Reason Is You (9781101576151)

BOOK: Reason Is You (9781101576151)
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The Reason Is You

“A spot-on debut novel, Sharla Lovelace’s prose is smart, witty, funny, with a hot, sexy edge that makes
The Reason Is You
an oh-so-tantalizing romantic journey, without any gooey gushiness oozing too-sweet sentiment. She takes us through the lives of Dani and a fascinating cast of characters—and lucky for readers, the line between our world and the mystical one is deliciously blurred. I could not put down this book, devoured it quickly, and can’t wait to see what the author comes up with next.”

—Kathryn Magendie, author of
Tender Graces

The Reason Is You
is a romantic story about love, ghosts, and second chances. But under all of that, it’s a story about redemption. This novel is the definition of a page-turner.”

—Therese Walsh, author of
The Last Will of Moira Leahy

“A hauntingly beautiful story from a writer with a fresh new voice.”

—Jodi Thomas,
New York Times
bestselling author

Book club discussion questions about

The Reason Is You
can be found on

Sharla’s website at




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Copyright © 2012 by Sharla Lovelace Scroggs.

Excerpt from
Before and Ever Since
by Sharla Lovelace copyright © 2012 by Sharla Lovelace Scroggs. Cover illustration by Rebecca Nathan / Echo Images.

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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / April 2012

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lovelace, Sharla.

The reason is you / Sharla Lovelace.

p. cm.

ISBN: 978-1-101-57615-1

1. Mothers and daughters—Fiction. 2. Psychic ability—Fiction. 3. Man-woman relationships—Fiction. 4. Paranormal fiction, American. 5. Love stories, American. 6. Paranormal romance stories, American. I. Title.

PS3612.08357R43 2012




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To Troy, Amanda, and Ethan.
Because touching your dreams is only as sweet
as the people who touch them with you.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me.


First of all—wow. I’m still in awe that this long-standing dream is actually coming true. It’s been a crazy ride to get here, but I haven’t been riding alone.

Thanks to my family, the Lovelace and Scroggs clans who have listened to me drone on and on about this “writing thing” for years, smiling and nodding and humoring me. The only reason I made it this far is because of your faith, love, and support! I know everyone’s family is amazing, but mine truly rocks. (wink) I love y’all with all I’ve got!!

To my kids—Amanda, you are the light of my life, you smart, wonderful, witty, exasperatingly mouthy, beautiful girl. You were there ten years ago when it started with the Snuggly Ready Writey Club, complete with English accents. (You had to be there.) Now here you are, a stunning young woman, a writer in your own right, and I’m so proud of you. I love you, boog. Ethan, I’ve watched you grow from boy to man, and the trip has never been boring! LOL! I love the memories we have of just us (Evil Cult Children) and Sharla Warla Barla Darla Biscuit Muffin. Your spontaneity makes me crazy and makes me laugh and I love you so much. You are a one-of-a-kind individual, and I’m so proud to call you
my son. Amanda and Ethan—I would never truly understand sullen, snarky, moody, make-me-gray teenagers without inspiration from the two of you. Riley came honestly. (love you!!)

I thank Troy, the love of my life, and the man who makes me smile. You let me share this with you, and actually let these characters have life, talking about them with me like they were real people. (they’re not?) You will never know how special that is for me. Every writer needs someone who loves them enough to tell them when something sucks, as well as when it’s good. That’s luuuuuurrrv, baby! You’re my other half, my love. And that’s forever.

My brothers, Randy and Marty, and their families, who are now saying, “Really? My sister wrote a book?” Yes I did. Hopefully, I got the fishing part right or I’ll never hear the end of it. (laughing)

My parents, June and Buddy—who are in here as Nathaniel and Helen June. (sorry, Mom!) You supported every single crazy idea I ever had with vigor and love, and I wish you were here to celebrate this one with me. I love and miss you both every day, and while we can’t sit on the porch for coffee, I know you are up there on our three stars smiling down. Hopefully not fussing at each other. Be nice.

Big thank-yous go to my awesome friends and coworkers who’ve been bouncing with me the past year—thank you for listening to me rant and sometimes lose my mind. Especially Renee, who has learned more about the book industry than she probably ever wanted to. (ha!!) I love you! To my crazy TCPT friends (
) who taught me about physical, emotional, and spiritual strength, and then made me go home and write and quit talking (lol). To all my online writer friends—I would not be able to stand the voices without you!
To my fellow RWA-WFers for being a daily source of inspiration and support. Writing is so solitary, especially in a small town, and connecting to all of you keeps the sanity! On that note, I want to shout out to a particular group near and dear to me because it was the first time I met other writers in person. My friends from the DFW Writers’ Conference (2010 and 2011)—Maria Ghiglieri, Stephanie Hollis, Kimberly Rood, Ellie Soderstrom, Janet Butler, Dawn Alexander, Candie Campbell, Lindsay Cummings, Roni Loren, Piper Bayard, and Kristen Lamb.
Love. Y’all. So. Much.

To my agent, Jessica Faust of BookEnds—you are a Godsend. Seriously. Thank you for all your support and calming influence when sometimes I need to be talked down—LOL! I am so blessed to have you in my corner. Thanks to my amazing editor at Berkley Sensation, Wendy McCurdy, for having the eye of an eagle and making this as perfect as it could possibly be, and to the art department for conceptualizing such a phenomenal cover. I’m so excited to work with such a great team.

Huge thank-yous to the authors who took the time to read my book and give me their quotes. A special nod to Jodi, who took my pages with her on a European vacation, and then wrote me the most fantastic letter about leaving little bits of it behind as she went, in six countries. Love it! I thank you all so much.

And finally, thank you, God, for reminding me every day to let You drive. For continuing to kick me in the butt when I need it. And for not giving up on me.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Before and Ever Since

Chapter 1

over sucks, but at forty it sucks the life out of you. This thought squeezed my brain on the six-hour drive to Bethany from Dallas. I second-guessed my decision for the ninety-ninth time, eyeing every exit ramp as a potential escape hatch. As we got closer to the dark clouds looming above my hometown, in a Ford Escort with no air-conditioning and my sixteen-year-old daughter hanging her naked legs out the window to dry her pretty little coral toes, I felt the options slipping. One by one.

Not that I wasn’t grateful to have a destination. My dad loves me, and he’s never judged. But this time was no visit. It was the real deal, with bath towels and Tupperware and everything that would fit in a U-Haul trailer. My head started to bang out a rhythm just thinking about it, but I knew it was the smart thing to do. I’d tried everything after losing my job, and despite the number of times I pushed reality aside, it kept waving at me.

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