Read Real Vampires Know Size Matters Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #vampires

Real Vampires Know Size Matters (29 page)

BOOK: Real Vampires Know Size Matters
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“No, just landed in some thorny bushes. I’m fine. Did you hear what I said? Do you get the implications?”

“So Mel likes the chase, but once she catches a guy she loses interest.” I stared up at the ceiling. “What’s your plan? To come back and turn into her love slave?” My phone cracked and I wiggled my fingers to loosen my grip. I couldn’t afford a new phone right now.

“Now, Gloriana, calm down. I can hear the tension in your voice.” He coughed. “Damn, I dropped into a swamp. Hang on.” I heard water sloshing. “There, I’m on dry land now.”

“Jerry, maybe you should call me back.” I was trying not to dwell on the whole idea of Jerry convincing Mel he was hers.

“No, let me tell you what I want to do. I’ll come back and throw myself at Mel’s feet. Tell her how desperately I missed her when I was in Miami.” He slapped something. “Damned mosquitos. And people call us bloodsuckers.”

“Will you have sex with her? Seems like that would be the best way to convince her.” The ceiling blurred but I blinked it into focus again.

“No. Absolutely not. I intend to mesmerize her, Gloriana. I know she’s got powers, but her sister thinks that I can do it.”

“Then mesmerize the bitch to quit loving you, Jer. That would solve all our problems.” I was so frustrated I wanted to scream. A quick look around convinced me that wasn’t a good idea. A waiter hurried into the practice room with a glass of synthetic for Ray. He glanced at me curiously.

“You know I can’t do that. That’s not how it works. We can mesmerize someone to forget they ate a piece of chocolate, but not that they love chocolate. Trust me, I’ve tried with Mel already. She’s wary of me. It’s going to take some doing on my part. Alexandra gave me a potion to help get Mel to let down her guard with me.”

“So this sister’s a voodoo priestess too?” What a family. “Why not a potion to get Mel to hate you?”

“Trust me, I asked. No go. They’re Haitian. But Alex practices voodoo in what she calls its pure form. None of the dark arts. Or so she says.” More rustling. “Damn that’s a big snake. Not poisonous though. Anyway, she was sure that I could plant a suggestion in Mel’s mind that we had sex when we didn’t, especially if I could slip this potion into her meal beforehand.”

“Oh, kind of like how she drugged you, had her way with you and you didn’t remember only in reverse?” I was on my feet now. He sounded way too cozy with this Alex. Was she as beautiful as Mel? I wasn’t about to ask. My black boots already had one scuff on the toe, another one wouldn’t matter. I kicked the hell out of the wall. Too bad for the Sheetrock.

“Gloriana, that doesn’t even make sense. There will be no sex. I swear it. I’ll leave her in bed with false memories. She’ll think I’m her willing sex slave.”

“Leave her in bed, Jerry. Oh, yeah. I’m loving that picture.” I had a feeling my phone was a goner. The floor was littered with pink rhinestones and I’d lost a piece of plastic.

“My love, I swear nothing will happen. I’ll tear out her throat first.”

“Really? Because I couldn’t get near the bitch.” I swallowed, my urge to cry about to take over.

“She didn’t trust you. She lets me close, maybe because she wants to believe I return her feelings. If I declare my undying love . . . Hell, if I can’t mesmerize her, I’ll kill her and damn the consequences.” His voice was firm.

“She’s famous. The consequences will be many and messy.” I was calming down.

“That’s why it’s my last resort. Are you with me on this plan?”

“The plan sucks swamp water. But I guess it’s all we have. I just want you safe, Jer. And back here with me.” I heard my voice wobble. Shit.

“That’s all I want too. Now about Halloween. You say that’s when you’re singing?”

“Yes. Whoopee. Good to have something to look forward to. Caitie and Bart will be there. Maybe you can have Mel drag you along as her slave. Meet your sister. Hell, announce your engagement.” Okay, so I was still mad about the whole thing. I kept picturing Jerry crawling into bed with that viper. He’d have to kiss her, touch her or she wouldn’t believe him. My stomach churned again. Tequila was off my menu forever.

“Calm down, Gloriana. You know you’re the only woman I love. But I’ll do what it takes to end this and keep you safe. If I’d so demean myself as to literally become her love slave, do you think Mel would still want me?” His voice was low and determined.

“I would. I’d want you any way I could get you.” I slid down the wall again. “I don’t like it, Jerry. You and that woman, together. She has all these tricks and potions. She could drug you again. Do . . . anything to you.”

“Yes, she could. But I plan to beat her to it. And why would she have to if I’m offering myself to her willingly? Especially if she thinks you and I are through, Gloriana. She still thinks that, doesn’t she?”

“I hope so. I’ll keep doing what I can on this end to make sure of it. It’s the only thing I can do to help you now.” I pressed a hand to my eyes. “Damn it, Jerry. You’d better sneak over to see me as soon as you get back. Any idea when that will be?”

“Late tomorrow night. I have to stop soon for the sunrise and I’m in Louisiana now. I have a safe house a couple of hours from here.” He cleared his throat. “Are you okay, Gloriana?”

“Yeah, sure. Just trying to process this stupid plan. You have to know how much I hate it.” I sighed.

“I love you, Gloriana.” His voice became husky. “Believe that, if you believe nothing else.”

“Stay safe, Jer.” I ended the call then barely restrained myself from throwing the phone across the hall. Playing as Mel’s love slave? I sure as hell did hate the idea. This could not end well. The woman was too powerful.

At least tomorrow night I’d have a chance to see if she truly believed Jerry and I were done. I struggled to my feet. Through the almost soundproof door, I heard Ray at the piano. Singing to my mother? I needed to get in there and break up that twosome.

Time to practice another song. I didn’t have the heart for it. But if everything hinged on Halloween night, I’d do it and make it the show of my long lifetime. For Jerry.


night Sienna, Rafe and I headed for the large auditorium, tickets in hand. I was ready to see Mel in her natural habitat as an inspirational speaker. Own the world. Really? Why not the universe?

“Glory, you look a little tense. If I understand this situation correctly, you want this woman to believe you and Rafe are a couple. If so, then you’d better loosen up a little instead of the current touch-me-and-die vibe you’ve got going on.” Sienna reached forward from the backseat of the SUV and tapped me lightly on the shoulder.

I laughed, caught out. She was right. I had to lighten up. Rafe was driving and I had my fists clenched in my lap. I’d barely spoken since we’d gotten in the car.

“I’m sorry, guys. I haven’t told you Jerry’s plan yet. He’s getting back tonight.” I told them his idea for getting Mel to dump him.

“That’s crazy. He’s taking a big chance that she’ll follow her usual pattern. What if she decides he’s the one man who could be a keeper?” Rafe steered into the parking lot and into a vacant spot. We were early because I wanted to get a good seat, but the lot was already half-full.

“I don’t need you to bring me down, Rafe. I’ve got enough doubts of my own.” I unbuckled my seat belt. “This might work. It’s all we’ve got for now anyway. What else can we do? Aggie destroyed Ian’s lab. He was planning to work on making a potion to use against Mel. I doubt he’ll come through with that now.” I needed to check on the status of that. It still might come in handy if Mel did react differently than Jerry expected.

“Hey, I’ve known women who just like the chase. I say it’s worth a shot. Some people just want the unattainable. Then once they’ve got it, they move on. Kind of like I’ve seen your friend Flo do with clothes, Glory. I swear she wears something once and then that’s it for her.” Sienna leaned between the seats again.

“Yes, that’s about right.” I turned to Rafe. “See? It’s possible that’s the way Mel is about men.”

“I get it. But is Blade really going to be able to keep from having sex with her?” He touched my hand. “Sorry, Glory, but you know he may have to go all the way to be convincing.”

“He’s right. If this woman’s as powerful as you guys say she is, I don’t see how he can avoid it.” Sienna just had to add her two cents.

I jerked open my car door. “I think we’ve talked about this enough. Don’t forget, Mel’s mortal and Jerry’s a powerful vampire. I trust him to make this work without sleeping with her. Okay?” I wouldn’t look at them, just hopped out of the SUV. “Coming?”

“Sure.” Sienna opened her own door. “I’m sorry. It’s not my business anyway.”

“No, I get it. You were just trying to help.” I felt Rafe at my elbow.

“Come on, we need to hear what the woman has to say. Glory claims she wants to become more ambitious. I say it’s high time.” He slammed my car door, then smiled. “Can you look a little more excited, Glory? Tonight, you and I are a couple. Let’s see if you can play that part with conviction.”

“I think I can manage.” I twined my arms around his neck but stopped with just a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, Rafe. You know just how to keep me on track.”

“I guess so after all these years. Come on, ladies. I may learn something in there too.” Rafe offered both elbows and we walked into the building like we were off to see the wizard. Inside, I slipped into an aisle seat not too far back with Rafe between Sienna and me.

There was a large stage up front as well as a podium. A picture of a spinning world, as taken from space, was showing on a big screen with Mel’s catchphrase, “Own the World,” printed in scarlet letters across it. We had a brochure on our seats which offered private sessions with Mel at a thousand bucks an hour. Or we could buy packages with tapes of different sessions she’d conducted in the past. She even had a series on building a business from the ground up.

“She must have a personal fortune. Look at these prices.” Sienna stuffed the brochure in her purse. “I would have to be really impressed to spring for any of this at that cost.”

“No kidding.” I saw the auditorium was filling rapidly. There were several people in dark blue blazers with the world logo on the pocket—who obviously worked for Mel—helping people find seats. They were also doing sound checks and setting up some equipment on the stage. No sign of her zombie pals. I guess she kept her creepy creatures away from her regular business. Music played softly as the lights began to dim. It was a haunting tune, the kind you expected in an ashram or Indian temple.

“Excuse me.” A woman in her forties or fifties pushed her way into our row and plopped down on the other side of Sienna. “Oh, I’m so excited. Have you been to one of Ms. Du Monde’s lectures before?”

“Um, no.” I answered since no else seemed to be interested in picking up the conversation.

“This is my fifth one. Ms. Du Monde is so inspiring. I’ve actually taken my business nationally now. I had a little start-up coffee bar before. Nothing great.” She smiled at Rafe, who was suddenly paying attention. “Well, after the first lecture, I got focused. Realized I was wasting my time, what with a Starbucks on every corner, you know?”

“Yes, you’re right about that. So what did you do?” Rafe looked her over. She was attractive and he didn’t mind the age thing, though, as an immortal, he’d always look early thirties. I gave him an elbow and rubbed his thigh, reminding him we were supposed to be a couple.

“I sprang for one of the private sessions with Ms. Du Monde. It was so enlightening!” The woman lit up like a cheerleader at the playoff game. She dug in her purse and pressed business cards into Sienna’s hand, Rafe’s, and even stretched over to give one to me. “She helped me see what I really wanted to do.”

I looked down. “You’re in scrapbooking?” The card was cute, eye-catching and a good advertisement for that kind of shop.

“Yes! It was my passion, you see. I did it all the time and had a great network of contacts in that world, online and locally. I knew what people wanted and it’s a multimillion-dollar industry. Can actually bring in billions over time. There were no specialty shops meeting our needs. You have to go into the big box stores and dig for what you want. So frustrating. I started with one shop in a strip center in my hometown and I hit at just the right time.” She giggled. “I have twenty stores now in some of the biggest cities in the southwest. I’m looking to expand east now.”

“That’s amazing. And Mel, I mean, Ms. Du Monde helped you figure that out?” I noticed that the woman’s outfit was expensive, her hair expertly colored and cut. Her watch was a Rolex and her purse one I would have killed for. Okay, I believed she was doing extremely well.

“She made me realize I hadn’t tapped into my potential, or my true passion. It was what I needed to hear at the right time. And there’s the fear, honey. It’s so easy to let that hold you back. I dumped that naysayer I was married to. Boy, did that help me grow and change!” The lights flickered. “Oh, we’re going to start.” She laughed. “Brace yourselves. You’re in for a life changing event. Good luck to you!”

“Thanks.” Rafe picked up my hand which I’d forgotten was clutching his thigh. “We’re looking forward to it.”

Sure enough, at the exact starting time, the massive doors at the back closed with a loud click and the lights went out completely.

Then the spotlight came on. There she was, Melisandra Du Monde standing center stage. She wore one of her expensive business suits, this one gray silk, with a microphone clipped to the lapel. She had a strand of pearls around her neck and small pearl studs in her ears. Her dark hair was swept back from her face and done up in a French twist. She looked calmly over the packed house.

“Are you ready to own the world?” She sounded like an evangelist at a prayer meeting. The audience shouted “Yes!” and the place erupted into applause. We all joined in. If nothing else, we appreciated the drama.

“I hope you’re ready to open your minds and your hearts to a new way of thinking. Some of you have been content to live small lives. Is that you? Have you been limiting yourself? Telling yourself this is all you deserve? That to seek more would make you grasping or perhaps even, dare I say it, greedy?” She leaned toward us, resting her elbows on the wooden podium. Her dark eyes raked the room, seeking out the weak. I wanted to shrink down in my seat. Guilty as charged.

BOOK: Real Vampires Know Size Matters
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