Raven and the Rose (14 page)

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Authors: Charisma Knight

BOOK: Raven and the Rose
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“Aunt Viola, sit down and relax. Watch some television, or go shopping.”

“I don’t want to relax. All I’ve been doing is preparing for this moment. The manor as big as

it is has become more like a prison to me. I’ve always been too much of an introvert.”

“You’ve always been responsible,” Rose chided.

“After I lost Seneca, I did nothing but mope around and put McQueen business before

anything else. Couldn’t bother you all with how miserable I really was with teaching you girls the things I know and all.” Viola picked at her fingernails. “Rose, there’s something I have to tell you.”

Rose frowned. “Sure.”

“Seneca wasn’t my only child.”

“What’s with all the secrets in this family? Every day, it seems I’m learning about something


“Sometimes, it isn’t necessary to bring up certain situations or people, at least not until the proper time. Remember, there is a time and a place for everything. This is extremely difficult for me to say.”

“Aunt Viola, you can tell me.”

“A long time ago I shacked up with a warlock.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because, child, you put me on this imaginary pedestal of yours. You’ve got to realize

McQueen witches are human. We all make mistakes. Elder or neophyte. There’s no way around

it. I just don’t want to part this earth with you thinking I’m perfect.”

“It’s not for me to judge, but you did in your heart you probably did what you thought was

right. You shouldn’t punish yourself. Thanks for telling me, but there’s nothing you could have ever done in your lifetime that will make me change the way I think of you.”

Viola patted her on the arm. “That moment was a dark time for me and if it weren’t for

family, I don’t know if I would have made it.”

Rose hugged her aunt, inhaling the familiar scent of hyacinth and hibiscus. “I wish you’d

told me this a long time ago. Maybe I could have leant you an ear in your times of need. I’ve

always come to you for advice, but never really lent an ear to help you out.”

“You know, I actually feel better now talking to you.”

Rose kissed her on the cheek. “Good, I’m glad.”

The bell jingled and they both looked up to see a brown-skinned woman with black curly

shoulder length hair walk in. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but I really need some advice,” the

woman smiled briefly. “I need to speak with Gypsy Rose.”

“Come on in, honey.” Viola motioned to the woman.

“Hi.” Rose walked over to the woman and extended her hand. “You can call me Rose, Pearl.

Aunt Viola, you know Pearl, the real estate agent.”

“Yes I do. How are you dear?”

“All is well, I suppose. I should have come to you a month or so ago, like a friend of mind

suggested, but I put it off.”

Rose clasped a hand over Pearl’s. “You don’t seem at peace, what’s wrong?”

“I think I need a reading. There are some things that’s been happening between myself and

Nicholas,” Pearl confessed. “You see, I think I’m clairvoyant. Whenever I dream about

something, it actually happens.”

“Well, you definitely have the gift. May I read you?” Rose asked.

“Sure.” Pearl shrugged, setting her purse down on the sofa.

Rose scanned Pearl with her hands, noting warm and cold spots within the woman’s aura. A

cold spot resonated over her heart chakra. “Why do you think you’ll lose Nicholas?”

Pearl winced. “You are indeed a powerful witch,” Pearl noted with a wry smile. “He’s been

so distant lately. Hasn’t been acting like himself. We’re living together. I took a chance on him and now I’m worried that something, or someone, from his past may come between us.”

“And you feel inadequate because you’re not a wolf shifter,” Rose concluded. “Darling, the

only thing you’re lacking is faith in your relationship. From what I’ve seen, Nicholas is your soul mate. Now that doesn’t mean you’re not going to have your share of problems. Go to him, keep

the lines of communication open and last, but not least, don’t ever doubt your relationship.

You’re only fueling the negative forces you’ll have to deal with in the near future.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that. What can I do? Is there some way I can hex him to

keep him from straying?”

“He won’t stray,” Rose told her. “And you should never use spells or charms to get or keep a

lover. It isn’t natural, nor is it right.”

“I was told by one of your family members, a woman who told me I can use whatever I have

in order to keep my mate in line,” Pearl stated in a confused manner. “

Viola quirked a brow and looked at Rose. “My dear, McQueen witches do not hex, curse, or

use magic to manipulate the will of others. That is forbidden.
told you this?”

“Uh, I can’t remember her face or her name, for that matter.” Pearl scratched her head,

looking a little dazed and baffled.

“Where did you see this woman?” Rose asked.

“In Queensville. I have family there. We stopped to eat at the diner and she approached me

while Nick used the restroom. Ever since then, there’s been a lack of communication between us.

It’s like he’s so preoccupied.”

“Tell you what, we’re holding a magic workshop this weekend,” Rose told her. “I’d like to

take you on as my student. If you want, you can sign up today.”

“I’ve lived in Raven’s Falls all my life, but learning about magic was never really high on

my list of to do’s. I’d really like that. I just don’t like feeling so insecure,” Pearl admitted.

“Well, from where I’m standing, someone is trying to come between you and Nicholas, it is

indeed someone from Nicholas’s past. A female wolf, using the services of a sorceress to do it by weakening your faith,” Rose told her.

Viola nodded and walked over to the shelf and picked up a bag of hematite stones and sage,

then handed it to Pearl. “Put a stone in your purse and in your home. I recommend you burn the

sage and afterwards, some frankincense.”

Rose started chanting while roaming her hands over Pearl’s aura.
“Hi’ous, ctoma, fiosa, mu.


Pearl smiled. “Rose. I don’t know what you just did but I feel much better.”

“We don’t condone black magic,” Rose said in a firm tone. “And I detest the manipulation

of others. We’ll investigate Queensville and find out who this person is.” She glanced over at


“How much do I owe you?” Pearl asked.

“Nothing,” Rose told her. “You just concentrate on setting things straight with Nicholas. I’ve

removed the negative energy that had attached itself to your aura. It’s the most I can do after what you’ve been through with the home invasion.”

Pearl hugged her. “Thank you Rose, Ms. Viola. Thank you both. I don’t know how to repay


“Come to the meeting, child,” Viola urged. “Sign up now. My niece will teach you the

basics to provide you with the protection you’ll need. The clipboard is right over there.”

“Thank you.” Pearl hugged Viola. She signed up for the class and strolled out of the door.

“I feel so bad for her.” Rose admitted.

“I’ll have Walter or Tobias go to Queensville and check things out. Seems like we have

another shit stirrer trying to wreak havoc in Raven’s Falls,” Viola concluded with a frown.

“Are things always going to be like this?” She stiffened, awaiting the answer.

“Child, you know the deal. This is the McQueen witches purpose. Surely, you didn’t think

all the trials and tribulations Micah and Clara went through would make life like a bed of roses for future generations, did you?”

“No, I didn’t. It just seems like when it rains it pours.”

“Well, get used to it. You’re not going to like everything that happens, but you’ve got to

learn to roll with the punches. You’ll have your fair share of adapting to everything, but once you become better acclimated, you’ll see the difference.”

The rest of the day, Viola and Rose tended to the shop. During their conversations, Rose

found herself becoming more regretful of The Heightening. Once the workday ended, they drove

back home in silence.

Chapter Twelve

veryone at the dinner table ate and talked, although not much. There was happiness, but a feeling of dread accompanied it.

“We should be celebrating,” Viola told everyone. “Tonight, the Blood Moon ends. Raven’s

Falls is a safe haven for our inhabitants once again. You people are seriously dragging me down.”

Rose gazed at her aunt who was dressed in white with her hair elegantly pinned up in a high

bun atop of her head.

“I’m not really up for celebrating,” Dehlia whispered. “As much as we’ve been prepared,

this all still strikes me with emotional despair. But that’s the cross we must bear, right?” Dehlia continued pushing her peas and carrots around on the plate. She’d barely touched any of the food.

Storm’s hand settled on her shoulder, gently squeezing it, assuring her everything was going

to be all right.

A few hours went by as everyone readied for this night.

The Heightening was starting, and all eyes focused on Viola, who appeared to be slipping

into a trance.

“It’s time,” Walter said to everyone.

Rose, unable to deny the urge to fight her feelings, jumped up to approach Viola.

Jesse grabbed her arm. He must have been reading her mind. “It’s Viola’s destiny and you

can’t interfere,” he warned her.

Rose watched as Viola walked down the hall and out the door. She then looked to her


Dehlia and Jasmine held their heads down, already weeping.

“Uncle Jesse. I don’t think I can go through with this.” She gasped and choked back tears as

they welled in her eyes. “Storm?”

Storm held his head down. “You know we cannot interfere in these matters.”

His voice was heavy and she could feel his pain. Backing away, Rose dashed down the

hallway, the soles of her shoes pounding against the wooden floors. Summoning speed, she

willed her legs to go faster. If it weren’t for the energy drain, she would’ve project herself into the forest. What Viola was about to do was sheer suicide—she couldn’t allow The Heightening to

happen. She made her way out of the house and into the woods.

Jesse and Tobias appeared in front of her, stopping her dead in her tracks.

“What are you doing?” She bellowed. “I’ve got to stop her.”

“The Book of Whispers said this would come to pass,” Jesse said, “You’re being irrational

Rose. This is the way things must be.”

She raised her hand and began chanting. “Don’t come near me again.”

Storm appeared. “Rose, this is wrong. You know you mustn’t use magic against your own



Up ahead in the woods, bolts of lightning gathered and swirled around the tops of the trees,

capturing their attention. The wind picked up, howling throughout the air as two claps of thunder sounded off in the distance.

“Aunt Viola!” Rose cried out, lunging forward.

Storm captured her in his grasp.

A heavy downpour of rain began, drenching them all.

“We can observe, but we cannot interfere. Aunt Viola has made her decision.” Tobias

squinted as the rain pelted his face. “What the hell’s the matter with you?”

Realizing her errors of intending to use her magic on her family members, she stiffened,

burrowing her face in Storm’s chest. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt any of you.”

“No apologies necessary.” Tobias grabbed her hand in preparation to transport them deeper

into the woods. “It’s tough.”

When they appeared at the ancestral grounds, Viola stood proud in her white and gold

ceremonial robes. Arms outstretched toward the heavens, she chanted the spell that would soon

end her life. “C’tero, hiello, c’numbra, o’hala.” Several times, she chanted until the heavens

released several flashes of lightning at once. The ground rumbled and shook, knocking them all to the muddied ground.

Wiping her hair from her face, she saw her Aunt Viola fall to her knees, arms still

outstretched. Above her, a lightning force swirled around her several times before striking the woman to the ground.

“No!” Rose screamed as Storm covered her mouth. Her chest felt like it had caved in as she

watched the figure in white lie completely still. It was done.

“Move!” Tobias warned them as the pure bright light of energy rose into the air and circled

above them a few times.

While the men scuttled to their feet, she instinctively rose to her knees, arms outstretched to capture Viola’s magic. She swallowed hard when the energy ran through her, knocking her onto

her back. Rose let out a scream of agony as the electric force blazed through her body, igniting every cell, every pore. Tears streamed down her face as Viola’s memories merged with her

psyche. Faces of ancestors past came crashing into her mind and she saw Viola and Clara when

they were just little girls, walking along the tobacco plantation.

Rose gasped as she fell to the ground. The rain had stopped and the night became even

darker. She could barely move and felt Storm hoist her up into his strong arms. “Storm.” She


“Shh. Don’t talk.” She heard him say. “Is she going to be all right?”

“Take her home Storm, get her into bed,” Jesse told him while looking into the sky. “She

needs plenty of rest.” The blood moon has passed, our magic has heightened and things will be

back to normal.”

“Yeah,” Storm muttered. “Minus Viola.”

“I’ll prepare her body for tomorrow’s ceremony,” Walter said with a stern look. “Corey.

Jesse. Please help me.”

The men gathered around Viola’s body as Storm carried Rose to their chambers.

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