Real Men Will (26 page)

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Authors: Victoria Dahl

BOOK: Real Men Will
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Beth unbuttoned him and eased the zipper down. He shoved her skirt up with both hands and reached for her panties.

“Eric, we can’t. Someone might look in and…” Still she tipped her hips up to help him slip the underwear off.

“I think you like that,” he murmured, pulling a condom out. “I think that might actually be something you
into. The danger of being caught.”

Breathing fast, she watched him roll the condom on, but her eyes flickered past his shoulder to the small window in the door. “But they might… Your family. They already think I’m a freak.”

“Mmm,” he said, a murmur of agreement, but he tugged her hips forward and slid himself along her. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as he pushed inside, slowly sinking himself deep.

“Oh, God. Eric. We can’t.” But her thighs were already shaking as her heart thundered with hot danger.

He pumped slowly in and out, then in and out once more before glancing over his shoulder. “I guess you’re right.”

“Oh,” she sighed, nearly heartbroken at his agreement. “Okay,” she whispered. “But just…just a few more seconds?”

“Seconds, huh?”

“Please,” she begged, loving the taste of it on her tongue. He surged deep, and she moaned.

Eric held himself very still for a moment, his breathing finally racing to catch up to hers. He looked over his shoulder one more time and cursed. “I blame you for this,” he growled.


“I can’t stop thinking about you. About this. Us.”

She laughed, but when he shifted, her laugh broke into a sigh. “Please,” she begged again, opening her thighs wider to bring him just a little deeper. “You’re in control,” she whispered. “It’s all your fault.”

“You’re right. Put your arms around my neck.”

She did as he asked, shocked when he slid his hands under her ass and lifted her. “Eric!”

He turned and took a few steps toward the door, then pressed her to the wall right next to it. “No one can see us now,” he said. She put one foot to the floor, but Eric curved his arm under her left knee to open her wide, and he began to drive himself into her.

“Oh, God,” she breathed, reaching toward a filing cabinet to brace herself. His body ground hard against hers, the position pushing her pelvis into him. She could hear people in the kitchen talking, laughing, shouting for orders. They were right there, just a few feet away. Someone could open the door at any minute.

“Eric,” she whispered as he filled her, his thick shaft stretching her body, forcing his way in. Her fingers twisted in his hair. “Oh, God, Eric. I’m…”

“Shh,” he warned, but that only made it worse, the reminder that if she screamed, someone would hear. When she moaned again, Eric curved his free hand over her mouth and held her head tight to the wall as he took her harder. Harder.

It was too much. All her pleasure gathered into a center of hot weight that pulled all her nerves tight. Twisting them until…Beth screamed against his hold as her body spasmed around him. Eric’s fingers pressed hard against her mouth. He kept up his rhythm for just a few more strokes before he stiffened and quietly moaned against her neck.

Beth was shaking, but it wasn’t just her legs or arms or hands. Her heart was shaking, too. They couldn’t keep going like this. They couldn’t keep getting more serious, more intense. It was too much. Too close to…

“I love you, Beth,” he panted against her neck.

Her eyes popped open. She clutched his hair tighter in her hand as his fingers slid off her mouth.

“I love you,” he said again as her heart shook harder. “You, your body, your secrets, your fears. And I love who I am with you.”

He let her leg slide slowly down, but Beth wasn’t sure she could support herself. She wasn’t sure. She wasn’t…

He kissed her, soft and sweet, and her heart shook so hard she thought it might fly away. His thumb brushed a tear from her cheek, but he didn’t tell her not to cry. He didn’t ask anything from her at all, he just pressed his lips to the next cool tear that slid down.

“I won’t let you down,” he said.

“Don’t say that.” Her voice was just a rough ghost of a whisper. “You can make mistakes. You don’t owe me perfection.”

“No,” he murmured. “But you deserve it.”

She shook her head and tugged him back to her mouth so she could kiss him. “I love you,” she said, amazed at the way her heart slowed at her own words. “Just the way you are. And just the way I am, too.”

He smiled against her mouth, kissing her one more time before he stepped back to try to fix his appearance. Beth found her underwear on the floor and pulled them on, but the wrinkled state of her skirt worried her.

“Do I look like I just had sex?” she asked, patting down her hair.

“Yes,” Eric answered.

“Eric,” she scolded, still searching for the perfect curse when he reached to run his fingers through her tangled strands. He smoothed a hand over her crown, then pulled her shirt straight before tugging her skirt an inch to the right.

His eyes glowed with a warm smile. “There. Perfect.”

She started to fix his hair, then stopped herself. It looked good mussed. He looked sexy. And his brother would probably tease him about it, and they’d all laugh, and she loved to see Eric happy.

“Are you ready to do this?” he asked.

She was. She finally was.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1526-9


Copyright © 2011 by Victoria Dahl

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