Reapers Mist: Third in the Reaper Trilogy by Justin Gowland (5 page)

BOOK: Reapers Mist: Third in the Reaper Trilogy by Justin Gowland
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I turned and followed him down the steps and over to the café. Walking inside I left Rees to check the level of fuel in the generator. I walked over to where Maddie was setting out an urn on the counter.

She turned when she heard me and said “Morning. Where did you get off to this morning?”

“Just went to get some air and give the old noggin a shake.” I said kissing her.

“Thought I saw someone here on the top of wall.”

“Rees found me up there he wanted to talk.”

“Oh! He wanted to tell you about Mary and him?” she asked with a smile.


“About time they have been tiptoeing round you for the last day or so.”

Puzzled, I asked “What do you mean tiptoeing?”

“Well, they both thought you might get upset for some reason. I told them last night to stop being fools and just tell you. I told Rees that you were his best friend and that you would never get upset about his happiness. Anyway, he said he would talk to you today about it.”


“Yes, it was. Now sit down and I will bring you a cup of tea.” She said kissing my cheek.

I sat down and Maddie went and got me a cup of tea. I was just taking my first sips when Rees came back from checking the fuel for the generator. He slumped down into the chair on the other side of the table.

“There is about a quarter tank of fuel left. Altogether there is about three maybe four more days’ worth of it. We could stretch that to more, but not more than a day or so.” He said.

“What kind of fuel does it use?” I asked.

“It’s one of them diesel generators.” He replied.

I sat back and looked at the ceiling, where the hell were we going to get diesel from?

“Ok, where are we going to get a large amount of diesel from? I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy sucking on a hose to get it.” I said. (Yes, I know I said sucking on a hose, get your head out the gutter.)

Rees sniggered.

“Grow up!” I said smiling.


Chapter Five


We sat for a few minutes before Rees said “What about farms? Don’t farmers use red diesel?”

“Would we be able to use red diesel?” I asked.

“Yeah, the red is a dye the government makes them put in the diesel so they don’t sell it to the public.” He replied.

“That’s cool. We’re going to need the maps and Jacob might be handy with his local knowledge. Becky and her group had the maps last so we can wait till she wakes up and comes down.” I said.

We sat drinking tea and coffee waiting for the others to wake. Christine came in said morning and went to help Maddie in the kitchen to make breakfast. Not long after the two girls went into the gift shop and sat in front of the TV. We heard the Xbox start up then some music started to float into the café. I leaned over so I could see the TV and saw they had a music game playing. It had been a while since I heard some music. Even if it was the shit kids listened to before all this crap.

I was happy listening when Marc and Becky came downstairs.

“Morning you two.” I said.

“Hey bud. What you doing up this early?” Marc said.

“Well I and Rees here thought we would go for a run and we just got back. We thought a slacker like you would have still been in bed. I mean we did about six laps round the castle and you’re snuggled up in bed.” I said smiling.

“I would have come with to if you had said something last night.” He said looking crestfallen.

“Don’t be bloody daft Marc! Walker and I are not that stupid. We’ve just been sitting here drinking and talking about what to do today.” Rees said.

I burst out laughing and Marc looked so pissed that I had joked at his expense.

Trying to stop laughing at his pissed off face, every time I started to say something to Becky. Marc’s face just set off my laughter even more.

“Walker will you calm the fuck down mate. It was not that funny. Becky what this idiot is trying to ask is do you have the maps?” Rees asked.

“Yeah, think they are in our room upstairs. Marc babe can you go and get them for us, please?” She answered.

“Ok be right back, and Jay?” Marc said.

“Yes?” I said.

“You’re a twat.” And with that Marc went off upstairs.

I laughed at him.

“You do know that you have a knack of pissing your brother off don’t you?” Becky said.

“Yeah, it can be fun sometimes.” I said.

“Well stop it. You mean everything to him, you’re his only family. So stop being a prick and be a brother. With all that being said, what hare brained scheme are you and Rees thinking up now?”

“We had been talking about fuel for the generator and where to get it safely.” Rees said.

“It runs diesel so we thought if there were any farms around, we might be able to get it from there.” I said.

“You’re probably right red diesel isn’t any different from normal. My dad always had a big tank behind the barn with it in. In the end it would be easier than getting it from a petrol station.” She said.

Marc came back down the stairs with the map and we spread it out on the table. Just looking at I could tell finding the right farm might be a problem. There was a lot of land in the area without towns or landmarks.

“I think this probably when we could do with help from Jacob.” I said.

Rees nodded and looked at Becky.

“Well, I could give you some general ideas as to where farms would be. But it is going to have to be up to you to find them.” She said, sitting down at the table with a pen, marking off areas.

“Rees can you go find Jacob please?” I asked.

He grunted, got up and went out to find Jacob. Marc went into the gift shop and was watching the girls on the Xbox. Maddie and Christine started to move the pots onto the counter for everyone’s breakfast.

After a while Chris walked in and came over to where Becky and I were sat.

“Dad and Rees are measuring how much pipe would be needed in that bath house thing under the castle. They said that they wouldn’t be long.” He said.

“Thanks Chris.” I said.

He just shrugged his shoulders and went over to the counter and got a bowl of porridge. I looked over at the food and my stomach grumbled. Seeing as Rees and Jacob weren’t going to be here anytime soon I wanted food. I stood and walked over to the counter and as soon as my hand touched the bowls. Rees and Jacob entered the café. (Bollocks, I wanted food and I was going to get food.)

I just carried on putting porridge into my bowl. Whilst Rees cast me the evil eye and sat down with Jacob and Becky.

“Rees, you want some of this?” I asked.

“Oh, thank you that would be nice!” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Becky? Jacob?” I said, not even acknowledging what Rees had said.

“No thank you Jay.” Becky said.

“Please, can you put some sugar on it as well?” Jacob asked.

I spooned some in a bowl and put two spoonfuls on the top. Placing the bowls on the table I sat down.

“Jacob any idea round here where we could find a fairly large farm? The larger the better chance of there being fuel on site.” Becky asked.

I sat eating my porridge as Jacob looked over the map of the area nearby. After about ten minutes he put his finger on a spot not far from Bamburgh Castle.

“Last time I stayed at the caravan we spent the day at Bamburgh Castle. There was a large farm about five miles outside the town. It is probably big enough.” He said.

I looked at where he had pointed and it was on the far side of the town. Just had to be the opposite side to where we were. The only way to get there would be by driving through the middle of the town. Now that was something I didn’t want to do. I had to admit we hadn’t seen many Reapers around the countryside. But it stood to reason that they might stay close to a large food source like a town.

“Ok anything on this side that you can think about?” I asked, pushing the bowl away from me.

Jacob looked over the map again before lifting his head saying “Sorry, Jay there are a few smaller farms but nothing I can think of that might be big enough.”

“It’s alright mate. Rees you have any ideas?”

“Well, seeing as it is on the other side of Bamburgh. And it was about an hour away before this. It might take us quite a while to get through there and back.” He replied.

I was thinking about what Jacob, I and Rees discussed yesterday about fall back positions.

“What you thinking about Jay?” Becky asked.

I tried to put my thoughts into something that would come out right and sound like a plan.

“Well, we…” and I pointed to Jacob, Rees and myself. “We had been talking yesterday about places to fall back to. Didn’t we say that the island was off the coast near Bamburgh?”

“Yeah, it was.” Rees said.

“Ok, so we need to go to this farm to check for fuel. Also from the looks of the map there’s a marina there. I think we might be able to kill two birds with one stone. Here’s what I have in mind. We take both vehicles with two teams. One team gets to the marina and manages to get a boat big enough and sail it up here. The other team continues on through the town and gets to the farm and gets the fuel. Now the question is who wants to go then we can sort out teams.”

“Walker, it’s a given that I am coming.” Rees replied.

Nodding Becky said “I’ll come.”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I would like to come. I don’t feel like I am pulling my weight at the minute.” Jacob said.

“Ok, with me that makes four. I think we could probably still use at the least another person on per team.” I said.

Looking round I saw Marc standing behind the couch in the gift shop. He was watching the two girls playing on a dance game. I had to smile because he didn’t think anyone was watching him. Because he started to scratch his arse, like he was trying to dig himself another hole.

“Marc?” I called out.

He dropped his hand a spun round, “What?”

“We are doing a couple of things on the mainland today. Do you fancy coming?” I asked.

“What you doing?” He asked Becky.

Becky tilted her head and asked, “I am going out, why?”

“Nothing it was just that if you were going so was I.” He replied blushing.

Maddie came out of the kitchen and said “I’ve been listening. Is it ok if I tag along? I’ve not been out of the castle since we got here and I would like to stretch my legs.”

“Can’t see any of it being a problem and we have enough for the two teams. We just need to decide who does which job?” I asked.

I looked at everyone in turn. No one wanted to say anything.

“Ok, the way I see it, Rees and I can run each team. Now has anyone got a clue how to run a boat?” I asked.

Maddie to my surprise spoke up, “I have been on a few pleasure boats on the broads. I think that I can figure it out if they have anything I recognize.”

“Right, we have someone who knows boats. The next thing is to split the rest of us up. Becky how about you, Marc and Rees be the farm team. I, Maddie and Jacob will be the boat team. Because we will have to go through the town and the marina is about halfway. We can all head to the marina first. Then Rees, you and your team head to the farm. I know that you might need the extra firepower on the way back. So what I suggest is that once Maddie and Jacob have a boat. They head back here and moor up. I will move to this road here.” I pointed to the road that Rees would have to take on the way back. “I’ll find a house or something and get up high. In case you need me to cover you as when you’re heading back through town. We’ll take the two radios. I will have one and you can have the other. When you get near to this road start using it and I will try to answer. Anyone have any questions?” I said.

“Are you going to be ok by yourself?” Rees asked looking worried which was strange for him.

“Look, it isn’t far from the marina. As long as I stay on the back streets and alleys I should be ok.” I answered.

I looked at Maddie and she grabbed my hand and smiled.

(Yup Mr. Twitchy raised his ugly head.)

“Jay, you do know that if you get stuck. We’re not going to be able to help you.” Becky said.

“You know! I did think of that.” I said smirking.

Maddie slapped my arm and said “Jay people are scared that you're digging a hole you won’t be able to get out of.”

I did see their point of view. “I have a feeling that getting the boat is going to be the easy part. The hard part is going to be heading back through town with the fuel. If the Reapers follow Rees and Becky to the farm then they are going to have to fight their way back through that town. We might need my rifle to help.” I said.

“If that’s the case why don’t you go with Becky and Rees? That way I can go with Maddie and Jacob.” Marc said.

I shook my head and said “This way we can have a rifle covering both of our teams and not just one.”

“Marc, Walker does have a point mate. Ok, let’s do it that way.” Rees said.

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