Ravaged By The Pack (The Alpha's Mate) (3 page)

BOOK: Ravaged By The Pack (The Alpha's Mate)
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Todd stood up and filed away the form. As he did so, her attention was captured once more by his persistent erection. She licked her lips at the sight of it, but looked away when she found his gaze lingered on her yet again. “You can start tomorrow,” he replied, walking around towards her and sitting on the edge of his desk. He extended his hand. “Welcome to Blackston & Brothers.”

She shook his hand, but was taken immediately by the power in his grip. She nearly winced as he took hold of her hand, his fingers subtly kneading at her skin. He traced her wrist teasingly, eliciting a slight shiver, and didn't once look away.

“I think you'll like it here,” he continued, standing up and walking behind her. Todd placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed on them slightly, his powerful hands quickly bypassing the edge of her shirt and grasping at her bare shoulders.

She gulped. His hands were so warm against her flesh. As his fingers played softly against her shoulders, her nipples grew taut, drilling into the inside of her bra.

He tightened his grip on her flesh, almost to the point of causing pain, and lowered his face next to hers. Todd drew in a deep breath, his nose lingering near her neck. He vocalized pleasurably as he did so.

Jenna didn't know what to make of it. She would've been outraged had she not been dominated by lust. The imposing Todd Blackston behind her, his rough hands on her bare shoulders, she couldn't seem to slow her breathing. She was panting, her panties dampening with want. She peered down to her side and caught sight of his erection, still throbbing against the crotch of his slacks. She wanted to free it and have a proper look. Would he rebuff her if she made an advance? As he all but buried his face in her hair, she considered it.

And then he pulled away. Clearing his throat and smoothing down the front of his shirt, he turned towards the door and spoke. “Thank you for coming, then. You're hired. I'll see you here tomorrow at nine in the morning, yes?”

Her cheeks were still flush as she stood up, her body screaming out in lust.
That's it? What happened?
“Uh, thanks,” she replied. “I guess...” She wanted to jump on top of him, to get him out of those clothes and take him on his desk. But apparently he'd regained his self-control. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then?”

He nodded towards the door as though he were keen on getting her out in a hurry.

Baffled, Jenna headed for the door and, glancing over at him one last time, left. He stood there, facing away from the door, his face locked into a serious expression. She didn't know what to make of her new boss or his advances. Putting on her sunglasses, she wondered if she'd made the right choice in taking the job.
Idiot, you were thinking with your vagina when you signed that. Let's hope this guy doesn't turn out to be a wacko. He's certainly forward, anyway.
As she left, she looked back once at the building and thought she saw him watching her intently from the window. Doing a double-take, she found no one was there. Even though she was outside in the open now, she still couldn't shake the power in those eyes.



The deer could sense him. Though it couldn't be sure of where he lurked, its ears perked up and its limbs tensed in anticipation of the chase it knew would soon ensue. It sniffed at the air in search of the wolf.

For his part, Ben was happy to wait. He'd lurk silently, his paws in the soft soil, his body kept low, till the deer resumed its grazing. If he waited long enough and quietly enough, the deer would begin to feel secure. And when that happened, striking it dead would be a simple matter. His golden fur shimmered in the light of the setting sun, his form obscured by the undergrowth.

He'd transformed only a few moments ago, his body longing to change and engage in a chase. Finding his prey, he'd cast off his clothes and transformed, stalking the single deer for a few miles. Very soon now he'd get a chance to lock his fangs around its neck. He could practically taste its blood, could envision precisely the pleasure he'd feel in leaping out at it and knocking it to the ground beneath his full weight. There were few things in the world more thrilling to him than hunting, and living amongst the Hillrunners in the wilderness, it was a passion he was able to follow as often as he pleased.

The humans knew nothing of hunting. They were a foolish bunch, bumbling about the woods with their guns and supplies. Inefficient, clumsy. Not like Ben and his pack. Nature had made them well-suited to murder; they'd been built, limb by limb, to track, strike and devour whatever they wished and there were few in the animal kingdom that could stand in their way, especially when they worked together. The humans scarcely entered the woods anymore. This particular stretch of woods had gained a reputation for a particularly brutal strain of wolf. Many years ago, before Ben's time, villagers had set about trying to hunt down the wolves for their own safety. But the men hadn't been tracking mere wolves. They'd been pursuing Lycans. And when the Lycans sent them back to their homes, wounded or maimed, they got the message. The woods belonged to the wolves.

Ben felt very nearly ready to leap when something suddenly caught his scent. He got only a whiff of it at first, but it was sufficient to draw him out of his flow. When next it met his snout, he found himself utterly intoxicated by it. A powerful smell, like the most delicious wildflowers imaginable, dominated the air. His claws quivered as he sniffed the breeze, his lungs tightened.
What is that? What is it that smells so delicious?
He peered at the deer ahead of him. It was acting nervous now, ready to bolt. It had sensed him anew.

Suddenly, the deer took off. It dashed through the woods at full speed, disappearing into the brush. Ben almost gave chase, but found himself too arrested by the flowery smell. The loss of his quarry no longer interested him. Only the scent that now filled his lungs was of any interest. He emerged from his spot and took immediately to investigating. He couldn't yet suss out its source, but suspected it was coming from somewhere outside the woods. It wasn't far... of that much he felt quite certain. Though, powerful and entrancing that it was, it was a difficult thing for him to trace. It was almost
too good
a smell to him, and it seemed to wreak havoc on his ordinarily keen nose.

Various of his pack-mates emerged from their spots, their noses fixed also on the scent. “Do you smell that?” growled Ben, turning to them. “That smell... where is it coming from?”

One of the betas, Rod, gave him a strange glance. “I don't... I don't know. But it's so...
I've... never smelled anything like it.”

Ben led the pack closer to the edge of the woods in silence. All of them sniffed the air, unwilling or unable to speak, for the tremendous scent so enraptured them. As they neared the edge of the wilderness, the scent indeed intensified.

“It's stronger. Whatever it is, it's coming from out here. From the edge,” said Ben, shifting back into his human form. He stood tall and naked, his body soaked in sweat, his blonde hair standing nearly on end with excitement. His chiseled torso glistened in the light and his arms, like the trunks of small trees, bulged as he balled his fists. In a show of excitement, he swatted at a nearby tree, clawing a chunk from its trunk. “I'm going to find it.”

Dylan, another beta, voiced his concern. “But... we don't know what it is. Are you sure it's safe?”

Ben smirked. “What does it smell like to you? Does it

“No,” replied Dylan, glancing up at the alpha in his human form. “It smells wonderful. It's exciting... makes my stomach feel as though I've just eaten. And I feel it...”

“In your loins?” finished Ben. “Yeah... I can't explain it, but it makes me horny like you wouldn't believe. I'm going to go find it. You all fall back. Whatever it is... it's
.” Shifting back into his wolf form, Ben glanced at his pack once more before speeding through the trees towards the city. In the fading light, his golden coat quickly disappeared from view.


After a quick dinner, Jenna made her way back to the motel. Apartment hunting had been a dull affair; though affordable, none of the units she'd seen had been particularly nice. Near the end of her search she'd come upon a number of houses for rent that looked a good deal nicer than the apartments in the area.
Hell, if I'm making fifty grand a year working for Mr. Blackston, there's no reason I can't splurge on a nicer place to live. Those loans will get paid down soon enough.
After the long day, she was more than ready to settle in for the evening. She decided to take a shower before preparing for bed, but realized there was something else that needed taken care of. Since that morning, when she'd interviewed with the handsy, intense Mr. Blackston, she'd been followed by something.

Her hunger hadn't abated; she was still terribly horny.

She opened her window and let a bit of fresh air into the musty room. The woods outside lent the air a pleasant scent as she closed the curtains and made her way over to her bed. She pulled her clothes off, tossing them to the floor and taking a seat. The cool air met her warm flesh, sending a shiver through her as she caressed her thighs with her palms. Her fingers played against her thick inner thighs for a time before moving further to the interior. Her pussy lips were already slick as she made contact, her clit filled with a dull ache. For so many hours now she'd postponed sexual release. No longer.

Jenna spread her legs and leaned back, planting her heels in the bed. Peering down across the gradual curve of her belly, which rose and fell with excitement, she palmed her cunt and kneaded her clit with the edge of her palm. Her fingers massaged her lips before starting into her slick entrance. It was a tight fit, and she struggled to fit two fingers in at once. A moan escaped her lips and she relaxed, allowing her head to rest on the bed. She closed her eyes and imagined her horny new boss, the way he'd touched her, the look in his eye. Of course, the massive bulge in his pants came to mind, and her imagination went to work undressing him, imagining just how massive it really was when loosed from its prison.

She'd only really begun to indulge her fantasies when something pulled her from them. What it was that interrupted her she couldn't say at first; she simply stopped what she was doing and sat up slightly in bed, her ears perking up. She was sensing a presence; someone else was in the area, and she couldn't help but feel that they were watching her. Her lust subsided, giving way to nervousness. The hairs on the back of her neck perked up as though they sensed a pair of eyes fixed on them.
Is someone looking in here... maybe from the window?
She peered over at the open window, the closed curtains stirring scarcely in the breeze.

After a brief pause she took up one of the blankets on the bed and draped it over her bare form, standing up and starting for the window. She wasn't keen on approaching the peeping tom that had ruined the mood, and yet, if there was someone there, she needed to know. How could she be expected to sleep in the room if there was someone watching her? Carefully, she sidled up the window and plucked up a corner of the curtain between two fingers. Taking in a sharp breath, she took a look.

The night had grown dark. Not so long ago, when she'd still been on her way home, there had been a bit of light in the sky. Now, the woods behind the motel served to strangle her surroundings of all light. It took her eyes a moment to adjust, and even when they did, she found it difficult to make out anything in the darkness outside. She had very nearly written off the entire incident when she pulled away and a bit of the light from her room fell upon the scene outside.

Yellow eyes, big ones, glimmered in the darkness.

It hadn't been the eyes alone that had sent her into a fright, staggering back towards her bed, a cry on her lips. It had been the accompanying growl, like that of some primordial beast, that had instilled in her a tremendous fear. She dropped the blanket to the floor and threw a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming.
It's just... it's just an animal or... a coyote or dog or something. Or a... a wolf.
She wondered if there were wolves in the area, and recalled in her terror a few mentions by the locals of wolves in the nearby wilderness. Seeing one just outside her room, she wished she'd chosen something further from the woods.
All right, so one of the wolves the locals were talking about just killed the mood. No big deal. It's not like it can get in here or anything, right?

Slowly, and with her hand quivering so terribly that she could hardly do so without fumbling, Jenna reached over and slammed the window shut. She locked it and straightened out the curtains before retreating. “Sure, move out here. We've got cheap rent and lots of jobs... and wolves,” she muttered, running a hand through her hair. Picking up her discarded clothes and the blanket from the floor, she decided it would be a good time for a shower. Hopefully, if the water would stay warm enough, it would serve to calm her down a bit before bed.

She stepped into the bathroom and flipped on the light, but was immediately startled by a knock at her door.
What the heck could it be now? I don't suppose the wolves around here can knock. This isn't about to be some sort of Little Red Riding Hood bullshit, is it?
Jenna sighed and made her way across the room as a second, more forceful knock shook the door. Who could possibly be paying her room a visit? No one in town knew her and she hadn't told anyone where she was staying. Perhaps it was a mistake? She peered through the peephole into the hallway. It was Todd Blackston.

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