Read Ratchet Bitches 2 Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

Ratchet Bitches 2 (11 page)

BOOK: Ratchet Bitches 2
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“Well, that was nice.”

“It was,” Janay agreed. “His aunt always shows me love and so does his father. I must even admit that Mrs. Carter was being on her best behavior. I didn’t see any signs of her being sneaky or conniving, up until Heather showed up.”

“Don’t tell me that she invited the ex-girlfriend over for the dinner, too.”

“She did and then tried to act like she was clueless when I flipped out. Can you believe that they had Finn and Heather seated next to each other and me sitting across from my own husband.”

“They did what?” Lauren questioned.

“You heard me and it pissed me off. Before we could sit and eat, I was already talking shit and was ready to go. I grabbed my baby out of Mrs. Carter’s arms, said a few unsavory things to her, and then demanded to leave right away.”

Lauren took in a deep breath then let it out. She was shocked to say the least. “I can’t believe you showed off like that. How many people were there?”

“I don’t know, maybe fifteen to twenty guests.” Janay said, now feeling extra bad for showing off in such an unladylike way.

“My goodness, Sis,” Lauren said.

“Now Finn is blowed with me,” she said. “I’ve never seen him this upset. He’s fussing about me being insecure in our marriage. He claims that he doesn’t even look at Heather like that and can’t understand what my problem is. My problem is his mother.”

“Yeah, but Sis you need to calm that shit down. You got yourself a good thing there, don’t blow it. We’re not as lucky as you are in finding a good husband that’s in the church. He loves you and he adores Brison. You need to chill and trust him when he says that he doesn’t want that heifa Heather.”

“I know, but it’s so hard when she shows up all touchy feely, wanting to hug on him and making smart remarks about them being together. I just exploded and I know I was wrong.”

“Yes, you were and you need to apologize to his mom. You actually owe a few people an apology.”

Janay shook her head. She knew she needed to apologize, but she hated to do it. It truly irked her nerves just to even think about it. Lauren could hear the microwave buzz in the background.

“What are you warming up?” Lauren asked.

“Finn did bring me some of the Chicken Gumbo that his aunt had cooked last night, since I didn’t get to eat any after showing my ass.”

“Hell, I’m surprised that she sent you a plate.”

“Well, his aunt is nice and she has already called to make sure that I was good. She did apologize about the mix up and didn’t know how Finn and Heather ended up by each other nor did she know why Heather showed up there. Instead of throwing her sister under the bus, she just pretended to not know what was going on. ”

“Well, you know what that means.”

“I do, but I don’t even want to mention it to Finn because he ain’t trying to hear nothing right now. Especially, if he feels like I’m gonna be dogging his mom or accusing her of anything.”

“Then you need to chill out. Call her and apologize and try to let it go. She may be in the wrong, but you’re giving her exactly what she wants by acting the way you are. You don’t know it, but you’re pushing Finn right in the direction she wants him in. He’ll go running to her first as soon as things become rocky in your house, and guess who’ll be there waiting?”

“Heather,” Janay said. “You’re right. I’ll play nice and get my man back on my side.”

“Good,” Lauren said. “Never give her the satisfaction of seeing you sweat.”

Janay grabbed her bowl of Chicken Gumbo out of the microwave. “You’re right, Sis. I’m glad I called you. I’m gonna sit back and eat this good ass food then I’ll call Mrs. Carter to apologize for my behavior last night.”

“Please do and take it easy. Don’t you have a doctor’s appointment coming up?”

“On Monday,” she said. “I truly need to go. I think I need some meds to stabilize my moods. I’ve been drowsy, feeling weak and forgetful. Girl, I do believe I have post partum depression or something.”

“I can agree. That’s why you’ve been acting so insecure, too. I mean, look at you. I don’t care how cute Ms. Heather is, she surely can’t have nothing on the beautiful Mrs. Janay Carter.”

Janay smiled to hear Lauren say that. “You’re absolutely right. Well, not to change the subject, but how are things with you and Rich?”

Lauren paused for a moment then started. “Can you believe he grabbed me by my arm yesterday morning in an attempt to quiet me from fussing at him?”

“He did what?” Janay asked with a frown on her face. “Grabbed you how? I mean, did he hurt you?”

“Yes, he actually bruised my arm, he grabbed it so tight.”

“Oh hell naw,” Janay responded. “It’s time for him to go. I don’t know how you’ve gotten yourself caught up in that mess, but he has got to go. Ain’t no way we deal with men putting their hands on us; especially when he’s broke as a joke.” Lauren sat quietly on the phone. She didn’t know what to say, because Janay was right. “Do you hear me? You know if he did that shit once, it’ll be worse the next time.”

“I hear you and I know. I’m thinking about calling it off when he returns anyway. I’m just tired of his dead beat ass. Ain’t nothing good about him but that hungry tongue and that big dick of his.”

“And, they sell those in X-Mart. One thing about a plastic dick, they don’t hit back no matter how much you beat up on them.”

Lauren laughed at her joke. “Well, he’s pulling up now. So, I’ll talk to you later, but take care of yourself and call me after your appointment.”

“I will,” Janay said and with that, they ended their call. 


Lauren got up and headed into the back to get her son. She wanted to make sure that he was ready to go. She just felt that it was probably best if she left for the night to give Rich something to think about. Maybe he’d either decide to leave on his own or he’d finally man up and get his shit together.

“Brandon, are you ready to go to Auntie Bianca’s house?”

Brandon jumped up from playing with his train set. “We going to Jew’s birfday party?”

Lauren laughed at the way he pronounced some of his words, but he was only three years old and learning. “No, we’re going to help Auntie get Jew’s birthday party together for tomorrow.”

Brandon quickly grabbed his SpongeBob book bag like he was going to stay the night. He took that bag everywhere, sometimes making his mom think that he didn’t like staying at home.  

“You’re not staying the night.” She told him as she went inside of her room to put on her shoes. “Then again, staying the night is exactly what we’re going to do. Go sit up front, I’m coming.” She said as Rich entered the house.

“What’s up, Bran?” He spoke.

“Hey Rich,” Brandon spoke back while watching the TV and waiting on his mom.

Rich headed down the hallway and into the bedroom. He noticed Lauren getting ready to go. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to my sister’s house or did you forget that I was helping her this evening? Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” She asked, already knowing the answer since she could smell the weed and liquor on him from across the room.

“I was chilling with the fellas and I didn’t feel like hearing your mouth.”

“Are you serious right now?” She asked with a frown on her face. “Nigga, you’re in my car, drinking and smoking IN MY SHIT! You sound like a fool right now.”

“Whatever,” Rich said, starting to feel annoyed.

“I think you should move out. Get all of your shit and get out of my house!” She told him with a serious look on her face. She was tired of shit.

“I’m not going anywhere!” Rich stated as he walked up on her.

Lauren didn’t want any conflict so she went inside of her dresser drawer and pulled out some clothes of her own. “Don’t worry. I’ll just stay at my parent’s house until you leave. I don’t wanna be with you no more.”

Rich instantly became upset. He grabbed her around the neck with one hand and slammed her on the bed. “Bitch, you ain’t going anywhere and I ain’t either. I wish you might try to leave me. I’ll kill yo ass!” He said. Lauren was struggling to get loose, but he had a tight grip around her neck as she kicked her legs while swinging her arms. The look in his eyes was terrifying. She’d never saw that side of him. He’d gone from 0-100 in no time and it scared the hell out of her. She was starting to lose consciousness, but she continued to fight with all her might. All she could think was that he was about to kill her, not knowing his own strength.

“Let my mommy go!” Brandon cried out. Finally, Lauren was released from the death grip and she could catch her breath as Rich stood to his feet, holding his head. She was coughing for dear life, trying to breathe. She’d never been in a situation like this before and it frightened her to death. Brandon ran over and hugged on her. He was still crying. He was now scared of the man that had played daddy to him for the past couple of months and Lauren was too.

“I’m sorry,” Rich quickly said. He’d blacked out and all he knew was that he’d almost choked Lauren to death over a simple argument. “I’m sorry,” he kept repeating.

Lauren was so outdone and afraid of him that she grabbed Brandon and quickly headed for the room door. She didn’t know what to say. All she wanted to do was get out of there.

“Aye,” Rich called out still holding her keys in his hand. “I meant it, though. If you leave me, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

Lauren didn’t even look back as she went inside of Brandon’s room and locked the door. She sat on the side of her son’s bed, still holding him. He was clearly scared of what he’d just witnessed, but if it wasn’t for him she’d probably be unconscious by now.

“It’s okay, baby.” She said to try and calm him down. “Mommy is gonna get rid of the bad man. I’m so sorry you had to see that.” She was now definitely afraid for her life and Brandon’s. She’d gotten caught up with a crazy man and didn’t realize it until it was now too late. What was she going to do and how would she ever get rid of him? She didn’t know, but something had to give and it wouldn’t be her or her son.


Chapter 9


A week had passed and it was now the following Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ware were sitting in their quaint entertainment room listening to the surround sounds playing an R&B Quiet Storm CD.
Tender Love by Force MD’s
played smoothly through the house. Mrs. Ware rested her head on her husband’s chest as they lay back on the plush leather sectional. Mr. Ware had some concerns about his girls and just wanted to talk to his wife about them. His first concern definitely had something to do with Brandon’s behavior in just a week’s time. There was something going on with Lauren and maybe his wife knew about it or not, but he was certainly about to find out.

“Lena baby,” he said to gain her attention.

“Yes dear,” Mrs. Ware responded. She knew it had to be something since he’d called her by her government name. Anytime she heard the name Lena come out of his mouth, it had to be a serious conversation to follow it.

“Something has been bothering me with the girls, more so with Lauren at the moment.” He said, as Mrs. Ware tensed up a bit. She had a feeling she knew where this was going.

“Talk to me about your concerns and maybe I can shed some light on the topic,” she politely told him.

“I stopped by Lauren’s house on Monday to see what was up with her behavior at Jewel’s birthday party last Sunday. She seemed very distant and didn’t really spend a lot of time with the family.”

“Yeah, I noticed her sitting outside on the bench by herself for the most part and even I tried to go sit with her to talk, but she was a bit standoffish.”

“Well, what did she say? Did she say anything?” He curiously asked.

Mrs. Ware looked up at him. She found it time to be honest with him about their daughter. “Well, she and Rich have been going through some things. I felt like her behavior had something to do with it whatever’s going on inside her home. I went outside to speak with her and she told me that she was taking care of things and that she really didn’t want to talk about it. I couldn’t get much out of her, because Brandon was stuck by her side. He wouldn’t leave to even go play with the kids and we both know how he loves his cousins.”

“And, how he loves to get wet,” Mr. Ware added. “The bounce houses were set up with the water slides and he didn’t even get on one of them, PERIOD. Even when I tried to put him inside the bounce house, he cried to go back around his mom. It was seriously strange to me.”

“It was,” Mrs. Ware stated. The thing that got her was seeing Lauren wearing a sleeveless turtle neck while sitting outside in 95 degree weather. She was known to cut up her jeans and shorts, creating different styles of her own, but to cut off the sleeves on a turtle neck and throw a vest over it seemed a bit too much.

“The thing that got me is when I went over yesterday to see if Brandon wanted to come over for the night, he didn’t. He seems to want to stay around Lauren as if he’s protecting her.”

“Was Rich there?” Mrs. Ware curiously pondered.

Mr. Ware disappointedly shook his head. “No, he’s never there when I go over and her car isn’t either. I know they get themselves caught up sometimes, but she is really not the Lauren that we raised.”

Mrs. Ware hated to face the facts, but they were staring directly at her. There was no way around it and she had to speak up about it.

“Now honey,” she softly said while sitting up to look him in his eyes. “When I tell you this, I don’t want you going crazy.”

“Tell me what?”

“Lauren came over last Friday with a bruise on her arm.”

Mr. Ware cut his eyes at his wife with a serious mean mug on his face. “A bruise,” he said not wanting to face the fact that his daughter had gotten herself caught up in an abusive relationship.

“Yes, and I believe that Rich has been putting his hands on her.”

“Why didn’t you say something last week when you saw this, Lena?”

“Because, I knew you’d act up and I didn’t want you going over there and possibly making things worse for her. She seemed scared last Sunday at the birthday party and when I touched her to ask her something, she flinched. That was so not like her.”

BOOK: Ratchet Bitches 2
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