RainRiders (6 page)

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Authors: Austina Love

Tags: #Paranormal, Romance, Ghost, Shapeshifter

BOOK: RainRiders
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Trip laughed. “Seems they’d have come by now if they cared. Face it, you’ve been hung out to dry.”

“My phone was ringing…someone is looking for me.”

“Not very hard.” Trip held up the cell phone. “They didn’t even leave a message.”

“What do I have to do to get out of here?” Gage’s forehead beaded with sweat.

“Give us the information we need and return the farm to Shye. Then we might consider letting you walk out of here after the deal goes down.” Trip gave him a hard stare and spoke with brutal determination. “I finally have Draven in my crosshairs. I’m not backing down.”

“I can’t do all that from here! The deed is locked in my office.”

Trip flipped open the cell phone. “Make a call. Have your secretary fax the necessary papers. Don’t even think about dropping a clue that anything is out of order.”

“Then what?” Anger mixed with fear hung on his voice.

“You’ll sign the farm back over to Shye and give us the time and location of the next big drop. The longer it takes me to track Draven, the longer you’ll be our guest.”

“Do you realize what you’re asking me to do? Those men are stone-cold-killers. If they get wind that I’ve rolled over on them, I’ll be next on their list.”

“Like my brother?” Trip felt his muscles twitch and his finger tighten on the trigger.

“Look, I’m sorry about Ty, but I had nothing to do with that. Pike does what he wants without asking permission. I had no idea he killed your brother until Carter hired him to go after Shye.”

“Why don’t I believe you? You’ve been part of this circle all along.”

“The drug part, yeah. I didn’t know there would be killing. I didn’t even know who
were until Shye returned home. She refused to back down so Carter called Pike in to catch her.”

“What the hell did you expect when you hooked up with this group?”

“Easy money.” Gage shrugged then sighed. “But then you rolled into town and somehow managed to hook up with Shye. That’s when I heard the talk about Pike giving your brother an overdose. By then it was too late for me to get out.” He looked up with narrowed eyes and tight lips. “You don’t simply walk away from these guys.”

“You’ll have to overlook my lack of sympathy.” Trip shoved the phone close to his face. “Make the call.”

“Hard to dial with my hands tied,” came Gage’s snide remark.

Remle poked his back with the double barrel shotgun. “Don’t be an ass. Give us the number then be smart and tell your secretary what to do. Remember, no tricks or you’ll soon take lessons behind different kinds of

He stammered out the number to his office and watched as Trip keyed them into the unit then placed the phone on speaker.

“Gage Korben, Attorney at Law,” a woman answered.

“La, I need you to fax me some documents,” Gage told her.

“Gage, where are you? Pike was in here acting strangely. He’s looking for you and he didn’t bring Carter back.”

Trip saw Gage flinch as if he wanted to tell La to shut up, so he gave him a sharp warning nod.

Sweat trickled down Gage’s temples as he continued. “Did something go wrong?”

“He said Carter is dead but he seemed really out of it. I think he was high. He muttered
or something.”

Gage’s face paled yet he kept his cool. “He’s just edgy over a recent discovery on the farm. Don’t worry about it. Go into the vault and fax me a copy of the title insurance for the farm and a sale contract.”

“Don’t tell me this thing is changing hands again.” La openly sighed into the receiver.

“Afraid so. Now that Carter is out of jail he wants it back and I really don’t have time to keep up with his insanity.”

“I just told you that Carter is dead. Weren’t you listening?”

Gage took a deep breath. “Who are you going to believe? Me or Pike? The man is crazier than Carter. Just do what I said okay? I want to take care of business so I can finish up for the day.”

“Ohhh…so that’s why you went out of town on business and sent Pike on a wild goose chase,” she chirped. “You didn’t want Pike to know about the switchback.”

Gage faked a laugh. “You catch on quickly, La. Would you be a doll and fax the proper paperwork so I can be done with this thing once and for all?”

“Of course. Give me a fax number.”

Trip held a piece of paper up to his face with the number scribbled on it. Gage repeated the numbers with impressive calm in his voice.

“Got it,” La said. “I’ll send these right away.”

“Thanks, you’re a sweetheart. See you soon.”

“Okay…muah!” she returned then ended the call.

“How sweet…she even sent you a kiss. Got something going on with the secretary?” Trip smirked. “That wasn’t so hard now was it? I’m impressed with how naturally lying comes to you…trick of the trade?”

Gage scowled in silence.

Remle walked over to his desk and waited for the fax. A few minutes later the printer kicked in and papers began coming through.

Trip untied Gage but kept a gun to his back.

“For an old hillbilly you have a pretty modern setup here.” Gage wrinkled his brow. “I’m almost glad to be rid of the damned place after all this,” Gage grumbled while signing the documents. “This farm has been nothing but a pain in the ass.”

Trip took the documents and looked them over, then filled in Shye’s name where required while Remle tied Gage back to the chair. Once everything looked in order he handed them to Remle who locked them in a fire-safe.

“Shye will be ecstatic when she returns,” Trip said with a satisfied grin. “Now just one more chore for you and we’ll try to forget your involvement.”

“By the way,” Remle added. “I heard your secretary mention the Rain Riders. Certainly you’ve heard of them.” He shot Gage an expectant look.

An uneasy expression shadowed Gage’s face. “Yeah…another reason I’m not overly distressed about giving the land back to Shye…Pike and his damned rain stick.”

“Rain stick?” Remle’s brows shot up.

“Yeah…he and his crew found it on the farm, but I wouldn’t have any part of it.”

“I can’t believe you got that slime bag banker out of jail. Do you have any ethics at all?” Trip shook his head in disdain.

“He was actually innocent this time and you know it. We all know who was robbing the bank, but nobody knows how she framed Carter. He isn’t too bright but nobody is stupid enough to rob their own bank then launch a grenade into it in broad daylight.”

“I have no idea who you’re referring to.” Trip turned away to hide a smug grin.

“Yeah right and like you didn’t love being her getaway driver after she pulled the jobs. That woman belongs to me and once she sees I’ve signed her land back over, I’ll be the hero. Shye will finally realize how much I love her. She’ll forgive my previous involvement and thank me for undoing Carter’s dirty work.”

“If that’s what you need to tell yourself to get this done then so be it.” Trip kept his back toward him.

“Shye will completely believe me when I tell her everything I did was because of Pike and Carter. Hell, you did me a favor, biker boy. Keeping me here while who knows what happened to Carter. And Pike ran off like a scared animal…not only do I have a solid alibi but I look more like a victim than the criminal. I’d shake your hand but…” Gage let out a mocking laugh. “They’re tied up at the moment.”

Heat washed over Trip as his hatred for this man escalated.
What will Shye think when she returns to find a man she’s known most of her life tied up and held prisoner?
He recalled how shocked she’d been over Gage’s involvement as if she hadn’t wanted to believe he could do something this low especially to her. He knew how badly she wanted to believe that Gage had been forced into the drug ring.

Betrayal was a hard thing to accept. Denial came much easier.

“You still have to give up the day and time of the next drop,” Trip said without turning around.

“I’ve just sold their base of operations and put my ass in their line of fire. I may as well go all the way if it means getting Shye back. You may get your man, Trip Viper—but I just took your woman.”

Damn him!
Trip stalked to the opposite side of the cabin and stared out the window. Gage was smart—he had to give him that. How fast his mind worked had come as a surprise especially under pressure.
Fast-talking dirty lawyer!
No wonder he’d been able to clear Carter of the many charges against him. And now he was going to paint a false façade to Shye in an attempt to discredit his character. The man was a shrewd attorney through and through even in his personal life.
How will she know who’s telling the truth when I refuse to set Gage free until after we make the bust?

Worry cluttered his mind.

I managed to get her farm back. But will she believe it was me or will she credit her old friend, thinking he finally escaped the bad guys?

He couldn’t risk a setup by releasing Gage before he caught Draven. He was so close to avenging Ty’s death that he couldn’t let go. Losing Shye over this would send him into seclusion, and as much as he loved her, he’d made a vow on his brother’s grave that he couldn’t break. He knew she wouldn’t want to marry a man who carried no honor. He prayed she would trust the right man and not be deceived again.

His heart ached for her.

Pinned between a promise made years ago to bring a killer to justice and a vow he’d recently made to the truest woman he’d ever known—his internal struggle ensued.
Will Shye accept my reasons for holding Gage captive or will she believe his lies?

All of a sudden the door blew open as a fierce storm descended upon them. Rain bands drenched Trip before he pushed the door shut. Then he heard a light tapping outside.

“Trip…it’s me.”

His heart leapt at her voice and he flung open the door. “Shye!” Immediately he swept her into his arms and kissed her face then her lips. “I missed you, angel.”

She offered a warm smile then her gaze shot to Gage tied to the chair. “What’s going on?”

“He showed up here looking for you. We had no choice but to make him stay.”

“Tell her!” Gage shouted. “Or I will!”

Shye backed away. “Tell me what?”

Chapter Six

“I wanted to give you time to settle in.” Trip shot Gage a look of utter rage. “We got your farm back.”

“You did?” Shye gasped with wide eyes. A mix of excitement and apprehension washed over her. “How? When?”

did it, darling,” Gage piped up. “The papers are over there.” He nodded toward Remle’s desk.

? What’s really going on here?”

“Your lover boy won’t release me until he gets his revenge.” Gage stared straight at her. “I came here to find you, return the land and apologize for my behavior of late. They dragged me through the door and tied me up before I had a chance to state my case.”

Trip spun around. His eyes blazed with fury. “Shut the hell up! She doesn’t need more lies.” He grabbed Gage by the throat, lowered his head and growled through clenched teeth in a low menacing voice. “If I didn’t need your ass to lead the way, I’d drop you right here.”

Shye shook her head to clear her mind. “What?” She’d never seen this level of rage in him. She placed a gentle hand on his arm. “Trip…please let him finish.”

His eyes met hers briefly but in that momentary glance she saw the swirl of turmoil smoldering in their depths. Had she not known his gentle side this burst of outrage would’ve unsettled her.

He removed his hands and stepped back at her request but every muscle in his body was still tense with visible anger.

“Show her the papers,” Gage barked while rubbing his neck. “I signed the farm over to you, honey. There’s a copy of the title insurance and the contract is signed by me. The original title search is safely in my office should you ever need it.”

Remle handed her the papers. She flipped through each page. Tears misted her eyes as she saw for herself Gage’s signature on each page and her name as the buyer.

“But I haven’t paid you…I don’t have enough money saved for this yet.”

“Don’t worry about it. You can reimburse me when you are able. Carter was killed this morning at the prison so I am free now. Free of his sniveling, blackmailing ways and free of his cronies.”

She didn’t blink. “What about all that talk over the farm being too much for me to run alone?”

Gage sighed with a yielding expression. “I had a change of heart when I saw how hurt you were during our last visit. I was under a lot of pressure. I’m so sorry, darling. Can you ever forgive me?” He paused contemplatively. “In fact, consider the farm my gift to you. Your parents can keep the money and you don’t owe me a thing. It’s the least I can do to make up for what I put you through. Will you accept it as my token of peace and perhaps even an act of goodwill to regain the favor of your dear parents.”

She caught Trip rolling his eyes but he respected her request and didn’t interrupt.

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