Rag Doll (7 page)

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Authors: Ava Catori

BOOK: Rag Doll
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Chapter 14

Kendle pulled the crisp white sheets back and climbed into Graham’s bed. Her naked body, slender under the covers, was tense. Lying beside him, she knew he wanted more. He wanted to touch her. She wished she wanted him to. He was a decent enough guy. She was growing more comfortable with him, but touching…it still left her cold.

Graham rolled up to his side, placing his head on his hand, and propped himself on his elbow. “Do you think you’ll ever grow to love me?”

“I just met you.”

“Now I sound like the desperate one.”

Kendle flinched. “I’m not desperate.”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it that way.” He lifted his hand to her face and gently stroked it. “I hope you’ll grow to want my touch.”

Kendle said nothing. She wanted to be able to return his feelings, his desires. “Me too,” she lied.

“Why don’t you try to get some sleep, and in the morning we’ll talk about how we can help your sister.”


She didn’t expect to wake up in his arms, but somehow through the night, she’d clung to his body in her sleep. Her head was in the nook of his arm and chest, his arms wrapped around her. On waking, she didn’t pull away. She simply stayed in the warmth his body offered. Graham was still sleeping, holding onto
her in his sleep.

Kendle ran her finger over his chest, barely grazing his chest hair. He was an older man, older than her anyway. If she had to guess, she’d guess he was in his mid-to-late forties. Or maybe not, maybe he’d just had a hard life and aged quickly. He had tiny lines around his eyes,
and a few strands of silver gray in his hair. He certainly wasn’t fifty yet, but was probably out of his thirties. It was hard to tell. He spoke of his past life as if it was ages ago, but it couldn’t have been that long ago, right?

Touching him as he slept, she could analyze him and slowly become familiar with each arc and curve of his body. His arms were solid and strong, like someone who took care of himself, and his chest broad. His legs were muscled, or at least the one he’d thrown out from under the covers. What if she could learn to love him? They barely knew one another, and yet he wanted more from her. Why? How could he feel things already? They were practically strangers.

What did he see in her eyes? He said he saw something. She figured her eyes were a vacant wasteland. At least that’s what she saw when she looked in the mirror.

Graham stirred and pulled her closer. Was he awake? She looked up, studying his face. No, it was still too relaxed. Kendle took a finger and slowly traced his lips. Would she want to taste his lips one day, crave him and feel something? Or would he simply be another body? Would she forever be trapped going through the motions, void of feeling?

His warm breath teased her finger. His snore was soft, but steady. Kendle let her finger draw down over his strong chin and back down to his chest. She hadn’t touched somebody like this before, intimately and not afraid. His skin was warm as she continued tracing lower. She stopped at his abdomen and drew a lazy circle around the top of his hip.

Did she dare? Did she dare reach down and touch the sleeping beast? Kendle looked up to him. His eyes were still closed. She took a deep breath and let her fingers
wander over the soft brush of hair that surrounded his manhood. It stirred at her touch, gently bobbing a bit, slowly filling with lust. She watched it grow. Kendle brought her fingers lower and traced a testicle, and then drew back up his shaft as it hardened. Would there be a moment where she ached to feel him inside of her?

Being held was more than she ever thought she’d want, but his warm arm around her…she didn’t want him to let go.

Graham stirred. “Hey you,” he whispered. “What’s going on down there?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Don’t apologize. It feels good.”

She couldn’t move. Her hand froze in place. Now that he was aware, it felt odd. Would he read into it, think it was more than it was, her simply exploring?

Graham placed his hand over hers. She felt his pulsing shaft against her palm. Cupping his hand over hers, he felt her relax again. Her fingers wrapped around him gently.

“That a girl,” he whispered. “It feels nice.”

She knew how to please a man. She’d done it so many times before. Was this any different? She could pleasure him, wake him with a smile, but it would be a hollow victory for him. Instead, she was honest. “Can I just touch you? I’m not ready for more.”

“Sure,” he said. There was no disappointment laced through his voice. Kendle was relieved.

Tracing his body again, just letting her fingers run over his skin, she found her hand back to where it started, back on his shaft. Slowly she wrapped her fingers around him again. This time she’d take him all the way, only this time it would be her choosing.

His sighs and moans filled the air as the orgasm ripped through him. His seed shot out, a milky liquid that hit his belly. Graham opened his eyes and turned to Kendle. “You didn’t have to.” He kissed her forehead softly.

“I know.” It seemed the least she could do after he took her back in.

She climbed out of bed and headed to the shower. Getting in, the hot water caressed her skin and washed away her woes of the day. Her nightmares vanished once she got here, and for the first time in a long time she had solid sleep.

Getting out of the shower, she pulled a towel around herself. The soft, absorbent cotton wicked water from her skin. She pulled it closer to her face and breathed in. It had a clean, fresh scent. It wasn’t overpowered with bleach like her scratchy motel towels. Kendle wrapped the towel around her hair, and went to get dressed.

Graham watched her naked body move through the bedroom. “You should come back to bed.”

“I have to work.”

“You don’t have to. I have enough to keep you comfortable for a while.”

“I need to. Stavros is expecting me.”

On hearing his name, his stomach clenched. How many times had her hand been wrapped around his penis? “Why don’t you stay with me for the day? I’m sure he could get by for another day.”

Kendle slid on her shoes. “I can’t. I’ll come back, but I have to go to work soon.”

“Very well.” He watched the girl move. He’d never wanted to consume somebody more.
Let me love you
Let me in
. His own need to love and be love startled him. He’d been alone for a long time, and didn’t think he needed anyone. He was wrong. He needed Kendle. There was no rhyme or reason to why she was the one, but he felt it with every fiber of his body. She was the key to his desires, at least for now. He’d been known to change his wants at the drop of a hat.

“I’ll have my driver drop you off.”

“Thank you.” She appreciated the ease of the car over walking that far. It was a rare treat to get a ride.

“Will you come back tonight?”

“Yes.” Her words were soft, but solid.

“I’ll look forward to seeing you. Call me when you’re ready. I’ll have my driver come get you.”

Chapter 15

The long black car pulled up to Fifth and Main. Graham lowered the window and spoke to the girl standing on the corner. “Are you Cree?”

“You’re that guy, the one who tackled Franco. You shouldn’t be here.”

“I’d like to buy some of your time.” He flashed a stack of bills.

She stood and stared. She’d be a fool to turn down that much cash. “What do you want from me?”

“I want to talk.”

Cree shrugged. She had nothing to lose. “Yeah, okay.”

Graham handed her the money as she climbed in.

“You want me to blow you or something while you’re talking?”

“No. I want to discuss your sister.”

Cree turned to look out the window. The soft leather of the seat complimented the dark windows. You couldn’t see in from outside. She had nothing to say.

“I want to help her,” he continued.

“Then help her. You don’t need me.”

“The key to her happiness is you.”

She sat quietly.

“She worries about you. She says you won’t come inside.”

“I can take care of myself,” Cree said stubbornly.

“What if you had a safe place?”

She shook her head. “I don’t need your money.”

“You could lock the door. You’d have hot water, a place to cook food, a soft bed…”

She was listening, but knew there’d be a catch.

“I’ve made arrangements at the local resident hotel. It’s usually for business people traveling. I got you a room. It’s yours for an entire year. It’s like a studio apartment. It has a small kitchenette, a sofa, a bed, a bathroom, hot water. It’s yours.”

“What do you want from me?”

“I’m in love with your sister. The only way to help her is to help you. She’s trapped in her guilt and pain, for not being able to help you. Getting you off the street frees her. Won’t you at least consider it for Kendle? You’re everything to her.”

Cree rubbed her arm and twisted to look away.

“You could work at the truck stop, maybe even take Kendle’s position. She’ll be busy with other things. It’s a start, a way to build a new life.”

“I don’t want a new life. I want to forget the life I have.”

“She told me. She told me everything.”

Cree was silent. After a few moments, she spoke. “It has a lock on the door?”

Graham reassured her, “Only you will have the key. It’s yours. No questions asked. I want nothing from you. I’m simply trying to free Kendle from the mental hell she’s stuck in worrying about you. Do it for your sister.” He held up a key.

Cree reached out for it. “I can’t promise anything.”

“I paid for the entire year. What you choose to do after that is up to you.”

She didn’t know what to say. It was more than anyone had ever done before. She choked on the words, forcing them out. “Thank you.” Her words were soft. “Take care of Kendle.”

“Will you come to dinner? She’d love to see you.”

Cree shook her head. “I have to work.”

“I’ve more than paid for your day. There are a few hundreds tucked under the twenties.”

She turned back to look at him. “She really means that much to you?”

“Yeah, she does. I think we can save each other.”


He nodded. “That’s all I’m asking. Let her know you’ve got a safe place to stay. Then you’re free to go.”

She nodded in response. “For Kendle.”

The afternoon left Kendle lost in thought. The way he held her when she slept, being pressed against his warm body… she liked it. He seemed to like her being around. Maybe there could be something there in the future. She certainly wouldn’t make any promises. She couldn’t. She didn’t have much left to give. She was an empty shell.

It was a long day. Too many people were short changing her with tips, were reaching for her, and Stavros got into another fight with Gina. Only this time they didn’t kiss and make-up. He was holding a grudge. His grumpy demeanor made the day more sluggish than usual.

On arriving home, she unlocked her motel room and dropped down on the bed. A nap would do her good. She was supposed to see Graham, but the bed looked so inviting. She’d call him tomorrow, or maybe later. Just an hour, just to close her eyes…

Kendle rolled over and looked at the clock. How had she been asleep that long? On waking, she saw the phone was blinking. She must have slept through it ringing. Everything was catching up with her. She was exhausted.

Dialing in to get her message, it was Graham. “I’ve invited your sister for dinner. She’s here. I didn’t hear from you. Call me.”

Cree? Kendle dialed quickly, anxious for Graham to pick up.

“Kendle?” He answered on the first ring.

Kendle was in shock. “She’s there? How did you…is she really there?”

“She is. Can I send my car for you?”

“Yes. How did you get her there?”

“I’m a paying customer,” he started.

Kendle’s stomach lurched. “What?” The color drained from her face.

“No, no, wait! Not like that. I simply paid for her time, not for sexual favors.”

“Oh. And she came with you?” Relief washed through her.

“She wants to help you.”

“Help me? How can she help me?”

“I’ll send my driver.”

Kendle was confused. Not only was her sister at Graham’s place, but she wanted to help Kendle. Help her… what?

When Graham’s driver arrived, Kendle was more than ready. As they pulled up to the building, Kendle was chomping at the bit. Was Cree really there? She could barely contain herself.

Walking in, she found her sister curled up on the sofa, a blanket wrapped around her. Kendle’s heart lifted like a hot air balloon, so full of love. “Cree!”

“Hey.” A smile spread across her lips.

“What’s going on? You’re here!”

“Just for a little while.” She didn’t want to get too comfortable.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Cree nodded.

Kendle turned to Graham, and ran into his arms. It surprised them both. “Thank you.”

Graham wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Her hair brushed his cheek as he rested his head against hers. Graham took a deep breath, and lingered in the moment. His heart leaped as she came into his arms, no prying, no begging, no pleading…but of her own free will.

As he let go, Kendle returned her attention to Cree. “What’s going on?”

“Graham and I have been talking.”


“And… he’s convinced me to go inside. He put me up at some place. It has a lock on the door.” That was the highlight in her eyes.

“Is this true?” She faced Graham.

“I put her up at the Executive Suites downtown. She’ll have a studio there. I paid for a full year. She can decide what she wants to do after that. But at least she’ll have a warm place to sleep.”

“And you agreed?” Kendle was shocked. She’d been begging her sister to move to the motel with her for ages.

“It’s time.” She shrugged.

“I’ve been so worried about you…” Kendle trailed off. “You’re really coming inside?”

“Maybe there’s more to life, right? I’m not ready to quit, but a hot shower would be nice.”

“What changed your mind?”

She nodded to Graham. “He did.”


Graham shrugged. “I guess I have a way with words.” He brushed it off.

“This is really happening?” Kendle couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Yep, she already has the key.”

Kendle sighed. She felt like a weight dropped off her shoulders. An elephant climbed off of her chest, and for the first time in ages, she could truly breathe. It was a step forward in the right direction.

The conversation didn’t flow, but it didn’t need to between the girls. Being together in a regular environment, it felt like they’d won the lottery.

As Cree stood to leave, she turned to Graham. “It’s really mine?”

He nodded. “For a full year, yes.”

“Thank you.” She didn’t know how she could repay him, though he told her it wasn’t necessary. Nobody had ever done something like that for her.

“Would you like my driver to take you home?”

She shook her head. “I need to collect some things first.”

“He can take you.”

“No, I’ll be okay. And thanks again.”

Cree stood before Kendle. “He cares a lot about you. Trust that.”
She hugged her sister, and headed out.

Kendle turned to Graham. “Is that true?”

“It’s true.”

A soft smile spread across her lips.

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