Razer's Ride (17 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #The Last Riders#1

BOOK: Razer's Ride
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“Gotta take care of my girl; she is going to need her strength for later.”

Beth took her plate, averting her eyes from him, not wanting him to see the pleasure his words had brought welling to the surface. She knew he had not meant it the way it sounded, but Beth couldn’t help her reaction. When she looked up, she saw Evie giving her a concerned look. Beth quickly moved away, placing a small amount of salad on her plate.

Razer snagged them a couple of chairs at the table and they ate leisurely. Evie had brought her a beer and they sat chatting in their small group until the music from the front room had risen and the loud voices drew her attention. The darkness outside showed they had lost track of time sitting there talking.

“I hear the party has started,” Evie said with a mischievous grin.

Razer took their plates to the kitchen while Beth threw away their empty bottles. Everyone tried to clean up after themselves, not leaving the responsibility to any one person. Beth didn’t think other clubs did this, but admired it, thinking it showed the respect they held for each other. Or, she thought laughing to herself, the women would kick their asses before they were treated like servants.

Razer’s arm went around her shoulders as he steered her into the large living room. This time, she wasn’t stunned by the scene that met her eyes. The furniture had been pulled back into a couple of grouping areas or lined up against the wall, leaving the middle of the floor bare. The empty area was now filled with dancing couples gyrating against each other.

Evie was snagged around her waist by Crash as they walked through the doorway. The last Beth saw, her legs were wrapped around his waist and they were trying to see who could find each other’s tonsils first.

Jewell was dragged down onto Knox’s lap, who already had the redhead’s top off. Jewell giggled, quickly evening the playing field by pulling off her t-shirt. Razer’s arm tightened around her as he felt her stiffening next to him. Maneuvering them to the dance floor, his hand cupped her ass, moving her to the beat of the music. The close proximity of his body stirred Beth’s desire. The beat of the music allowed Beth to loosen the tight control she held herself in, gradually she relaxed her body fluid and provocative against his. His lips found hers and her pussy wetted just thinking about going to their room later that night.

“Want to get a drink?” Razer asked after the third song.

Beth nodded gratefully. The huge bar set up on one side of the room was empty and Beth moved behind the bar to get their drinks. Wanting water to quench her thirst she made herself a cold ice water and reached into the cooler finding a cold beer for Razer.  She watched as he leaned against the bar next to her drinking the ice-cold liquid.  They stood there, as it was the least crowed spot in the whole room. Every now and then someone would come up and ask for a drink, Beth grinned at Razer as she played bartender. Razer would even hand out a few, as several wanted them at the same time. Having fun, Beth took a drink of her water and almost spit it out when she saw the man standing against the wall with Bliss, Echo, and Dawn vying for his attention. The large man with sandy blond hair was ignoring the women.  His arms folded across his chest exhibited bulging biceps clearly visible by his tight black t-shirt. The black motorcycle pants and boots highlighted the sexiness he excluded without having to make a move. What had Beth choking on her drink was that she recognized him.

Cash Adams had been a member of her church when she had been a young girl. She remembered staring at him, thinking how handsome he was, and that he must be what her father preached about when he talked about sins of the flesh. Because even as a young girl, he had awakened her body to stirrings she had been too shamed to acknowledge. She hadn’t been alone, every woman that he crossed paths with Beth would see a hungry look come into their eyes. He was born into a family that didn’t have much, but Cash never lacked for money and everyone knew it was from his grandmother’s bootlegging. His parents as god-fearing members of the church had refused her help, but hadn’t been able to keep Cash from accepting what money his grandmother gave him. As he got older, he even began working for her. He became an expert at evasion not only from the police, but also from the male members in the community who were angered at his lack of restraint of nailing anything offered. The women offered with amazing lack of decorum for the chance to be in his bed. After one public fight in which Cash had beaten an irate brother over his sister’s deflowerment, which the whole town knew about because the stupid girl had bragged to her best friend who had a big mouth, but worse had also been with Cash, he had disappeared.

Everyone had assumed he had finally pissed the wrong person off and had been killed. Hidden in the vast mountain he was so good at hiding in. Beth had known better, she was the only one in town who had never believed he was dead.

“That’s Cash Adams.” Beth couldn’t keep the awe out of her voice.

Razer came up behind her as she stood behind the bar. “I take it you know him?”

“He went to my church before he disappeared.”

“From what he told us, he left town to join the navy which is where he met Viper and the rest of us. He is Viper’s lieutenant. He rode in with him this morning.”

“He hasn’t changed I see.”


Beth could only nod her head speechlessly as Cash smiled at her. He said something before leaving the women standing, waiting like little puppies for their masters return.

“Razer.” Razer nodded. Cash’s eyes found Beth “You’re Beth Cornett, Pastor Cornett’s daughter?”

“Yes.” Beth couldn’t hide her surprise that he recognized her.

“You’re all grown up I see.” His blue eyes brushed the cleavage that was accented by the leather vest.

“You have too.” She stated the obvious. His facial features had toughened and matured into a face that was compelling to look at.

He smiled. “I heard about you dad and mom, sorry to hear of your loss.”


“Sorry the bastard is dead, because I wish he was still alive so I could beat the shit out of him.”

Beth’s mouth dropped open at his bluntness.

Razer reached back and handed Cash a beer. Cash took it, twisted the top of and took a drink before continuing. “He was a sick fuck that I was too young to know how to put out of commission.  That wouldn’t be the case today.”

“No, I don’t imagine it is,” Beth agreed, not knowing what else to say.

“Good seeing you again.” He gave Razer a nod and stepped away, again enveloped in the mist of the three women.


“Careful, I could get jealous,” Razer said with a grin.

Beth looked over her shoulder to see he was only joking before turning again to watch Cash as he went back to standing against the wall, his brown eyes surveying the room almost as if he was searching for someone.  The women were given occasional replies to keep pacified, but he never diverted his attention from the room.

Razer leaned in against her, fitting himself to her back, his cock against her ass; his arm slid around her waist. The pressure of his body forcing her against the bar was holding her in place. Beth eyes looked around the room trying to find what Cash was searching for, but her task was forgotten as her attention was caught by the activities going on in the room. Members were openly fucking and getting various body parts stroked and sucked. Beth had been so surprised by the appearance of Cash, she had failed to notice the sexual activities going on in the room.

Stori was sitting on Memphis’s lap, fucking herself on his cock. He was holding her by the waist and was jerking her up and down his shaft as she faced him, her legs were pushed back and the heels of her feet were on the chair behind his head. Memphis jerked her up and down faster on his slick cock. Beth could only watch as Stori’s head fell back, giving total control over to Memphis.

“I’m glad you enjoy watching too.” Razer’s thumb reached up to stroke her nipple through the leather, raising the nub to a hard aching peak.

Beth didn’t say anything, just stood there as his thumb began its torment.

“As you can deduce, Stori is very limber. That’s how she got her nickname. Because every member had a story to tell about the position she could get you off in.”

“Her nickname?” Beth said in confusion.

“Yeah, the guys name the women.” His rough jaw nudged her head towards Evie who was on her knees in the corner sucking off Train.  His hands were making a mess of the woman’s hair as he used it to guide her on his cock. “Evie was given her name because she is so… so…  tempting.” Razer’s hand that had been holding the icy cold beer slid under her skirt to pulled her panties aside finding find her already slickened clitoris. His ice cold touch had her standing on tippy toes trying to get away at first, then seconds later to guide him in his movements.

Beth felt self-conscious momentarily until she realized that no one could see Razer’s movements behind the enclosed bar. His hand that had been tormenting her nipple left to raise the back of her skirt showing the thong she wore. The tiny pink strip barely visible between her creamy butt cheeks, his hand returned to her midriff, his thumb again finding her nipple. His hips pressed into her without the smooth leather between her ass and his jean-covered cock. She unconsciously wiggled back against him as he rubbed and stroked her clitoris hidden from view by the rest of the room by the tall bar. Unable to help herself, her head fell back onto his shoulder.

“Ember?” Again his cheek nudged her towards the strawberry blond that was sitting by Nickel, drinking a beer and was casually talking as if nothing was going on around her. “She is slow to start, but when she does her pussy is like an inferno.”

Beth was close to climaxing. Razer was seducing her with his words and fingers. No one looking at them would know what was going on behind the bar. The illusion of privacy allowed Beth to participate without the guilt of recriminations storming her, drowning out everything she believed herself incapable of doing.

Her head moved of its own accord to Jewell who was sitting on Knox lap with the other woman. She was kissing the other woman while casually stroking Knox’s cock through his pants. The three were in their own little world.  As she watched, one by one they stood and walked to the stairway.

“Jewell was given her name because her,” his hand in her panties pressed roughly against her clitoris before two fingers pressed against it tightly. Holding it in a firm clasp. Not hurting, but preventing her from climaxing, which is what she was about to finally accomplish. “Is like a precious ruby, all red and glistening when you’re going down on her.”

A whimper escaped, her hand shakily reached out to grasp the bar. When she finally managed to gain momentary control her eyes once again fell to Cash and the three women. They were getting tired of being ignored. Natasha flounced off and was soon on the lap of another member.  Dawn with a pout found a seat next to Sam, who for once was sitting by herself with a bottle of whiskey in her hands.

Bliss also disheartened, turned to leave, but with a snap of his wrist, Cash pulled her back. The small woman was lifted off her feet and within the blink of an eye was pressed back against the wall he had been leaning with her legs wrapped around his lean waist. Two of Razer’s fingers suddenly drove deep within her and he begin thrusting harder and she rose even higher on her toes as she watched Cash hands adjust his pants to pull out his hardened cock to place a condom on just before he shoved it in a withering Bliss who was obviously having issues accepting his large cock.. The woman arched as he fucked her hard. Beth thought he might be too rough, considering the pounding she was taking, but the look on her face was one of ecstasy, not pain.

“Now Bliss, I can’t give an informed opinion about, but the men say that her pussy is like dying and going to heaven.” With a scissoring motion of his fingers and a brush of his thumb against his against her clitoris, she came. She raised her hand and bit into it to keep from screaming and drawing everyone’s eyes to her. When Beth’s spasm’s stopped, Razer removed his fingers gently, smoothing down her skirt before stepping away to wash his hands in the sink behind them. 

Beth picked up her glass, taking a long drink, trying to calm her body down.

A half-empty whiskey bottle was sat on the counter in front of her.

“Come on Razer, I’m bored, let’s go upstairs and play. You can come back down here later.” She waved her hand at Beth “She can come too, I’ll show her how you really like it.”

“Get gone, Sam,” Razer said, turning back from the sink.

Sam narrowed her eyes. “Since when do you say no to a threesome? Damn girl, we need to go upstairs and you can show me a thing or two. All this time I thought you were a tight ass little virgin. You been getting it and keeping it a secret?”

Sam reached out for the whiskey bottle, but Razer took it away, setting it back behind the counter where she couldn’t reach it.

“You know the rules, you can’t get drunk or your escorted home. You ready to leave?”

“I am not drunk.” With a shrug, she gave Beth a sweet smile that didn’t reach her hardened eyes. “I can find someone else to play with tonight, maybe tomorrow, Razer? I need a little maintenance work from you.”

“What does she mean?” Razer gave Sam an angry glare, but didn’t try to stop her explaining.

              “Don’t tell me Razer hasn’t showed off his special skill with that razor of his. He keeps all the girls nice and neat. Buys special lotions for just that purpose, he’s an expert at it, he never nicks the flesh. Always does it before he goes down on you.” Sam could see she had struck her target a huge blow. “Later, Razer.”  The women both knew Razer would be back in her bed, it was only a matter of time. Beth tried hard not to throw up, bringing a shaking hand up to cover her face until she could regain control.

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