Ready or Not (Aggie's Inheritance) (23 page)

BOOK: Ready or Not (Aggie's Inheritance)
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Aggie says:
I have no idea. I

m working on a plan but hoped that you would possibly give me some ideas?

Tina says:
Hire a cleaning service to come in twice a week. You can

t do it alone. See if you can

t find a college student who wants some extra cash for watching the kiddos at the house with you. Then… STAY OFF THAT FOOT! Remember that bad sprain I had? I can tell you. You have to do as little as is humanly possible until setting the foot down does not hurt at all. Trust me on this!

Aggie says:
Oh, but Tina!

Tina says:
If you say one word about the money, I

ll shoot you. If you don

t spend it here, those children will come home from school, do their homework, and then try to clean up the house

s too much. They can do their part on the weekends.

Aggie says:
What about my part? I can

t do anything!

Tina says:
You are working hard to get well. Order pizzas, bu
macaroni and cheese, Ramen noodles, canned soups, fish sticks, whatever
have someone go get them so that food is fast and easy. It w on

t hurt them for a couple of weeks.

Aggie says:
What do you think they

re eating now? Add i
pot pies, a few leftover casseroles that came after the funeral, froze
burritos, and this is their dinner. I

ve taken to cereal and a bag of apples for breakfast every day.

Tina says:

re not cooking?

Aggie says:
Since when can I cook? I don

t know how to shop, make the food, and make enough to feed everyone. Every recipe says it serves 4-6. If I double it, that

s 8-12. We need 9 and those are adult servings. So, do I need to make 4-6?

Tina says:
Ok, ok. I get it. Consider this training time. I

m going to overnight a couple of basic cookbooks. Read them. I

ll also send some regular recipes that you can make from that gal at our church. You know, Priscilla, the lady with like 5 kids under 6? She should know what you should do. You

ve got three more kids, but no husband to feed and guys eat a lot.

Aggie says:
OH, BOY. Wouldn

t that be awful?

Tina says:
What would?

Aggie says:
A HUSBAND! Eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk.

Tina says:
It would be helpful, dear. Most mothers like husbands.

Aggie says:
No self-respecting husband would put up with the frozen stuff I

ve been feeding these guys, the condition of the house, and you haven

t heard my ANT story!

Tina says:
I don

t want to know. You know how I hate mice, cockroaches, and ants.

Aggie says:
I guess I won

t tell you about Bonaparte and Wellington then.

Tina says:
Not mice. Tell me that they are not mice.

Aggie says:
They are not mice.

Tina says:
A lie?

Aggie says:
No really… they are not mice. They

re RATS!

Tina says:
You are a sick, demented woman. Where

d you get the names?

Aggie says:
Well, Bonaparte was so named so that his cage could be named


s Retreat

Tina says:
GROAN. Wellington?

Aggie says:
Well, Laird

s trying to figure out a neat way to make something


s Beef.


m not sure how he

ll d
that unless he builds a cage that looks like a cow!

Tina says:
What about a gargoyle on the cage… but instead it

s on
of those little plastic cows?

Aggie says:

ll go get one tomorrow! That

s cute!

Tina says:
You will NOT! You will sit there and figure out how to get housekeeping service for Tuesdays and Thursdays through the month of May. You can use the move in June as an excuse not to continue after that.

Aggie says:
The move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina says:

d be there if I could. You know that, right?

Aggie says:
I know.

Tina says:
Meanwhile, it

s late. I

m tired; you

re rebuilding tissue, GO TO SLEEP!

Aggie says:
Nighters Tina…

Tina says:



Help Unwanted


Sunday, May 5


Aggie woke for what seemed like the millionth time. This time, it was Ian squirming on her chest. She sighed. After almost dropping the little tyke as she pulled him from his playpen, she had decided that he could just sleep on her chest. Ian slept wonderfully, but Aggie thought the whole cuddling with your baby thing was definitely overrated. Well, least it was when you

re snuggling
all night

Tavish was up early and came tumbling downstairs. Within seconds, Aggie saw him sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs with an antique book broken at his feet.

Oh, noooooo!

Aggie fought to sit up, concerned that the boy was hurt.

You all right?


s sobs were heartbreaking, but they didn

t sound like cries of pain.

I ruined Dad

s book. I wasn

t watching where I was going, and I dropped it.

Well, Tavish, I know it was your dad

s, but it is just a book. Perhaps we can try to fix it?


s a first edition Oliver Optic that belonged to Dad

s granddad. It was very special to Dad, and I ruined it.

Tavish was almost inconsolable.

Aggie sat on the couch trying to get Ian safely put down to go comfort the boy. Before she could get to her crutches, Ellie came down the stairs and gathered up the book. Looking carefully at the pages, the spine, and the cover, Ellie set the book aside and comforted Tavish. Aggie hadn

t seen the twin aspect of these two very often, but Ellie seemed to know just what to do and say to console her brother. A moment later, the book was put away, Tavish was playing with Ian, and Ellie was mixing a new bottle for the baby as though the earlier histrionics hadn

t happened.

When Zeke arrived, the children were eating their breakfast. Excited children rushed from the table and surrounded the elderly man.

Awww, now, kiddos, you go back and finish your breakfast. There

ll be time enough to talk after you

re done with the food.

So, missy, how is that ankle feeling today?


s smile always reached the corner of his eyes and made them wrinkle up like a department store Santa Claus.

I haven

t tried to stand on it yet, but it hurts
badly. I think I need to rewrap it. This wrap thing makes it itch!


t you be trying to stand on it yet, young lady! It

s too soon!

Zeke shook his head in disapproval.


ve sprained my ankles many times, stickin

em in snake holes when I wasn

t looking, and I

m telling you girl, you don

t want to mess with pushing yourself.

Aggie laughed and asked how much she owed for the intercom. Zeke assured her that he hadn

t spent a dime yet.

I just realized that you might need a good nap, and the children might like to go to Sunday school with us, so I came by to see if you would let me take them to church for you. I didn

t think you should try to get in that big old van again. Driving home last night wasn

t exactly legal you know.

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