Read Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2) Online

Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2)
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“The business is
going to be okay?” I asked, hoping these paychecks weren’t going away with


“It’s all fine.”
Suzanne smiled.
“Your buddy from
the Marshall’s office went through everything with a fine tooth comb.”




“Yeah, fortunately
for us, when it comes to business, Carter does things right,” she
“I think J.O. was amazed
by the legitimacy of our business model.”


I found it odd
that she referred to her dad by his first name.


“That’s good.” I
“Is he coming back for
another session with Sapphire?”


“Not anytime
He claims that his first
session was strictly a reconnaissance mission.” She giggled.
“He thought that he better lay low until
things are wrapped up.
He doesn’t
want to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar.”


“I don’t think
it’s his hand he’s worried about,” Gunner added with a laugh.


“On that note, I’m
out of here.” I snickered.
“I need
to pick up Hannah and get her to bed.
See you guys Friday.”


Leaving the
dungeon that night, it felt as if everything was coming together even better
than I had hoped.
A noose tightening around Carter’s neck, it
doesn’t get any better than that.
I glanced down at the check once more, before stuffing it in my
Part of me was
hoping to get pulled over by J.O. as I accelerated through the curves going
home that night.
It would have
given me a chance to get the rest of the story.
Besides, I was dying to know how
Sapphire had treated him.
Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found that night.


“How was it?”
Amber whispered, coming out of her apartment to meet me in the hallway.


“You were right,
Sapphire is awesome!” I had to admit. “She got her whole fist inside of me!”


You’ve been fisted?” she asked way too




“Oh she’s
She’s just playing.” She
waved her hand in the air. “Now I want details.”


“I’ve got to get
home and get Hannah to bed.
catch you for coffee after work tomorrow.”


It was amazing though?” she added.


“It was amazing.”


“Blade and I are
doing a session with her this weekend.”


“I can tell you
without a doubt that those two are going to blow your mind.”


“Shit, Blade blows
my mind.
I can’t imagine combining
him with Sapphire,” she replied, her eyes widening with anticipation.


“I’m guessing it will
be a night you will never forget.” I smiled.
“Now get my daughter.”


Lying in bed that
night, I was more relaxed than I had been in weeks.
My disguise and fake profiles had worked
perfectly, my bank account was flush and there were just three more levels of
madness ahead of me.
My stomach did
a little flip when I thought about doing three extreme shows in the next ten
I’m strong… I can handle it,
I assured myself before drifting off.




Awaking to the
sound of a text from Gunner, I glanced at the time before clicking over to his
It must be something important.


Just wanted you to know you went totally
viral overnight.
You will now
forever be known as


Thanks bud.
That’s a nice way to wake up.


Dropping my phone
on the bed, my head hit the pillow again and I momentarily closed my eyes.
the hell?
I had to text him


What do you mean I went viral?


People have been posting clips of you
squirting on some of the porn tube sites, so Joey put together a compilation
and uploaded it to all of them.


A compilation of all my orgasms?


Over a million people have watched since
last night.
Joey watermarked it
with our website, so we should have a flood of new members over the next few


Raven the
It’s way too early for this.


I know.
I couldn’t sleep.


L8r, Gunner


Raven the
That’s just sick.
Now I’m going to
be famous for an extreme bodily function
I clicked
off my alarm.
I don’t need to go to the office today
I reached for my purse and pulled out my
latest paycheck.
Let them call me whatever they want
. I
smiled and closed my eyes.
This is just a means to an end

Chapter 10

Fifteen Minutes Later




Okay, it’s killing me
I grabbed my iPad and surfed a few porn sites, quickly seeing for myself
what Gunner had been teasing me about.
Raven the
was everywhere.
The thumbnail
pictures were more than enough to make my eyes burn, so I didn’t actually click
on any of them.
I did notice,
however, how many people had already watched them.
of those people are watching my orgasms.
The whole concept was still tough for me
to wrap my head around.
At least
those huge paychecks were making up for some of the apprehension.


Soon after I
finally got back to sleep, I was reawakened by a tongue-lashing from my young


Get up!
I’m going to be late for finger
painting!” she declared, already dressed for the day.


“Good morning,
I thought you and I could
just hang out today.”


Mom, you know I love finger


“Okay, just give
me a minute to get ready and I’ll drop you off,” I relented.




After dropping off
Hannah, I sent Amber a text.


Are you at work?


Hell no!
Suzanne told me she has a fifteen
thousand dollar check for me, so I called in sick.


I took the day off, too.
Let’s have lunch at Sophie’s.






That left me
plenty of time to hit the mall and find a few new dresses for the upcoming
Even though the members most likely won’t see them, wearing nice
clothes always makes me feel better.
I had always felt that way.
It was probably a result of how critical Mom had been when we were
She could always find
something to criticize us about.
it wasn’t my jeans or my hair, then my makeup wasn’t quite right.
really hope I can let Hannah experiment without being so judgmental.


Five dresses and
two pairs of shoes later, I met Amber for lunch.
Sophie’s was one of those cute little
places where you could have a light lunch and then blow all your calories on a
decadent piece of cheesecake or dessert.
I love it!
On this particular day, however, the
topic of our conversation was much more interesting than the menu.


“How could you
take her whole fist?” Amber whispered while we were standing in line to place
our order.




“I just don’t see
how that’s possible,” she continued, not willing to wait until we reached the privacy
of a table


“You will.” I
“I don’t know how she does
it, but she will.”


“There’s no way.”


“Oh, there is a
Believe me, she’s very
persistent,” I replied, raising my eyebrows.


“I can’t wait,”
she squeaked, squinting her eyes at me like a little girl.


The minute we sat
down, she began quizzing me about what I had experienced the previous evening
with Gunner and Sapphire.
hadn’t been able to watch it since she was babysitting the girls.


“Just relax
, you are going to have a great time,” I assured
She had already been with both
Blade and Sapphire, so I knew that she would do just fine.


After a single
bite of the luscious Mascarpone Cheesecake, my phone buzzed.
I glanced down, thinking it might be


I’ve been watching Raven St Claire
We need to talk.


Oh my fucking…
I could feel the blood instantly drain
from my head.


“What’s the
matter?” Amber asked with an intense look of concern.


“Remember when I
told you about running into Tom the night that I got picked up?”




“Look at the
message he just sent me.”
I held up
my phone for her.


“Maybe he’s just
interested in Raven,” she said, trying to ease my concern.


“He knows it’s
I haven’t been using the fake British
accent during the shoots,” I countered.


“Just tell him you
don’t use your accent while you’re acting.
Just like the British actors do in American TV shows,” she
“I never knew that
Matthew Rhys was from England until I saw him in an interview.”


“I’m sure actors
on that level have a little more training than in our profession.” I rolled my


“Our profession?”
She furrowed her brow as if she didn’t know what I was talking about.


It hasn’t dawned on you what profession
we are in?”


“Well, of
But I don’t really consider
myself one of those girls,” she whispered.


Now you whisper,” I teased her.
“I guess I don’t consider myself to be
one either.
It’s not like I plan on
doing anything with anyone other than Gunner.”


“I haven’t thought
about it either.
Blade and Sapphire
have kept my mind occupied,” she said with a broad smile.


“I am now known as
, though.”


“What?” She


“There are videos
of me squirting that have gone viral online.
Gunner called me about it this
It was definitely a dose
of reality.
Those videos will be
out there forever.” My stomach suddenly felt a little queasy and it wasn’t from
the cheesecake.


“Yeah, I didn’t
really think about the fact that all of those videos could be floating around
for years to come.
At least you
have been disguising yourself.
should’ve spent the money to use Jasmine right from the start.” She cringed.


“You don’t have
any family to worry about other than your daughter.
Besides, you can always change your
looks going forward if it becomes an issue,” I assured her.
“Have you and Blade done level six yet?”


“This Friday
Then we are doing level
seven with Sapphire the next day.”


“Wow, two nights
back to back?
You and I need to
have coffee Sunday morning.”
I gave
her a wink and a smirk.


“I guess that’s
why I’m a little flustered,” she admitted.
“But then I’ll only have one level left and I’m done.”


“You lucky
I have to go all the
I shook my head, reflecting
on the fact that I was locked in for ten sessions.
“What are you going to do when you are


“I’m going to see
how much money I’ve made,” she said with a shrug.
“I’ll try to invest it wisely and then
probably just keep working at the drug store.”


“You seriously
think that you can be satisfied with your old life again?”


You know I’m full of shit most
of the time!” She laughed out loud.


As far as I was
concerned, there was no way that I was going back to the boring life I had been
living the past five years.
My eyes
had been opened to a crazy world that I never knew existed, and after what
Sapphire had done to me, I was even more curious.
would probably be pissed if he knew that I was still thinking about Sapphire.


On my way out of
Sophie’s, my phone buzzed again.
was Tom again.


Are you around, Jillian?
I want to talk to you about Raven.


I have a full day, but I’ll be around


Okay, I’ll call you about 7.


That’s fine.
Hannah and I will be home by then.




I intentionally
reminded him that my five-year-old daughter would be there, so he wouldn’t show
up at the door and say something stupid.
If he’s interested in Raven, I’ll just have to tell him she got into her
apartment downtown.
My stomach
fluttered with anxiety once again as I got into my car and pulled away from the
Why can’t things stay simple and uncluttered?




Sapphire started harassing
me the moment we ran into each other at the dungeon following our session with
There had been little doubt
in mind that she would be strutting afterwards, since she had basically caused
Raven to blackout from a pleasure overload.


“I’m sorry if I
turned your girlfriend last night,” she spouted, slapping me on the arm.


“I’m not too


“Hey, buddy,
you’re hung pretty good, but you can’t compete with this.” She made a fist and
hung her arm between my legs.


“You are
hilarious, Blondie.
I don’t think
you are Raven’s type, even with that awesome little fist of yours,” I


“I don’t know
about that.
You heard her tell me
that she loves me,” she teased.


“You and I both
know that it was the orgasm talking.”
I rolled my eyes and shook my head.


“Hey, think what
you want,” she countered.
“You just
might lose both of us!”


“I’ll swing her
back to my side on Friday and that’s a GUARANTEE!”
I pushed my finger into the center of
her chest for emphasis.


“I think you’re
actually worried.” She bobbed her head before turning away.


hilarious,” I shouted as she headed to her next session.


The truth be told,
I had seen the expression on her face when she had expressed her love for
Even though I knew that
she was completely out of it, I felt a small pang of jealousy hearing the
There is no way that I’m going to lose her to Sapphire.
That’s ridiculous.


For the rest of
the day, I was simply going through the motions.
My mind was already busy planning
Friday’s show.
In past few
sessions, my only concern had been making the members happy and getting good
This time was going to be
a bit more complex because both the members and Raven had to be impressed.
can’t believe I’m overreacting like this.




That night, my
breath caught each time my phone buzzed.
I would pick it up while rehearsing my responses for Tom in my
Each one turned out to be a
false alarm, as the calls were from Mom, Amber, and Gunner.

BOOK: Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2)
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