Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (92 page)

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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I took one last look at him, his eyes a mixture of confusion, anger, and sadness. It was unbearable.

I turned, opened the door and walked back into the pouring rain.

Five steps into his yard, I fainted, my body falling heavily into a muddy puddle.


“Thank you, Doctor.”

I heard a door close and I opened my eyes, wincing at the blinding bright light overhead. Moaning, I grabbed my aching head and looked around.

Machines beeped next to me, and River stood at the end of the bed gazing at me.

“Where am I?”

“Mercy General Hospital,” he replied.


“Yep. A few of them. I should have taken you to the hospital the last two times, apparently. The doctor is worried that maybe you're a battered wife or something. I'm glad you're awake so you can tell them they were indeed accidents. Hopefully, you can leave out the part about my sister pistol whipping you? As a favor to me? It's been a little hard for me to explain. I'm still not convinced they aren't going to charge me with assault.”

“Oh, my god. Of course. I'll explain everything.”

“Thank you.” His voice was soft and gentle, his touch even more so as he caressed my head and kissed my forehead.

“River, I'm so sorry for everything. You must hate me. I barreled my way into your life and you've been nothing but kind to me and I keep interfering.”


“I feel like such a fool. You're so sweet and forgiving and I just got so upset about that stupid hooker money you left me and then I thought your sisters were know -”


“I couldn't even follow the most simple instructions and as much as I tried to stay away from you, I couldn't stop thinking about you, and then when you asked me to help you, I thought, maybe, just maybe -”

“Dixie! HUSH!”

I stopped and gazed at him through my tears.

“Okay, um....s-sorry....”

“Enough with the apologizing, Dixie. Listen to me. First of all, you need to know I left you that money to pay for your fucking cab fare! We left your car at the bar and I had some club shit to deal with early the next morning. I never meant to insult you, and I certainly never for once thought you were a whore!”

“Oh!” Could I climb even higher on the idiot scale? I had never felt so dumb. Of course it was for cab fare. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Yeah. I just thought you would figure that out. I can see now why you would think differently, after the incident with Spider at the bar, but you thought wrong.”


“Right. Dixie, look at me.” I had dropped my gaze, shame and embarrassment filling my every pore. I had been wrong all along. I had caused so much trouble because I had been wrong and misunderstood his gentlemanly gesture of paying for my cab.

His finger pulled my chin up, forcing me to gaze into his blue eyes.

“I love you, Dixie. I don't know how you did it, but you got under my skin. I thought my skin was way too thick for anyone to get under it, but you and your wacky ways have endeared me to you. I don't know what that means, though. I have no idea what my life would look like with you in it. And honestly, I don't know how my sisters are going to react to all of this, but frankly I don't give a shit. But I can promise you that they won't hit you over the head and tie you up ever again, okay? I'm the one who needs to apologize here. I should have taken you to the hospital before. I feel so guilty for not doing that.”

“The doctors say you need to stay here for a few days of observation, but after that you should be back home and feeling better. They just need to monitor the swelling in your head, and get a statement from you. They said they're optimistic that you will recover just fine.”

“That's good.”

“It is, isn't it? Although, I still think we need to invest in a few helmets if we're going to be hanging out together. I'm so sorry I didn't take you to the hospital earlier.”

“I'm not.”

“Well, you should be. I feel like a complete asshole that I -” his eyes raked across my body as he continued, “- took advantage of you in those moments. We should have been racing to the hospital, but I was racing to get you naked.”


“Yes, Dixie?”

“I forgive you. If you forgive me. And if you promise me one more thing?”


“That no matter what our life together looks like, you'll always leave that mirror hanging above your bed.”

His laughter roared down the hallway and he leaned down to gently to brush his lips against mine.

“Deal. But you have to promise me something, too.”


“That the next time you want to see what's happening in my house, you just walk in the door.”



☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼


Hawk’s helmet slid off his stringy blonde hair.  He hooked it onto the handlebars of his Harley and strutted into the clubhouse with the confidence of a winning thoroughbred.  Clad in black leather and denim, he was all muscle and grit, a burgeoning force of masculinity that caused every head to turn his way.  

Some days were good.  But other days were bad. 

Today was really fucking bad.

And every single member of the club knew to stay out of Hawk’s way on those days.

As he reached the bar, Two Dog Dave, his closest brother, handed him an open bottle of Jack Daniels.

“They’re waitin’ for ya, boss.” Two Dog nodded towards a long hallway.  Hawk grabbed the bottle, downed a huge gulp of whiskey and thundered down the hallway.

“I’ll be out in a few hours.  Don’t disturb me.”  Hawk grunted.

As if Two Dog didn’t know.  He’d just as soon interrupt the boss right now as shoot his own head off.  Even the greenest prospect would know not to interrupt the boss during his unwinding time.

Especially on a day like today.

Hawk was a true MC president, and when it came time for the dirty part of the job, he was the first one to get his hands filthy.

A man like that needed to let off a little steam afterwards.  If he didn’t - if he bottled up that energy, kept those intense feelings from escaping - it could eat a man alive.  And Hawk knew that.  He watched it happen time and again to men in the outlaw life.  And he was determined to not let it happen to him.

Luckily, he had the perfect outlet. And plenty of resources to keep him interested.

He took another swig off the bottle and opened the door at the end of the hall.  Pausing a moment to take in the scene, he poured more liquor down his throat, slammed the door closed with his black leather boot, and narrowed his intense gaze.

“Looks like you ladies got started without me.”

Desiree, Alice, and Gypsy’s nude limbs were tangled together in a hot mess on the bed in the middle of the room as they looked over at him.  The girls laughed, and slowly untangling themselves, they silently rose from the bed and stood in front of Hawk.

“On your knees,” he commanded, with a nod of his head.

Swiftly they obeyed. The soft thud of their knees hitting the floor was the only sound in the room.  With their eyes open wide, they stared up at him.  He towered over them, his gaze raking over their smooth, perky breasts.  

“Goddamn, y’all are fucking beautiful.”  Hawk looked into each of the girl’s twinkling eyes, shaking his head.  “This is exactly what I need.”

The three women continued to smile at him, the desire to please this gorgeous man standing above them coursing through their aching, writhing bodies.  Each of them would have the privilege of fucking Hawk, the question was who would be first?  

It didn’t really matter.  They knew they would leave the room feeling beyond satisfied.  With a man like Hawk, a man that oozed masculinity like that?  There was no way you could be disappointed.

“Take out my cock.”

Like hungry wolves, the women unzipped his jeans and pulled his thick hardness into view. Without needing any further instruction, the trio of women began devouring his huge sex.  Three tongues slid up and down his velvety shaft as their thick lips took turns engulfing the head of his cock, sliding him deep into the heat of their hungry mouths, one after the other.

Hawk’s hands caressed their hair, his cock thrusting deeply as they knelt before him. Their hands and lips expertly pulled and sucked on his engorged shaft.  He moaned above them, pressure mounting deep inside him as the stresses of his day melted from his mind in short flashes of memory.  

Violent images he wanted desperately to forget ripped through his brain as Gypsy took him completely into her mouth and Alice’s tongue caressed his balls below her.  

The shiny metal of a gun, and a pool of blood flooded his mind as he remembered what he had done mere hours ago, the images relentlessly flashing in his brain.  Like polaroids of his sins, he was haunted by them.  If he could have done his work with his eyes closed he would have, for this very reason.  He couldn’t get those polaroids out of his head.  Unless he was doing this.  


With every stroke and with every new woman quivering below him, he imagined he was burning each picture that tore through his head.  

His thrusts became more forceful and with each push into Gypsy’s mouth, he tried to fuck away the memories of the all the shit he wanted desperately to forget. 

It was the only thing that still worked. And thank fucking God it did.

Drinking stopped working long ago. And drugs only made it worse. Letting it all drift way with each orgasm was the only thing left.  With every different mouth and pussy he exploded into, he could almost forget every bad thing he had ever done for the club.

Of course, it didn’t really work - not in the long run.  But for a moment? In that moment of release, when the pleasure coursing through his cock became the only thing in the universe that mattered?  Then and only then could he forget.  It was a brief moment of relief, but it was better than none at all.

Alice’s mouth was even hotter than Gypsy’s and her tongue swirled around his long cock as Hawk fucked his cock into her open mouth.

She engulfed him, sucking and stroking his swelling cock as he groaned loudly and stiffened above her.  He shuddered violently as he thrust deeply into her throat, his explosion warm and smooth.

Tension melted away from Hawk’s body, his shoulders lowered and his breath deepened with each pulse of his throbbing cock.

The smell of gunpowder and blood filled his nostrils, and he shook his head frantically, trying to erase the memory.  His wet cock twitched as he pulled it from Alice’s mouth.

“Need more!”

“On the bed, ladies.”  He barked the instructions, his politeness having fallen away as his need to eradicate the images in his head overshadowed his gentleness.

The ladies knew.  They understood perfectly.  And they were happy to provide the service.  In addition to the protection that being part of the MC provided, being fucked by Hawk’s perfect cock was enough to make any woman happy - it didn’t matter if it didn’t they mean anything to him.

This was the life.

And this was the price.

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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