Read Rapture's Tempest Online

Authors: Bobbi Smith

Rapture's Tempest (16 page)

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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Martin, however, roamed the house like a cat on the prowl. He made a conscious effort to stay out of Delight’s way, for he found her presence very disturbing. Haunted by his memories of the night in her room, he struggled to control the passion she aroused in him.

“Sir? Is there anything wrong?” Noting how upset Martin looked, Sue stood in the doorway of the study uncertain whether to enter or not.

“What?” He looked up quickly, confused for a moment. “No. No, nothing’s wrong.”

“I needed to dust in here, sir; that is if I won’t be disturbing you.”

“Come in, Sue,” he invited, lecherous thoughts occurring to him as he looked at her as a woman for the first time. He needed a woman right now…one who could ease his lust and take his mind off Delight. “And close the door.”

Sue gave him a curious look, but did as he instructed and then went straight to work. Busy with her dusting, she didn’t notice Martin’s heated gaze upon her.

Martin shifted uneasily in his chair as he imagined bedding Sue. Though his tastes usually ran to slimmer, less full-figured women, right now the thought of burying his face in her lush breasts stirred him greatly. Rising, he approached her, his footsteps muffled by the thick carpet.

“Sue?” His voice was thick with desire, but the maid did not recognize his passion.

“Oh!” she jumped, startled by his quiet approach. “Yes, sir. Do you need something?”

Martin gave her a warm smile as he thought of his “need.” He reached out hesitantly and ran a hand down her arm. He kept his touch impersonal just in case she might protest, for the last thing he needed today was a reluctant wench.

“Do you enjoy your job here, Sue?”

“Oh, yes, sir,” she told him eagerly. Sue admired Clara very much and she thought Martin to be the most handsome man she’d ever seen. “Your wife is wonderful and…”

“I’m not talking about my wife, Sue. Are you happy working for me?”

“Of course.” Her eyes widened at the implication of his words. She had always found him attractive. “Sir.” She added belatedly, with a certain intimate quality, “I love taking care of you.”

“I had hoped you’d say that, Sue.” His hand paused on her arm and drew her easily toward him. “You know, I’m sure I could find some more intimate duties for you to perform. Something that you might not find quite so taxing as ordinary
house hold chores. And, since Rose is returning to our employ, it will be easy for me to arrange for you to have more free time to relax and enjoy yourself.”

Sue was thrilled by his approach. She knew Martin wielded much power in the house hold and that by pleasing him she could easily better her lot in life.

“I’d like that, sir.”

“Good, good.” Martin was relieved. He pulled her against his chest and let his hands roam suggestively over her lush figure.

“Oh, sir,” Sue moaned, her knees weakening at his bold touch.

Martin was pleased that he could arouse her so easily. “We’ll do well together, Sue.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Finish your work here. We’ll take care of our other ‘business’ later,” he instructed.

Sue scurried to finish her dusting as Martin moved back to sit behind the desk.

He watched her progress about the room. At last he’d found a woman who wanted what he could give her, and he intended to take full advantage of the situation.

Delight undressed slowly that night. It had been a long, tiring day, and she was glad the worst was over. Her mother had been receptive to the idea of Rose’s coming to stay with them again, and Delight was looking forward to her friend’s moving in the next day. Martin had played his role perfectly, and, although she had sensed his eyes upon her often during the course of the day, she could find no actual fault with his behavior.

It felt wonderful to Delight to take a warm, scented bath again, but when she slipped into one of her own gowns, she suddenly missed Jim’s nightshirt and wished that she’d brought it with her. Climbing into her own bed, she paused, and then
hurried back to make sure she’d locked her door securely. Certain that she was safe, Delight went back to bed and curled up beneath her heavy blankets.

The winter night was clear and cold. The brightness of the full moon cast shadows as it reflected off the white brilliance of the snow. An unexpected feeling of loneliness swept over her as she huddled there beneath the warmth of her quilts, and, try as she might, she couldn’t keep Jim from her thoughts.

In her sleepy mind, she saw him as he had been during their night of endless passion, powerful and potent, eager and tender. How she longed to hold him close and tell him of her love…sighing, she closed her eyes, but a vision of him stayed with her, and when she finally drifted off to sleep her dreams were of her captain…loving her…needing her…wanting her, forever.

It was late as Jim paced restlessly in his cabin. The walls seemed to be closing in on him, and he found the experience very irritating. He had never been uncomfortable in his own stateroom before, yet now all he wanted to do was escape from the memories it held for him. Memories of a moment in time so rare and beautiful that it could never be equaled again.

Angry at his inability to get his mind off Murphy, he sat down at the desk and once more tried to find solace in work. But, as he stared at the papers spread out before him, Jim knew that he was too tired even to make the attempt. Shuffling them aside, he pulled out his faithful bottle of scotch and poured himself a drink. He looked at the bottle sightlessly for a moment as he remembered the night Murphy had gotten it for him, and he couldn’t stop the chuckle that came when he recalled her struggle to pull on her boots. How he wished he’d known of her feminnity before that last fateful night….

He sighed and stood up, making his way into her small room. Leaning against the door frame, he took a deep drink from his glass and stared at her bed. All the nights they had shared—and yet he had only one to treasure. His heart felt heavy, and he quickly turned away. Draining the scotch, he placed the glass back on the desk and pulled on his coat. He would find no solace here tonight. With no further thought, he left the stateroom and headed for the pilot house, hoping to find some interesting, mind-diverting companionship there.

Chapter Seventeen

Jim sat at the bar in the
’s saloon with Mark Clayton late the following afternoon. He was exhausted, and he looked it.

“Have you been sleeping all right?” Mark inquired, wondering at his friend’s haggard looks.

“No, I haven’t.” Jim offered no explanation.


“No, just a lot on my mind,” Jim replied curtly.

“Anything I should know about?”

Jim gave him a quick look. “It’ll pass.”

“Good, because you’re scheduled to leave tonight.”

“Tonight?” Jim was taken by surprise. He hadn’t expected this. He’d thought he had some extra time to continue his search for Murphy. “What’s so important?”

“We’ve just heard that there’s a group operating in the area who has pinpointed your line as the one carrying the payroll. It’s important that we keep your schedule irregular from now on, so they don’t know exactly when we’re moving the bullion.”

“How did they find out?”

“We’re not sure, but I have the feeling it’s someone on the inside leaking the information.”

Jim nodded, understanding their predicament but irritated by it. “Do you have any idea who it might be?”

“No, so we can’t take any chances. You haven’t hired any more new help, have you?”

“Not since we talked last,” Jim told him, his thoughts automatically going to Murphy and her disappearance. Surely, Murphy couldn’t be a spy…

“And your new cabin boy?”

“He quit already. Couldn’t handle the work, I guess. We don’t have to worry about him.” Jim automatically covered for her and then quickly wondered why.

“Good. We’ll start making these diverting runs just to keep things unsettled.”

“Will we still carry the guards?”

“I think it’s best if we do.”

“I hope your plan works.”

“It should. But we’ll have to be even more vigilant in our efforts to keep silent.”

Jim nodded. “I guess I’d better get over to see Annabelle. I had told her that I wouldn’t be leaving until the end of the week.”

“I’m glad you have an understanding fiancée,” Mark grinned.

“She has been so far, but if I keep pulling out on short notice she might not stay so patient.” Jim forced a lighthearted smile.

“I’m sure you can find a way to make it up to her,” Mark laughed, knowing of his friend’s remarkable luck with women.

Jim just grunted, and they both stood to leave the bar. “What time tonight?”

“It’ll be around eleven, but I’ll see you again before you go.”

“Fine. We’ll be ready.”

Annabelle was happy to see Jim and ushered him quickly inside before kissing him daringly.

“I’m so glad you came by,” she told him as she took his coat. “Father’s gone out for a while and we’re all alone.”

Her smile was suggestive as she led him into the privacy of the parlor.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No, not right now.”

“Would you like to stay for dinner?”

“I won’t be able to tonight, Annabelle.” Jim sat down on the sofa and she joined him there, pressing close to his side.

“Oh?” She frowned her displeasure.

“I’m leaving again at midnight.”

Annabelle pouted prettily. “But you promised you’d tell me ahead of time! You told me you’d be here all week.”

Jim found her calculating feminine ways suddenly irritating. “I know and I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“But I thought you were your own boss.”

“Most of the time I am, but we all have to answer to somebody.” His answer was cryptic, and he left it that way.

“Well, I suppose we’ll just have to enjoy what time we do have together,” she murmured, as her mind raced in search of ways to get the news to Wade and the others.

Jim was relieved by Annabelle’s reluctant acceptance, but he still felt uncomfortable in her presence and wished himself gone. How had his life gotten so complicated?

“You look tired, darling,” Annabelle said soothingly as she moved nearer, pressing against him. “You’ve just been working too hard. What you need is a little relaxation….”

Gently pulling Jim’s head down, she kissed him eagerly. She had been wanting to know his passion since the night of the engagement party, and even long hours of loving in Wade’s arms hadn’t erased her desire for Jim.

But Jim, having played her little teasing games many times previously, was in no mood for it tonight. With a tight rein of control, he loosened her arms from about his neck and moved slightly away.

“But…” Annabelle was shocked. She had never been refused
before! What was he doing? He had pursued her for weeks, and now that she was ready to give him what he wanted he was rejecting her.

“Not tonight, Annabelle.”

“Don’t you want me?” She was genuinely confused.

Jim stared at her for long moments, sensing the truth, yet not ready to speak it.

“Of course, I want you. You’re very beautiful. But I must leave. I have a lot to get done before we shove off.” He stood abruptly.

She nodded silently and followed his rapid exit from the parlor. “You’ll be back soon?”

“Hopefully within ten days. I’ll be in touch as soon as we get in.”

“Well, all right,” she said sullenly. “But you know I’ll miss you,” Annabelle added seriously. She had been anxiously waiting for a time when they could be together, and now he had to leave.

Jim managed to smile at her, and when she moved into his arms he kissed her. Annabelle put her whole body and soul into that kiss, but to Jim she was a clinging woman and he felt as if he were suffocating in her possessive embrace.

Releasing her, he pulled on his coat and was gone, leaving a frustrated and confused fiancée behind.

Marshall was always glad to see his brother, and this evening was no exception. He had been wondering how Jim’s search for Murphy was going and waited eagerly now to hear whatever news Jim had.

“I’ve been thinking about you and also making inquiries. Have you had any luck?” Marshall asked as Jim joined him in the privacy of the study.

“No, what about you?”

“I haven’t learned a thing. She didn’t come back on her own?”


“I was hoping she would.”

“So was I…Listen, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you, if you’ve got a minute.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Mark came by the boat to see me this afternoon and he wants us to leave again, tonight.”

“But there’s no payroll, is there?”

“No, but Mark has heard that the word is out that we’re carrying it, and he wants to start diversionary trips to confuse the issue.”

Marshall nodded his agreement. “You’re going to be gone a lot more, then.”

“Right. In fact, I’ll be back on the river by midnight.”

“It makes sense. But what I want to know is, how did the information get out?”

“That’s what I’m worried about. Do you think that Murphy—?” Jim let his voice drift off, not wanting to believe it.

“Murphy? A spy?” Marshall was incredulous for a moment and then paused to consider it seriously. “How did you meet her?”

“We just ran into her on the streets one night. Two drunks were about to beat her, and Ollie and I showed up just in time.”

“Was there any way that the sympathizers could have known where you and Ollie were going to be in order to set it up?”

Jim thought back over that night, not wanting to believe it was possible. “I don’t think so. We only decided at the last minute to go to Harry’s. There was no way anyone else could have known. And besides,” he rationalized, “why send a woman to do a man’s job? Surely if they wanted to get a spy on board, they could have picked a more likely subject than Murphy.”

Marshall had to agree with Jim’s assessment. “That’s true enough. She could hardly have defended herself against you. But what about those contracts she brought here to me?”

Jim almost flinched as he remembered. “She was slow getting
back with them, but she said it was because you weren’t at the office and she had to bring them here.”

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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