Ready for Danger (2 page)

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Authors: CV Silk

BOOK: Ready for Danger
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Chapter 2


Kathleen needed to relax. For once it was
quiet outside but it was the opposite in her head. Thoughts were jumbling at a
rapid pace and she had trouble thinking straight. Since night had fallen and
there wasn’t anyone clamoring for her attention, she settled into her small, empty
house and got the bottle of vodka she kept for emergencies.

It was actually Russian but a cheap brand
that tasted like turpentine mixed with aftershave. She didn’t care, not
anymore. It was amazing how humbling it was to live among real, down to earth
people for a period of time.

She had practically been raised on caviar
and champagne since birth and she was genuinely proud of herself to be moving
on from that.

The world was simpler now. Here in this
village, no one cared what she wore or what she said, what kind of impression
she made on people. All she had to do was devote her energies to helping people
in need. It was extremely rewarding because there was no judging here. The
villagers, once they got over their pride, accepted her wholeheartedly.

But then there was the problem of Palmer.
Having him hovering made her feel like a little girl again. She wasn’t sure who
she hated the most at the moment, him or her father. She swallowed her drink
and slammed the glass down on the floor.

“Angry about something?”

She looked up sharply toward the
entrance. Bryce was standing in the doorway with an amused grin.

“What are you doing here?” she asked,
instinctively wiping her mouth and tucking her hair behind her ears.

“I accompanied Mrs. Smith to see her
sister, she wanted to spend the night.” Mrs. Smith was the nickname they had
given to an old lady who was keen on wearing her jewelry like she was an
English aristocrat. “I figured you could use some company.”

“Most of all, I need someone to spot me
drinking this rotgut. There’s no telling when I’ll go into convulsions.”

“I’m your man then.”

As he came further into the house, she
took a good look at him. He was younger than she was, fresh out of college. He
was one of those easy-going millennials trekking through Southeast Asia looking
for a good high and few responsibilities.

He wasn’t quite a pothead hippy – he had
a good head on his shoulders and was great at helping others – but humanitarian
aid wasn’t exactly a career choice for him.

He wore baggy shorts and a loose neon tank
top. His light hair was long enough to cover his ears in waves. She found him
attractive, in a slacker sort of way. He had nothing in common with Palmer’s

Oh God, why am I even thinking about
that jerk?

“What’s with the scowl?” Bryce asked
while he sat on the mat next to her. “You look like you’re passing a kidney


She filled her glass again and gave him
the bottle for him to drink out of because she didn’t have other glasses.

“You want to tell me what we’re drinking

“Not particularly, no.”

Kathleen gulped the alcohol and winced.

“I see, this is about your bodyguard.”

“Yes, it’s about my goddamn bodyguard! I
mean, where does my dad get off treating me like a little kid? It’s like
sending me a babysitter. You know who gets a babysitter? Children who can’t be

Bryce nodded and drank some vodka. His
face showed no indication that it was too strong or disgusting.

“Have you tried looking at things through
his perspective? You’re his only daughter, right? You’re off halfway around the
world in a country filled with bandits and drug runners.”

That made her recoil. “These people are
nice and peaceful!”

“Yes, in the villages. But you know what
I’m talking about. He loves you and he wants to keep you safe, that’s all.”

“But sending that meathead?”

“Tell me something,” Bryce said after
another sip. “Are you really mad at your father or are you just trying to deny
that you’re attracted to this guy?”

“What?! Palmer?! You’re insane.”

He shrugged. “Maybe. I may not be old or
experienced, but I’ve traveled a lot and met many people. I can usually tell
when a woman is attracted to a guy that isn’t me.”

“Now I know you’re truly insane. That
booze is really not good for you, obviously.”

“Whatever you say.”

He smiled to her and they drank silently
for a few minutes. Kathleen closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

“You’re doing good, Kathleen. Just relax,
there’s nothing you can do anyway.”

“Yeah, unfortunately.”

She leaned back on her hands and
continued breathing deeply, letting the alcohol soothe her. All of a sudden, Bryce
shifted closer and put a hand on her shoulder.

“What do you think? You wanna fool around
like that other time?”

Before she could reply, his lips were on
hers. She was startled but she discovered she needed anything to make her
forget where she was, how she felt. More importantly, she knew she was safe
with Bryce. Things were friendly between them, there were no ulterior motives.
She could enjoy herself without shame or repercussions.

She kissed him back and pulled his head
to her. He moaned in surprise and within moments their tongues danced feverishly.
She found that she needed him, that she needed the respite.

Bryce came closer, making his hands roam
across her body, starting at her delicate ankles and climbing up her bare,
bronzed legs. He stopped at the hem of her shorts before going up her torso.


She stopped breathing when his hands were
on her breasts. He squeezed gently and she felt a rush as her nipples hardened straightaway.
She kissed him more ardently and he got the message, continuing to massage her
large tits.

She pressed herself against him and also
went about caressing his form. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his body and she
lingered on his abs which she felt through his thin shirt. Then, her desires
took over and she decided to be bold.

Her hand went down his stomach and stopped
between his legs. She found a bulge that got bigger by the second. She grasped
him and the feeling of his warm hard-on took her breath away. She hadn’t known
until now how much she needed this.

“Here,” he said as he backed off just
long enough to remove his tank top.

Her eyes smoldered while she took him in
and she realized it was time to do the same. She removed her tight T-shirt,
exposing her bra to him. Before she could do anything else, his hands returned
to her chest. He kneaded her breasts through the fabric and she went back to
his crotch.

She focused on tracing his length through
the shorts but she knew that it had to be painful. She therefore undid his fly
and moved his boxers to the side. He gasped when his cock sprung free and she promptly
wrapped her fingers around it. It was scorching to the touch and made her want
him more.

Without saying a word, they repositioned
themselves so that they were half sitting and half reclining on their side.
This put them in a good position to continue making out while having access to
their nether regions.

“You’re so hard, Bryce.”

“And I bet you’re just as excited.”

She didn’t answer because his hand was
already moving from her tits down into her shorts. He didn’t bother undoing
them and merely slipped in. He had no trouble going into her panties and it rendered
her breathless.

“Oh yes, you’re wet, all right…”

She kissed him hard as his fingers wiggled
between her folds, so drenched and craving attention. He switched between
rubbing her up and down and fingering her opening. She didn’t mind, everything
he did felt marvelous.

Kathleen returned the favor. She made her
fist go up and down his shaft, letting her fingers digging into his smooth yet
hard flesh. The young man purred and it encouraged her to go faster.

So of course Bryce did the same. He
played with her soft pussy, spreading her wetness all over her mound and making
her ache for more.

“I wanna taste you, Kathleen.”


“I’ve been thinking about this ever since
we hooked up last month.”

It gave her a thrill to know he had been
thinking about her. However, this was quickly eclipsed by the prospect of
things to come. She stroked him for a few more seconds before letting go.

While she shrugged out of her shorts and
panties, he went to work removing her bra. She felt vulnerable this way,
completely naked in front of him, but this was dwarfed by the pleasure he was
about to give her.

“Taste me…”

She lied back on the mat and he swiftly
got between her legs, his mouth all but watering.


Chapter 3


Palmer was in the process of falling
asleep when he heard a yelp. During his years of combat and his time in the
field, his body had grown accustomed to the various sounds of distress. He knew
the difference between a boar charging through foliage and a man falling in the
bushes. He had no trouble knowing a dying monkey from a tortured child.

And right now, he was 100% sure that a
woman was screaming.

Although the people of the village were
eerily quiet and serene, he conceded that it could have been one of the locals
crying for one reason or another. But it also could be Kathleen and the sole
reason for him being here was to make sure she was safe.

He sat up straight and waited. He didn’t
hear anything else but still closed his eyes to help him concentrate. Slowly, he
stretched to his sidearm which he kept within arm’s reach. He grabbed the gun
and when he was certain he couldn’t hear anyone about to swarm his cabin, he
jumped to his feet.

It didn’t matter that he was barefoot and
only wearing his underwear. His mission was more important than anything else
in the world. He took a moment to grab an extra magazine and charged out.

Once down the steps, he froze the get
used to the darkness and to listen once again. He thought he heard some heavy
breathing but he wasn’t even sure about that. More disconcerting, there was no
one around Kathleen’s house, 15 yards away. He had half expected to see a group
of men dragging her out.

The situation was less dire than expected
but he still needed to check things out. His weapon aimed at the ground, he
gingerly made his way to her house. Only a handful of chickens and goats saw
that he was half naked. He swept under the house and found no one there.

Taking his time and being careful not to
make any noise – after all, it was his job to protect his principal while not
being intrusive – he went up the flimsy steps and focused on the muted glow
from the kerosene lantern. He came closer toward the doorway.

“Ooooohhhhh fuck!”

His heart racing, Palmer lifted his
pistol and got ready to charge into the house. He rushed to the doorway, about
to shoot anyone hurting his client. What he saw made him rethink everything.

Completely naked, Kathleen was lying on
her back. There was a man, that shifty Bryce humanitarian guy. He had his face
between her legs and it didn’t take a Harvard degree to understand what he was

What stung the most right now was that he’d
been wrong. Was he slipping? There was a time when Palmer could identify a
threat at 200 yards with a blindfold on. And now he couldn’t tell the
difference between torture and pleasure? Dejected, he lowered his gun and got
ready to bolt.

That’s when he noticed his client arching
her back and grabbing her hefty boobs. She moaned loudly, her body wracked by a
series of tiny orgasms. It wasn’t ethical for him to be here.

Yet he couldn’t look away.

Barely believing he was doing this, Palmer
moved sideways, away from the door, and went to the side of the house. He
crouched so he could look through the window. Since there was no glass, it was
as if he was there with them. His shame lasted only a few seconds and then he
simply enjoyed the show.

*   *   *

Heaven, that’s where Kathleen was, she
was sure of it. That previous time with Bryce had been quick and only modestly
satisfying. But now it was amazing.

His tongue lapped the juices dripping
from her cunt and in the process created incredible sensations that
reverberated through her body. He sucked on her clit and just when it
threatened to send her over the edge, he licked her labia. Throughout all this,
he never stopped fingering her.

“Yeah, right there… Don’t stop…”

She clasped her tits, pulling on the
nipples until she wasn’t sure where the line was between pain and pleasure. She
lost herself in the sensation and accepted the carnal onslaught, having stopped
caring months ago about the house’s lack of privacy.

“Do you want me inside of you, Kathleen?”

She looked down at his earnest, eager

“Yes, I need your cock. I need to cum so

He straightened up and reached for a
condom in his discarded shorts. She caught her breath and stroked her stomach
while anticipating the highlight of the evening. She watched raptly as he
opened the packet and unrolled the latex along his rod. She always found that

“Come on, I need you, Bryce.”

He quickly got on top of her and she
guided him to her opening. He settled in and she let go of him before he thrust
forward. She was so wet that he didn’t have difficultly entering her.


She wrapped her arms around his neck and
pulled him down to her so they could make out as he fucked her. He didn’t have
the largest member in the world but it suited her just fine. It reminded her of
her high school days, of the younger and inexperienced boys she’d known back

“Your pussy is so hot, Kathleen…”

Indeed it was. Her channel positively
boiled with lust and desire. She lowered her hands and grabbed his taut butt so
that he would pound into her faster, deeper.

“That’s it, so close!”

She felt heat climbing within her,
starting between her legs and rising quickly. The moment of truth was at hand
and she was about to lose it.

“Oh shit, oh fuck…” Bryce panted.

He was also on the brink and she felt his
dick swelling inside of her. It gave her more surface to be stimulated by and
she humped back against him.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t you stop!”

His chest squished into her tits and hard
nipples and she hugged him to her tightly. They were both in a race to climax
now. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and she threw her head back.


She lost contact with the earthly world
as the orgasm hit. Her body was seized by a tsunami of pleasure! She went
completely rigid though she wasn’t aware of it. All that mattered was her needs
finally being met, the relief washing over her.

She was barely coming back to her senses when
Bryce grunted.

“I’m cumming…”

His girth increased within her and he
buried himself to the hilt. He went on driving into her cunt while he unloaded
his balls into the condom. She couldn’t feel his cum splashing into her but to
witness his face contorted with pleasure was a close second.

They both finished experiencing their
climax and Bryce rolled off of her. They laid side-by-side while they

“That was good,” he said.

“Yeah, it was.”

He turned his head toward her and
frowned. “Are you sure? I felt…”


“I felt like you were holding back.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

“Are you sure? It was as if you were
thinking about somebody else. Somebody like… your bodyguard.”

“Uh-huh, no way!”

Bryce shrugged. “Okay, keep lying to
yourself. I still think you have a thing for him.”

Frustrated, Kathleen covered herself with
a nearby blanket. She didn’t even want to think about that accusation. She didn’t
want to find out how she really felt.

*   *   *

It took Palmer several lifetimes’ worth
of willpower to keep from gasping out loud. One certainly didn’t hear something
like that every day. Most of all though, it was just too much for one evening.

Between discovering that his principal
was absolutely stunning, that she wasn’t some goody-two-shoes as he had first
envisioned her to be, and now there was a possibility that she had a thing for
him? This was going too far too fast and he didn’t know what to think about all

He attempted to ignore the erection in
his underwear and slipped away into the night.


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