Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Izzie patted her stomach. “This one won’t be going anywhere. Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

“A boy,” Callie replied with another smile, remembering how thrilled Hammond and Spencer were to find out their baby’s gender. “I suppose he’s going to have to get used to having a ton of temporary sisters as he grows up.”

Izzie looked at Spencer with a grin. “Do you know which guy was the lucky farmer who planted the seed?”

Callie shook her head, as did Spencer when he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “We don’t want to know,” Callie replied. “The guys both say they’re happy without ever knowing.” Izzie simply nodded, but Callie doubted she really understood. Only a woman with two husbands could ever truly comprehend what a sharing relationship was like. Perhaps Izzie would one day be lucky enough to be loved by two men, and then she’d know why Hammond and Spencer were content to both call themselves “fathers” despite not knowing who contributed the sperm to create their son.

“Where’s Hammond? Didn’t see him when I cleared Atmospheric Administration,” Izzie said as she followed Callie inside the enormous house that now served as not only her family’s home but as a foster home for the children they took in.

“He was off today too,” Spencer replied.

“He left about an hour ago, but my husbands are being secretive. They said they had some kind of surprise.”

As if on cue, Hammond pulled the family hover van up next to the hover car they used for quick errands. Opening the back hatch, he pulled a box out, balanced it against his hip, and pushed the door shut. When his eyes caught hers, he grinned and strode toward them, toting the big box.

“Hey, Izzie,” Hammond said when they finally reached the women. “Have a good flight?”

The redhead nodded. “Smooth. And your buddies at A.A. didn’t give us a lick of trouble.”

“Well, we aim to please,” Hammond replied.

Callie was about to ask what was in the box when it suddenly moved. She took a quick step back as Izzie just stared at it. “Hammond,” Callie asked, “what’s in the box?”

He simply grinned as he set the box down and jerked open the lid. Reaching inside, he pulled out a small, brown puppy. “This is for you, Callie.”

“A puppy? You got me a puppy?” Tears brimmed in her eyes. In the time she’d spent with her husbands, she’d finally opened up about her childhood, telling them about the vagabond lives she and Lyrianna had lived as children. Her men had clearly listened to every word, especially when she talked about how she’d never had a pet of her own.

“Of course we did,” Spencer replied, reaching out for her hand and raising it to his lips. He pressed a kiss against her knuckles. “Anything for the mother of our son.”

Hammond set the puppy in her arms. Callie looked down to see the dog’s big, brown eyes staring up at her. A pink tongue darted out to lick her face. “I love him! What’s his name?”

“You get to name him, baby,” Spencer said.

“He’s your pet,” Hammond added.

“What do you want to call him, Callie?” Izzie asked.

Callie didn’t even have to think about it. “I’m going to call him

” Hammond asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“What’s it mean?” Spencer rubbed the dog behind its furry ears.

“It’s the Belusian word for happiness,” she replied. “I can’t think of a more appropriate name considering how much happiness you two have brought into my life.”




Elizabeth Raines makes her home in the Midwest. A fan of all genres of fiction, she enjoys blending her love of science fiction with romance in the books she writes exclusively for Siren Publishing. Her favorite movies are
Pride and Prejudice
Love, Actually
, and she spends far too much time watching shows like
The Tudors
Mad Men
. Elizabeth has been happily married for almost thirty years and tries to express that kind of enduring love in all her stories, hoping to help all her heroes and heroines have their own happily ever afters.

Also by Elizabeth Raines

Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 1:
Locked In

Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 2:

Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 3:

Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 4:

Also by The Sextet

Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1:

Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 2:
Dirty Dancing

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.


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