Rae of Hope (The Chronicles of Kerrigan) (8 page)

Read Rae of Hope (The Chronicles of Kerrigan) Online

Authors: W.J. May

Tags: #tatoos, #boarding school, #magic, #YA Fantasy

BOOK: Rae of Hope (The Chronicles of Kerrigan)
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“What? Heck, then what’re we waiting for? Hurry. Let’s get to bed. We need to have the lights out, curtains shut and both of us asleep so I can hurry up and get inked. This is going to take forever if I’m awake all night.” Rae gave herself a mental high-five.
Mission accomplished.

“Sounds good to me. I’m exhausted again.” Rae headed to the bathroom. When she returned, she saw that Molly had already closed the curtains. She lay curled up in her bed, covers pulled up tight. She popped her head up just as Rae reached for the light switch.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. Dean Carter stopped by. He wants you to meet him in his office after breakfast tomorrow.”

Rae’s brain registered the name, realizing that this was also someone she wanted to talk to, but she felt too tired to get excited. “Thanks.” Rae yawned and snuggled down in her covers. “Now get some sleep so we can find out what hidden talent’s going to wake up inside of you.”

Chapter 7




The annoying whispers wouldn’t stop.

Rae rolled over, trying to force her eyes open. In the darkness, her watch’s bright light kept her from seeing the time. She threw the pillow over her head to muffle out the hoarse voice coming from the bed near her. Hadn’t she just gotten into bed? It couldn’t be morning already.

“Four hours,” Rae mumbled. “Then I’ll do anything you want.”

“Come on. Wake up and tell me if you see anything on my back.”

Maybe having my own room would be nice
. “Do you know what time it is?”

“About two a.m., but I swear I felt something and want to see if anything’s there. Come on. I’ll do it for you…”

Rae sighed.
Way too early.
She groaned when she heard Molly flip on the light and felt the thump of Molly’s pillow on top of her own.

“All right. I’m up, I’m up.” She rolled out of bed, rubbing her eyes at the brightness. She stumbled over to Molly’s bed and with one eye open, lifted the back of Molly’s nightshirt to peek at her lower back.

“What do you see? What is it? Ohhh…I can’t look myself. I’m so excited! It’s there, isn’t it? What is it?”

“Nope. Nothing there but your pale white skin. No tatù, no ink, nothing. It’s too early. Too early for the tatù and too early for me.” Rae yawned and flipped the lights back off. Dropping onto bed she pulled the duvet over her head. “Go back to sleep and don’t call me until it’s at least seven. I like my sleep, or the little I can get.”

“Fine. I’ll try to keep quiet, but I’m positive I felt something. I’m just having a hard time sleeping. My dad told me if I get something really cool, he’ll buy me a car. They don’t allow them until our senior year, but maybe the headmaster or the dean would let me have one here this year. What kind of car do you think I should get? Hey, are you awake? Rae? Oh man, you’re asleep again! Damn English-American!”

Rae rolled over and drilled Molly’s pillow back at her. The thud muffled Molly’s voice, but only for a few seconds. Exhaling a long, silent breath, she blocked out the noise and went back to sleep.


At half past seven, Rae drifted back to consciousness. Sleep tempted her, but as she cracked her eyes open, she noticed Molly dead to the world, facing the wall, her pj top slightly lifted. Curiosity made her crawl out of her bed to get a closer look.

There, right along Molly’s spine, rested a unique tatù. No swelling or redness around the ink that hadn’t been there hours before. It seemed like it had always been there, like a birthmark. Fascinated, she got closer and could see a bolt of lightning, along with something else. She couldn’t make out the circle ink and didn’t want to touch Molly’s shirt to see it better. Straightening, she debated waking Molly but had a feeling her roomie probably hadn’t been sleeping very long.

Crawling out of bed, she slipped out the door and headed down the stairs. At least marble didn’t creak like the wooden stairs back home.
Speaking of home…
She checked her watch. It was pretty early in New York. She picked up the pay phone and then hung up. Her hand hung midair, debating if she should call Uncle Argyle.

Screw it.
He owed her an explanation. Swiping the phone card with more force than was needed, she grabbed the head piece and punched the numbers into the phone. She tucked the phone under her chin and leaned against the wall. Out of habit, she tapped her bare toe against the heel of her other foot.

Nine…Ten…Eleven…Twelve…No one picked up.
Middle of the night and no answer?
Either they were out at some bed and breakfast or they had turned the ringer off at for the night. She’d try again later. She trudged back up the stairs and quietly slipped back into her room.

Now what?
She stood in the center of the room, not quite sure what to do. Seeing her desk, she went and sat down at it. Gingerly, she opened the drawer, trying to avoid the squeak. She pulled out a sheet of stationary and a pen. At least if she wrote a letter, she could get some of her thoughts organized. There was no sense in e-mailing Uncle Argyle. He wasn’t computer literate. Rae toyed with the pen before putting it to paper.


Dear Uncle Argyle,

Why didn’t you tell me? About you, or Mom? Or any of this? I had a right to know before coming back to England. It’s pretty crappy of you not to tell me.

I want to know more about my parents, my mom
my dad. Everyone here seems to know about my past -- everyone but me.

Call me when you get this.

PS. Please tell Aunt Linda I’m settling in fine and am enjoying myself.

Love, Rae


She reread the letter, noticing how deeply the writing was embedded into the paper. She’d been pressing down hard with the pen. Shoving the letter into an envelope, she quickly licked it shut and addressed it, too scared she’d chicken out. She stuck it in her bag. Later, she’d ask one of the students where to post it.

Rae heard Molly stir and swung around in her chair around to watch. Molly sat straight up, a huge goofy grin on her face.

“Happy Birthday.” Rae smiled, literally feeling the excited buzz in the room.

“Thanks. It’s there, isn’t it? I know it is. I can
something’s different inside of me -- like there’s something new running through my veins. I bet this is better than sex.” She hopped off her bed and jumped to the mirror.

Rae waited quietly on her chair as Molly examined her tatù.

“What is that?” She turned left and right, trying to get a full view. “I see the zigzag. Oh…it’s a bolt of lightning. Cool.” She inched closer to the mirror, squinting. “What’s the thing beside it? A ball? I wonder if it’s supposed to be a balloon. It’s shaped kinda weird. Crap. I got a boring ink. There’s nothing sexy about this.” She dropped her shirt, only to lift it back up again. “The one mark’s detail’s so small compared to the bolt of lightning. Is it a cloud? Does this mean I’m going to have to wait until it storms to figure out what my gift is?” Molly ran to the window and looked out. “I heard it isn’t supposed to rain for, like, two weeks.”

Rae grinned. “I don’t know much about these tatùs, but I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna have to wait until it storms to figure out how to use your gift.”

“Can you take a closer look?”

Rae nodded and pushed her chair back. Squinting, she leaned in and rested a hand on Molly’s hip to steady her. “Sorry. My hands are cold,” she murmured when Molly twitched.

“It’s fine. I’m just wondering if anyone else has a lightning bolt.”

“Hmm…not sure. If it helps, my mother had a tatù of the sun.”

“I heard she was marked inked but couldn’t remember what it was. I wish she was here so she could explain mine.”

“Me, too.”
More than you could ever know.
She stood up to look more closely at the ink. The detail was ten times better than any real tattoo Rae’d ever seen. She stared at the circle-thing beside the bolt. She slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand.

“I know what the circle-thing is!”

“What?” Molly twirled. “If you can tell me, that’ll be the best birthday present I’ve ever had -- besides this tatù, of course.”

“I think it’s supposed to be a kite. You know, like Benjamin Franklin when he flew his kite in a thunderstorm?”

Molly scrunched her face into a puzzled look, then suddenly she brightened. “Holy crap! You’re right. I’m going to be able to create electricity or something super cool like that. Oh my goodness, this is going to be so awesome.” She swung around and grabbed Rae’s hands as she jumped up and down.

Rae went flying across the room. She slammed into the wall and slid down onto the bed. She rubbed her head, just above her ponytail. Shocked, she stared at Molly who stood with her mouth open, surprise written across her face.

They both started laughing.

Molly offered Rae her hand. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think…I had no idea…”

Rae crawled around the outstretched arm, shaking her own hand. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll avoid the hand contact for a bit.” She stood. “I’m fine. Just wasn’t expecting that.”

“Neither was I.” She spread her arms wide, bumping the wall. The lights dulled and then began flickering above them. “What the -- ?”

“Hand.” Rae pointed. “On the wall.” Shouts sounded outside the hall.

“Oops. Guess I’d better figure out how to control this.” She stuffed her hands into her pockets. The lights stopped flickering and the shouts outside stopped.

A knock at the door made Rae turn around. When she opened it, Haley came barging through, Maria trailing behind. Haley pulled Molly’s shirt up to see the tatù.

it was you.” Haley crossed her arms. “I knew if the walls starting shaking, or torrential rain storms started today, or anything weird happened, it’d be you not being able to control your gift.

“Ohhhh yeah, it’s me,” Molly squealed and jumped up and down, hands still firmly stuffed in her pockets. “This is gonna be sooo awesome!”

“Let’s go eat. I’m starving.” Haley pulled Molly and Maria out the door, ignoring Rae.

“Don’t worry ‘bout me,” Rae mumbled. “I’ll catch up.” She thought about Molly and her new skill. Hopefully, Molly didn’t end up frying somebody. This seemed a lot like giving a kid a gun, but not giving them any lessons in proper handling or safety.

She headed over to the Dining Hall.

The birthday cake was perfect – almost perfect. Julian walked in, carrying the cake with all the candles lit, and Nicholas, Andy and Riley began singing “Happy Birthday.” Molly raised her arms.

“Wait,” she said. “Something’s not right.” She spread her arms and knocked all the lights out in the dining hall. “Now sing.”

Rae giggled as Julian came by, his long hair standing straight on end from the static in the air.

Molly slapped Nicholas’ hand as he reached for a slice of cake and sent him flying about three feet backwards. “Wait your turn!”

Rae died laughing when Molly tried something on Haley, a crackling and popping noise whizzed by her ears. When Haley pulled her hand away, the air around them smelled crispy. Her hair looked like the picture from an old Bon Jovi album cover Rae’s aunt had from the 1980s. Rae couldn’t stop giggling every time she shot a glance at Haley’s frayed ends, or Molly’s constant apologizing.

“Does anyone want to head over to Aumbry House an’ hang out?” Molly blew her bangs out of her eyes, exasperation written across her face as Haley stomped away to drop her tray off.

The boys didn’t need convincing. The four of them stood simultaneously and rushed to clear the table.

“Let’s get everyone and we’ll have a games challenge,” Nicolas said. “Like a games competition of juniors versus seniors. That is, if you older boys are up for it?” He laughed, directing the last sentence toward Riley.

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