Real Life RPG (7 page)

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Authors: Jackson Gray

BOOK: Real Life RPG
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              Now this was I spell I could freaking use! I thanked her profusely and left the building. I was not great on my own but in a party I could really find my place in this world. I went back to the inn but the Bolly brothers and Gage had already left, Tabitha though was there, I watched as she pick pocketed some guy who was to enamored with one of the busty patrons to notice. Tabitha took his money bag, took out a gold coin then put the bag back as she signaled to the other girl, who promptly stopped leaning over the table so the guy in question could view her considerable assets. Tabitha made way towards the door and met my eyes and gave me a little wink as her friend followed her outside. The man seemed disappointed but he would be pissed if he knew he had been robbed. I walked outside where I saw Tabitha disappear around a corner after making eye contact. I followed her around it as a pair of strong hands threw me into the wall.

              “Alright Fool” Tabitha said as her busty friend was surprisingly the one with the strength. I saw her name was Helga Armstrong, if there was a more fitting name out there I did not know. “I know you saw me take a coin off of that guy, if you squeal ima stick you, to hell with losing levels”.

              “Uh I didn’t see nothing” I said as Helga released her grip somewhat. I could see that she was a warrior, but I was too low leveled to see much of anything else. She was a level 10 though, and quick math told me if she poured all of her attribute points on strength like most warrior class newbies, she had to have about 30 strength points, which made her five times stronger than me.

              “I heard you were tricking last night with some busted up skanks” Tabitha said as her friend laughed a little bit.

              “I don’t ask you about your exploits you don’t ask me about mine. How did you know that by the way?” I asked as Tabitha’s face went from serious to a smirk.

              “I was a madam in Vegas before I got busted” Tabitha said as she gripped my manhood beneath the robe, getting my full and undivided attention. “I ran girls to all the big shots, everything went to hell when some asshole scarred Helga’s face and cut off one of her arms at the elbow. I kept tabs on the creep and when Helga got better I had one of my girls who moonlights at Coffee Masters to roofie his coffee and paid him a little visit at his house. We cut things off of him for fucking with us, things that I knew he would miss”. She said the last part as she tightened her grip on me, Helga for her part strengthened her hold. “We got caught because I didn’t notice the damn hidden cameras he had all over his place and we were sent here. Helga was sent here first and we just hooked back up last night when she found me in Mandalo. Now I have a proposition for you”.

              “Trust me Tabitha you have my full attention” I said as her pressure increased slightly on my testicles.

              “I have enough money to leave this place but not the level or the ability” Tabitha said as she got closer to me her face and mine inches apart. “If we die out in the wild before reaching the boat, then this would be for nothing. I want you to help us get to this boat along with helping me reach level 10. You do this and we will show you what real fun night is supposed to feel like”.

              Of course I took her up on her offer as she let me go, much to my relief. Helga thogh held me fast until I accepted their party request.

              “That’s why I love this fucking game” Helga said as she turned around. “Men are not the strongest, I could have broke that guy”.

              “Hey I am right here” I spoke as the busty woman looked my way and then laughed.

              “I hope this guy is worth it boss” Helga said continuing her conversation. “The fighting gets tougher towards the shore, there are many people who sit in wait to rob any trying to leave the island, I have been killed twice that way”.

              “Well the three of us can do it” Tabitha said triumphantly. “I just need to get to level 10, let’s go hunting”.

              We walked outside of the tiny town which a now knew was named Menstrual, I was amazed the programmers got away with that name but I left it alone. Tabitha was leading us to the only other cave on the small island, when a group of four men blocked our path. They were all rogue types, quick and could strike hard and had little defense. At level 15 these guys were hard to stop since they could then specialize in one of two branches, assassin or smuggler. The assassin could use stealth and always scored a critical if they caught you unawares, the smugglers normally had the best gear from their class quests. Helga readied herself along with Tabitha as I waited in the back. All of these four were level 9 and looked to be well outfitted.

              “Ladies, Ladies” a rogue dressed in all black said, his name unimportant to me. “Now this could go one of two ways, if your friend there gives us all of his money and loot and if you two treat us real nice, maybe you can keep your lives after all of us have had a go”.

              Tabitha didn’t answer but instead charged and scored a hit. Her opponent was taller than she was and kicked her hard, sending her to the ground. No matter what the stats were these guys were taller and at least one of them looked like he knew how to fight with a blade. Helga stood her ground as two of the rogues started launching throwing knives at her. Tabitha got back to her feet and sprinted through the party intending on getting the knife throwers. I watched as Tabitha weaved through and struck out at the shortest one, from the quickness of her strike I could guess what she did. Even with my boost she was moving fast, I suspected she had put all of her attribute points on speed and it was showing here. She would strike, then retreat while trying to stay away from the others to avoid getting flanked. Helga shoulder charged one rogue which knocked the man down, stunning him a little.  I watched as she brought all of her strength down with a sword strike which was a critical hit and a killing blow, erasing 100% of the man’s life points. They all looked towards Helga now as she started picking up speed. She was not quite as fast as the rogues were, but she was definitely close to their speed as they had a hard time getting away from her which led them straight into Tabitha’s grip. I even got a hit on one as two more of their number fell. The last tried to turn and flee but was too slow to run away from Tabitha who didn’t really hit hard but could attack multiple times with her strikes. We divvied up the loot they had dropped and were surprised at what they had received.  The four must have already beat the dungeon we were headed to, as they obviously killed the black witch who I knew was the end boss of the other dungeon as her items were included amongst the loot, there were six different Rings of the Black Witch, they must have killed her multiple times and kept getting the reward or they just killed whoever came out of the cave tired, either way I was excited as one of the rings while similar to the others was not a green drop like the other five but a purple ultra-rare drop which had a significant difference in that this ring recovered mana.


              Now we were getting somewhere I thought as I slipped the ring on my finger. Purple drops happened once in every 100,000 tries from a boss character that normally dropped green loot. True there were boss characters that always dropped purple items but they were a different animal entirely. What I did know was there couldn’t be too many of these things around since the Black Witch was Mandalo specific. Tabitha had leveled up during the fight twice, as she was now at level 9. My experience boost must have kicked in big time I thought as I could see Helga pull out a health vial then pause.

              “Is my health going up?” she turned and asked Tabitha. “Did your weak ass Mage cast something on me?”

              “That is just one of my special skills, more defense, more speed, better attack and critical hits land easier just to name a few” I replied as I puffed up my chest a bit.

              “What in the hell does that have to do with my health?” Helga replied angrily.

              “Well you also get 10% more experience with me in your party and you regain health faster out of combat if you are around me” I said as I admired my ring.

              “Well you can stick around then, at least for a little while” Helga said as she put her vial away. As a group we decided to walk towards where we thought the boat would be, my cut of the money had brought me to almost 90 gold which wasn’t bad, even though I had gathered most of it from killing other players. I walked behind the two females, enjoying the view as I could smell salt in the air. We walked onward as the sun started dropping out of the sky relatively unmolested by either the wildlife or other players. I could see the boat, or what passed as a boat, it was just a platform in the water that a man in a comical white suit and captain’s hat stood next to. I could see there were players milling about the boat, obviously trying to get on. As we got closer some type of monster crawled out of the water, well 3 of them did. I wasn’t familiar with these guys but I knew if they were in the game they shouldn’t be here in Mandalo, they were probably the creatures that inhabited one of the coastal towns in the main game, PATRICK must have decided they belonged here or simply gave them a way to swim here. I scanned them.





              These things had weak health stats and they moved poorly on land so I knew I was missing something. I could see a warrior dressed in dark armor charge one of the creatures which blew out a bubble. The warrior foolishly popped the bubble with his sword and then went running around out of control as little tornados swirled around his head. The mercreatures had confusion spells, one hit with one of them your body goes haywire, if you are trying to run sometimes you end up crawling. If you want to go forward sometimes you end up going left or right or even walking backwards. Attacking is out of the question as you could accidentally attack your own party members. Tabitha snuck around towards the back of one of the creatures as they battled it out with the people on shore. The ship Captain looked bored as the creatures did not attack him nor did he try to attack them. Almost all of the 6 players that were around the captain had confusion signs above their head and could not really attack the mercreatures who pressed on. Tabitha finally got up on the one in the rear and sank both of her daggers in its neck. The creature lost 15% of its health and went to blow a bubble, fortunately Tabitha was two quick and darted over to the next one where she also sank her daggers in deep. Helga went storming behind the first creature Tabitha attacked and struck a blow that brought the creature down to 10% health as Tabitha ran into a bubble trying to dodge. Tabitha swung her knives and her head around violently trying to connect with anything as Helga slew the first creature. The creature fell, left behind a treasure sack then rose again, although looking a lot more decrepit. The creature attacked the other two as Tabitha started taking big hits on her health. Helga finished off another monster just as Tabitha snapped out of her confusion. That creature rose again also as Helga became a victim to the confusion spell. The remaining creature struck a good hit on Helga before it died, poisoning her but leveling me up to level 10. Helga sighed as she saw she had no antidote and started stripping off all of her items and handing them over to Tabitha as her life points took a dive. Before she died I had quite the show, well me and the six others who were practically on death’s door themselves. Tabitha eyed the men and looked back at me and got a gleam in her eye. They had all lost considerable health and none were a level 10 yet, they must have just been exploring and found the boat. Tabitha’s daggers flashed in her hands as she went around killing the surprised other players. By the time they knew they were under attack three of them had died while the other three banded together daring her to attack. Tabitha smiled as her level hit 10 and went to ransack the goodie bag left by the dead players. It was getting darker now as the other three beat a retreat.

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