Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1) (3 page)

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Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

BOOK: Raven's Seduction (The Pleasure Pros #1)
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“Hello Raven, this is Gunner,” a completely sexy,
sultry voice said on the other end of the line.


“Hi Gunner, nice to meet you.”
that was pretty lame as well.
“I’m fascinated to know more about what you guys do there,” I added
trying to make intelligent conversation.


“When would you like to come in?” he asked.
“The only way to learn about us is to experience it first-hand.”


“Yeah, I guess that’s why I sent the text. My
ex will have our daughter next weekend, so will Friday or Saturday work?”


“How about I pick you up at nine o’clock
Friday evening, in front of the Excelsior Hotel?
I will have you back there by midnight
at the latest.”


“That will be fine.”
he has a sexy voice.


“I really look forward to meeting you,
I’m a sucker for black
hair and hazel eyes,” he replied in that sultry voice again.


“I can’t wait either,” I replied feeling as
giddy as a high school girl who had just been asked to the prom.


“Remember to bring five hundred in cash,” he
added before hanging up.


“Okay, I will.”
shit, five hundred dollars?
only did that curb the giddiness,
I suddenly felt
more like a curb crawler than a schoolgirl.
Neither Polly nor her friend had
mentioned the stiff fee.
I guess I
should’ve known that it would be costly.


I texted Amber to motivate her as well, but
she had become intent on waiting until I had returned safely.
Amber was the type who was always gung
ho, until it was actually time to commit.
I love her, but she’s kind of a chicken


I’m excited to meet Gunner
was my last thought before I finally drifted off to sleep with the help of two
slippery fingers.

Chapter 3

The Following Friday




Friday evening was another cold and misty one
in northern California as I stood outside of the Excelsior Hotel waiting to
meet a guy named Gunner.
What the hell am I doing?
The anticipation that I had been feeling
all week was slowly being replaced by an overwhelming urge to flee.
I felt a twinge in my stomach as I
stood there thinking about all the unknowns that lurked ahead.
did I decide to go first?
Amber was smart to wait until someone else had paved the way.
It would be reassuring to know someone
who had done this and made it back unscathed.
I forced a smile and lowered my head
as a couple passed by on the sidewalk.
Fuck, it’s freezing out here.
I felt a shiver run up my spine as a
black stretch limousine pulled into the driveway and stopped right in front of
Oh shit, now it’s too late to run.


“Are you Raven?” a cool, collected and
seriously sexy voice asked as the window began to descend.


“I am.” I nodded my head nervously.


“Excellent,” he said, opening the door and
stepping out to greet me.


“Hi Gunner, it’s nice to actually meet you,”
I replied, sticking out my hand.
Holy shit he is even hotter in person!
He had dark wavy hair with matching
eyebrows contrasted by perfect white teeth, gorgeous blue eyes, and a ruggedly
masculine jaw line.


, a
professional woman.
I like you
already,” he smiled, shook my hand and stood there looking all sexy in his partially
buttoned white cotton shirt and distressed jeans.


The smell of his cologne was just as
intoxicating as his chiseled features.
He stepped aside and motioned for
me to enter the limo.
This is it.
I hesitated momentarily, giving him
another once over from head to toe.


“Don’t be afraid,” he reassured me.
“If at any moment tonight you feel
uncomfortable, simply say the word
and we are done.”


“Is that my safe word?” I asked, recognizing
it from
Fifty Shades Of Grey


“It is.
If you say the safe word, everything stops, and we will drop you off
right back here where we started,” he said with a confident smile.
“If you just want me to back off a
little bit on the intensity, the word to use is


“Alright, that makes me feel better.”
I got into the back of the car and slid
over to let him in.
“So E.L. James
didn’t make up the safe word


are pretty standard,” he laughed. “By the way, I’ve been
doing this for three years and no one has ever used their safe word.”


“So you must be pretty gentle?”


I’m that good,” he said, signaling the driver.
“Do you have the money?”


“Yes, five hundred in cash just like you


I gazed into his intensely blue eyes; trying to
recall how much money I had in the bank.
I knew right then that if he turned out to be as good as he looked, I
would be fighting an instant addiction.
Shit, things are already a bit


“Thank you.” He smiled as he folded the bills
and stuffed them into his shirt pocket.


“I have never done ANYTHING like this
before,” I said, feeling a strong compulsion for him to know that I was way out
of my comfort zone.


“A beautiful, professional woman with no
prior experience? My favorite.
are going to have a lot of fun together.” He laughed.


His laugh was almost evil.
What am I getting myself into?
I looked around and noticed that between the interior lights and the
windows being so dark, I couldn’t see a thing outside of the car.


“Where are we going?” I asked, the
butterflies once again going crazy in my stomach.


“To the dungeon.” He smirked.
“I think you’re going to like it.”


“Where is it?”


“It’s high up on a hill, hidden from the
civilized world.” He smiled once again.
“Don’t worry. We are very secretive, but we have no intent of hurting
In fact, I’m hoping that
you will be a repeat customer.”


“That’s good.
My girlfriends know what I’m doing
They made me go first,” I
said, feeling compelled to let him know that if I went missing, they would know
where to look.


“So you and your girlfriends like to venture
out to the wild side?”


We’re all single moms who are
slowly dying of boredom.” I laughed, lightening up for a moment.
I also wanted him to know that I had a
kid at home who was depending upon my safe return.


“Do you understand what we will be doing
tonight?” he asked, sitting back and cocking his head to the side.


“I think so.
I was told that level one is all about
pleasure, no pain.
That’s pretty
much my general MO in life.”


“So you’ve talked to someone from the club?”


“Yeah, she’s the one who gave us the number
to text,” I explained.
“We weren’t
told her name but she said she had been there five years.”


“Why are you afraid of pain?”
He stroked his chin with his thumb and


“I don’t know. I just don’t think that part
of the equation will appeal to me.”
I tried to keep myself from fidgeting, but I was having a hard time
controlling my nerves.


“Relax; there will be no pain tonight.
We use levels one through ten because
that allows people to adapt to a level of stimulation before increasing the
intensity or difficulty.”


“Do most people stay at level one?” I asked
hoping for a simple yes answer.


“No, that would be boring.
If you come back again, I’m going to
take you to the next level whether you want to or not,” he warned, flashing
that devilish smile.


“You enjoy scaring people, don’t you?”


“I enjoy helping people escape from their
little boxes and allowing them to test their limits.
Most people find out that they are much
stronger than they thought.” He shrugged. “It’s fun.”


“Oh, I know I’m strong.
I’ve been told how strong-headed I am my
whole life.”


“After tonight, you will have to decide
whether or not you want to find out just how strong you are.
But for tonight, it’s all about
pleasure,” he said as I felt the car slow down to a crawl and go over some kind
of a bump.


“Are we there already?” My heart was pounding
so hard that I could feel it in my throat.


“Yes, this is the entrance,” he confirmed,
looking down to shut off his phone.


The car continued to descend while making a
series of turns.
We must be going into an underground parking
I thought.
I pulled my phone
out of my purse to turn it off.
No Service
made me cringe.


“There’s no reception down here,” he affirmed
after seeing my reaction.


“I thought you said this place was on a


“I’m sorry, deep within a hill would’ve been
more accurate,” he replied as the car came to a stop.
“Welcome to the dungeon, Raven.”


My heart was racing and I was so nervous that
my hands shook as I clutched onto my purse and grabbed his hand to lift myself
out of the car.
I had been nervous
before in my life… my first date, prom, giving my first speech, giving birth,
but I had never been this nervous.
I was absolutely terrified as I stepped from the car into what can only
be described by the word he had just used - a dungeon.


Why the hell did I decide to go first?

Chapter 4



That first night when Raven and I met, she
seemed more nervous than anyone I had ever worked with.
Most of my subs had previous BDSM
experience and were generally much more sexually promiscuous than she seemed to
That made me even more excited
to introduce her to a whole new world of pleasure.
I knew that I was going to blow away any
preconceived notions that she had about BDSM and bondage.
She was going to experience things that
she couldn’t have possibly imagined at the time.


She looked like a doe in headlights as I
helped her from the car and she saw that we were truly entering a dungeon.
In the daylight, the outside of the
building looked like any other old commercial building that had seen its better
The lower entrance, however,
looked as if it had actually been an eighteenth century dungeon.
Originally designed to be a
slaughterhouse, the owner died before it was ever put to use.
I was never quite sure why someone
would have built an underground slaughterhouse in the first place, but it sure
made an incredible dungeon.


The visual effects of having the steel rings
protruding from the walls, where cattle would have been tied up, and the racks
hanging from the ceiling where carcasses were meant to hang, mixed perfectly to
provide for a terrifying visual backdrop.
The cool dampness and slightly musty odor only added to the sensory
overload that most newbies experienced during their first visit.
I could feel her hand trembling as I led
her down a dark, narrow corridor to the room where she would spend the next
hour with me.
I had to wonder if
this woman would be the first to shout out the word
ending my fun.
I have my doubts.
She seems like she might be a fighter.


“I’ll need you to sign these liability
release forms before we get started.” I handed her the five-page document and
pointed to the signature line.


“What am I releasing?” she asked, her eyes
widening once again.


“It basically says that you understand the
risks of what we are about to do.
It mostly applies to the higher levels, unless of course you have a bad
heart,” I explained.
“It also makes
this whole thing legal.”


“My heart is perfectly healthy.
I’ve been feeling every heart beat for
the past ten minutes.”


“This place has a tendency to get the
adrenaline flowing.
That’s the
whole reason for being here right?”
I just loved how intimidated she looked while she stood there pretending
to read the fine print.


“Yeah, I can honestly say that I’m not the
slightest bit bored right now,” she joked as she tried to steady her hand long
enough to sign her name.


“Slip off your shoes and take a seat.
I have a few questions for you.”


“Alright,” she replied, kicking them off
quickly and taking a seat on the couch.


“So tell me, why are you sitting here,


“When the lady was describing what you do
here, she used two of my favorite words… multiple orgasms.” She giggled.


“Have you experienced multiple orgasms


“Yeah, my ex used to do that for me.
Sex was our strong suit.”


“I can understand how you would miss them.”


“I really do.
Most men that I’ve run across since him
have been pretty lame in bed.
should be instructional videos that they have to watch before they are allowed
to date,” she said with a smirk.


“It’s nice to see you lightening up.” I
walked around behind her.
“So tell
me what turns you on?” I whispered in her ear.


“Men like you,” she said, turning to give me
a coy smile.


“Excellent answer, but I was thinking more
along the lines of your favorite way to get off.
How do you do it when you masturbate?”


Without a word, she held up two fingers and


“So you’ve got a sensitive clit, that’s
How about your G-Spot?
Do you ever make yourself come that


“I can’t really reach with my fingers and I
don’t like dildos.
They have never
gotten me off.”


What if I told you that within the next
fifteen minutes I will have you begging to be fucked by a dildo?”


“I don’t think I would believe you.”


“You told me in the car that you’re a
strong-headed woman.
Are you ready
to submit?” I asked, but it didn’t seem to register.
“I asked you a question!
Are you ready to be completely
controlled and utterly dominated?”


“I thought you said there wouldn’t be any
pain tonight?” she asked, fear creeping back into her expression.


“There won’t be any pain, but that doesn’t
mean that I won’t dominate and control you,” I said as I unbuttoned my shirt
and tossed it to the side.
fact, I’m going to make sure that you’re fucked within an inch of your life.”


“Oh shit,” she blurted out, sensing the
beginning of our session.


I definitely like this woman.
“Now take off your clothes!”




Just as I was beginning to feel comfortable,
his personality suddenly turned dark.
His cool, blue eyes were now cold as steel and his sultry voice that had
been making me feel giddy was no longer soothing.
I stood up and pulled one strap down
over my shoulder trying to look confident.


“Let me help you,” he growled, grabbing the
hem of my dress and pulling hard, just as I released the second strap.


“Sorry, I’m new at this.”


Without a word, he grabbed my shoulder and
turned me away from him.
I could
feel his hot breath against my neck as he moved his hands along my body.
The scent of his cologne combined with
spearmint gum caught my attention as his hands diverged.
One began to explore my breasts while
the other went south.


“It’s hard to believe that you can’t find a good
man to violate a body like this,” he whispered as his hand slipped between my
trembling legs.


“All of the good ones are married,” I said as
if we were having a casual conversation.


You don’t speak unless I tell you to,”
he snarled grabbing me by the throat.
“And no, all of the good ones aren’t married.”


Shit, that probably wasn’t the right thing to say to a single guy.
He wrapped his left
hand uncomfortably around my neck, as the fingers of his right hand began to
work my folds right through my drenched panties.
I thought to myself as I found myself instinctively resisting
My mind was struggling between
the heat that was being generated below and the grip that he had on my throat.


“You’re already wet.
Are you a little slut?” he asked,
continuing to stroke my swelling pussy lips.


“No!” I said instinctively.
That was one thing I had never been
called in my life!


“You’ll address me as ‘sir’!”


“Yes, sir,” I replied, remembering the BDSM
research I had done online.


“If you’re not a slut, then why are you about
to get naked and violated by a man you met less than an hour ago?” He breathed
in my ear.


Fuck, that’s a damn good question.
“I don’t know, sir.”


“I think it’s because deep down you are a
dirty whore,” he growled back.


“No, I was just tired of my boring life,
My mind was frantically
trying to rationalize the situation.


He didn’t reply, but instead snickered in my
I took that as a good
“Let’s see if I can give you
what you want, you little whore.”


I really don’t like that word.
Being called a slut is bad enough.
I didn’t say a word
despite the fact that he was looking for a response.
Without another word, he grabbed me by
the hand and led me through a doorway into a larger room.
Wow, this looks like some type of prison
cell from the middle ages!
Could this place be any more intimidating?


“Here is your first challenge,” he informed
me as we stopped at a wooden table that looked like it came straight out of a
nineteenth century gynecologist’s office.
Did they actually have
gynecologists back then?


My mind snapped back to the present moment
when he told me to remove my bra and panties.
Remembering his prior impatience, I
removed them as quickly as possible.
He simply smirked at me, as I stood there awkwardly in front of him,
completely naked.


“Take off your necklace and earrings as well”
he commanded, holding out his hand.


I can’t
even have a little jewelry on?
I handed him my earrings and began fumbling
with the clasp on my necklace.
“Could you help me out here?”


“I’ll wait,” he replied, keeping his hand


I know he’s just doing this to rattle me, as if I’m not already
nervous enough.
My fingers were trembling so bad, that I just couldn’t get the
clasp to open.
I must have fumbled with it for nearly a
full minute while he stood there coldly staring at me.
Finally, it let loose.
I was on the verge of just
breaking the fucking thing.


“I knew you could do it,” he said as I handed
him the necklace.


“Thank you for being patient with me, sir,” I
replied in an attempt to gain favor.


“Up on the table,” he directed without a
second of hesitation.


“Yes, sir,” I said as I climbed onto the cold
hardwood surface.
My body was already
glistening with sweat, despite the fact that it seemed quite cold in the
I never sweat, not even when I workout.
I definitely should’ve kept up with my
, I thought as his eyes traveled the length of my body.


“Lay back,” he said as he moved to the foot
of the table.


It’s an antique birthing table
, I
suddenly realized as he lifted my left leg and strapped it to the adjustable


“I want you grab hold of those handles,” he
instructed as he finished strapping in my second leg.
“The only way you will experience pain
tonight is if you let go of those handles.”


“Yes, sir.”
really don’t need any pain right now.
My system is already on overload.
I can’t believe I’m so sweaty.
This is really embarrassing.


“I want you to hang onto those handles and
stare straight at the ceiling regardless of what I’m doing to you.
Do you understand?”


“Yes, sir. Hang on and stare at the ceiling.”


“If you have the urge to look down, just
close your eyes instead,” he said as he snapped an examination glove on his
right hand.
“Do you understand?”

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