Ravage Me (23 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Ravage Me
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“A few weeks before you got out, I noticed something was up, but didn’t put my finger on it until about a week before you got out. Then when I saw her grab Coop in the clubhouse, I knew she couldn’t be around him anymore.”

“And having me around helped?”

“Of course. It just showed me the mom that Coop needed.” He squeezed tightly.

My heart warmed, not only that Cruz thought I could be the mom that Coop needed but at the prospect of being that person in Coop’s life. I’d never really thought of being a mom. I wasn’t the type to plan out my future or have these expectations. As far as I was concerned, a quick lay, my studio, and the club was all I needed. It’s a bit mind-boggling how much my life has changed.

I go from prison and alone to an ol’ man and a kid in a short period of time, and I wouldn’t change a damn thing.

“You sure you wanna go tonight?”

“Absolutely. It’ll be good for you to get to know the ol’ ladies.”

“You know I’ve known Legs, Bubbles, and Flash for a long time, but this just feels different.”

“It’s cause you’re an ol’ lady, now. It’ll be fine.”

I smiled up at him as he leaned down, kissing me on the lips. I pulled his head tightly against mine, kissing him with everything I had. Before I knew what I was doing, I was straddling him on the picnic table, rocking my body up and down on his hard cock. “The ride get you all worked up, Baby?” he asked against my lips.

“What’d you think?” My hips had a mind of their own as they thrust and thrust. I was so close to coming.

“Take your pants off,” he barked roughly.

Looking around, I had a moment of panic. Here we were out in public for anyone to drive by and see us. My body froze.

“I’m not telling you again. Take them off.” I stared at him feeling my inner thoughts suffocating me. I wanted to make him happy, and I wanted to fuck him. Fuck it.

Hopping off of him, I stripped out of my leathers and boots. Standing before him, the hunger in his eyes took my breath away. He slowly stood enough to unzip his pants and pull his hard cock out. Licking my lips, I wanted him. The sun was bouncing off our skin making the flush I already felt ten times hotter.

“Get up here and ride me baby,” he said pulling my body to him. Not thinking twice, I climbed on, sinking him inside of me in one deep push. Up and down, I rode him as hard as I could in the position we were in. The table bumped my leg repeatedly, but I didn’t utter a single complaint.

Reaching down, I cupped Cruz’s face pulling him to me as I kissed him hard. He broke off the kiss, and I really started my movements using my legs to squat up and down quickly.

Throwing my head back, I felt the waves wanting to wash over me. I couldn’t hold back. I needed to come. “You there, Baby?” I asked him.

“Since when do you ask me that?”

“I just wanna come with you Baby,” I said, grabbing onto his shoulders for more stability.

“Faster,” he growled. Doing as he says, I felt his dick growing more inside of me. I knew it was coming, and I was there ready for him. “Now.” We came together, rasping each other’s names.

With Cruz still fully seated inside me, we tried to catch our breath. With the sun beating down on my naked ass, it pulled me back to the reality of where we were. My head darted up scanning the park. “Relax, Babe.” Pulling out, he smirked. “Get dressed.”

Rushing, I threw my leathers and boots back on, and fixed my braid. Relaxed now, I was ready to ride.



Pulling up to Bimbo’s bar, I couldn’t help a slight nervous flutter in my stomach. This would be my first test as an ol’ lady. Could I keep my temper in check? Could I fit in with these women who have been doing this for years? Could I be a good ol’ lady?

I wanted to. I really wanted to and make Cruz happy.

Walking into the bar, all eyes were on us. I felt them, but kept ahold of Cruz’s hand, following behind him closely. I knew I could defend myself, but this was different. I knew all eyes were on me because I was his ol’ lady.

Cruz led us right over to Zed, Legs, Becs, Bubbles, Dagger, and Flash, who were all sitting around a large table drinking and laughing. As soon as we approached, every single person stood, each one hugging and kissing our cheeks one at a time. The hugs from the women were tight and ultimately warm. The hugs and kisses from the guys were also warm, but each of them whispered in my ear.

Zed, “So glad you’re here.” Becs, “About time you became a patched sister.” Dagger, “You must be what Cruz has been waiting for.” It made me want to cry my eyes out, but I refrained.

After sitting, the waitress came by taking drink orders. I knew I’d only have one or two because there was no way I’d risk being drunk on the back of Cruz’s bike. It’s hard enough driving with another person on the back of your ride, add a drunk woman who’s isn’t thinking straight… not a good combination. Not only that, it would embarrass the shit out of him and me.

Having Cruz next to me, his arm wrapped around the back of my chair with his brothers and sisters was exhilarating. I guessed this was what happiness felt like.

“Brothers, let’s walk,” Zed said, lifting his chin, leaving me with the three other ol’ ladies. Looking around at the table seeing the women I’ve known my whole life, I couldn’t help but see them in a different light. They were my
Ma’s friends
. Now they are mine, my sisters. Considering I have no sisters and Casey was never around anymore and doesn’t answer my phone calls, I was excited and nervous all wrapped into one.

Legs smiled, patting my hand, “Hey, girl. You doing okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You seem off. Not yourself.”

Blowing out a deep breath, “It’s just I’ve known you all my whole life, and this is… different.”

“It’s nothing for you to be scared or nervous about. You’ll just get to see us. Not the moms who run after their kids, but the real us. I think you’ll like what ya see.” Legs laughed, the others following suit.

“I know I’ll like you, I just don’t know if you’ll like me.”

“Oh nonsense, girl.” Bubbles spoke. “We love that you’re feisty and speak your mind. You do that with us, just not with the brothers.” She winked. Now that I’m an ol’ lady, I knew that my mouth was a direct reflection of Cruz, and I’d need to keep myself together.

“We’re all a bit crazy in our own ways. You’ll learn soon enough, Princess,” Flash said, pushing her long blonde hair to her back. Her green eyes were covered in a smoky eye shadow, making them pop in a very sultry way.

“Shots!” Bubbles yelled.

“Thanks, girls. But I’m taking it easy.” I’d gotten drunk many times in front of these women, but always at the clubhouse where I could crash in Pops’ room, never in public.

“Hell no! You drink. This is a celebration.” The waitress placed a shot down for each of us. “To our new, patched sister!” They raised their glasses as I followed their lead. Downing the liquid, I could feel the burn all the way down, and after about the fifth shot, I was feeling pretty damn good and loosening up.

My stomach actually hurt from laughing so much with these women, and they were right. This was an entirely different side of them, and one that I really really liked. All my nerves and worries melted away as the night went on. These women treated me like, well, one of them. They didn’t handle me with kid gloves or hold back; that’s what made me fall in love with them for a second time in an entirely different way.

We watched the men shooting pool and doing whatever it was they were doing. Every once in a while, I’d get a chin lift from Cruz, just letting me know he saw me. The night was going better than I could have hoped.

These women were fun. They were more fun than I’d had in a long time, and that included my time before prison. It was actually remarkable that not one of them asked me about it. Part of me thought it would be the topic of conversation with them, the idiot who got set up by some bitch. Not one made fun of me in any way, though, and that, totally put me at ease. I’m sure they’ll ask at some point, but not tonight, and I could kiss each one of them for it.

“Heads up, ladies,” Legs said, looking at the men across the room. My eyes shot in that direction while three young women, wearing barely any clothes, approached our men. Two of them were smart; they actually walked away when Becs and Dagger turned them down. The third wasn’t as smart. I watched before my very eyes as Cruz nodded his head the direction she came, my guess, asking her to go. But the dumb bitch didn’t get the hint. Her hands began roaming his arm as he stepped out of her grasp.

Fury boiled inside of me. I wanted to cut this bitch up.

“Let’s go,” Flash said quickly. But I was a bit apprehensive. I knew that if I went up there, I’d be beating the shit out of this bitch, and I didn’t want to embarrass my brothers or sisters.

Flash saw my apprehension. “You let that bitch keep pawing your man, it will happen every fucking time you come here. It’s your job to end it.” With her encouraging words, I knew what needed to be done. Sliding out of my chair, we walked towards them. My fists clenched so hard my nails dug into my palm. I was gonna try to be civil first.

“Excuse me,” I said, tapping the woman on the shoulder. She turned around scowling at me.

“What?” she barked as I brought my hands in front of me, holding them together… or more like holding them, so I didn’t punch the living shit out of her.

“You need to back off.” She eyed me up and down looking at the leather on my body, but not deterred. She even glanced at the women standing behind me, and it didn’t faze her. Stupid bitch.

“Fuck off,” she said as she turned back around, her hand going directly to Cruz’s arm. Looking up in his eyes, I tried to make him see the fiery rage that was burning inside of me. With a lift of his chin, I grabbed the bitch by the back of her hair, pulling her far away from Cruz. My sisters formed a circle around me, but stood back letting me have the control.

“Fuck off, huh, bitch?” I threw her down on the floor as she fell with a crash in those stupid heels. “Stand up!” I yelled. She got to her feet with a wobble.

“What the fuck is your problem?” she barked.

“You wanna know what my problem is? You’re touching my ol’ man. He told you to get the fuck off… and your dumbass didn’t listen. Then I asked you the same thing, and you didn’t listen. So now this…” I swung, my fist connecting with her pretty little face, sending blood flying.

“You bitch.” God, this woman, clearly fell off the stupid wagon.

Picking up my leg, I kicked her directly in the stomach, then took my right hand and pummeled her face twice, being sure the cut was nice and big. “Bitch, huh? No, I’m his ol’ lady, and this shit don’t fly with me.” After two more punches, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I could feel Cruz’s body become flush against mine. I stood there watching the idiot crawl over to her friends, chicken shits that never helped her once. At least I knew my sisters had my back.

“Let me see your hands,” Cruz said as I turned to face him, not knowing if he’d be pissed I caused a huge scene. His smile made my knees week. The pride in his eyes was so bright for me. I held up my hands as he touched them gently. Without them being taped up, they took a good hit. I had several scrapes and blood, and of course, the bruising, but nothing that wouldn’t heal.

Cruz let my hands go after inspecting them as his lips came down hard on mine. My arms instantly wrapped around his neck, pulling him tightly to me. As he pulled away, he whispered, “Thanks, Babe.” Then he smiled in his sexy way. “Let’s get you a drink, Slugger.”

Rolling my eyes, I followed him back to the table as he ordered me a shot of Jack.

“Damn, girl,” Legs said, sitting down. “Your Ma always said you could fight, but I’ve never seen you in action. Damn, you kicked ass.”

Smiling, I felt the burn of the liquor slide down my throat.



The night turned out to be a huge hit. And even though I was a bit tipsy, Cruz proved he could handle my ass just fine on the back of his bike. Another one of my worries smashed to smithereens.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, people were floating all around, which surprised me considering we were out with four of the brothers. Guess the others decided to have a party. Women were in abundance throughout the club, most of whom were eyeing Cruz like he was their next target. I felt the daggers darting out of my eyes at each one, making them turn away from my man.

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