Rafael (20 page)

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Authors: Faith Gibson

BOOK: Rafael
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Rafe was ready
to propose. Right then and there. Watching Kaya’s lips wrapped around his cock,
then swallowing his come was better than he imagined. She gave something of herself
to him with that selfless act. She could have stopped at any point, but she
continued until he came. She did that for him. Was it possible she still wanted
him even knowing what he was?

She slid her
body up his, slowly, languidly. Her heavy breasts stroked his thighs as she
moved farther up. Fuck, she was so sexy, all that blonde hair falling over her
shoulders. Her blue eyes were filled with lust. She wanted him. That knowledge
alone had his dick hardening again, for her. She licked her lips, and he
pressed his mouth to hers, wanting to taste himself on her tongue. Goddamn that
was so fucking erotic; his spunk mixed with the mint from her toothpaste mixed
with her natural essence.

  Their tongues
swirled together, each demanding control. She was rubbing herself against his
now hard erection. Rafael wanted to please his woman, return the favor. He
circled her in his arms, one hand sliding down her back under the band of her
sweats. Christ, did the woman never wear panties? He grabbed one cheek and squeezed,
kneading the flesh. He slid his other hand down, gripping the other cheek.
Massaging her toned ass, he pulled her cheeks apart, dipping one hand between
her legs. Fuck she was so wet.

He wanted his
tongue to replace his fingers. He began lowering her sweat pants when his phone
rang in his cargo pocket. “Fuck me.” He did an ab curl sitting up, pulling her
up into his lap. “I’m so sorry, Love. I have to get that.”

He dug his phone
out of the pocket on the side of his pants and thumbed it on. “Rafe.”

 “My King, I am
sorry to disturb you, but we have a situation at the Pen. I need all hands on
deck. Dante told me to leave you be, but Rafael, I need you.” Gregor never
called Rafe unless he was in dire straits. “I’m on my way.”

“I have to go.
There is something going down at the prison, and I am needed.”

“But you’re
King. Don’t you have, I don’t know, minions to take care of problems?”

“Sweetheart, I
do not ask of my men that which I will not do myself.” He stood, pulling her to
her feet along with him. “I hate to leave you in such a state, but I promise to
make it up to you. You should rest, yes?”

“Yes, but I
won’t. I’ll be worried about you. Let me go with you. I am a cop after all.”
There was the rub. Before now, he admired her for what she did. Now that he
knew she was his mate, he wanted nothing more than to shelter her and keep her
from harm. His Kaya was a stubborn woman, and he was going to have his hands
full going forward.

“No. Absolutely
not. Kaya, I have to go, but please promise me you’ll stay here. This isn’t
human business.” He kissed her on the lips, hard. “I’ll call you.”

He knew better
than to order her around, but she was in no way going anywhere near the Pen. He
made his way through her house and out the back door to the cover of night.
Without looking back, he phased and took to the skies.

   He could feel
when his brothers took his flank. He didn’t have to look to know they were
there. The soft flap of their wings filled the night as they rode the wind as
one. Frey met them and filled them in on what was going down. “We have a breach
in the lower level security. One of the Unholy got loose and went crazy. Gregor
managed to detain him, but the others are still fighting amongst themselves.”

“Do we have a
plan?” Rafe knew Frey would have scoped it out and come up with the best

“Yes, we split
up into four teams, coming in from each of the corridors that are still blocked
off. The stairwells leading down are clear. Luckily the fighting has been
contained to the lower lever.”

“Why don’t we
just let the fuckers kill each other?” Sixx asked the question that was on
everyone’s mind.

“Because Dr.
Henshaw is stuck in the middle of the shit storm. We need to get him out before
they find out he is hiding down there.”

Gregor met the
men at the back entrance to the upper level. Frey divided them into four
squads, and they made their way down below. The plan was to detain as many as
they could without killing them, but if push came to shove, they would shove
back. Harder.

As always,
Rafael was the first one to rush headlong into battle. He always had been. What
he told Kaya was truth. He would not sit back and let someone else put their
life on the line while he watched from the sidelines. He was strong and
fearless and could fight with the best of them.

Pure pandemonium
was underway. Rafe and his brothers spread out, taking down anyone who got in
their path. When the Unholy caught on to the fact that they were not alone,
they stopped warring with each other and turned on the Goyles. Fangs and claws
extended, they let it rip. Literally.

During the
cloning process, the Unholy had received fangs and claws but their skin
remained as that of a human. The Unholy used their claws to thrash back at
their attackers, but the Goyles were able to overpower them and put them back
behind bars. It took a couple of hours and quite a bit of bloodshed, but Rafael
and his brothers came away practically unscathed. The one casualty in the
combat was the doctor. He was already dead when they got to him.

Tessa listened
to her cousin and aunt verbally spar back and forth while she helped Dane
through his transition. He was resting comfortably now that he had phased a few
times with a little guidance. She felt sorry for Isabelle, having been kept in
the dark all these years. Now she knew the truth and could begin to heal
mentally and play her part in their world. They needed her now more than ever.

Isabelle got the
last word in with her mother then walked away. Tessa was glad she insisted they
take separate transportation. The doctor could go home and lick her wounds
while Tessa stayed with Dane. The door opened, and her aunt came in. “How is

“Very well. His
last phase was almost painless; he’s just worn out. His boss called again. Do
we have a plan for her?”

Caroline shook
her head. “Not until we speak to Dane. It’s up to him if he wants to continue
his life as a detective.”

Tessa nodded
looking at Dane. “Are you going to tell him the truth?”

“Not yet. I
think he’s been through enough for one day. We have to figure out the trigger,
Tessa. If we knew what brought on the change, we could prepare them all for
what’s going to happen.”

“I’m working on
it. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll go catch up on some sleep so I can start
on that first thing.” Tessa brushed Dane’s hair off his forehead then stood.
She grabbed her helmet but stopped at the door. “She’ll come around.” Not
waiting for a response, she left the building. As tired as she was, she needed
the feel of the engine rumbling between her legs while flying down the highway
to ease her tension.

Tessa, unlike
Isabelle, was blessed with the knowledge that her mother was alive and well.
Even though Elizabeth was hidden away from the world, namely Gordon Flanagan,
she was above ground and breathing, and Tessa could visit anytime she wished.
Tessa also knew the trigger, but was keeping it to herself. That knowledge was
not something she wanted to share just yet.

Her thoughts
were brought to the here and now by a lone set of headlights behind her. Tessa
knew these roads well and didn’t hesitate to test the waters. Without
signaling, she leaned the bike low, taking the exit ramp quickly. Lights
flickered then appeared behind her again. At the bottom of the ramp, she leaned
once more, taking the right turn then straightened and opened the throttle
wide. The car fishtailed at the bottom of the ramp, corrected, and continued
after her.
Fuck a duck! Who the hell is after me now?
Thankful it was
the middle of the night and there was no traffic, Tessa wove her way through
back streets and side roads until she was able to shake her tail. She stayed
hidden until she felt it was safe to move on.



Kaya had Rafael
pinned to the stone wall.  She should arrest him; he was guilty. The need to
fuck him was overriding all sensibility.  He could overpower her at any moment,
but he was standing still, allowing her to have her way with him.  She grabbed
the collar of his shirt, pulling his face down to hers.  This time it was her
that crushed their mouths together.  Kaya couldn’t get enough, never enough. 
It was like she needed his breath to sustain her.  He was fisting her hair as
she was trying to climb his body.  God, she had to have him, now.  She didn’t
care that they were in public.  Rafael pulled back and asked, “Where is he?
Who’s watching the boy?”

Kaya was then
sitting on a park bench watching her little boy play on the jungle gym. He slid
down the slide, laughing as he landed on his bottom instead of his feet. He
jumped up, brushed the dirt off his shorts, and did it again. Her heart was
full as she watched her son enjoying life. A shadow fell over her head, and as
she looked up, she was grabbed around the neck, being pulled from the bench by
an Unholy. She couldn’t breathe. She clawed at the thick hands holding her but
she was too weak.

She focused on
her child, sliding down, landing and laughing. He looked to his momma to see
her laughter only she wasn’t laughing.
No baby NO! Stay where you are.
She couldn’t speak. Her air was being cut off. She looked back to her son who
was now a Gargoyle. His little body sprouted wings. He was flying in a rage
toward his momma’s attacker with fangs bared and claws outstretched. Her
attacker released her neck and went after her child.

“NO!”  Kaya
sprang up in bed, grabbing her neck. Chest heaving, she felt the tears slide
down her cheeks. Oh God, would that be her son? If she and Rafael had children,
would she have a little Gargoyle? Could she watch her baby become a shifter?

“You’re getting
ahead of yourself, Kane.” She didn’t know if she could have Rafael’s baby with
her being a human. Did she even want to? After the way he left her last night,
not allowing her to go with him, she wasn’t sure. Yes, she was a woman, but she
didn’t become chief by being a delicate flower. She may be a rose, but by God,
she bore the thorns too. And just because his brother ran the prison did not
mean they controlled her.

Shaking off the
dream, she headed for the shower. She thought back to the video and what was on
it. If Rafael and his men were patrolling as he told her, then someone else
could know about him and his kind. Why send her the video? Were they trying to
frame him for the murders or alert her to the fact that he was not what he
appeared to be? What about the attempts on his life? Someone really wanted him
dead. Thinking about the shootings, Rafael wasn’t shot until he covered her.
“Oh my God, they aren’t after him; they’re trying to kill me.” She sank down in
the tub while the water beat down on her head.

She really
shouldn’t be surprised. After all, she was the chief of police. It was her job
to put away scum. As soon as she got to the station she would see who was
recently let out on parole. Regardless of who the arresting officer was, it was
ultimately her responsibility to put people behind bars. Once all the hot water
was used up, she got out and dried off. Without Rafael to save her skin, she
would have to be more diligent about watching her own back. How would she know
if a sniper were hidden in the trees or across the street?

Maybe she would
work from home today. Any reports she needed to file could be done tomorrow.
She could find the list of parolees online. The ME’s report could also be sent
via email. The medical examiner. Dante was a shifter. Gregor and Julian Stone
were shifters. Geoffrey Hartley and the two men in the video: shifters. Who
else was one of Rafael’s kind that she had met and never knew?

She watched the
charm bracelet slide up and down her arm as she combed through the tangles of
her wet hair.
Bella Mia.
How could she have become his this quickly? The
mating pull, as he called it, was the only explanation. Kaya was losing her
heart to Rafael a little at a time and she hoped the feelings he had for her
were genuine.

She dressed in
jeans and a thermal, just in case she had company. She never wore a lot of
make-up so there was no use in starting today. She made a pot of coffee then
sat down to get busy.

Rafael called a
meeting at the manor. The men wouldn’t mind getting up early if Priscilla was
going to feed them. He had gone to enjoy the solitude of the garden before the
others arrived. Footsteps on the walkway alerted him to Nikolas who handed him
a cup of coffee before sitting next to him. They both sat quietly, enjoying the

Nik finally
broke the silence. “I think both the daughter and the redhead, Tessa, know more
than they are telling. Especially Tessa. I can’t quite figure her out. She was
too coolheaded. It was as though shifter blood was running through her veins.
Soon after our conversation they both left so I followed. They drove to a large
house over by the University. I checked the ownership, and it’s registered in
the doctor’s name. The weird thing was she didn’t seem to know the place. Tessa
had to point out which door to go in. I want to go back when it’s dark to check
it out.”

“Very good.
Let’s finish this conversation inside. I’ll be up in a few minutes.” Nikolas
took his empty cup and left his cousin in peace. Rafael enjoyed the solitude
for a few minutes longer then joined the rest of his Clan.

Once they were
all seated around the table with their plates full, Rafael asked Nik to repeat
what he’d told him about the doctor and Tessa. When he was finished Rafe said,
“If Montague was a shifter, he could be alive and the girls could know where he
is. If what Nik feels is true about this Tessa, it’s possible that she and the
doctor both have shifter blood being related to Montague. We need someone to
get closer to the doctor, see if we can get information on the lost journals.
Gregor, what do you think about interviewing the doctor for your physician’s
job at the Pen?”

“It’s an
excellent idea. We have an opening so asking her to apply would not be
far-fetched. Nikolas, text me her number and I’ll give her a call.”

Rafe let the men
finish their food before he approached the next subject. “I have something to
tell you and it’s not pretty.” He pushed his plate of untouched food away from
him. “Last night there was an incident. Another shooting.” He waited for the
chatter to die down before he continued. “I am almost certain someone is after
Kaya. Before I get to that, I have to start at the beginning. Last night, I
brought Kaya over here for dinner. Things went well, and let’s just say I’m
positive she’s my mate. Those details I will keep to myself.

“Julian placed
his call and we drove to the warehouse, as you all know. Afterwards, I drove
her home and we talked for a few minutes, but I left her so she could do some
work. I came home, dropped off the car, and flew back to her house. When I got
there she was upset. Someone sent her a video of me at the warehouse the night
I found the detective. She was ready to arrest me. She had been sent a video of
Frey, Lorenzo, and Jasper as well, but it wasn’t a clear picture.

“I had to make a
decision; tell her the truth, or allow her to think I’m a killer and put me in
cuffs. When I tell you she’s my mate, I believe that with everything I am, so I
told her the truth.”

“How much of the
truth?” Gregor was stony faced as usual, this time for good reason.

“All of it. Now
before you call for my crown, hear me out. Her gun was drawn. She was ready to
shoot. I showed a little fang and claw and gave her time to digest it. That’s
when I heard the slide of the rifle so I phased and took a bullet.”

“Wait, you
phased, as in fully?” This was coming from Frey who was looking as surprised as

 “Yes. That’s
when I knew without a doubt that she is my mate. I didn’t have control over the
shift. I really didn’t have much choice in telling her everything considering I
had her wrapped in wings. So I told her about us and explained the bond. I
trust her or I wouldn’t have told her.”

“I trust her too.
I’ve worked with her for years, and she’s a good woman and a great cop. It will
be nice to have her in the know. Easier to explain things that I just happen to
figure out quickly.” Dante crossed his arms over his chest as if to say that
was the end of the discussion. He did have the respect of all the men so it wasn’t
surprising when they all just nodded and murmured, “Okay.”  

“We need to
figure out who is trying to kill her, and why,
who the fuck got us
on video. Has there been any movement at the warehouses?”

“So far no, but
it would probably be wise to add extra security to Miss Kane’s house if hers
isn’t sufficient,” Julian reported.

“I agree. I will
check it out the next time I’m there. Frey, I want you to set up around the
clock security detail for Kaya. Until we figure out who’s behind this, I want
her covered. Coming and going.”

“Is she okay
with this?” Frey asked.

“I didn’t ask.
She’s my mate. I don’t care if she doesn’t want it, she is getting it. I don’t
have to tell you all how important it is that we find this fucker. Julian, if I
get you Kaya’s computer do you think you can find where the videos came from?”

“Yes, I can
figure it out. How long it takes depends on how well he triangulated the feed.”

“Good. Then if
you all will excuse me, I am going to shower and head to her house.”

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