Realm of the Dead (8 page)

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Authors: Donovan Neal

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BOOK: Realm of the Dead
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Chapter Six

“To boldly go…”

Michael ordered his teams to assemble in the Hall of Annals.  At his summons, the two groups had come to be dispatched with their final orders.

Argoth looked upon the projecting walls and noted the dense fog that hovered over the ground of Heaven.  Angels sought not to touch it because it reeked. The Virtues could be seen round about the mountain but extended no further, and the Seraphim cried out through the mist, HOLY! HOLY! HOLY!

Michael walked into the Hall of Annals and the two assembled teams followed. He paused to view the projections of panic that overtook the people. Most huddled in their homes, not knowing what the fog was or why it rose from the ground.

Argoth motioned to Michael and waved his hands to allow his leader to see the topography of the city of Heaven.

"I have received a report from thy Grigori, Athamas. He says a judgment hath befallen us.  I pray El might have mercy upon the people as thou hast asked."

Michael frowned, his face saddened. "We can but hope that these three days will move quickly and restoration will befall us.  As of now, there seems to be no ill effect that I can surmise."

The two teams looked on, and Enoch released his own thoughts on the matter. "If God hath said it, then the thing is true. It shall surely come to pass. We must be on our way for I must be about my Lord's business.  Let us see that we are all about it as well."

Gabriel, who stood behind him, nodded. "Agreed.  We can do nothing but see to that which is set before us; let us be about the task at hand."

"Very well," said Argoth. The Chief of Eyes waved his hand and when he did, he spoke. "Reveal the Gates of Limbus, and let these see the Realm of Choices."

Immediately, the room obeyed, and flashes of light gave way to greys and hues of smoke. A fog entered the Hall, and a rocky crag-face with a door materialized, and next to the door stood an angel armed with a sword. Like a Grigori, he floated, yet hovered with four wings.

The weapon had a black hilt and belched forth a long, blue, flaming blade of white crystal steeped in fire.  The opaque guardian blocked the door's entryway, yet he faded between plumes of smoke showing two faces, each one facing opposite the other. One was white with black eyes, and the other black with white eyes. Each set of eyes stared, as though studying wonders afar off.

Argoth then spoke, "Our brother, Janus, awaits you at the gates."

Enoch started to walk through the portal Argoth had made, and the Head of House Grigori stepped in front of the human.

"Know that I consider thee my friend, even a prince among us. And who knows that perhaps a day shall come when thou shalt even judge angels. For it is not oft that I meet someone to challenge me so.  Thou art translated of the Lord.  You have done me honor these many days.  Now go to, for God hath commanded thee to seek the Seraphim. May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from another, and His hand bring our paths to cross once more."

When Argoth had said his peace, he moved from obstructing Enoch's path.

Enoch smiled, then bowed his head in humble appreciation and looked over his shoulder to Gabriel.

Metatron, Hadriel and the rest of the quartet followed him through the portal and disappeared into the rift.

Michael then motioned Jerahmeel to his side, and the Lord of House Harrada walked to his brother and bowed.  Michael placed his hands on his brother's shoulders and spoke. "A season ago, I once told our brother that his orders were to return to me.  He hath been remiss in this regard.  When you find him, remind him that I take issue with this lapse of judgment."

Jerahmeel's mouth fell open, his now bulging eyes growing wide above his smile. "Then I am free to see to our brother's wellbeing?"

Michael turned and walked away, then spoke aloud for all to hear.  "Argoth, send the Head of House Harrada to the doorsteps of Hell.  Jerahmeel, see that the message we have for Lucifer is understood.  And yes, recoup our brother home."

Jerahmeel nodded. As Argoth prepared a portal to the realm below, a tear strolled down his cheek and he spoke to himself.  "By God's grace, I will see the thing done." He turned toward his group, and Michael watched as his brother's team portaled away.

While Michael stared after his departing friends, Argoth turned his attention to a recorded image of an angel's body lying on the streets of gold. "Michael, come here and look at this," Argoth said.

Michael turned from eying the portal where his brethren had just left and walked towards Argoth who pointed at an image of the angel.

"We have a problem," the Grigori said.

Michael beheld the image of a bloodied body, exposed skin festered with blistered pustules that had burst, and the glow of his kilnstone shown no more. The angel did not move when called, nor stir when handled by those surrounding him.

"It cannot be!" Michael said. The Chief Prince stared at the corpse, and nothing could prepare him for the realization before his eyes. Somehow, the immortality of his kind was stripped, and an angel now lay dead in the street.


*   *   *


Lucifer watched the minions of his making swelter within the bowels of Hell. Each carried carrion and fragments of their brethren's Kilnstones into the fires of the Forge. All former members of House Kortai, each now mindless automatons of labor that built weapons of mass destruction to unleash against the righteous dead.  Weapons able to be flung across the gulf and obliterate what little light existed in the underworld of the righteous dead.

Weapons designed by Lucifer's war-master Ares, and his commander of the region, Zeus, stood talking with Ashtaroth when Lucifer approached.

"Report of thy stewardship?" Lucifer said.

"My Lord, I seek permission to track the traitor, Iblis," Zeus said.  "I have reason to believe Jerahmeel travels with him," Zeus smirked and then grinned at his lord. "I would be most pleased to extend your hospitality to your brother, and bid my former master hello."

Lucifer smiled. "As always, my friend, thou hast perceived you lord's will.  Go and see to our desire."

Zeus bowed and turned to walk away. 

"One thing," Lucifer said.

Zeus turned. "My King?"

"Leave enough of my brother intact that I too might enjoy some sport."

A broad grin painted Zeus' face. "As you command, my king."

Lucifer turned to the others. "Ashtaroth, Ares, how soon will the Forge be ready to be unleashed upon Moses and his kin?"

"The Kortai have encountered a problem, my Lord," Ashtaroth said. "Talus' spirit hath not yet been broken and his resistance to thy will is strong. Hell hath yet to convert his Kilnstone. At this rate of consumption, it will be some time before the beast consumes enough of his essence to manufacture the Cadmium thou desirest."

Lucifer scowled. "Hath not these many decades been long enough? Must I further sully my hands to expedite that which my adjutant hath been assigned?"

Ashtaroth bowed his head in fear. "My apologies, master, but we cannot move faster beyond that which El hast allowed the creature to move. You hath made God bleed, so I appeal to thee, mighty one. Guide us in our attempts to please thee. What would you have us do?"

Lucifer smiled. "Because thou hast asked for wisdom, wisdom will I grant thee; observe my machinations and you will see the will of Talus broken. Follow."

Lucifer strode across pools of lava and into an adjacent room. Ares cast an eye to the wasting bodies of Elohim that still clung to life within a creature that consumed them alive. Ashtaroth followed his master and Ares trailed behind. Entering the chamber, Lucifer beheld the dangling Prince of House Arelim – Talus. Ashtaroth remembered his battle with Talus, remembered how he had entrapped the Prince to ignite war.  For Ashtaroth was the spark that was used to set Heaven ablaze...the tinder that caused the explosive wrath of God to banish a third of His children from Heaven.

Ashtaroth wore a sneer as he mocked him. "He who hath moved stars now languishes as a cadaver before my face." Ashtaroth spat on him.

Lucifer smiled. "Indeed, stare at him, for here my plan to smite the Almighty begins once more with a prince he hath surrendered into my hand.  What foolishness doth the God of Heaven work to once again bring me what I need to complete His own destruction?  Watch and learn, Ashtaroth, for when I am done, if thou be worthy, I may make thee ruler over House Arelim."

Ashtaroth smiled, "You do me honor, my King."

Lucifer touched the locket of his neck and Hell groaned as though awakened from slumber. Ashtaroth watched as Hell's tendrils slowly released Talus, who fell to the ground as a lump of flesh. Talus groaned in pain, shivering as the maggots of Hell did their work from the inside of the angel's body---eating him alive.  Lucifer smiled at his helpless captive and spoke, "I recall the day you once told me Ashtaroth that Talus did not believe I was about to overthrow the Father.  What message dost thou have for him now?"

Ashtaroth spat upon him again. "The imbecile mocked me... failed to heed the words that came from my lips was the truth."

"Aye," Lucifer said.  "He failed to believe---failed to take heed. Such a pity. Show the Lumazi what you think of his choice to call thee a liar."

Ashtaroth circled Talus, kicking his abdomen, Talus groaned in agony, as Ashtaroth kicked him several times in the stomach and face. Talus turned his bruised face away, coughed up blood and attempted to speak. Ashtaroth heaved his foot back for yet another blow.

"Hold, Ashtaroth, our guest has something to say."

Ashtaroth spit on Talus and walked back to stand beside his master.  Talus turned to face them with his black eyes, swollen, his lips cracked and uttered a warning to his captor.

"Beware, Lucifer, for thou hast taught Ashtaroth to despise others, do not think it will be long before you yourself are also despised.  Or dost thou think they will elevate thee to be as El when they see how thou canst not even command one captive angel? Yea he follows you for fear, but not of love, and though he might never tell thee, he despises thee. Thou art mighty and hath always been, but tell me, how dost this filthy hovel compare to the glory of Heaven?"

Lucifer closed the distance between them in three stomping steps and cuffed him with a fist. Talus rolled from the blow and laughed, even as he spit blood. "Thou hast revealed thy weakness, Lightbringer, and hold no power over me."

Lucifer's rage so illuminated his body that brilliant orbs streaked from his being like rays from the sun. Four lights orbited within view; as Lucifer's voice turned cold and inquisitive. "We shall begin again, dear brother. How many lights do you see?"


*   *   *

O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!


Azaziel closed the Grigoric record of Isaiah and sat in deep thought. Like most of his kind, he had poured over the records daily since El revealed the plan for Yeshua to walk as a creation among the created. Lucifer would assuredly target Yeshua for destruction. Even now, Yeshua moved from one attempt on His life to another.  From the moment He was conceived, His purposes were at risk.  And for over thirty human years, Azaziel and Yeshua's high guard had thwarted Lucifer's attempts to destroy the vessel of El.  For the Son of God was the Word made flesh, the breathing human embodiment of the Godhead: God wrapped in the skin of Adam.  Always purposeful, never flinching, Yeshua systematically displayed the heart of God and destroyed the ideas Lucifer had planted among the people of what God was like.

Azaziel had watched Lucifer's spies follow them, but they were too afraid to confront his soldiers and they kept their distance.  Lucifer's minions plotted revenge while Yeshua dismantled via his preaching, teaching, and displays of power, Lucifer's strongholds implanted in the minds of men.

But Azaziel had watched His master for many of these human years, and the Lord seemed more pressed than in times past.  As if night were approaching to stop His labor.  There was a foreboding that stalked the high guard.  They all could sense it.  An inner knowing that something was amiss. 

Something was coming. 

Everyone felt it.  As a precaution, Azaziel doubled the guard and watched for any sign of enemy movements. Surrounded by prayer the Horde could not risk contact lest they risk injury from the prayer shield that the humans unknowingly had in place.  A shield that healed the Host of injury, and strengthened them in this realm.  And a shield that withered the Hordes powers.

"Report!" said Azaziel.

"There are enemy Grigoric scouts off the Hill, to the north five leagues out.  They do not venture closer for the prayer cover shrouds us and keeps them at bay. We have yet to ascertain if they realize Yeshua is in this location, but considering the large force garrisoned here, we cannot help but draw the enemy's attention.  The Lord's actions make it increasingly difficult to mask His presence."

Azaziel rubbed his head and growled in frustration. "Thou dost tell me nothing I do not already know, for the Lord grows more reckless with each passing day.  He commands us to stay our hand at every turn, yet seemingly provokes open warfare to be unleashed at any moment.  And the humans have no idea who walks within their midst.  It is maddening!  How El can entrust the secrets of Heaven to these waffling beings baffles me.  Though they carry His image, they are so far removed from His original design..." 

Azaziel pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in frustration.

"Nevertheless," the Issi captain said, "we must hold the security of this area and frustrate plans of the enemy to impede the Lord.  We are tasked daily.  Our scouts report the governing humans of this region are divided over the Master's presence and I fear Lucifer may use them as a proxy to attack the Lord."

Azaziel looked upon Yeshua, who still knelt the Lord who was still in prayer. 

He was often in prayer. 

For even in flesh, the Trinity consulted with itself.  God the Father in constant communion with the Holy Spirit and Son; planning...strategizing.   Azaziel knew that Yeshua was painstakingly and calculatingly bringing to pass every word that He had given to His prophets hundreds of years before.  A conclusion that Azaziel was want to see.  For he had read the words of the prophet Isaiah and had become increasingly versed on the future that El had planned.  A plan devised from the foundation of the world, the ramifications of which, after generations, Azaziel was beginning to understand 

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way, and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not his mouth: He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? For He was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was He stricken. And He made His grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death; because He had done no violence, neither was any deceit in His mouth.

The words of the human God hung as a cloud over them all.  A suffocating realization that despite the might of Heaven's greatest warriors to stand guard to Yeshua, no one could stop the inevitable outcome that seemed to drive the Son of God towards self-oblivion, and yea, even the destruction of Creation itself. 

Azaziel clung to hope, unable to speak his musings to his troops.

Nevertheless, he knew what they all wished, what all went unspoken: that perhaps El would finally surrender this foolhardy mission to save Adam's kin.  Perhaps they misunderstood what the Lord's true intent was, for the thing was unbelievable to fathom.  For surely the Author of Life would not surrender His own, to bring eternal life to the Clayborn?

Lord stirred from prayer. Thus, Azaziel ceased from thoughts too deep and stood to attention, ready to minister to his master.  

Yeshua stood for a moment with eyes closed, and then nodded His head, as though He had received final instructions, then opened His eyes from prayer and stood.  His hair blew in the brisk fall air and Azaziel floated to his Lord. His wings folded as he bowed before his King and awaited command. 

Yeshua's brow grew stern.  His eyes looked off into the distance, past the plains, and over the horizon.

"Come Azaziel." said the Lord.

Azaziel stood and motioned for the Captain of the Guard to summon the legion to break camp.

"Our destination, my King?"

Yeshua simply sighed and gave a slight smile as He headed toward the inner circle of disciples. He strode with a determined gait, and Azaziel knew from his Lord's eyes the thoughts of his master and his heart quickened in anxiety. For he knew that soon his worst fears would quickly coming to pass.

For the time had come for Yeshua to be received up, and the Lord steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.


*   *   *


Yeshua addressed the seventy seated men. 

"Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give."

And the Lord gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases, with a mandate to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. And the seventy went abroad throughout all Israel as commanded, and the Horde took note of their actions and watched to see what they would do.  And a disciple by the name of Matthias came upon a woman vexed of a devil for ten years.  Her body was infested with the disembodied souls of the fallen who sought expression through mankind.  The woman thrashed against the stones and no man could keep her from self-injury, and the demons worked foul magic upon any that sought to help her, for any that came near to offer balms for her wounds fell to the ground, dead, and the woman's name was Rina. When she saw Matthias, she besought him and fell at his feet, saying, "Please, Rabbi, must a daughter of Abraham contend forever with evil visions that befall me?"

"What wouldst thou ask of me?" he said.

"If thou wilt but lay thine hands on my head and command the voices to cease, they will stop. For even now they speak among themselves to destroy a man from Galilee called Yeshua, and say thou comest from Him."

"I will do as thou hast asked."  And when Matthias sought to lay hands upon her head to bless her, a man of the city named Abner said, "Do it not! For others before thee have tried and died.  If thou but touchest her, thou shalt surely die."

And Matthias replied, "I come in the name of Yeshua." And when he said those words, he laid hands on the woman's forehead. She screamed and shivered from head to toe before the spirits threw her on the ground.  The crowd stepped back as her brown eyes rolled back into her head and foam poured from her mouth. Her back arched and a loud shriek escaped her lips and she lay as one dead. All those that stood about marveled, for they heard voices issue from the woman, and whining whispers flowed on the air like a soft rushing wind, and the words they heard were on this wise:

"We are lost and undone, for God has come down as a man, and what now will Lucifer do?"

The woman lay limp with the guttural roar of an animal.  Matthias gently brushed the hair from her eyes, picked her up and carried her into the house. Moments later, she looked into his face and fell at his feet to worship him. But Matthias lifted her to her feet. "Arise, maiden. For I am but a man. Yeshua of Nazareth hath made thee whole. Worship Him only lest a worse thing befall thee."  Matthias then commanded all present to repent.

Daemons were afraid of all that spoke in the name of Yeshua. The Grigori who sided with Lucifer went and told him all that the seventy had done.  The Lord of Evil was wroth, because he found the disciples of Yeshua spread abroad destroying his works, and everywhere they spoke of the man Yeshua, they healed the sick, and cast out daemons. Lucifer knew that Yeshua must be stopped, for the articles of war prevented open manifestation, but El, by becoming flesh, had opened a beachhead on earth through man to fight him.

"This must come to an end, for I will not tolerate Adamson to enter into battle against me.  I will not fight both God, and God's man on two fronts."

Lucifer then found Judas, speaking to some in the name of Yeshua and spoke to his mind.

Look at what you are able to do in this man's name alone.  See how even daemons shudder when you mention the name Yeshua.  If I being a man can do such things in his name.  If he be the Son of God how much more would the Romans shudder?"

Judas shook his head and muttered aloud. "But Yeshua hath no interest in the affairs of this world.  His only concern is the Kingdom of God."

Such a shame.  Such power to do good.  Such power to change the course of our people's history.  But perhaps...if He were forced to reveal who he was? 

Judas laid his hands on a child and she recovered. He quickly moved on to another one as more of the town's people brought them his ill, and daemon possessed.

You are but one man.  But Yeshua can impart power to all!  What pray tell could be accomplished if He showed Himself to all Israel?  What if all were given this power?  How then could Rome stand against us?

Judas touched a beggar who had been lame from birth. He prayed, and the man rose up and walked.

He sighed to himself even as he prayed for others. Such a waste.  Here you are sent to the refuse of the nation when those who are capable of real freedom for all lack what they need.  If only they too had this power. What could happen if He were somehow compelled to show Himself as God? Think Judas! Think man!  The whole of Israel could be restored if this were to work.

Judas continued his work of ministering to the sick and needy, conflicted as he laid hands on each soul. Using the power of the Lord on those he thought it wasted

And from that moment, Judas surmised how he might compel the Lord to show Himself as God, restore Israel to power and establish the kingdom. 

Lucifer smiled, as he ceased in planting seeds of suggestion.  Smiled knowing that in time they would germinate and bear fruit.

A fruit that would convince this Clayborne that Yeshua could be persuaded to reveal who He was if forced into a corner. 

And from that moment, Judas surmised how he might compel the Lord's hand to show himself as God, and to restore Israel to power, and establish the kingdom. 

Lucifer watched from afar, as Judas and the rest of the seventy returned to the Lord.  Chuckling to himself that within the group he had planted tares to choke the life from Yeshua Himself.


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