Rain Wilds Chronicles (84 page)

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Authors: Robin Hobb

BOOK: Rain Wilds Chronicles
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He tried to focus his thoughts on the man's ridiculous statement. “What do you want from me? Look at me, man. I don't have anything to offer you. Not here. I suppose if somehow we got back to Bingtown…” He let the words trail off. It wouldn't be constructive to let him know that if they got back to Bingtown, he'd still have nothing. He tried to imagine facing Hest and admitting that he'd somehow lost Alise and with her Hest's hope of creating an heir who would assure his inheritance. He dared not think what his own family would think of him, let alone what Alise's might say. He'd been sent as her protector. What sort of a protector survived when his ward did not? If he went back to Bingtown alone, he'd have no career and no support from his family. He had nothing to offer this pirate.

“Nothing here, hey? Looks to me like you've got plenty here. Do I have to spell it out for you? Or are you still thinking that perhaps you can keep it all for yourself?”

The hunter stooped out of sight again and then brought up a gear bag from the boat. “Because from where I'm standing, man, if you decide to be greedy, I think you just die.” He opened the gear bag, dug through it, and smiled, immensely pleased. “I'm sure this was Greft's boat now. Look at this. Knife and whet-stone, all bundled nicely together. Could be a bigger tool, but it will still get the job done.” As he spoke, he took out both items and began to lay the knife against the stone in slow, leisurely licks, as if they both had all the time in the world.

Sedric stood very still. What was the man asking of him? Was the gleaming blade a threat? What did he mean, “you've got plenty”? Was he making a sexual proposition? He'd shown nothing but disdain for Sedric before this. But Jess would not be the first man he'd encountered who publicly despised him and privately desired him. He took a breath. He was hungry and thirsty and the dragon's nagging anxiety scraped at his nerves and begged his attention. What was he willing to give Jess to ensure his survival? What would he give him to get him to help with Relpda?

Anything he wanted.

The thought chilled him, but he accepted it. “Just say what you want,” he said brusquely, the words tumbling out more abruptly than he intended.

Jess stopped whetting the knife and stared at him. Sedric drew himself up tall and crossed his arms on his chest. He met his gaze levelly. Jess cocked his head at him, and then brayed out a coarse laugh. “Not that. No. Not interested one bit in that. Are you stupid or stubborn?”

He waited for Sedric to respond. When he didn't, Jess shook his head, his smile growing colder. He reached into his shirt, drew out a pouch, and opened it. As he tugged at the strings, he said, “Leftrin was stupid to think I was a fool. I know what happened. He saw a chance for money, and he thought that if he brought in his own people, he could make his deal direct and keep more of the split for himself. Well, I don't work that way. No one cuts out Jess Torkef.” From the pouch, he took something the size of his palm. It was scarlet and ruby. He held it up between his thumb and forefinger and turned it to catch the light. It flashed in the sunlight. “Look familiar?” he asked Sedric mockingly and then laughed as first disbelief and then fury flushed Sedric's face.

It was the scarlet dragon scale that Rapskal had given Alise. Alise had entrusted it to Sedric, asking him to make a detailed drawing of it. Then she'd forgotten he had it, and he'd added it to his trove. “That's mine,” he said flatly. “You stole it out of my room.”

Jess smiled. “It's an interesting question. Is it possible to steal from a thief?” He turned the scale again, flashing it in the sun. “I've had it for days. If you missed it, you covered your anxiety well. I suspect you didn't even know it was gone. You're not quite as good at hiding things as you think you are. Most of what I found was disgusting trash, but not this bit. So I took it. Just for safekeeping, of course, to be sure I'd have something to show for this wild goose chase. Looks like it was a good thing I did. Everything else you had is probably at the bottom now.”

Sedric had still not said a word. The hunter took his time putting the red dragon's scale back in the pouch, closing it, and slipping it back inside his shirt. “So,” he said. “Looks like we each know what the other is about. And it's time to consider a new alliance. Leftrin was supposed to be a part of my deal with Sinad Arich. He was supposed to smooth the way and make it easy. But he didn't. Doesn't matter. He's gone now. And it's down to us. So you have two choices. You can step up and take his place in the deal, and we'll share. Or don't.”

“Leftrin had a deal with you?” Sedric's mind was scrambling to put all the pieces together. What sort of a deal? To rob his passengers?

the dragon pleaded in the back of his mind.
Not safe.

Hush. Let me think.
Her heavy head was drooping on her weary neck. He appraised her and knew that if he didn't act, soon her muzzle would be touching the water. Take care of the most pressing issue first. Then puzzle out the rest. To Jess, he said, “Set all this aside for a moment. Can you help me with the dragon? She's tired and she's going to sink and drown if I can't help her float and rest somehow.”

A slow smile spread across the hunter's face. “Now we're coming to terms, boy. Of course I'll
you with the dragon.” He lifted the knife and turned it, making the blade flash in the sunlight.

“I don't understand you,” Sedric said in a shaking voice. But abruptly he did.

The hunter jerked a thumb toward the copper. “I'm talking about the dragon. There's plenty there, for both of us. You help
me kill it, and butcher it fast before the river claims the carcass. Then we load as much as we can in the boat, and we head back for Trehaug. I know people there, people willing to make a quick profit and not be curious about the source. I can go in during the dark of night and get everything we need for us to make a very comfortable trip down the river on a boat with a crew who won't ask us any questions. Think about it. Everyone else is dead. Everyone will assume you are dead, which means you don't have to share with anyone. There will be no pursuit and no questions. Just two very wealthy newcomers living a life of ease in Chalced.”

It was instinctive. He blocked the thought from the dragon's mind as he would shield the eyes of a child from violence. He tried to. He wasn't completely successful. He felt her anxiety rise as she sensed his agitation without comprehending the reason for it. She looked at the hunter, recognized him.
she queried hopefully.

“No food. Not yet,” he spoke aloud to her without thinking.

The hunter barked out a hoarse laugh. “And that's what you're bringing to the table, my little friend. You can hear her thoughts. And you talk back to the damn things. I can hear them a bit, but I try not to. Easier to be professional about these things if you keep a distance, I think. Though it explains how you got close enough to get as much as you did the first time. Impressed me, I'll tell you. I'd been trying to figure out how to do it for days. And here some little Bingtown fop just goes ashore and takes what he wants.”

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Sedric lied. It was a reflex. The hunter hadn't mentioned the blood. Did he know about the blood? Did any of it matter anymore? The whole conversation was insane. He needed food and water and rest. He needed to know if the man was going to help him or not. He tried to sound as if he were not desperate. “Look, help me with the dragon and give me some of that fruit you have. Anything. I need to eat and rest. Then we can talk about what happens next.”

Jess cocked his head at him and said coldly, “No point to
feeding you if you don't intend to help me. And lying to me seems to be your way of saying you intend to keep it all to yourself. Though how you plan to make it work, I can't see. Shall I make it easier for you? I was awake that night. I saw you come aboard all bloodied. Been in a fight was my first thought, though I hadn't heard a peep of a row, and sound carries over water. But then, as you went up the ladder, I got a glimpse of what you were carrying. Glittery red, just like I'd been told. Dragon blood. And I was, as I've told you, very impressed. So I followed and in a bit I saw you come out of your cabin and throw your duds overboard. And that made it sure for me. Somehow you'd gotten blood out of a dragon and not been eaten or even caught. You were pretty savvy about hiding it, too. I went through your room more than once before I found your hoard. So. Let's just admit we're scoundrels and be honest scoundrels with each other…or as honest as scoundrels can be. We both shipped aboard the
for the same reason. And I only shipped because I was promised that Captain Leftrin was going to grease things a bit for me, but I suspect his craze for that woman soured him on our kind of profit. Maybe he was hoping to keep everything for himself, woman, dragon parts to sell in Chalced, everything. Maybe you were the one who offered him a better deal. But the agreement was that he was supposed to help me, and in return, he was going to be well paid for his trouble. Very well paid.”

His voice faded for a moment as he stooped down in the boat. When he came up again, he had a coil of line in his hand. He scowled at it and set it out beside the knife.

“Instead that son of a dog tried to kill me last night.” He lifted his hand and felt about his throat gingerly. He growled and shook his head and went back to setting out his tools. “Double twist of fate, I suppose. That wave that hit kept him from strangling me, and I'm hoping it made an end of him. Love-blind idiot is what he is. Well, with a bit of luck, he's dead. And you've got your luck—you're alive.” He held up a small hatchet, frowned at it, and then with a thunk seated it in the log beside the line.

“Bad tool for the job, but you use what you have. A bit like our captain. Leftrin got greedy and lost it all. If he'd lived up
to his end of the deal, he could have had the kind of money we're going to have. Then the ugly old goat could have had any woman he wanted. Well, his loss is our gain. We'll have it all. Wealth, power, and any sort of woman we want, once we get back to Chalced.” He leered at Sedric nastily, baring his little brown teeth, and added, “Or whatever you fancy.”

He inspected his tools and they met his satisfaction. He set them out in a careful row. “So, you'll help me. Or you can be stubborn and try to keep it all for yourself. Try that, and I'll take just what I want. Won't be as easy without someone to handle the animal for me, keep it calm and lure it to the blade. But I can get more than enough to live the rest of my days as a very rich man.” He thumbed the edge of the knife, nodded to himself, and looked directly at Sedric. “Well. Time for a decision. Shall we get on with it?”

Sedric swallowed. Reality seemed to re-form around him. Leftrin had been part of this man's plan to acquire and sell dragon parts? Then he'd probably just been using Alise all that time. Alise had been duped. And he'd been blind to the machinations going on all around him. He should have guessed. He should have known that he wouldn't be the only one to see the chance for profit. He'd known all along there had to be some bizarre motive behind the captain's apparent infatuation. So now what? Did he take the hunter's offer? Could he coax and calm the dragon until Jess got close enough for a kill?

The man had set it all out quite plainly. If he helped him, Jess would help him get to Chalced and sell what they had. He didn't need to go back to Bingtown at all. From Chalced, he could send Hest a message to come and join him. With the kind of money they'd have, there'd be no need for any more pretenses. They could go anywhere they wanted and live exactly as they pleased. He could have everything he'd dreamed of. He'd paid dearly already. Would it be so wrong to take some small measure of happiness for himself?

Jess was watching him closely. His raspy voice became persuasive, the threat gone from it. “Animal's going to die anyway. Look at it. It wasn't a prime specimen to start with, and now it's
going to drown. So you might as well be kind and make the end a quick one and have something to show for your trouble.” Jess hung the knife from his belt and gripped the fish spear firmly. He slung the coil of line from his free hand. “Tell her not to struggle, that I'm going to help her,” he instructed Sedric in a low voice. “All I need you to do right now is keep her calm. Say I'm putting the rope on her to help her stay afloat. It's not as long as it could be; I'll need to get her to move closer to the trees so I can tie it off. Afterward, we'll have to work fast, before the carcass sinks. We'll go for the stuff that will keep and bring the most money. Teeth, claws, scales. It's going to be messy, rough work and you won't like it. But a little of this now will mean a lot of money later.”

The copper was watching them anxiously. Suspiciously? How much could she really understand? Sedric chided his conscience. The hunter had said she was going to die anyway. Would it be better if she died slowly and her body sank to the bottom of the river for fish to eat? What good would that do anyone? After all he had gone through, didn't he deserve something for himself, some small bit of happiness? Didn't he deserve to finally stop living in deceit?

He kept his eyes on the dragon as Jess edged toward her. She looked back at him. Her eyes swirled as always, but darkness seemed mixed with their blue and gold now. He could feel her questioning him but not sense the fullness of her question. Did that mean she was dying? Was Jess telling the truth when he said it would be a mercy?

She hung at a slant from the log, one front leg hooked over it. Here at the edge of the river under the trees, the current was not as strong. Beyond her, deeper in the forest, standing water carried shimmers of light into the perpetual gloom. He noted in passing from the high water mark on the tree trunks that the water was starting to recede. But it was not happening quickly, and he doubted it would be soon enough to save her. As he watched, she gave a few feeble kicks of her hind legs, trying to push herself a little higher on the log. She was wearying of holding her head so unnaturally high. She was hungry and thirsty
and chilled. Dragons were creatures made for fierce sun and baking sand. The cool water sapped her energy and slowed her heart. He was not imagining it. Her eyes were spinning more slowly. She had never been strong or healthy. He looked at her and the welling of sorrow he felt ambushed him. He blinked his eyes and saw her through the opacity of tears.

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