Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (128 page)

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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I didn’t want to hurt her.  And yet I wanted to fuck her so hard and for so long, that it would be impossible not to.

My eyes trailed down her body, her bikini top reminding me of the first day she had shown up at the shop.  My cock twitched when I remembered the feel of her tightness wrapped around me, and as I caressed her now, my lips trailing along her luscious skin, tasting her, licking her, sucking the soft flesh of her neck between my lips — I knew I would never be able to stop.  

It didn’t matter that she was Harley’s sister.

It didn’t matter that she was too young.

It didn’t matter that having her in my life could be dangerous for her.

It didn’t matter that if I let her, she could rip open my heart and kill any bit of love I still possessed.

All that mattered was right here, right now — and, as she moaned and cooed under my touch in the dimly light room — that was all I could see.

Throwing all reason and caution to the wind, I untied her bikini top from around her neck, pulling the fabric down and exposing her perfect tits to my hungry eyes once again.  As soon as my lips engulfed her nipple, the passion inside me exploded and I was filled with the savage hunger of a starving man.

I devoured her.  Inch by luscious inch, I consumed her.

Not one spot of her flesh was safe against my assault as I licked and bit and kissed her everywhere I could reach.  Roughly, I sucked her nipples into my mouth.  She cried out as she pulled my head into her, her fingers sinking into my hair.

I stood up, removed my boots and jeans as quickly as I could, and then pulled her skirt off of her before I stopped to drink her in again.  She smiled up at me, wiggling like a concubine trying to entice her suitor.

I wanted to go slow, I really did.  But it was impossible, as I had done nothing but think of this moment for days, and all I wanted was to get inside of her, to taste her, as fast as I could.  But this wasn’t just all about me, and I somehow found the strength to take a deep breath as I pulled her panties over her hips and down her thighs, before throwing them on the ground behind me.

Running my hands up and down the inside of her thighs, I delighted in the vision of her wiggling and straining under my touch.  I pulled my mouth down, trailing kisses up her thighs, first one then the other, going as slow as I could find the strength to, until I reached her center.  Her pussy was absolutely beautiful, and as soon as my tongue licked her clit, she cried out, her body pressing up to me, begging for more.

I dove into her delicious center, devouring her slowly at first, and then sucking her swollen clit into my mouth rhythmically. She tasted like heaven, and I moaned into her.  My fingers entered her, her wetness seeping over my hand as I fucked into her soft pussy, licking and suckling at her juices as I pleasured her.  The feel of her body under me was amazing, and as I slowly coaxed her pleasure from her undulating body, her moans and whimpers filled my ears, until I felt her spasming around my hand, her body clenching onto me, her hips dancing around  ecstatically.

My heart filled with joy knowing I was pleasing her and as her moans quieted, she pulled me up to her face, her kisses soft and sweet as she clutched at my shoulders.

“Oh, Mason…”  she cried, as I slid my hardness into her.  She was so tight, so wet, and pure paradise as I rocked into her, my senses heightened and tuned into every move she made under me.  Once again, I melted into her, my head lost in the pleasure of her, the pain of her, and all of it mingling together until there was no difference, it was all the same, and whatever was going on outside of this room didn’t exist, as long as we were here, as long as we were together.

All that was ever going to be, was right here in this moment.

Our bodies danced together as she met my every thrust, hers a perfect fit for mine.  My passion built as she slid up and down my growing cock, the pressure so painful and yet so amazing that I didn’t want to stop, and when I felt my release rising in the pit of my stomach, I slowed down, despite the intense urge to come.  

I didn’t want it to end.  In the back of my mind, the last thing I wanted was to return to reality, to some sort of existence that didn’t include Rebel, that didn’t include the pleasures of Rebel’s body.

I kissed her again, over and over, our lips unable to resist the pull of sliding against each other, just as my cock was experiencing with her perfect pussy.  Just as I was contemplating staying in this room with Rebel forever, she began pushing back at me hard, her own need rising again and taking over.

As her spasms began, her body milking me, squeezing me with her own release, my body betrayed my best intentions and the pressure building inside me spilled out, my cock hammering in and out of her, the speed of my hips increasing as I slammed into her roughly, harder and harder until there was nothing left but the sound us trying to catch our breath as I lay gently on top of her.

Her breasts were soft and heaving against my chest, and I pulled her into me, wanting her as close to me as I could get her as our kisses turning gentle and soft.

After a moment, I pulled away slightly, smiling down at her once again.

“Oh, Rebel…” I said, kissing her neck, and laying my head against her, as I caressed her nipple with my hand.

“I love you, Mason.” She whispered in my ear, so soft, so quiet I almost didn’t hear her.  But I did and it stopped me dead in my tracks, as I stiffened against her.

“I —,” 

“MASON!”  Harley’s voice bellowed down the hallway, his footsteps coming closer and closer as I looked down at Rebel still impaled on my still swollen cock below me.

“Fuck!” We both exclaimed, jumping to our feet and scrambling to put our clothes back on.

“Stay here!” I told her. “Hide!”  

She looked at me questioningly for a split second, but she did as I asked, running into the bathroom and closing the door behind her after scooping up her clothes.

I don’t know why I told her to hide, but it would haunt me for the rest of my life.  If I had known that making a different choice in that moment would change the future, I would have done it in a heartbeat.

But life doesn’t work that way, and so it was.

I was pulling on my boots just as Harley knocked on the door.  I opened it, blocking the doorway, hoping like hell he didn’t come in.

“Hey, buddy,” I said to him, doing my damnedest to keep a straight face.

“There you are.  I hadn’t seen you in a while.  You okay?” “Yeah, sure, just fine,” I replied.

He squinted his eyes at me, looking me over curiously.

“You alone in there?” he asked.

“Nah, man.  Just hanging out with Becky for a minute.”  I prayed Becky wasn’t anywhere close by.

“Oh.  Cool, cool, man.  Sorry to interrupt.”  He turned to walk down the hallway, and as I watched him walk away, my stomach dropped.  I had never lied to Harley before Rebel came along, and now it was becoming a habit that I was not fond of at all.

“Fuck.”  I closed the door softly, turning to stare straight into Rebel’s angry eyes.

“Becky?” she asked.

“Fuck, Rebel.  What do you want me to do?  This isn’t a good time, and I am in no mood to get in a fight with Harley tonight.”

“Yeah, right.”  She said, turning away from me, her eyes darkening with pain.

I stood there contemplating what to do, but she took my contemplation as something else entirely, because it only seemed to anger her even more.

“Whatever, Mason.  I get it…”  She walked past me without meeting my eyes, opened the door and thundered down the hallway without so much as a backward glance.

Letting her walk way was another moment that would replay in my head over and over.  

Life is full of choices, and sometimes you make the right ones, but way too often you make the bad ones, the ones you wish you could go back and do over. But that’s the cruel part of it all, isn’t it?

You only get one shot.

And you’d better not fuck it up, because you’re the one that has to live with the consequences.

As I walked out of the clubhouse, I heard the roar of a motorcycle start up.  As I looked in the direction of the sound, I saw Rebel backing her bike up and then roaring off down the street, the ends of her gorgeous black hair sticking out of her helmet and flying behind her as she sped away all alone into the night.

I contemplated going after her, but didn’t.  That was bad fucking choice number three, and at this point, I was on a roll.



My body shuddered in release as Becky wiggled her hips under me. I held onto them, pressing into her deeply as we came together, her tight body bent over the side of my desk.

I buckled up, disappointed that my encounter with her hadn’t done much to relieve my stress.  When she had walked into my office an hour ago, expressing her unfulfilled needs, thanks to Mason, I was amused at first.  But then, I thought, why the hell not?  I hadn’t fucked anyone all week.  I had been staying up late at night and waking up early in the morning, and spending every waking moment either stressing out about the meeting tomorrow or stressing out about Rebel.

Mostly about the meeting.  I had come to the slow conclusion that Rebel was a grown woman, and could make her own decisions.  I was going to provide her whatever support I could to start her adult life, but the reality of the situation was that she was going to do what she wanted, no matter what I thought.

And if doing what she wanted included Mason, who was I to stop her?  She could do a lot worse.  Mason was a stand-up guy, and he would never hurt her.  He had always been there for me, and it was obvious that Rebel’s appearance back in our lives was tearing him apart. 

The chemistry between the two of them freaked me out, I had to admit, but it was undeniable when you were in the room with them.  It was certainly real, and it yet it definitely wasn’t there when we were all kids together.

Mason’s resistance had been admirable, considering the look in his eye every time he looked, or avoided looking, at Rebel.  And he had been doing it all for me.

I almost felt bad for him. Especially when Becky told me what happened.  

“Hey, Becky, enjoy the rest of your night, sweetheart.”  I stuck a wad of cash in the bra that she had just put on, and gave her a quick kiss at the same time.

She laughed, running her fingers through my hair as she looked up at me.

“I feel like I should be paying you, Harley.  I think your cock is bigger than your bike.”

“Oh, darlin’, you are too kind.  It only feels that way, because your pussy is tight as a glove.”  I winked at her, kissed her again, and left her in my office.  

I walked out, looking for Mason.

I checked outside first, the party still in full swing, with Maverick sitting in the middle of the stage, four girls stripping and dancing naked around him, all of them rubbing their bodies  against him.  Maverick had a shit eating grin on his face and an ass in each hand as he looked over at me, nodded and winked.

“Happy Birthday, old man!” I yelled to him, grateful he was having a good night before our job tomorrow.

There were still a few details I wanted to go over with Mason, and I walked back into the clubhouse to continue looking for him.  Mason was a known loner, and was often found closed away somewhere in a room by himself when there was a big crowd at the clubhouse.

He’d always been like that.  The silent, lonely guy that was there in a pinch anytime you needed something.

When he opened the door to the bedroom, he looked like he had just been shot.  His hair was disheveled, his clothes rumpled and he had red lipstick smeared across his cheek.

“Hey, buddy,” he said, his hands shaking as he stood in front of the door.

“There you are.  I hadn’t seen you in a while.  You okay?” I asked.   “Yeah, sure, just fine,” he replied, quickly looking over his shoulder behind him.

“You alone in there?” I asked.

“Nah, man.  Just hanging out with Becky for a minute.” 

Um, what?  Becky was still in my office, peeling her naked body off my desk.  Why was he lying to me? 

Of course.  He was with Rebel.  

I felt my anger rise, and then fall just as quickly.  Whatever.  I was coming to tell him I approved of their relationship anyway, and if he wasn’t ready to tell me, then I could accept that.

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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