Rebecca Joyce (15 page)

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Authors: The Sheriff's Jailbirds

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Rebecca Joyce
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It was going to be another cold night, and after a long day on the job, all Braxton wanted was to get home and be with his loves. So when he walked into the house and was immediately confronted with Jordan and Charlotte yelling at each other, he sighed. “So much for a quiet night at home.”

Hanging up his coat and dropping his keys on the little table by the door, he tried desperately to ignore the bickering duo and maneuver around them because what he wanted right at that moment was a beer. He had a feeling he was gonna need one when he asked what the hell was going on.

The moment he made it past Jordan, a picture frame flew right in front of his face and shattered into a million pieces. Stopping dead in his tracks, Braxton turned to see Charlotte, all doe-eyed and looking innocent. But what she did next had him desperately trying to stifle his grin. Charlotte quickly pointed her finger at Jordan and yelled, “It wasn’t me this time, I swear!”

“Oh you little liar! He knows it was you.” Jordan grinned, standing firm with his arms crossed over his chest.

“The fuck it was, asshole. You threw it this time. I’m not the only one in this family with a temper,” she shouted back.

All thoughts fled his mind instantly. Only her word “family” remained. After weeks and weeks of showing and proving to her that they were never going to leave her, she finally said what he and Jordan had wanted to hear. She said they were a family.

Smiling and walking toward her, Braxton watched as her face went from innocent to concern, and when her brows pinched in the middle, he knew she was trying to figure a quick escape plan. So when she stepped back to bolt, Braxton lunged for her and engulfed her within his arms. “Oh no, baby doll. You’re mine.” He laughed as she tried unsuccessfully to get out of his arms.

“I didn’t do it! It was Jordan!” she yelled over and over, wiggling within his arms.

Braxton carried her over to the couch and placed her unceremoniously on his lap facing her. He watched as Jordan grabbed the small box from the top of the fridge then walked over and sat next to them with the same shit-eating grin on his face.

“Baby doll, face it. Jordan and I love you, even with that awful temper of yours, and to prove that, we got you something,” Braxton said, smiling as Jordan handed him the blue velvet box.

The look on Charlotte’s face was priceless. She never took her eyes off the box as Braxton slowly opened it up and showed her what was inside. Her eyes grew bigger, and a slow, shy smile formed on her pretty little mouth. Neither of them moved as they just watched Charlotte slowly trace her finger over the black satin ribbon. But when she touched the pendant in the middle, her expression changed from amazement to fury. Then without any warning, she turned her fury on them. “What the fuck is that?” she yelled.

“It’s your new collar. Don’t you like it?” Braxton questioned gently.

“Is this some kind of joke?” she screamed, grabbing the collar and shaking it in his face.

“Uh, well, we thought you would enjoy the sentiment.” Braxton ventured cautiously, unsure if she was playing with them or seriously pissed.

“Ah, come on, Charlotte. Braxton and I put a lot of thought into that collar. We even picked you up a matching outfit to complete the ensemble.”

“You did not!” she replied, shocked.

“Oh yes we did sweet cheeks, and I can’t wait for you to put it on.” Jordan laughed, unable to hold it an any longer.

“If you two assholes think for one second that I am dressing up in what I think you bought me, you are nuttier that a Snickers bar!” she said angrily, getting off of Braxton’s lap.

They watched as she paced the living room, the collar still in her hands. Braxton had to give her props from not running to her sanctuary and hiding. She stayed in the room with them, figuring it all out, with them watching.

They knew the moment she came to a decision. Holding his breath, Braxton watched as she turned and faced them. “Is it soft like Janie’s?” she asked.

“Yes, baby doll. I made sure of it.” Braxton smiled cautiously.

“Can I take it off when I shower? I don’t want the fabric to get wet.”

“If that’s what you want, but you will wear it when you leave this house, understood?” Braxton ordered firmly.

“I understand, but I’m not wearing that other thing,” she said, walking toward him and handing him the collar. When she turned, Braxton stood and secured her new collar to her neck. He watched as she slowly turned, and when her smile lit up her face, he knew she liked it.

“It’s soft,” she whispered, rubbing the pendant between her fingers nervously.

“My collar looks beautiful on you, baby doll, but Jordan wanted to be a part of this, too. He put a lot of thought into your outfit. Why don’t you be a good girl and go put it on for him. It’s only fair he gets to claim you, too,” Braxton coaxed.

“But I don’t wanna,” Charlotte pouted.

“Sure ya do, Charlotte. You’ll like it. I promise.” Jordan grinned evilly, in no way helping his cause.

“Fine! But if any of you laugh, I am kicking your ass!” Charlotte stomped into the master bedroom and slammed the door.

Braxton chuckled while Jordan began to whistle.

“You know she is gonna be pissed when she sees it, right?” Braxton laughed heartily.


“Then why did you get it?”

“Cause if we’re gonna cater to her and make concessions for her on a daily basis, I wanted something in return. Besides, I have dreamed about her in that outfit. This is gonna be one of my fantasies come true.”

“It’s gonna be your last fantasy, too.”

It was at that moment when they both heard her loud and colorful expletives. “You son of a bitch! Ah, come on. You ass-hat. When I get my hands on you, I’m ripping off your balls and shoving them down your throat! Oh man, no! How in the hell. Aw, fuck a duck! Seriously!

Their laughter filled the living room. Doubling over in delight, neither one of them saw her emerge from the room. But when she cleared her throat, all laughter stopped.

Braxton’s heart skipped a beat then raced forward as if his heart was gonna pound out of his chest. Standing there in all her fury, stood a pint-sized ‘Princess Leia’ all decked out in true Star Wars fashion. Her golden bikini top accentuated her full breasts. Her slim waist held little golden jewels that shimmered and sparkled. Her hips were covered in golden sheer scarves, only held together by the golden bikini bottoms. Her feet were bare, and if there was ever a woman on this planet that could have pulled off this look, it was only Charlotte. But what made the outfit complete was the collar around her neck.

The thin, black satin ribbon stood out against her creamy skin, but it was the pendant, the two golden light sabers that hung daintily from around her neck that finished off the ensemble.

“Wow,” Jordan murmured.

“Yeah, baby doll. You look, just wow,” Braxton agreed.

“You two do realize that paybacks are a bitch, right?” Charlotte asked evilly.

“Do your worst, baby, ’cause tonight, I’m fucking Princess Leia.” Jordan grinned, picking up their woman and headed back toward the bedroom.

Braxton just laughed and prayed that Jordan was left standing when Charlotte got her revenge, but in the meantime, he quickly removed his clothes and walked into the master bedroom, hearing her say, “You better get that light saber out, Jordan, ’cause if I have to wear this outfit, I want to feel the force!” Since that amazing night, Charlotte had welcomed them both regularly, and never once did she take off her collar. As for Jordan, well that was another matter.

Braxton loved the man and couldn’t imagine his life without him. In such a short time, Jordan had found a place in his heart that no other had ever touched. It was welcoming to know that after all this time, he could finally accept his true nature and those around him didn’t care. Jordan made that transition easy with his friendship and understanding.

Jordan didn’t hang all over him, nor did he demand attention like Charlotte. Jordan was his silent lover, his confidant, his partner, and his best friend.

And yet he still couldn’t say the words.

What is wrong with you! Go tell him now! his mind screamed at him.

His whole life he denied himself the one thing that would make him complete, and in a matter of weeks, he had everything he could ever want. The love of a wild hellcat and the heart of a man he would die for.

Slamming on the brakes, Braxton made a sharp U-turn, turned on his flashing lights, and sped toward home.


* * * *


Charlotte was quietly sitting in the cozy sheriff’s office when the first snowflake fell. Amazed and smiling, she gently placed her iPad on the desk and walked over to look out the window.

She loved the first snowfall and always had since she was a little child. The first flakes amazed her. She knew that it was just the frigid air freezing the rain as it fell, but the merriment came from the joy of sticking her tongue out to catch the falling white fluff.

Grabbing a sheriff’s jacket that was on a hook by the door, she stepped outside.

The cold air kissed her cheeks as she hurriedly slipped the jacket on.

Closing her eyes, she tilted her face toward the gray sky and stuck out her tongue. The wet flakes fell everywhere. Waiting patiently, she felt the snow fall on her cheeks, her eyes, and finally, on her tongue. Smiling, she opened her eyes and watched in wonder as the town before her quickly became a winter wonderland.

The small town only had one main street, which was lined with several shops and businesses. The courthouse was centered in the middle, with the sheriff’s station directly across. Sweet Treasures was to the right of the sheriff’s station, and the most mouthwatering smells filled the air as Charlotte watched the snow start to pile up.

The smell of cinnamon and sugar was too much for Charlotte, so she went in search of something sweet.

Sweet Treasures was owned and operated by Hazel Montgomery. The daughter of Macie’s college roommate, Hazel moved to Treasure Cove after her mother passed two years ago. Since then, Hazel had been a solid member of the community and the eye candy of Steven and Neil Brannon, Kelly Brannon’s older brothers.

The bell rang as Charlotte walked in the door. Her nose was assaulted with the smells of sugar, cake batter, and cookie dough.

“Hi, Charlotte. What can I get you?” asked the curvy, raven-haired woman. Charlotte was entranced by Hazel’s violet eyes. Such an odd coloring, but against her pale skin and shiny, jet-black hair, Hazel’s eyes could hypnotize any who looked at her, Charlotte’s included.

“I smelled cinnamon all the way outside.” Charlotte grinned, walking toward the glass display case.

“Oh!” Hazel smiled. “I just took some sticky buns out of the oven. Would you like one?”

“I’ll take a dozen, please.”

“A dozen!”

“Yes, Braxton and Jordan both have a sweet tooth,” she lied.

“Uh-huh.” Hazel grinned, knowing that Braxton didn’t eat sweets and Jordan only liked chocolate chip cookies. Those two had been in her bakery every day for the last week, purchasing everything and anything for Charlotte. “I’ll wrap them up for you. Be right back.”

Charlotte watched as the happy baker went into the back to wrap up her sweets.

The slamming of a car door caught her attention, and Charlotte froze where she stood when she watched a man in a FBI jacket haul a handcuffed Jordan from the backseat of an unmarked car into the sheriff’s station.

Running toward the door, she ran out into the snow only to be stopped before she entered the sheriff’s station. Hauling her up against the brick façade, the man asked, “Charlotte Ann Brooks?”

“Yes. Get your fucking hands off me!” Charlotte shouted, trying to get out of the man’s grip. She wanted to get to Jordan, needed to get to him.

“Charlotte Ann Brooks, you are under arrest,” he said and then proceeded to read her her Miranda rights.

“Yeah, I fucking get it! Shut the fuck up. Don’t say a damn thing. Get me a fucking lawyer!” she fumed as he hauled her into the sheriff’s station.

She was thrown into the cell next to Jordan, who was quietly laying on the cot with his back to her.

“Jordan?” she whispered.

When Jordan didn’t respond, she knew something was wrong. Looking around her, Charlotte surveyed the surroundings. It was chilly back in the cells, so she wrapped the sheriff’s coat tighter around her. She smiled when her fingers felt a set of cool metal keys.

She wished Braxton was here. Needing to get out of this cell, she formulated a plan. With Braxton still gone and Brannon out helping his brothers on the ABC Ranch with calving, there was only one FBI agent to deal with. That revelation stopped her.

Only one?

Charlotte looked at the large black man, who was wearing a very nice tailored suit and a pair of $950 double monk-strapped Jimmy Choo shoes.

What the fuck? Since when could the FBI afford high fashion?

“Hey, fuckwad, I want my phone call!” Charlotte shouted, getting the man’s attention.

“Shut up, bitch,” he replied, looking out the front window.

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