Real-Life X-Files (51 page)

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Authors: Joe Nickell

BOOK: Real-Life X-Files
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Chapter 13. The Silver Lake Serpent.

6. A native American named John John was cited as relating how, long before, two members of his tribe who had camped on the lake shore were frightened by the appearance of a monstrous serpent. The Senecas have a legend of
or the Great Horned Serpent. (See Jesse J. Cornplanter,
Leg–ends of the Longhouse
, New York: J.B. Lippincott, 1938, 73–80.)

7. “Boniface” refers to the landlord in Irish dramatist George Farquhar’s comedy,
The Beaux’ Strategem (
1707). The term has come to mean “a hotel proprietor; innkeeper.” (
See Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary
, 2nd ed. New York: Dorset & Baber, 1983.)

8. This appears to be a variant of “nigger in the woodpile,” an offensive expression referring to some hidden factor that has an adverse effect on something. (See E. M. Kirkpatrick and C. M. Schwarz, eds.,
The Wordsworth Dictionary of Idioms
, Ware, U.K.: Wordsworth Reference, 1993, 240.)

Chapter 15. Paranormal Lincoln

9.Among other implicitly paranormal claims relating to Lincoln are the “mysterious coincidences” that are often claimed between him and President John F. Kennedy. See Martin Gardner,
The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix
(Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus, 1985) and Bruce Martin, “Coincidence: Remarkable or Random?”
Skeptical Inquirer
22(5) (September/October 1998): 23–28.

Chapter 28. The Gypsies' “Great Trick”

10.Other sources suggest the term may derive from
, an alteration of

Chapter 31. The Cryptic Stone

11.The carved grooves also contain metallic scrape marks and traces of what appears to be black paint.

Chapter 37. The Secrets of Oak Island

12.Although the presence of coconut fiber on the island is unexplained, similar fiber has been reported on Sable Island, some two hundred miles to the east and the site of numerous shipwrecks.

Chapter 42. Spirit Paintings

13.Spirit photography was reportedly “discovered” by Boston photographer William H. Mumler, who noticed “extras” on recycled glass plates from which previous images had not been entirely removed. In 1862, Mumler began producing spirit photographs for credulous sitters but was later exposed when some of the entities were recognized as living city residents (Nickell 1995, 31).

Chapter 43. Watching the Spirits Paint

14.If it is true, as earlier stated, that the picture seemingly appeared on the “canvas” nearest the sitter, all that would have been needed was for the pair of panels to have been casually reversed as they were taken down from the frame and carried to the sitter.

15.1 have wondered whether the Bangses might have produced a picture in “real time,” working on the rearmost panel (reversed for the purpose) while the sitter viewed the progress. Such a scenario (too lengthy to detail here) would present many difficulties, and one would think even a credulous sitter would catch on. But it might still be possible.

Chapter 44. Stigmata

16.1 also discovered that one could produce the opposite effect, renewing the bleeding of a cut that was many hours old, by applying hydrogen peroxide. This has implications to cases of stigmata in which bleeding was reported over an extended time, although there are many ways of accomplishing such an effect.



Adams, Bruce

alien creatures, abductions by, ; implants from

“Alien Autopsy,”

Allison, Dorothy

Altea, Rosemary

alternative medicine.
medical intuitives; snake oil

Anderson, George

Anderson, Gerald

Anderson, Harry

Andreasson, Betty

Andrews, Colin

angel, cloud

Angel, Jack

Angela of Foligno

Applewhite, Marshall Herff

Arnold, Kenneth

Arnold, Larry E.



auras, ; defined, ; photographing

“automatic” writing

Avebury (prehistoric stone circle),

Aykroyd, Dan

Aymar, Jacques

Baden, Dr. Michael

Baker, Robert A.

bandwagon effect.
copycat effect

Bangs sisters

Banner of Light, The,

Barbados coffins mystery

Barber, Theodore X.
fantasy proneness

Bard, Ron

Barker, Gray

Barnum, P.T.

Beale treasure

Belhurst Castle

“Believe It or Not!”
Ripley, Robert L.

Bentley, Dr. John Irving

Bernadette, Saint

Bigelow, “Texas Charlie,”

Binga, Tim


Biot, René


Blair, Frederick

Blankenship, Dan

Blavatsky, Helena P.

“bleeding” statues.
See also

weeping icons

Boone, Daniel

Boston Strangler case

Boulderado, Hote

Bowdoin, Henry L.

Brazel, William

Brookdale Lodge

Brooks, Noah

Browne, Sylvia

Bruse, James

Bush presidential family

bust developer

Byrd, Richard E.

Camp Chesterfield.
Chesterfield, Camp

Campbell “brothers,”

candle effect,

Cardan, Jerome

Cardiff Giant

Carnarvon, Lord

Carr, Robert Spencer

Carrington, Hereward

Carroll, Don

Castreca, Anna Maria

Catherine of Genoa, Saint

Cayce, Edgar

Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)

Chacon, Christopher

Chapman, Ethel

Chappell, William

Charny, Geoffroy de

Chase Vault (Barbados)

Chesterfield, Camp

Chevalier, Canon Ulysse

Christ Church Cathedral

Christian Science

Christina of Stommeln, St.

Ciotone, Dr. Robert

cipher stone




“clairvoyant remedies,”.
See also

Clark, Jerome

Clarke, Arthur C.

Clement VII (Avignon pope)

“cloud angel,”

Cockell, Jenny

Cody, William F.

Coggins, Guy

Cohen, Daniel

Colburn, Henrietta “Nettie,”

Colby, C.B.

Colchester, Charles J.

“cold reading” technique

Coleman, Fred B.

Colombo, John Robert

Colorado Academy

Colorado Man

communion wafers

Conrad, Mikel,


Conway, Helen

Cook, Mary Jean

Coolidge, Grace

copycat effect

Corpus Christi (festival)

Corso, Philip J.

Creighton, A.O.

Crogi, Passitea

crop circles

Crowley, Aleister

crystal skull

crystal tears

curse: defined, Kennedy.
See also
crystal skull; Devil’s Hole; Devil’s Triangle; Tutankhamen

cypress knees

D’Arcis, Bishop Pierre

Dash, Mike

Davenport, Augusta Green, n.2Davenport Brothers (Ira and William)

Davenport, Zelie

Davis, Dr. Henry

Davis, Patti

Davis, Perry

Delgado, Pat

Demaio, Dominick

demonic possession

Denenberg, Herb

Devil’s Footprints, the case of

Devil’s Hole

Devil’s Triangle

Dietz, Albert G. H.


Dorio, Louis


Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan

Dracula, Count.
See also

dream interpreters

Dr. McBain’s Blood Pills

Dr. Worden’s Female Pills

Drysdale, Dr. Dougal

Duguid, David

Dykshoorn, Marinus

Eastmond, John

Ebon, Martin

Edamaruku, Sanal

Eddy, Mary Baker

Edward, John

Edwards, Frank

egg trick, Gypsy

Ellacombe, Rev. H.T., 15 E-meters

energy healing

Fairplay (Colorado)

fantasy proneness

Fairbault, E. Rudolph

Farnsworth House

Fell, Barry

Ferguson, Birgitta Wallace

Ferguson, Rev. J.B.

Finnan, Mark

“Fire by mental power,”

Fischer, John F.

Flatwoods monster

Fletcher, Dr. Richard

Flying Saucer Review

Forest City Man

Fort, Charles

Fowler, Raymond E.

Fox Sisters (Maggie and Katie)

Francis of Assisi, St.


Frei, Max

Friedman, Stanton T.

frog, giant

Fuller, Paul

Furneaux, Rupert


Ganesh, Lord

Gaskins, Tom

Genoni, Tom, Jr.

George VI (King of England)

ghosts: haunted cathedral, haunted inns, images in clouds, photos of,.
See also
“poltergeist” effects; spiritualism

Gillett, Truman S.

Glastonsbury Abbey

“golden door” photographs

Goodwin, Doris Kearns

Gora, Vikas

Gordon, Henry

Gould, Rupert T.

Grand Island Holiday Inn (New York),

Grant, General U.S.

Grave Creek stone

Green, Andrew

Green, Laura

Gresham, William Lindsay

Guadalupe, Image of


“hag syndrome.”
waking dreams

Hale-Bopp (comet)

Hallman, Betty

Hamilton, Edwin

Hand Hotel

Hansen, Chris

Harris, Reginald

Harvey, Jim

Heacock, Scott and Conchys

Healy, “Doc,”

Heatherington, Dale

Heaven’s Gate (cult)

Hedden, Gilbert

Helen of Veszprim

Herb Juice Medicine Co.

Hershey, Barbara

Hesch, Phillip August

Hewes, Hayden

Heymer, John E.

Higgins, Julia

Higginson, Teresa Helena

Hill, Betty and Barney

Hill, Ray

Himebaugh Jody

Himebaugh, Mark

“hippogriff” (Lake George, N.Y.)

Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel

Homles, Sherlock

Holy Grail

Holzer, Hans

Hood, Rev. Cecilia

Hoover, Herbert

Hope Diamond

Hope, Henry Thomas

Hotel Boulderado

Houdini, Harry

Houdini Magical Hall of Fame

Hough, Peter

“Hugo Christ,”

alien creatures

Hurkos, Peter

Hutchinson, Michael J.

Hyer, Tommy

Hynek, Dr. J. Allen

hypnopompic hallucinations.
waking dreams


imaginary playmates

implants, alien

“incorruptible” corpses

Indian Rationalists’ Society


Inside Edition

International UFO Reporter

The Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Irene, Saint (icon of)

Jacobs, David

Jailer’s Inn

Jeanne des Anges

Jeffrey, Kent

Jerry Springer Show, The

Jesus: iconography, images of, relics, Shroud of Turin

Jetzer, Johann

Joan of Arc

Jones, Nella

Joseph, Saint

Karr, Barry

Katseas, Rev. Ieronimos

Keel, John

Kennebunk Inn

Kennedy, Anson

Kennedy curse

Kensington rune stone

Keyhoe, Major Donald E.

Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co.

Kilmer, Andral and Jonas

Kilner, Dr. J. Walter

Kirlian photography

Klass, Phil,

Knights Templar

Kopp, Jon

Krebs, Rev. Stanley L.

Kuhlman, Kathrynn

Kurtz, Paul

Kusche, Lawrence David

La Fonda Inn (New Mexico)

udice, Joyce

lake monsters: Coleman frog, Lake Utopia, Silver Lake

Lamon, Ward Hill

Lamy, Bishop John

Lancaster Opera House

La Posada de Santa Fe

Larry King Live

Leary, Timothy

Leek, Sybil

Leir, Dr. Roger

Lemon, Gene

Levengood, W.C.

Lewis, Lloyd

Lidwina, St.

lie detector.
polygraph Lily Dale Assembly

Lincoln, Abraham: Lincoln Oil, and paranormal claims, “petrified” body of

Lincoln, Mary Todd.
Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln Oil

Loch Ness Monster.
Silver Lake Serpent

Lockard, Johnny

Lockard, Max

Loretto Chapel, Sisters of

Louis XIV


Lukardis of Oberweimar

Mackal, Roy P.

MacKenzie, Andrew

Mackenzie, William Lyon

Mack, John E.

Madonna, Dr. John

Magnetic Hill

Magnish, Scott

Mahone Bay.
Oak Island; Teazer Light

Malz, Betty

Marguerite of the Blessed Sacrament.
Parigot, Marguerite

Maria de la Visitacion

Marie Antoinette

Marsden, Leigh

Martin, John and Kristen

Maskelyne, John Nevil

Mark Walberg Show

Mary (mother of Jesus)

Masterson, Bat

Matteson, Mrs. J.H.R.

May, Eddie

May, Freddie

May, Kathleen

McCrone, Walter

Mclnnis, Daniel

McNutt, James

Mead, Robin

Meaden, George Terence

medical intuitives


Medley, John

Medley, Mrs. John (ghost)

Mercer, Rev. David

mermaid, Fiji

Micmac Indians

milk-drinking idols

“Mineral Wave Ray”

“MJ-12” documents

“Money Pit.”
Oak Island

monster “flaps,”

Montel Williams

Mott, George

“Moundbuilder” tablets

Mrazek, Berthe

Mr. B of ESP

Mulholland, John

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