Raw Burn (Touched By You) (2 page)

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Authors: Emily Jane Trent

BOOK: Raw Burn (Touched By You)
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New Confidences

Natalie hadn’t been to Cheryl’s penthouse in quite a while. It wasn’t often that Cheryl was there, now that her life
revolved around Dani’s. Natalie sat like she had many times before, in Cheryl’s kitchen drinking tea, and enjoying having time to chat. She sipped her steaming tea, and nibbled at a cookie.

She really needed to confide in her friend, but before she got the chance, Cheryl blurted out
, “We got married.”

“What?” Natalie said, not believing what she’d just heard.

“Dani and I…we eloped,” she beamed. “I know it’s sudden. But I’m crazy about him, and he feels the same about me. We just didn’t want a big wedding. There’d be no way to keep it out of the press, and we just want some privacy. So, we went to a small chapel when we were last in Moscow, and got married.”

Cheryl held up her left hand that she’d been holding under the table to show off her new ring. It was
a diamond eternity band crusted with round-cut diamonds. “Dani had them crafted for us. His is gold and platinum with two rows of small embedded diamonds. Wait until you see it.”

“Wow, Cheryl…I’m so happy for you. I’m not surprised that you’d marry
Dani, but…you eloped…wow,” she exclaimed and leaned over to give her a hug.

Cheryl laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ll make up for it on the honeymoon. He’s tak
ing me to Greece, one of the most romantic places in the world. Look,” and with that Cheryl placed some brochures in front of Natalie. She leafed through the pages, stopping at the image of stark white buildings with blue domed roofs, on a hillside overlooking the bluest sea that she’d ever seen. Romantic didn’t begin to describe it.

Natalie was overcome with happiness for her dear friend, and at the same time
, a deep sadness gnawed at a pit in her stomach. She traveled everywhere with Tanner, and looked at her precious charm bracelet as clear evidence. But a honeymoon was so desirable, and likely something she’d never have - which brought her back to reality, and reminded her of the reason she needed to talk.

She hesitated, not wanting to take attention away from
the joyous announcement of the elopement. But Cheryl saw the shadow in her expression, and pounced on it.

“Don’t worry, honey. Tanner will come through. I have faith in him. Just give him time,” she said.

“It’s not that,” Natalie said. “I have worse problems.”

Cheryl raised an eyebrow, encouraging her to spill the details of whatever was troubling her.

“Oh Cheryl, you’re so happy. I don’t want to spoil it. It’s just that….,”

“What? It’s just that what?”

Natalie felt her stomach tighten like a fist, and tears well in her eyes. “I might be pregnant.”

The silence was deafening.

“Are you sure?” Cheryl asked, once she regained her voice.

“No, not yet,” Natalie said. “I missed my period. I’d been really emotional, and I just thought it was PMS. But then, my period was late. And then, it just didn’t come.”

“Did you do the home test?” Cheryl asked.

“No, I was afraid I’d fall apart if it showed positive. I know those tests aren’t always accurate, so I decided to see t
he doctor. I couldn’t handle it. If the home test was positive, and then I had to go to the doctor anyway to confirm, I’d be a wreck. So, I went to the doctor this morning, but it takes two or three days to get the results. I’m so miserable. What if I’m pregnant?”

Cheryl put her hand over Natalie’s and squeezed reassuringly. “Th
ere are worse things. And besides, you don’t know yet. Maybe you’re not.”

Tanner will explode,” Natalie whined.

“You don’t know that. Anyway, I thought you were getting the birth control shots every three months.”

“I have been. I swear. I’ve never been late. But the shots aren’t infallible. No birth control method is.”

Cheryl gave Natalie a hug, and smiled, “You have yourself all worked up,
and you don’t know for a fact that you have any issue. I say, try to stay calm, and in a couple of days you’ll know. You don’t give Tanner enough credit. He’s not the type to just leave you stranded.”

“Yes, but that’s not the same as wanting to marry me, is it? The last thing I want is for him to feel obligated and trapped. That was never what I wanted,” Natalie said,
wiping tears away.

“It will work out. I don’t know how, but it will. You are good for each other. Anyone can see that. Promise me you will try to relax until you know for sure.

Natalie sighed, and gave her friend a weak smile, “Okay, I’ll try.”
But she wasn’t sure she would be able to. Cheryl had made her feel better, but at that moment she had no idea how everything was going to work out. Feeling lost and adrift, she looked away to hide the depths of her emotion.


5 – Thoughts Of The Future

There was no way Natalie could mention to Tanner that she’d missed her period. If it turned ou
t she was really pregnant, she’d be forced to tell him. But not before.

she remained stressed, despite her promise to Cheryl to relax until she knew for sure. Relaxing was impossible. She phoned to check on Jazzy, since she’d recently moved into the new home with Ellis and was still working on some final upgrades in a couple of the rooms. Oh, if only Jazzy were the one to have a baby. That would be perfect. But not Natalie. Not now.

Jazzy filled her in on numerous details about her new home, and seemed thrilled about the whole process. Listening to her was a relief as it took Natalie’s thoughts away from her own troubles. But when Jazzy turned the conversation around
to ask about Natalie - she told her sister everything.

Jazzy listened wit
hout interrupting and reassured Natalie at the first opportunity. “Oh Natty….it will be okay. Even if you are pregnant, Tanner will understand. He loves you,” she said.

“He loves me, but we’ve never made
future plans. And we’ve never discussed children, ever. I don’t even know if Tanner wants to have a family. There’s so much I still don’t know about him.”

“Well, I know him, and I’ll be surprised if he’s not thrilled at the prospect.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Natalie said. “And we have trips to Milan and Paris over the next few months. Traveling, working, and being pregnant….I just don’t know how it would all work out. Oh, this is a mess.”

Later that evening at dinner with Tanner, it was difficult to fake a good mood.
And she had no appetite for the seafood stew Sara had served, although it was one of her favorite dishes. She’d never used the excuse of having a headache to avoid intimacy, and didn’t plan to start now. With all the inner fortitude she could muster, Natalie suppressed her anxiety, and focused on Tanner.

The man she loved more than anything in the world sat across from her.
A pang of guilt surfaced, reminding her of the potent secret she held close. With all her will, she pushed it aside. Tanner must not guess anything was wrong, and he knew her so well, that was going to be a difficult task.

He looked across, noting a rosy glow in her cheeks. And that pleased him. Together
, they’d taken advantage of Natalie’s newfound sexual freedom. She no longer had to hold back, and allowed Tanner into her fantasies which he enthusiastically embraced.

Former limits had fallen away, and he felt closer to her than he’d ever imagined he could. It occurred to him that he’d changed, and he rather liked it. His craving for Natalie had only increased, and there seemed no limit to how much he wanted her. He’d become insanely insatiable, and knew that she felt the same.

No longer interested in food, wine, or anything else, Tanner stood and swept Natalie into his arms and carried her to the playroom. She needed no encouragement, kissing his neck and pulling at his hair. Holding her easily in his arms, he paused before entering and kissed her with a passion that sent liquid heat to her loins.

His scent consumed her senses, and his hard, muscular body controlled her from the start. When he kicked the door closed behind them, and began slowly undressing her, nothing in the world mattered. Just being together
; that was everything. The hot desire that raged between them burned away any lesser emotions, and stilled time, if only for that brief interlude.


6 – Raw Burn

The fire inside them
raged with a fury, and they ripped each other’s clothes off, submitting to the raw burn. Tanner ran his hands down her ass, hips and thighs, caressing her wildly. She fisted his hair and pressed against his hard body, wanting him to devour her.

“You’re on f
ire,” he rasped, his hot breath on her cheek. He slicked a finger through the wetness seeping from her, and raised it to his lips. “You taste so sweet.”

He covered her mouth with his own,
struggling to satiate his overwhelming thirst for her. Desire boiled in his veins, and he held the back of her head, pressing her into his deep kiss. She arched her spine and let him drink deeply of her. His tongue touched and swirled against hers in his mad urge to possess her.

Natalie matched his wildness with her own, whimpering and grabbing at his hair and arms, anywhere she could touch him, feel him. His erection pressed between them, the urge
ncy of his need no secret. She couldn’t get enough of him, swallowing his deep moans as he kissed her violently.

Tanner’s hands slid along her ribs
, around her waist, and over the soft skin of her buttocks. He squeezed her in his palm, pressing her tightly to him. Her skin flushed with fevered arousal. Pressing her breasts into his strong chest, she ran her hands over his naked ass, and down his lean thighs. Her touching sent him over the edge.

Exploding, he lifted her up, his hands under her firm ass, and leaned her against a
nearby wall. A sexy thud against the wall sent a tingle through her. Tanner draped her legs over his shoulders, still holding her up in his palms with her back against the cool wall. In that position, her pussy was directly in line with his mouth.

He probed
the sweet cream of her sex with the tip of his tongue and she flooded with warmth. His tongue swept along the silky skin of her inner thighs. She moaned. His hungry mouth covered her wet slit, and he sucked in as if taking in life-giving air. The smell of her enraptured him and his cock lurched, his need not easily ignored.

The rapid strokes of his tongue,
deeper and deeper into her, made her wish he would provide the friction she needed. The little pebble at the apex tightened unbearably, and she panting faster. In the heat of her mounting excitement, he acquiesced to her painful need, and slid his tongue around her clit using just the right amount of pressure.

Natalie whimpered in a non-stop feminine cry as her only way to alleviate the mounting tension.
His wonderful tongue dipped into her sweet cream, lubricating his tantalizing flicks across her. Not realizing the nerve-wracking impact it would have, he sucked her and she cried out.

Sensing the pure pleas
ure he gave, he moaned into her and rubbed his tongue around the skin protecting her most sensitive area. Around and around, he coaxed her to the beginning of orgasm, keeping her held at a point of pre-tension. The intensity of sensation increased by the second, and she wanted nothing more than for him to continue licking her.

Tanner ki
ssed her sex and her thighs in a savage flurry, withdrawing the immediate stimulation of his tongue. She needed him to touch her where her pleasure was centered. The more he teased and caressed all around but not directly, the more insistent she became.

She felt his heavy breathing between her thighs, and pushed his head toward the desired target. He ran his tongue the entire length of her sopping wet opening, breathing in her sexual perfume. He flicked over the delicate skin at the top, her clit throbbing underneath. She pressed her head against the wall
, bracing against the overpowering erotic electricity taking over.

Tanner flicked rapidly over
her most sensitive spot, leaving her no choice but to submit. She prayed he wouldn’t stop, craving the friction against her swollen tissues. With animal fervor he rubbed and flicked, an erotic onslaught that she folded into, falling into the delicious waves of orgasm.

His mouth covered her sex, and all restraint left
her. She pressed her back against the wall, arching her spine, her muscles clenched in ecstasy. She moaned, a painful moan of release, long and high, gasping for breath at the end. Tanner felt the heavy pulsing, his lips touching her sweetness, his mouth covering her quivering pussy.

At last, she fell limp into his palms, and he lowered her, her feet touching the polished wood floor.
An electric thrill went through Tanner as her belly grazed across his heavy cock on the way down. He fisted his cock in two jerking motions, growling deep in his throat, and leaned down to Natalie’s petal-soft breast. Taking one of her distended nipples in his mouth, he sucked harshly, stirring new arousal deep in her core.

He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the plush bed.
Sitting with her on his lap, cradled in his arms, his gaze lingered for a protracted moment. Arching her spine and letting her hair flow down her back, grazing the satin sheets, she offered herself to him. Lowering his head over her chest, he sucked and bit her nipples like they were the most exotic treat in the world.

Weakness seeped into her muscles, and she pr
essed down against his hardness, scorching underneath her. Tanner reacted, knowing he couldn’t resist her cock-teasing motions. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, holding her head back.

“Still,” he commanded. She froze under his stern glare, unsure what the next second would hold. He pressed his hot lips to the underside of her neck and her
vagina clenched as if he’d pressed his lips directly into the new wetness flowing over her achy sex. His kiss burned against her raw skin, one kiss enough to propel her into a highly aroused state.

Pulling back, Tanner grabbed two pillows from the bed, stacking them on top of each other and placing her over the
m. Her back was on the bed, her slick opening propped high for easy access. He knelt on the floor before her and spread her thighs with his palms.

“So beautiful,”
he breathed, “so beautiful.” His let his words hang in the air as if mesmerized, his tongue raking across his lower lip.

“Put your hands over your head and grasp one of your wrists. Keep them there until I say otherwise.”

Natalie complied, watching him carefully. His hands rolled over her flawless skin, finding the curves of her figure, slowing to cup her firm breasts and flick across the tips of her nipples. Down his hands slid, over her ribs, dipping into the curve of her waist and around her hips. Her skin pebbled and tingled at his touch.

“Spread your legs
wide for me baby,” he said.

His words sent an erotic flush to her skin. She arched her back and opened for him, wanting to please him.

“Yes, keep them wide apart,” he said.

With her hips up high on the double pillows and her thighs spread wide, Natalie felt the cool ambient air blow across her wet opening. She closed her eyes, pressing her head against the mattress, gripping one wrist with her hands over her head. No defense against him was possible. She felt so naked, so open, and so turned on.

Tanner leaned up against the bed, rubbing his stiff erection in a furtive attempt to damp his need. He leaned over her, raking his tongue around her areola, never touching her distended nipples. His hot tongue slid between her breasts and down her belly. She moaned with anticipation.

With his fingers
he opened her outer lips, letting the teasing air in further. Holding her apart, he kissed the smooth skin of her mons in a loving, possessive gesture. His eyes drifted to the tattoo of his name, branded on her skin. He leaned over, biting the flesh of her hip, holding it in his mouth like he wanting to eat her alive.

l holding her open, he blew across her inner sex, and her clit tensed hard. Lightly, he blew up and down over her intimate area watching her eyes, shiny with arousal. From under the bed, he grabbed a flat box and found two nipple clamps. They looked a lot like clothes pins with cushioning on the inner surface, and had pink feathers dangling from them.

Natalie’s eyes widened when he clipped one on each tiny nipple, feeling the pinch.
The tight pinch sent a taught sensation directly to her sex as if a string linked her nipples to her clit. She heard her own panting, the only sound in the room. Not saying a word, Tanner went back to his play with her intimate area.

Parting her outer lips again, he slaked his tongue over her moist tissues and dipped it into her delicious cre
am. “Hmmm,” he purred, and dipped his tongue into her sweet pussy.

Holding her wide apart, he slipped two fingers into her wet slit, and Natalie g
asped. He moved his fingers in a fucking motion, feeling her tighten around them. With his other thumb he rubbed over the skin covering her tiny clenched pebble, continuing to slide his fingers in and out.

he pressure on her nipples and stimulation of her clit, combined with the decadent finger-fucking coaxed her toward another orgasm. She whimpered, panting in rapid gasps, and the muscles in her thighs tensed. Tanner showed no sign of letting up, and she had no thought of delaying her release, almost within reach.

Tanner played her clit like a fine instrument, leading her into a crescendo of intense pleasure. His other fingers slid in time with his expert touching and rubbing. He watched her eyes glaze over and her head roll to the side. His cock swelled to new proportions
at the sound of her piercing scream, strong erotic waves rocking her slender form.

Natalie screamed with abandon, pressing her
head hard against the bed. Gripping her wrist tightly, she nearly cut off circulation. Every muscle in her body clenched tight, and her toes curled, as the sweetness of the orgasm took over. Her nipples swelled under the torture of the clamps and her taught abdomen turned to steel.

Taking a few seconds to come back, she realized Tanner had re
moved the nipple clamps. He squeezed her breasts in his palms, enlivening the tortured tissue. She felt good, so good, like floating on a cloud in a dream. No strength was left in her body, and she thought to lift her head but could not.

put his arm under her shoulders. He kissed her flawless skin, under her jaw, around her temple and over her cheeks. She roused in his embrace and parted her lips for his tender, lustful kiss. He slanted his mouth over hers, his heat flooding her. She pressed back in a lip-bruising kiss, finding his tongue and loving it with her own.

Pulling back, Tanner looked into her deep brown eyes and said, “Turn over for me baby.” He rolled her onto her
stomach, positioning her ass up, high on the pillows. She was in a perfect position for spanking, but that wasn’t what he had in mind.

With strong hands he parted the cheeks
of her ass, and raked his thumb along the crack. She shuddered with sensation.

“Yes baby, let me have you.”

She pressed her breasts into the cool satin sheets, her thick hair flowing around her. She felt the tip of his thumb press against her tiny opening, and the feeling protracted into the depths of her vagina. She sighed and closed her eyes, intent on the sensation.

Tanner squeezed her bare ass in his palms and placed his cheek against her back, feeling the blood pulsing heatedly through her veins
, rising and falling with her heavy breathing. He massaged her ass, bringing new stimulation to her.

“I’m going to fuck you from behind,” he whispered and lifted his head to take in her reaction. She couldn’t fathom why just hearing him say the words was so damn sexy. Her eyes were open,
her excitement clear, sweeping away any inhibition.

Tanner parted her thighs and gripped the base of his blood-filled cock. His balls ached and his stiffened member lurched in his fist. Pre-cum dripped out, the thick tip covered with his male wetness. He touched the tip to her wet pussy, and groaned in a deep male voice.

Dipping past her outer lips, he pushed the tip an inch into her, and heard her whimper. He stopped, his breath heaving from his lungs, wanting to make this last. Pinned against the pillows, Natalie couldn’t pump her hips which gave him some reprieve. He knew if she moved it would be all over.

Easing his cock a little deeper, he felt it stretch her to fit him. The feeling was nearly more than he could take. He froze, not daring to move, just gazing at the erotic sight of Natalie splayed across the bed with her ass propped up for him to fuck. Unable to resist, he slid further, feeling her wet warmth su
rround him like a velvet glove.

“Oh God,” he said, and stopped moving, unsure how much longer he could hold out.

The position, with hips high and Tanner entering her from behind, rubbed Natalie’s sensitized vagina from a new angle. Even with his slow slide into her, she felt a heavy vibration of stimulation deep inside. She stayed very still, seeking to extend Tanner’s pleasure and her own.

g deeper, he filled her up. The fullness in her pussy, his swollen cock pulsing inside, tipped her over the edge. She fell into a mind-blowing orgasm before she could stop herself. The sudden, strong convulsions around Tanner’s hard cock pushed him over the precipice he’d been hanging above.

moaned with delight through her raging orgasm, clenching in a steady rhythm around Tanner’s burning cock. As her strong muscles massaged him with primal strength, he lost the last shreds of control and let go, pumping with ferocity. He moaned through ragged breath, coming with full force and releasing without restraint.

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