Essene Yahad garum
Essene Community a popular fish sauce commonly used by Romans over many of their dishes
a small, furry, rodent-looking mammal
jus gentium
“Law of Nations”. International law that governed the Roman legal system
male headscarf
ancient makeup; a blackening agent used to enhance the eyes
burial niche
bronze coin; that and the
were the smallest denomination of coins; the lepta was probably the widow’s mite in Mark’s and Luke’s Gospel
Roman civil servant, serving magistrates who had
(the power to apply the law within their magistracy)
the law that compensated owners if their property was damaged by another
ritual bath, used for spiritual cleansing or purification
bride price paid by the bridegroom to bride’s parents
obligations which may or may not be legally protected but which are prerequisites of all obligations
a cloak worn over the shoulder, somewhat like a toga, by women
(Roman law) acquisitions/property that are allowed to be held by a son, wife or slave even though technically they belonged to the father, husband or master
term applied to either an army commander or a magistrate
praetorian law
action introduced by praetors in 149 B.C. by which equity was developed for actions not provided for by Roman law.
a headdress with silver coins sewn onto it.
a long tunic that usually is worn over another tunic, worn by Greek and Roman women
Feast of Tabernacles
(of silver) There is conflicting information on this. Even several good sources differ, and their claims put the weight of a talent anywhere from 90 to 130 pounds
Jewish prayer shawl


  1. There’s a lot about treasure in this book. Though we may not think we are treasure seekers, what “Copper Scroll” of treasure do we commonly pursue today?
  2. Jesus drank from many cups, including the cup at the last supper. Do you think it would please Him if we made a shrine or idol out of any one of them? Because we are finite and temporal, it’s always a temptation to make idols out of what we perceive to be sacred objects. Do you think this is one of the reasons the Bible forbids us to make idols or worship images?
  3. Rebekah came from a wealthy family. Her flight to Pella required her to not only leave most of her family behind but required her to adjust to a harsher, poorer way of life, not so unlike those today who must adjust after a natural disaster or a serious economic reversal. What are some of the difficulties and dangers of such an adjustment?
  4. The Bible says that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Argos seems very comfortable with telling lies. He does it so well that he actually seems to believe them himself. In fact, he even accuses Rebekah of doing the very thing he is guilty of. (“You would have the entire city turn against me.”) How easy is it to get into the habit of telling lies? Is it easier to tell bigger lies after one becomes comfortable with the “little deceptions” i.e. a mother instructing her kids to, “tell them I’m not home,” when someone she doesn’t want to talk to calls on the phone?
  5. Esther tries to impose her will in her life instead of bowing to God’s, and not only makes herself miserable in the process but must face serious consequences. Can you think of a time you
    pursued your own will, regardless of what God’s might have been? Were you happy? Were there consequences?
  6. In
    chapter seven
    , though Kyra has heard about Jesus many times at Zechariah’s house church, Rebekah thinks she’s not interested. Yet, pages later we learn Kyra really was interested, and that Zechariah’s words had actually made an impression on her. Have you ever talked about Jesus with someone who seemed disinterested, only to learn later, perhaps years later, that what you said had, in fact, made an impact? Can we ever predict what our witnessing will accomplish? Even if a person seems disinterested, can we really know what’s going on inside?
  7. In
    chapter eight
    , Ethan questions why God would heal the heathen Demas, giving him both physical eyes as well as spiritual ones, and
    heal his son—a faithful follower of Jesus as well as of Torah and Temple. Have you ever asked this same question? Maybe you have served God many years without seeing a miracle in your life, then a new believer comes along getting a healing or some other wonderful miracle from God, leaving you to feel like that faithful older brother who has labored alongside his father for years but was never as appreciated as that rebellious younger brother who spent so much time in the pigpen? How did it make you feel? Is it fair? Is there a lesson in it? Are we right to feel jealous?
  8. In
    chapter nine
    , Rebekah feels like she’s the only one in the world who has suffered, who is hurting. Have you ever felt like that? How did you overcome it?
  9. Both Hannah and Zechariah imagine the worst when they are told to appear before the slave master, right after Judah comes home. How many times have you thought the worst, before praying about it or consulting the Lord or waiting for His guidance or grace? Explain.
  10. Rebekah finds out that the Esther in the Market Manager’s house is not her daughter, and though she is bitterly disappointed
    there is no indication she is angry with God. Have you ever been so disappointed about something that you became angry with God? Even though, like in Rebekah’s life, He has already done so many miracles in yours?
  11. For years Rebekah had been praying that Aaron, the son who had such a heart for God, would learn more about his faith under the Apostle John. In the end, this prayer is answered. Many times we don’t get the answer to our prayers as fast as we would like. Can you recall a prayer that was a long time in coming? What does this say? Should we persevere in prayer even when we see no results? Does God measure time the way we do?

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