Rapture's Tempest (22 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Smith

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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Jim was dragged back to the present by the sound of his brother’s voice. “Did you say something, Marshall?”

“I was wondering how your meeting with Mark went this afternoon. That is why you were late, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I’m sorry I held you up, but by the time we finished with business, it was almost seven.”

“No problem,” Renee told him. “Dorrie and your parents went on ahead to let Clara know that we’d been detained.”


“So what did Mark have to say today?” Marshall asked.

“He did have some news that I found rather interesting.”

“Such as?”

“Wade MacIntosh has been promoted.”


Jim nodded, “He’s now Major MacIntosh and he’s been assigned to the paymaster…”

“Does Mark have to report to him?” Marshall could sense trouble brewing.

“Not directly, but Wade does outrank him now, and Mark’s more than a little upset about that.”

“I can certainly understand why…especially since they’re both courting Dorrie.”

“I guess we’d better keep an eye on them tonight,” Marshall suggested.

“You two just mind your own business,” Renee told them pointedly. “Dorrie’s a big girl now, and I’m sure she can handle Mark and Wade just fine without your brotherly interference.”

Marshall and Jim looked at her, a little surprised, and then let the subject drop.

When the carriage came to a halt in front of the Morgan home, Jim climbed out and went to get Annabelle. Within short moments they were back and on their way to the party.

Marshall was the first to climb down when they finally arrived at the festively lighted Montgomery home, and he turned to help Renee and then Annabelle to descend.

Delight was standing near a front parlor window visiting with friends when the sound of a carriage drew her attention and she glanced out to see who was so late in arriving. Though it was dark, she recognized the Westlake conveyance and excused herself to go and meet Renee.

It was on the way down the front hall that Martin accosted her.

“My dear, I haven’t had the opportunity to tell you how absolutely lovely you look tonight,” he said smoothly, stepping in front of her and successfully blocking her path.

“Thank you.” She tried to move past him. “If you’ll excuse me—”

“No. I’m afraid not. It’s time that we danced together.”

“Martin. You know how I feel about…”

“It’s perfectly natural for you and me to dance. In fact, it’s expected. Now, won’t you please reconsider? Or do you plan to make a scene?” He tried to take her elbow but she shook off his hand.

“Don’t touch me!” she hissed. “We have guests arriving…” Nodding toward the door where her mother was welcoming the Westlakes, she managed to distract him for a moment and she started forward to greet Renee and Marshall.

“Clara, thank you so much for having us. Delight!” Renee called out a greeting as she saw her friend coming toward her.

Delight was relieved to have gotten away from Martin and she smiled widely at the sight of her friend. “I’m so glad you finally got here.”

Renee gave her a quick hug and then continued easily, “I hope you don’t mind that we brought Marshall’s brother, Jim, with us.” Renee turned her to face Jim. “Captain Jim Westlake, I’d like you to meet my friend Delight de Vries.” She beamed as she introduced them. “And I believe you already know Annabelle, his fiancée.”

Suddenly, without any advance warning, she was looking at Captain James Westlake. Though it was only a matter of a few seconds, to Delight it seemed that an eternity had passed as she stared at him in mute surprise. Her eyes feasted upon him, lovingly tracing the broad width of his shoulders and his handsome features, until their gazes met and locked. Forcing herself not to run from him, she met his regard steadily and waited.

It took Jim a long minute to realize that this was actually Murphy standing so brazenly before him. A bolt of white-hot joy seared his soul, and he tensed.

Annabelle, who was clinging to his arm, felt his muscles bunch beneath her hand and looked up at him questioningly.

Jim quickly recovered his composure and schooled his expression, his eyes shuttering the unanticipated excitement that had shaken him. So, Jim thought in vicious victory, Murphy was none other than Delight de Vries. And the whole time he’d been out combing the city for her like a wild man, she’d been right here.

His eyes narrowed as he studied her. Was a spy ring being
operated out of this house? Why had she done it? Could there possibly have been another reason for her disguise? As Delight de Vries she had everything—money and an assured position in society. And there had never been any doubts about the loyalty of the Montgomery/de Vries family…at least, not until now.

Jim’s thoughts were chaotic as he tried to figure out the best way to handle the situation. Finally, in a flash of momentary brilliance, he decided to do absolutely nothing. Let her sweat for a while and wonder what he was going to do. Grim in his determination to get to the bottom of her scheme, Jim knew that before this night was over he was going to have answers to all of his questions. Controlling himself admirably, he slipped a possessive arm around Annabelle’s waist and spoke first.

“Miss de Vries.” His tone was bland as he took her hand. “How nice to finally meet you. Renee’s spoken so highly of you.”

“Thank you, Captain,” she murmured as a thrill shot through her at the touch of his hand. She glanced up at him quickly to see if he’d felt the same thing, but his features reflected nothing. He appeared very remote, almost cold, and slightly mocking, and she was forced to look away.

“Please, call me Jim,” he offered, and then added outrageously, “I feel as if we’ve known each other for a long time. And may I call you Delight?”

“Of course.” She felt trapped and wondered at his game. Obviously, he’d recognized her, so why was he carrying on this charade?

“And you know my fiancée, Annabelle.”

“Annabelle.” She acknowledged the other woman’s presence, although it sent a shaft of burning pain through her heart to do so. They did make a handsome couple…Jim so tall and debonair and Annabelle so tiny and fair, clinging to him so adorably.

Delight suddenly thought she was going to be sick. How had
she gotten herself into such a mess? Her first instinct was to hide for the rest of the night, but she fought that down. She had done far more difficult things in her life than watch the man she loved with another woman. Lifting her chin as her pride surged forth to steady her, Delight knew that she would make it through the coming hours, torturous though they might be.

Her heart constricted as Jim turned easily away from her to greet her mother and stepfather, and tears burned her eyes as she longed to be the woman at his side. Drawing on her innermost resources, Delight smiled brightly and continued to make small talk with Renee.

Jim observed Martin Montgomery with subdued interest, wondering if there was any truth at all to the story she’d told him about her stepfather’s being the reason she’d run away. The possibility bore looking into, and he decided to make discreet inquiries as the night progressed.

It amazed him that he suddenly felt almost lighthearted now that he had found her, and he frowned. The little witch! He’d spent long, miserable weeks searching for her and, he hated to admit, worrying about her. Quickly forcing himself to think about the spy charge, his expression grew thunderous. If there was some covert operation going on here, he was going to uncover it tonight.

Delight had been watching Jim from beneath lowered lashes, and a shiver shook her as he turned back to her. His eyes snared hers, his look relating all the frustration and anger that was built up inside of him. But Delight mistook his look for one of contempt, and she felt in that moment that he was lost to her forever. Turning away, still chatting gaily with Renee, she moved ahead of them down the hall.

Jim watched her progress, admiring her trim figure. As Murphy she had been a pretty woman, but as Delight de Vries she was gorgeous. He followed her progress until a petulant remark from Annabelle drew him back to the present.

Delight walked down the hall toward the ballroom, totally confused. What was he doing here? And why, since she was
sure he had recognized her, had he not revealed all that had passed between them? On edge, she paused in the open doorway to watch the other couples dancing.

“Darling, I can’t wait to dance with you again,” Annabelle told Jim.

Delight stiffened at her words.

Jim chuckled as they swept past Delight’s tense figure to enter the ballroom. “We have the whole evening, and I intend to have you in my arms as often as possible.”

She watched as Jim swept his fiancée into his arms and guided her expertly about the dance floor.


She almost jumped at the sound of Marshall’s voice so close behind her. “Yes?” Delight kept her smile firmly in place.

“Let’s dance.”

“I’d love to,” she replied eagerly, and she was more grateful than he would ever know when he squired her out among the swirling couples.

“What happened to Renee?”

“She was waylaid by a pair of dowagers in the hall, and I had no intention of being dragged into that conversation for any length of time. Thank you for saving me…” He grinned down at her.

“My pleasure, believe me.” She laughed lightly just as Jim and Annabelle danced past them.

The sight of Delight obviously enjoying a dance in Marshall’s arms sent a wave of cold anger through Jim. What the hell was his brother doing dancing with her? Unused to being assailed by such strong emotions, he shook himself mentally. When he realized how ridiculous his reaction was, he scowled.

“Jim? Is something wrong?” Annabelle sensed a change in him and wondered at the cause.

“No. Nothing.” He smiled at her distractedly and was glad when the music ended. “Shall we get some punch?”

“I’d love some.”

As they headed for the refreshment table, Renee joined them. “I thought Mrs. Peterson would never stop talking…” She was relieved to be away from the older women. “Have you seen my husband?”

“He was dancing with Delight a minute ago.” Jim’s tone was cold and Renee looked at him quickly, wondering at his mood.

“Good. She is such a sweet girl.” Renee saw them approaching from across the crowded dance floor. “Here they come now.”

Jim had almost snorted in disbelief at Renee’s remark. Murphy/Delight, sweet? He would never have chosen that adjective to describe her. She was either incredibly shrewd or terribly naive. His mind told him that she was the first; his heart protested the decision. It was an unending conflict within him that could only be resolved by discovering the truth. Anxious not to appear interested in her, Jim bent attentively to Annabelle and engaged her in conversation.

Delight saw Jim standing with Annabelle, and she knew she couldn’t join them. Excusing herself from Marshall, she went out into the hallway, searching for a quiet place where she could get control of her emotions once again. She wouldn’t have believed that anything could hurt this badly. She felt as if her whole world had just come crashing down around her. All her fantasies of Jim’s wanting her and needing her were just that…fantasies. He was engaged to Annabelle Morgan and he would marry Annabelle Morgan, and there was nothing she could do about it. She had been right to flee that morning after they’d made love. He didn’t really care about her. He never had, and no doubt he never would. That was why he hadn’t looked for her. That was why he was ignoring her now.

Hurrying down the hallway, she rushed into the deserted study and shut the door.

A drunken Martin Montgomery had seen Delight’s nervous flight from the ballroom, and, after waiting a short length of time, he followed her out into the hall, unaware that Jim’s eyes
were upon him. He didn’t know why she was upset, but it offered him the perfect opportunity to corner her, alone. As he left the ballroom, he saw her enter the study and close the door, and he hurried down the hall in pursuit. Quietly, he turned the knob and let himself in, shutting it silently behind him.

Delight was standing at one of the full-length casement windows staring out into the darkness of the night.

“Were you waiting for me?” Martin asked snidely.

Her startled gasp was his answer.

“Well, no matter. I’m here now, and we are very much alone.”

“Hardly,” she replied haughtily. “We have a house full of company. Any of whom might decide to come through that door at any moment.”

Martin stalked toward her, and Delight tensed. In her desperation to get away from Jim, she had not even considered Martin.

Stopping in front of her, he let his lascivious gaze devour the smoothness of the tops of her breasts. “Your breasts really are lovely,” he murmured and reached out to touch her.

Delight quickly slapped his hand away. “You’ve had too much to drink. Leave me alone or I’ll let the whole world know what kind of a lecher you are!”

“One kiss, my dear, and I’ll leave,” he bargained, wanting to feel her pressed against him one more time.

“There is no way you’ll ever get that close to me again!” she hissed, backing away from him. But Martin didn’t even seem to hear her as he advanced toward her, intent only on his own pleasures.

Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pulled her fiercely toward him.

“No!” Her scream was cut off by his painful, silencing kiss.

When he saw Martin Montgomery leave the room so soon after Delight, Jim excused himself from Annabelle for a moment and followed. Pausing in the ballroom doorway, he watched as Martin almost furtively entered the study. Walking
slowly in that direction, Jim hesitated outside the closed portal. He could hear the sound of voices, male and female, but the words were indistinct. He was about ready to move away when he finally recognized Delight’s voice and then heard her quickly muffled cry.

With a casualness he little felt, Jim opened the door and stepped into the study. The sight that greeted him sent a wave of fury through him, and it was only thanks to his own rigid, iron-willed self-control that he didn’t throttle Martin to within an inch of his life right then.

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