Raising a Cowgirl (15 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #9781301619559

BOOK: Raising a Cowgirl
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“Shit, you guys are so big, it feels so good to have you both inside me. It is like
we are one,” Jolie whispered and looked down at David and then over her shoulder so
she knew they were both looking at her. “I love you.”

David drove upward, causing waves of controlled spasms to roll down her body. She
milked his cock and his breath caught. When he reached between them and thumbed her
clit, her world stood still as an inferno of passionate need shot up her spine. Unbelievably
happy, she let the glory wash over her.

Gage pushed in her as David pulled out, and she felt the friction inside her and gasped.
Gage held her hips hard, she felt his fingers biting into her hips and she groaned.

“I need it faster,” she panted.

“Baby, we love you, too, we are gonna show you how much,” David said. She held on
to David’s arms as his hands joined Gage’s holding her still. His powerful shoulders
were bulging with the exertion. She wanted to smooth them, but she lost her mind
when they begin to slam into her.

David leaned up, and kissed her hard while Gage kissed her shoulders and both murmured
their love. Gone were the loving, soft kisses. In its place was wild desire. Her
body urged them on. They plunged into her with more intensity. With each thrust,
they changed angles, giving her a new experience each time they drove into her wet
pussy and slick ass.

She pumped her hips upward then backward, urging them to take her and brand her as
their own. The heat between them built, and the blood raced through her body. David’s
demanding kiss drugged her with desire. Heat swooped in and pushed her closer to
the edge. Her resolve to hold on got lost in the kisses and touches from both of
her men.

“Come with me,” she nearly shouted.

A brief smile flitted across David’s face. One desperate plunge sent his balls slapping
against Gage’s and she held on tight. In that final moment, they held her close and
pushed against the end of her sex with an intensity that spoke of everlasting love.
She closed her eyes and held on as her climax spiraled through her.

“Gage, David, I love you,” she cried, her mouth opened to get more air.

“I love you,” Gage whispered into her ear and wrapped an arm around her.

“I love you, too,” David growled and then pushed up one last time, sending them all
over the edge. When they stopped moving, she wasn’t sure she could move again. Her
breaths came out in tiny breaths. Gage dropped his head against her back and rolled
over, sandwiching her in between them, both of them sliding out of her slowly and
then quickly disposing of their condoms, then Gage brought a warm cloth to clean her
up before both of them began settling in beside her.

“Woman, you are amazing. I am more than willing to ‘cowboy up’ any time you want
me to,” David whispered and they laughed, then Jolie sighed and closed her eyes.

Chapter Sixteen


Alex and the others were waiting in the office when they arrived back to the ranch
the following day. Jolie had been anxious to get back to Sammi after their night
of loving, and the men had agreed, feeling a certain amount of unease being away from
the darling little girl.

When they entered the house, all of them instantly sought out the tiny bundle of happiness.
She and Lou were in her playroom, and when Sammi saw the three of them, her arms went
up and she smiled happily. The feeling of rightness came over them. They were becoming
a family, one that would protect each other until the end.

Grabbing the little girl gently, David picked her up and kissed her cheek, “Good morning,
baby girl,” he said and handed her to Gage who held her close.

“I love you, Sammi,” he whispered into her small little ear.

“Let’s not start crying already,” Jolie said shakily, took Sammi, and settled her
into her arms.

“I will get breakfast,” Lou said and stopped by Gage and wrapped her arms around him.
“How about blueberry pancakes,” she whispered and Gage smiled.

Lou always made their favorites when one of them was down. Blueberry pancakes were
his comfort food. “Thanks, Lou.”

Lou hit his arm when she pulled back and said, “Pooh, get yourself cleaned up and
come to the kitchen.”

They laughed and complied with the older woman’s orders, chatting to Sammi and each
other at the same time.

When they walked into the kitchen, Alex popped his head out of the office. “Can you
guys come in here? Things are getting a little wacky again.”

Gage nodded and turned to Jolie, “Sweetheart, stay here, we will fill you in, I promise.”

Jolie nodded, comfortable in their newfound relationship, knowing Gage would stick
to his word. She would find out everything that was going on.

Gage and David went to the office. Lou pulled her into a hug and fussed over Jolie
and Sammi, Sable walked in with her hands on her hips.

“Yay, chicks breakfast, we can talk about all those surly men who are in the other
room. They have their panties in a wad again. Said they would come out in a few
and talk to us. I think they found something. Anyway,” Sable said and turned to
Lou and grinned. “Come on, Lou, let’s get the good stuff out of her before they get

The older woman shook her head and laughed, but then grabbed three cups of coffee
and a plate full of sweet rolls and set them on the table. She also grabbed a bottle
and a bowl of Cheerios for Sammi and they were set.

“So, David and Gage,” Sable said innocently.

“Yep,” Jolie laughed but kept her answer short.

“Well, we have room here, but I know David has room also. Until all this is over,
I suppose you are going to stay here. How about we move all their stuff, and Sammi’s
stuff and get you all settled today,” Lou said smugly.

“We haven’t talked that far ahead.” Jolie blushed but said, “However, if I have my
way, they will be with me.”

“Good for you,” Sable laughed and grabbed a sweet roll. “Let them know who is boss
right off.”

The women looked at each other and giggled loudly. They all knew this house was brimming
with men leaving them the minority. “You know, the way these men are pairing off,
I would suspect that we will be gaining a few more women soon,” Lou teased.

“As long as none of them are high maintenance bitches we will be good.” Sable shrugged.

There was a knock at the door and Lou rushed to see who it was, when she opened the
door, a tornado entered. Jolie sat in shock as Bailey, and Rex’s wife, Jazz, swept
into the room and were introduced and sitting down with them in minutes.

“What do we have going on here? Dallas and Rex seem to think it's okay suddenly to
leave us out of the loop. We decided two of us would come and get the skinny, and
call everyone. We got some women in a panic.” Bailey laughed and even though Jolie
had only spoken to the woman on the phone, she felt an instant connect.

“We were talking about how the guys are pairing up,” Sable laughed.

“Okay, it’s that way is it. Well, we have plenty of information for you on how to
get around the stubborn men that seem to think they have to protect us. But we will
get to that. First, I wanna see this little one. Grandma B needs to get in practice
before Sable over here pops,” Bailey laughed.

Jazz piped up. “And Auntie J.”

Jolie sat in wonderment as the two women began pulling out new outfits for Sammi,
some were too big, meant to be worn as she grows. Each of them bright and western.

“Calli is in a cowgirl phase. Everyone loves it, but we had to talk her out of using
the plaid thing to death. So she is on to these pretty little flowers which are going
to look divine on you,” Bailey said to Sammi who was happily sitting on the table
playing with the clothes before her.

“Clothes already?” Gage groaned and laughed.

“We are going to have to start cleaning the guns at the table soon, I have a feeling
Sammi is going to be a handful. She is too beautiful for words, the boys are gonna
go crazy,” David drawled and plucked Sammi off the table.

The rest of the men came into the room. Jolie hugged Drake and Jessie as they walked
in. They must have gotten back last night. She knew them from the pictures and went
to them instinctively. Both men sighed and smiled when she let them go, with quiet
promises to come to her if they needed to talk.

There were so many they had to move into the large dining room. Lou pulled pans out
of the oven and brought them in with Bailey and Jazz helping her, plus chatting and
hugging each of the men as well.

When they were all finally seated, Drake said, “We have a cluster fuck going on here,
girls, and we are going to have to figure out what to do about it. We are gonna need
your help.”

Sable pursed her lips and then said, “What?”

Drake sighed and said, “We are going to have to have some people come and stay, between
this house and David's the beds are mostly full. I am not sure where we are going
to put them.”

Alex said, “We will manage, we can’t take some of these people into town, everyone
would be in danger and we are far enough out that we can handle things on our own.”

“We need to figure this out, it is getting serious,” David said and leaned back and
put his arm around the back of her chair.

“Tell us what is going on while we think of a plan,” Jolie said.

Gage nodded to Drake and Jessie, the latter one started first.

“On our way back we were hacking into a few data bases. The Agency we have found
has contacted anyone who is listed as our next of kin on our military records, even
the ones that are on our comrade’s lists. It has put them all in danger. Right now,
we are trying to see if our next of kin have been contacted. And what the threat
levels are,” Jessie said.

“One of the things we have noticed though is the emails are coming from out of the
country, so we are trying to narrow down who it could be,” Drake added. “Our next
of kin are the ones in need of protection and we are stretched a little thin with
our resources. We would like to have them together, so we don’t have to worry about
everything, plus them.”

Sable nodded and looked at Jolie who nodded as well. “We will make it work.”

“We will help as well,” Desire said from the entryway as her and her men entered the
room. “I have four bedrooms free.”

“Thank you,” Drake said and closed his eyes and sighed. “We are trying to get a hold
of people now.”

“Well then,” Jolie said and pushed her empty plate away. “Seems we have a lot of
stuff to coordinate, let's get this show on the road, shall we. David and Gage, can
you take Sammi’s stuff and move them to my room, and clear out your rooms and put
your stuff
there as well. We need to see what we need and what we can store.”

Gage and David looked shocked but the rest of the men smiled smugly and began to clap.

Jolie felt the love in the room and laughed when both men stood and grabbed her.
Each of them kissing her soundly before letting her go and looking at their friends
with a cocky expression. “Find your own,” Gage said and they laughed.

"Well, welcome to family life, dudes. And, Gage, guess this officially removes your
title of team manwhore," Alex laughed.

"Ass," Gage said jokingly.

It took a couple of hours but things were getting organized. The men spent time in
the office and moving furniture but in the end—
were the ones
who gave them a direction to go immediately.

Bailey, Jazz, Sable, Desire and Jolie we in the office looking at the information,
which kept coming in. Drake and Ice were both sitting at the desks typing on their
computer trying to find a pattern to let them know where to focus.

“Holy crap, it is like a freaking maze, how can they figure this out?” Jazz said,
looking at the board.

Jolie began to explain the board to them, and Sable and Desire threw in their comments
as well. After about a half an hour of explanation, Sable pointed to something and

“What is this?” she said pointing to what looked like a phone number.

Drake looked over his shoulder and frowned. “It is the phone number one of the unidentified
next of kin put down as a contact. We haven’t traced it since it was the last email
that came in a few hours ago.”

Desire shook her head. “It can't be one of yours unless someone lives close.”

Jessie and Drake stopped what they were doing and said, “Why?”

“Well,” Desire pointed to the first three numbers. “This is our area code, and the
other numbers are the township over from us. I have a friend who has those next three

Jessie swore and they began to call the guys. They were all squished in the large
room full of equipment when Drake recounted what Desire stated.

“Shit, they know where we are,” Gage said and the men began to make phone calls.

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