Rayven's Keep (9 page)

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Authors: Kylie Wolfe

BOOK: Rayven's Keep
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Nick’s touch had been tender. Intimate. It left her yearning for...what? She wasn’t sure, didn’t want to name it, so she concentrated on calming her erratic heartbeat and bringing the fine trembling in her limbs under control.

He wasn’t gone long, but it gave her enough time to regain her composure.

“What’s next?” She asked, surprised and pleased her tone only held curiosity.

“We contact your grandfather and fill him in on what you’ve been up to.”

“Do we have to? He’s not an easy man to deal with and he’s going to be furious with me.”

“And so he should be. You put yourself in danger, lied about what you were doing and were lucky to get off Lodestone with your life.” Nick’s tone was implacable.

She flinched, but she set her jaw.

“He needs to know you are safe, and he needs to know about Anto Geir. He could very well be the one pulling the strings behind the scenes. Your grandfather needs to protect his investments and investors, because I have a feeling Lodestone Mining is going to crash and burn before we’re done here.”

Her shoulders slumped. Nick was right. She knew it, but would rather walk across broken glass barefoot than deal with her grandfather when he was displeased with her. And he was going to be upset when he found out what she’d done. Very upset.

The front door opening and the sound of voices drew their attention. Footsteps headed their way. Nick stepped away from her and she tried not to be disappointed as they waited to see what the commotion was all about.

“Delivery for you Tru,” Seth announced, coming into the room.

The sturdy pale pink travel locker he held would survive rough handling. Absurdly pleased by the color and graceful lines of the locker, she was willing to bet her last credit this was not what Nick expected if his expression was anything to go by. Stunned disbelief followed by outrage, and then weary acceptance. It was priceless.

“Don’t tell me. The clothing from Briella’s?”

Tru rushed to the locker, ignoring his pained look. She wasted no time in unbuckling the straps and opening the lid to reach the clothing inside.

“Yep.” There was laughter in Seth’s voice.

Beautiful jeweled tone fabrics spilled over the sides as Tru rummaged through, admiring the texture and cut of the clothing inside. They were made for hard travel all right, but fashionably simple and of the best quality. Everything she saw was as far from the utilitarian and dull items Nick wanted as day was from night.

“I need to change into something presentable if we’re going to talk to my grandfather. Will one of you carry the trunk upstairs so I can get ready?”

Seth started to reach for the locker, but Nick nudged him aside. She exchanged a quick amused look with him as Nick hefted the locker and proceeded out the door. She couldn’t suppress the delighted smile on her face and was glad he couldn’t see it. Seth winked at her when she passed him and was whistling a merry tune as he followed them out the door.

Once in her room, she asked Nick for scissors. He didn’t ask why, but his baffled expression said it all. As soon as he left her alone she set to work trimming her hair. She removed the ragged knife-cut edges and shaped it to lie in loose curls framing her face. She was happy with the results. The shorter hair drew attention to her large blue eyes and flattered her heart-shaped face. She looked less like a ragged urchin and more like the granddaughter of a successful businessman. The curls also camouflaged the bruising on the side of her face better than she’d anticipated. If she was careful how she turned her head, her grandfather might not even notice.

She rummaged through the clothing to find something she liked. She smoothed the material of the short, military-cut jacket, delighted in the feel of the supple fabric. She couldn’t resist another peek in the mirror and grinned at her reflection.

Durable, lightweight black material encased her legs and fell in a straight line to her feet. Her new clothing was designed to handle travel well. The cut and fit of the garments was flattering without being confining. She slipped her feet into butter-soft boots and adjusted the narrow belt at her waist before she left the room. Stylish clothing bolstered her sagging ego, and would give her the courage she would need to talk to her grandfather. At least, she hoped so. Ignoring the nerves dampening her palms, she went in search of Nick.

Conversation stopped when she entered his office. The three men watched her move across the room with varying degrees of appreciation, but the flash of heat in Nick’s eyes put a smile on her face. Feeling more confident, she met his eyes and held his gaze for one long moment before letting hers drop away.



Chapter 8


Damn it, was she flirting with him? Nick snapped his mouth shut and struggled to find the threads of the conversation he’d been having before she came into the room and turned his brain to mush. Surely, Tru wasn’t aware of his attraction, not after he’d gone to such pains to keep it hidden. He shot a glance her way and wasn’t sure if he was relieved or pissed when he realized she was laughing at something Seth said, her back to him. His fingers clenched and he forced them to relax until they rested against his thigh.

“Let’s get this over with.” Nick’s voice was gruff, and he could have bitten his tongue out when the happy glow left her eyes. Mentally cursing, he kept his face impassive. Moving fast, he went to the callscreen and motioned for Tru to follow.

“We need to contact your grandfather privately,” he said.

“I understand. He has a channel solely for family use. He’ll stop whatever he’s doing to answer it.”

“Good.” Nick drew in a deep breath and her delicate scent instantly assailed him.

The pulse in his head pounded and his control slipped another notch. He wanted to touch her, tempted beyond bearing by the silky curls waiting for him to run his hands through them. His mouth tightened into a thin line, and he took a small step away as he waited for her to open the channel to her grandfather. His gaze wandered around the room with his determination to keep his focus off her and his ability to think intact.

“Tru? Where are you? Are you all right?” The voice was deep and demanding, drawing Nick’s reluctant attention back to Tru and the man on the viewscreen.

He couldn’t help but notice the tears brightening her eyes once she saw her grandfather’s face, and he fought the temptation to go to her. He was relieved when she straightened her shoulders and blinked the moisture away.

“I’m fine. I just got myself in a little trouble,” she answered. Lifting her chin, she offered a serene smile. Nick glanced at her, wondering where the hell it came from. In their short acquaintance, he’d seen various sides to her, but serenity wasn’t something he would ever associate with her.

“What kind of trouble? Where the hell are you?”

“She’s with me for the moment.” Nick moved to Tru’s side so he was visible on the callscreen. “She’s safe, but we have a situation and you need to be made aware of it.”

“Who are you?” Maddox’s voice was razor-edged, demanding. “And what the hell are you doing with my granddaughter?”

Maddox’s bushy white eyebrows rose over his shrewd laser blue eyes. His frown was fierce, brooking no opposition, his authority clear in his unbowed posture. He exuded the energy of a much younger man and was not what Nick had expected at all. Revising his misconception, he realized it was what made Maddox Creighton rich and successful. He was a powerful man, used to having his own way, and it showed. Nick’s respect for the man grew.

“Nick Rayven. Rayven Security,” Nick answered. “Tru asked for my help when she ran into a problem on Lodestone.”

“Lodestone? Are you insane? What kind of game of you playing here, Rayven?” His tone was sharp, his eyes flickering between Tru and Nick. “If this is a joke, I can assure you, I am not amused in the least.”

“Grandfather, this isn’t a joke. Nick is telling the truth. I...ah...went to Lodestone instead of going to Tuor to visit a friend like I told the family. I got into some serious trouble and Nick rescued me.” Tru’s eyes pleaded for understanding. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

Maddox’s face softened when he looked at her and Nick could see the strong bond between them. He looked away, giving them a moment to talk privately to each other, and to contend with the upsurge of longing he hadn’t expected. It grabbed him by the throat making it hard to breathe.

Family. The word wrapped around him like a shroud, bringing with it the haunting ache that left him feeling as if his heart should cease to beat. Home. Connection. Irrevocably gone. He fought against the flood of memories crowding his mind, and by sheer force of will, pulled himself out of the abyss yawning under his feet. Therein lay madness. He clamped down on the past and pushed it away with iron control. Air expanded his lungs, his heart continued to beat, but the ache remained a constant presence nothing could heal.

“Tell me what happened, Rayven? Is it true what Tru said? Lodestone Mining is cheating its investors and falsifying its records?” Maddox’s question was as close to a request as any man in his position was capable of making and brought Nick back to the present with a jolt.

He felt off balance and frustrated with himself. To lose his concentration like this and to dwell so much in his past was unsettling. He prided himself on his ability to cut to the heart of a matter and get a job done. Rayven Security was successful because of his focus, something he knew the other man understood. A company like Creighton Mutual took a tremendous amount of drive and determination to build, and its leader’s strength reinforced its reputation. It was the same drive Nick poured into his own business. If he continued to lose his concentration like this, his company would suffer.

Tru must have sensed his turmoil because she put her hand on his arm, offering comfort. He stiffened, but then forced his muscles to relax. He looked down at her, perplexed by the sweetness of her smile, trying to gather his scattered thoughts. Delicate tendrils of awareness spun between them, reaching into the dark places he kept hidden, soothing the sorrow. It left him confused and yearning for things he long denied. Relief and regret shuddered through him when she removed her hand, breaking the tenuous connection.

“I had one of my men review the data Tru provided. He did some cross checking of his own and it looks like she was definitely on to something. I don’t know how involved Malvin Sonne is with what is happening on Lodestone, but Anto Geir, the Operations Manager, is definitely dirty,” Nick answered.

“Malvin Sonne? The President of Lodestone Mining? You think it has gone so high in the organization?” Maddox looked thoughtful for a moment, his mouth tightening. “I wondered why Malvin was here on Bretonne. He doesn’t usually attend my annual investor meeting, preferring to send a subordinate.” An arrested expression came into his eyes as he continued, “Come to think of it, he usually sends Anto Geir in his place. Damn it, I don’t like this at all. Although it does make sense now as to why Sonne is nosing around and asking questions about Tru and the friends she was supposed to be visiting. He has seemed inordinately curious about her exact whereabouts.”

Maddox frowned at Tru and she squirmed. “I’ve never even met the man.”

“As far as he knows, you are still visiting friends. As far as I knew, that was the truth until this conversation.”

“I think it would be best Sonne continues to believe she’s in Tuor,” Nick interjected, drawing Maddox’s attention. “Until we know for sure what is going on it would be best if she remains with me. I get the impression Geir knew she wasn’t who she claimed to be, but he couldn’t get his hands on the data she has and needs to find her. It wouldn’t be safe for her to return home until we get to the bottom of this.”

“What makes you think she would be safer with you, Rayven?” Maddox barked, “I don’t know you, don’t trust you and I sure as hell don’t like the idea of my granddaughter being in your company.”

“Fair enough,” he replied. “I’m sure I would feel the same way if I were in your position. I’m also sure you have already initiated a search of information on me and on my business. It won’t tell you much.”

“So I noticed.” Her grandfather’s smile was all teeth and sharp enough to cut metal as he studied Nick. Nick matched the smile, not giving an inch.

* * * *

Tru edged away from the callscreen. She hated being caught between two powerful, determined men. Even Callen and Seth watched intently, their stances showing they were alert to every nuance. It made the hair at the nape of her neck stand on end.

“I’m also sure you know my reputation and it means more to you than any official report, which can be easily manipulated. You also know I’m going to put a serious dent in your funds to protect Tru. I don’t work for free. Let me do my job, Creighton. I’m very good at it.”

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