Reawakening (36 page)

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Authors: K. L. Kreig

Tags: #Fantasy, #Moning, #Paranormal, #vampire lords, #Romance, #Erotic, #Thrillers, #Erotica, #Ward, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Reawakening
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“What the fuck, Sarah?” Rom thundered as he walked up to her and tried pushing her out of the room.

“Stop,” she yelled, side-stepping him, never taking her gaze from blondie. “It’s you,” she whispered, barely able to believe her eyes.

His jaw ticked as he stood, fully facing her. Rom had stopped trying to shove her out of the room and now stood protectively by her side, arm wrapped firmly around her waist.

“Sarah? You
him?” he asked incredulously.

“Yes.” With effort, she broke free of Rom’s tight grip and walked up to the vampire that had essentially saved her life. Holding out her hand, she said, “Thank you.”

He looked at her offering before throwing a nervous glance over her shoulder at Rom. She felt rage and confusion radiating from her mate, but she didn’t care. Had it not been for this vampire, she would have been gang raped, repeatedly. And Moira or not, she wasn’t sure she could have moved passed that to bond with Rom.

Clearing his throat, but not moving to shake her hand, he simply said, “No thanks necessary.”

“You’d better tell me what the
is going on and right now, Geoffrey, or I swear by all that’s holy, you will only
you would have died at Xavier’s hands, because I will make your death far more torturous and painful,” her mate growled.

Spinning, she walked into Rom’s arms, hugging him. “Rein it in, King Henry the Eighth. Geoffrey saved me when I was kidnapped. He didn’t let the other vampires hurt me, at least not in
way.” Rom’s arms tightened around her and he buried his head in her long mane of hair. His anger at the mention of her kidnapping was tangible.

“Yah, but he was probably responsible for her being there in the first place,” Damian jeered. Rom’s head whipped up and, once again, she felt his fury, but this time it was like a living, breathing entity. Turning to look at Geoffrey, she could see the guilt written all over his face.

Professor Bailey. She knew it wasn’t him all along ...

. You were!” Damian yelled, starting across the room toward Geoffrey.

“I didn’t know,” he snapped. “She was identified as a dreamwalker in the professor’s study. It was my
to retrieve her. As soon as I discovered she was a Moira, I kept her safe until I could get Devon to raid the compound.”

Damian was almost upon Geoffrey when Sarah rushed to his side. Foolish move, that. If these powerful vampires wanted Geoffrey dead, he would be.

“Stop.” She should be angry that Geoffrey put her in that situation to begin with, and in truth, she was. It still gave her nightmares. But had he not, she never would have come
. She never would have known this life existed. Or that she had sisters.

And she would never have met, and bonded with, Rom. She would have unknowingly floated through life always feeling like she was missing the other half of her soul, but not understanding why.

“No one is going to touch him. He saved me,” she declared.

“He put your life in peril!” Rom roared loud enough to shake the walls.

“Romaric,” she pleaded. “Don’t you see? It was meant to be. I wouldn’t be here right now,
with you
, if it weren’t for what he did.”

“Sarah, I can’t believe you’re defending him.” Her mate sounded tormented.

“And I can’t believe you aren’t.”

“Come here,” he croaked, holding out his hand for hers, which she took without hesitation.

“It’s hard to admit when you’re wrong, isn’t it?”

“I want to kill him.”

“Stop,” she chided.

“If I could change things, believe me, I would,” Geoffrey said softly.

“Don’t say another fucking word or I’ll cut out your tongue,” Rom grated. Geoffrey winced, his face contorting in pain.

“Rom, please. Stop it,” she begged, knowing her mate was the deliverer of Geoffrey’s agony. Pulling his gaze to hers, she said, “Come. Let’s get something to eat.” After all, that’s the reason she came, plus she needed to separate Geoffrey and Rom before Rom’s anger made him do something that couldn’t be undone.

“We’ll continue this discussion later,” Rom announced. Scooping her into his arms before she could protest, he flashed them to their bedroom in Washington, but she barely had a chance to register it because his mouth was everywhere, divesting her of all thought.

“What are you doing?” she breathed, heat pooling between her thighs.

“Fuck, Sarah. I need to be inside you,” he rasped, backing her up against the closest wall. Reaching under her sundress, he ripped away the lace that covered her sex. Two fingers plunged roughly into her pussy as his mouth descended hard on hers. She rode his hand with complete abandon, quickly nearing the edge of bliss. Rom knew her body intimately, inside and out, and he expertly played it every single time he laid a finger on her. Which luckily, for her, was often.

“Don’t stop,”
she panted.

He reached between them and unbuckled his pants. Wrapping her legs around him, his cock quickly replaced his fingers. She actually
in ecstasy, head falling heavily against the wall. She would never tire of the raw masculinity that her mate exuded.

“Christ, you feel good. Ride my cock, beauty,” his rough voice commanded. In the bedroom was the only place she willingly followed his bossy demands. And she was eager to follow this one.

The world narrowed to a tiny pinpoint of pleasure as they both chased the release they craved. They didn’t exchange blood every time they had sex, but she had a ferocious desire to take his now. Without preamble, she struck swiftly and a curse fell from his lips. Heady power flashed like lightening through her bloodstream and with every suckle of his vein, she felt one with him.

His hot release set off hers and they exploded violently, riding the wave of rapture together. Panting, he pressed a lingering kiss to her swollen lips.

“Wow,” she muttered as he trailed kisses to her ear. “That’s the definition of a nooner. A girl could get used to that.”

He barked a laugh. “You’re an incredibly amazing woman, Sarah. I’m lucky to have found you.”

“Yes. Yes, you are. And I’ll remind you. Daily.”

“Yes, I’m sure you will.”

When he withdrew, she felt bereft, as she always did. If it was possible to make love to her mate every minute of every day, she would. She felt complete and whole when they were joined together.

He left and quickly returned with a hot cloth. Kneeling, he wiped gently between her legs. Pressing a soft kiss to her inner thigh, he lingered so long her arousal spiked again.

“You’ll not hurt Geoffrey, right?”

Standing, he touched his lips to her forehead. “I hate that he put you in that place with those monsters. The thought of them touching you, touching what’s
, makes me homicidal, Sarah.”

“I know. But I’m fine and I’m here with you now. And I wouldn’t be without Geoffrey. Please, Rom. Everyone deserves a second chance.”

He sighed. “If that’s what you wish.”

“It is.”

He nodded sharply. “Okay.”

“Thank you, Rom.”

“I’d do anything for you, beauty. Anything.”

“Do you want to grab a bite to eat before I have to head back?” she asked.

A devilish smile curved his lips. “Oh yes.”

She laughed, trying to push him away. “I was talking about food, vampire.”

Pinning her arms to the wall above her head, he answered in a low, rough and downright sexy voice. “Then perhaps you should have been clearer on that request from the get-go.”

“I have a meeting at one o’clock,” she sighed breathlessly, his talented tongue now doing wicked things to her body, steeling her ability to protest like she really meant it.

“I’m afraid you might just be late,” he responded, nipping the hollow at the base of her throat.

Unable to deny her mate or her body, which was now writhing underneath his fevered touch, she had no choice but to acquiesce. And so while she
late, she had to admit, that was the best lunch she’d had in a very long time.

And she hoped to do it again tomorrow.


Chapter 59





Rom wanted to fucking
him. Now he knew exactly how Dev and Damian felt. His head on a stake was sounding like a better idea with each passing moment. Maybe they could pass it around, like a trophy. Each lord keeping it four months out of the year.

Geoffrey had put
one of their mates’ lives in jeopardy.

But he’d saved them too. Multiple times.

Fuck me.
The logical side of his brain knew this to be true. Sarah would not be his had she not ended up with Xavier. Hell, Sarah would not be his had Geoffrey not saved her as a baby instead of destroying her as Xavier directed. But the sheer animal in him had a visceral need to end Geoffrey. He’d put Rom’s mate in harm’s way and while Sarah had assured him no rape happened, it could have ended very differently, in which case, no amount of pleading by his mate would have saved Geoffrey’s soul.

Sarah had walked in on another strategy session. He’d gotten the text from his brother this morning that it was time. He was to return to Romania tomorrow evening. Much to his chagrin, Rom had to admit what Geoffrey had suggested was a brilliant plan. And Geoffrey was willing to do it, even though it put his own life in grave danger. Maybe he’d get lucky and the fucker would get killed. Then at least Sarah couldn’t be mad at
because he would have honored his word.

Geoffrey’s only condition was that if they made it through this alive, he was no longer indebted to Romaric or the other lords and he would be allowed to live his days free of any retribution by any of them.

They’d all agreed.

“Do you trust him?” his brother asked.

“About as much as I do you,” he retorted.

The people, that Rom implicitly trusted, could be counted on one hand and his brother and Geoffrey didn’t make the cut. Far from it.

Taiven’s laughter carried through the burner phone. “Then tonight we’ll set our plan into motion. I’ll see you tomorrow night, brother.”

“If you fuck me over, there will be retribution,” Rom warned. Devon and Damian would be unstoppable until both Taiven and Makare were dead. The silence extended for so long, he thought Taiven had hung up.

“I understand you have no reason to believe me, Romaric, but there is only one vampire I wish to fuck over. And it isn’t you.”

Rom felt a twinge of guilt but quickly pushed it aside. Anger and distrust were the predominant feelings he had for his brother. Guilt had no place in the mix.

“Why her?” Rom asked. He didn’t need to further explain his question, for Taiven knew exactly to what he was referring.

“That’s a discussion for another day, brother. Should we both live to see another sunrise after tomorrow that is.”

“Hear me well. She’s mine and I’m not big on sharing what’s mine. Do it again and, brother or not, I’ll take immense pleasure in slowly killing you myself.”

“So noted.”

“Until tomorrow.” He hung up without waiting for a reply and threw the phone on the couch.

Rom looked around the room at his comrades. His friends. Hell, his
. “It’s done.”

“Have you changed your mind about letting us help?” asked Damian.

“No. This is my battle. Not yours.”

“We’ll protect her with our lives, Rom,” Damian responded.

He nodded. If he died, then that wasn’t really necessary, for Sarah would perish within several days after him, a week tops. Now that they were bonded, she needed his blood for survival. At least she’d have her family by her side if it came to that.

Which it wouldn’t. He’d be victorious. He had no other choice.

Just then the door opened and Ren walked in with Geoffrey in tow.

Rom stood, walking toward Geoffrey until they were toe to toe. Geoffrey was very well matched with the lords in bulk and height and he had to admit, intelligence and skill as well. “It’s time,” he stated simply.

Geoffrey dipped his head in agreement.

“Your injuries were severe. Are you certain you’re one-hundred percent healed?” They needed all their faculties and wits about them to come out the other side of this alive and the last thing Rom needed was to drag an injured vampire on his coattails.

“I’m sure, my lord.”

Rom smirked. That’s the first time Geoffrey had gifted him with the respect his position deserved. Sarah’s earlier words echoed around,
“Everyone deserves a second chance”,
and his fury at the vampire abated some. “We’ll stick to the plan we originally discussed and I’ll see you there.”

“And Geoffrey,” he called after the retreating vampire. “Good luck.”

“And to you, my lord.”

He’d take it because they sure as fuck were gonna need it.



Chapter 60





She’d stayed home from the shelter today to spend it with Rom and they’d had a simply magical day. She felt giddy, like a kid at Disney World. They lounged in bed much of the morning, making love and talking. At his insistence, she’d given him some of the sordid details about her month in captivity and then soothed his anger, very thoroughly, with her mouth and lips and tongue. Tracing every line, every muscle, every dip, especially the sexy V that she loved so much.

Then they’d eaten a light lunch and spent hours in the afternoon horseback riding. She loved the freedom and power being on a horse wielded. Having a wild beast under her control, which outweighed her by almost ten times, was intoxicating.

Ha! Kind of like her mate.

But as wonderful as the day had been, the time was drawing near for him to leave. She’d pushed aside Rom’s coming confrontation with his father tonight all day, trying desperately to avoid thinking about it so she could make new memories without tainting them with sadness and fear, but with only two hours before he left, she’d finally lost that battle.

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