Authors: Tanith Davenport
In fact, it almost scared her that she wanted it so much.
“Close your eyes,” said the stylist behind her, and Jade obediently closed them, at the same time hearing the words in Will’s voice.
From him, they would be a promise of future pleasure.
Close your eyes. Put your hands behind your back. Lie across my knee.
The last one sent a jolt to her cunt, and she forced the thought down hastily. The last thing she needed was to be getting excited in a room full of people.
But even that, even
—that would still be enjoyable. Instinctively she knew there would be no anger involved. No Dom would touch his sub in anger.
She would always be safe.
“Okay, now open.”
Jade opened her eyes. Her eyelids had been painted a deep green, fading to a paler shade towards her eyebrows. Beside her, the stylist was holding an eyeliner wand, ready to lean in.
“That looks great,” Leonie commented from behind a veil of blonde hair. Her stylist was creating a messy pile on top of her head, decorating it with silk roses.
Jade smiled.
I’m going up to his suite tonight.
* * * *
Her first question was answered when she stepped out of the elevator. One of his bodyguards was standing outside the door.
He’s still here then. Good.
She was still wearing the makeup from earlier, her hair still in the unfamiliar curly style. To match the eyeshadow, she had chosen a teal green satin top with an off-the-shoulder neckline, but had stuck to the black trousers and boots from the previous night. Best not to go too far outside her comfort zone.
There’ll be enough of that later.
The bodyguard eyed her as she approached. Recognition lit his eyes, but his face remained impassive.
“Could I speak to Will, please?”
“Is he expecting you?”
Good question. Is he?
The bodyguard pulled the radio from his pocket, but before he could speak, the door opened to reveal Will himself.
Will turned to the bodyguard. “It’s all right. She can come in.”
The guard gave a brief nod, and Jade followed Will into the suite, her heart beating strangely.
Maybe he was expecting me after all.
As the door closed behind her, Will turned to face her, fixing her with an intense gaze. Jade held her head up, conscious that her uncertainty was showing in her face, but also aware that Will’s expression was—not fully controlled.
He was obviously in the grip of
emotion—she could see it in his eyes, in the slight tremor in his mouth—but she couldn’t tell what.
“You came back.” It wasn’t a question.
“You want more of the same?”
“I want to—” Jade tripped over her words, and inwardly cursed. “I want you to push me.”
A small smile briefly lit up Will’s face before the strange emotion took over again. He looked her up and down, lingering on her cleavage.
“I will. As long as you allow me to explain what all this means for me as a Dom—and I expect the same honesty from you.”
“That’s fine.” The words sent a shiver through Jade’s body.
What this means for me as a Dom?
“Good.” Another, more wicked, smile. “Then let’s begin.”
Chapter Four
“We can start with discipline.”
There was that word again. Jade stood and watched Will, noticing how his eyes glowed as he spoke. This was clearly something he was passionate about, and the thought of being passionately disciplined sent a tingle along her nerves.
“Discipline isn’t about anger. If I’m angry about something, I talk about it. It’s for your benefit, and not just to make you a better sub. Many subs enjoy the demonstration of control.”
She had already known it, but Jade still felt her muscles relax. “What do you use?”
“That depends. I prefer physical discipline—I don’t like chaining, or isolation, and I never use food deprivation or orgasm denial. I have canes, whips and paddles, but my favourite?” A sudden flash of intensity in his eyes. “Good old-fashioned hand spanking.”
His eyes were on Jade’s face, and Jade couldn’t hide the surge of desire that hit her at his words.
Hand spanking. Jesus.
The image of herself over his knee was breathtaking.
“You like that, don’t you? Strip for me.”
It was a simple, casual order, but Jade found herself obeying. Before she realised it, her clothes were in a pile on the floor and Will had sat down on one of the chaise longues. He beckoned to her, and Jade moved to stand in front of him.
“Across my lap.”
His jeans were rough under her ribs. Jade rested her hands on the floor, feeling a shiver run over her skin at the exposed position. Her ass was pointed upwards, over his knee—he could touch her, caress her, spank her and she would be unable to resist.
She was completely vulnerable, and the knowledge made her tremble.
His hand was resting on the small of her back. As it glided lower, over the curve of one cheek, he spoke again, his voice low and dangerous. “Count out loud for me, Jade.”
“Yes, sir.”
The hand disappeared, and then—
The first smack had startled the breath out of her. Before she had recovered, the second blow landed, and Jade dug her fingers into the carpet, gasping.
How many of these is he going to do?
At the sixth stroke, Will stopped. Jade kept her head down, her hair concealing her face, but after a moment Will reached around her waist, rolling her over on his lap.
“Look at me.”
He was looking down at her with a strange expression, somewhere between pride and lust.
“Are you all right?”
“Yes. Sir,” Jade added, almost as an afterthought. The look on his face was somehow unlike any she had expected a Dom to wear.
“Good. Then we’ll move on.”
Will slid his arms under her shoulders and knees and stood, lifting Jade easily. At the other side of the room was a large beanbag. Will lowered her onto it, taking care over her abused ass, and Jade let her head fall back as her body sank into softness. She turned to watch him as he took one of her wrists, stretching her arm out, and noticed a projection that looked a little like a rubber hoop.
“What’s that?”
“A cuff.” Will flashed her a smile as he fed her wrist through the circlet, tightening it carefully. “This is a bondage chair. It will keep you comfortable for this next part. Okay?”
Jade mulled it over briefly. “Yes.”
Seriously? A bondage chair?
Her mind was spinning, and yet, to her surprise, she wasn’t panicking. Even as Will began to fasten her other wrist, she found herself relaxed. Maybe it was the comfort. She had always thought bondage would be painful and awkward. This was decidedly not so.
The ankle cuffs were a little harder to manage, and Jade winced as one pressed against a bone. Will loosened the strap, moving it higher, and Jade tested it with a gentle tug. There was movement, but not enough to free her, and she bit her lip, growing wet at the knowledge that she was completely at his mercy.
Will stood, looking down at her, and Jade couldn’t hold back a moan as his eyes lingered on her splayed thighs.
“Remember what I said last night?” His voice was low, and a tremor ran through her. Automatically she tugged again at the restraints—they were securely fastened, and the smile that crossed Will’s face as he watched was almost predatory.
“This is all about needs. I fulfil yours as your Dom, you fulfil mine as my sub. You submit to me, you do what I want—I take care of your needs. You need never worry when you’re with me. You are always safe, always protected.”
“Yes,” Jade croaked. The wetness in her cunt was leaking onto the beanbag, and her fingers clenched convulsively.
Touch me, damn it.
“Anything you might want, we can discuss. Anything you don’t like, we can strike out. Fisting. Anal sex. Toys. It’s all open. People often forget just how much power a sub has. If you say no, if you use your word, it doesn’t happen.”
“You want something, Jade. Ask for it.”
I want you to fuck me. I want you to—
The words came out before Jade could stop them. “I want you to go down on me.”
Will’s smile took on a hungry quality.
“Request granted.”
Jade lifted her head to look at him as Will dropped to his knees. Crawling forward, he loomed over her, one hand on each side of her head. In one swift movement he pushed down on the back of the beanbag so that Jade’s head and shoulders fell into the hollow created.
The bonds tightened on her wrists and ankles as Jade squirmed, struggling to see him. His breath tingled on her collarbone, her nipples pebbling, and she was suddenly conscious of her position—sprawled helpless in front of him, breasts upturned to be touched, cunt bared and aching for his mouth.
“Shhh.” His lips brushed against her breast, his tongue curling around her nipple, and Jade’s words were swallowed up in a moan.
Every nerve seemed to be on fire, responding to his touch with a jolt. His mouth trailed along her ribs, her stomach, his tongue tracing patterns on her hipbones, his lips pressing light kisses to the soft skin on her inner thighs. Then her lips were parted, and Jade cried out as a hard lick to her clit made her buck into his mouth.
“Oh God!”
The cuffs dug into her wrists as she writhed on the beanbag, arching up as she felt two fingers slide inside her, stroking her spot over and over. Will’s tongue seemed to be everywhere, tormenting her clit, teasing her folds. Her nipples ached to be touched and she tugged at the bonds, but they had her pinned tightly, and she moaned with longing.
Pleasure coiled in her gut. His fingers twisted, his tongue laving her clit, then sparks were flying, her fingers and toes were clenching, and Jade screamed as her climax hit her full force. Before her body had stopped convulsing, Will’s weight descended on her, his cock breached her and she gasped at the sudden invasion.
“Tell me how it makes you feel,” Will growled in her ear, his breath stirring her hair. “Let me hear you.”
“I—” The words came in a rush as another surge of ecstasy built, rippling outwards from her cunt. “You’re so good, so
, I want you, I need you, I’m going to—”
With a cry Jade came, and Will’s groan told her he was coming as well, his hips hammering into hers one final time.
* * * *
“What do you think, Jade?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, look at it. Does it need pinning anywhere?”
Shaundra sounded exasperated, and Jade shook her head, coming out of her reverie. She looked at herself in the mirror, at the bridesmaid’s dress she was trying on for the final time. It had been difficult to choose a dress that all four liked—Jade had been reasonable in the face of three brides and their dramatically differing tastes, but she was paying for it, after all, and a hideous dress she would only wear once just wasn’t in her budget at the moment.
The dress was green satin, one-shouldered, with a close-fitting skirt embroidered with leaves. Jade ran an eye over the seams and edges, checking the neckline and the fit around the hips. It looked fine.
“It’s fine.”
“Good. One of us is happy then.” Shaundra turned back to the dressmaker, who was doing some quick work on the hem of her bridal gown. It had somehow dropped on one side.
One of us is happy.
That was a joke. Jade had never been less happy in her life.
She knew there was a good reason why she didn’t do relationships. It was much too easy to let herself get hurt, and much too hard to find a man who could handle her. Except now she had, and it was Will Vandenmeer.
And the bastard had left her.
She had woken up that morning a little stiff, her muscles protesting at the activity of the night before. Rolling over, she had found the bed empty and paused in confusion.
Maybe he’s in the shower?
Except he hadn’t been. Nor had he been in the living area. Nor had he left a note. If his bodyguard hadn’t been in a chair by the door, she could have believed he had never even been there at all.
She had waited.
Half an hour passed. The bodyguard was snoring in his seat, and Will had not returned. In the end, her skin flushed and her movements hurried, Jade had dressed, crept past the guard and left.
What a fucking bastard.
Will Vandenmeer.
A BDSM-loving billionaire. She had never even dreamt she would want something like that, like
. It sounded ridiculous—she hadn’t wanted to get hurt, so she got into BDSM. And yet it had made perfect sense. Will had taken care of her, made her feel secure. She had wanted everything he offered—she had been willing to do anything for him.
God, she was a fool.
I let myself trust him. I was weak.
No. She hadn’t been weak.
The look on his face that night in the corridor was still in her mind. She had rescued him—he hadn’t seen her as weak. He hadn’t taken advantage of her, that night or last night. She could have stopped him at any time. It had been her choice.
Just maybe not the best choice.
Maybe when she got home she could look into clubs. Find another Dom, see if she liked it.
Yeah, right. You know that’s not what you want.
Jade narrowed her eyes at herself in the mirror. In her mind she saw herself meeting another Dom, one more like she had expected, who would command her and cane her and tell her not to come, and who would follow the rules exactly and leave her feeling empty.
She had learnt a few things about herself in the last couple of days, and she had him to thank for that. But now she was going to have to watch her three best friends get married, all the while knowing she wanted a man she couldn’t have.