Racing Outside the Line: A Love Story at 190 Mph (29 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Montague

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Racing Outside the Line: A Love Story at 190 Mph
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I didn’t want to follow his perfect vows, I didn’t want to break the spell of the perfect moment he had just created for me, but I heard the Reverend say, "Alexis, place the ring on Seth’s finger." My hands shook wildly as I pushed the ring into place. Seth took both my hands in his. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I didn’t know if I would be able to get the words out. I took a few deep breaths to stop myself from crying. "I—Alexis Winston, take you—Seth Keller to be my husband," tears streamed down my cheeks again, and I bit my lip to keep from crying. I wasn’t going to be able to push the words out. They felt glued to my throat, stuck there from years of conditioning. I let my eyes frantically scan the crowd watching me and felt like a teenager asked to recite a love poem about my secret crush to an entire audience of peers ready to make fun of me for even considering such a guy. It was irrational, but in that moment, a decade’s worth of pain and self-doubt blocked my words.


Seth put his hand back on my cheek and whispered softly, "Shh, look at me, love. It’s just me."

Taking another deep and ragged breath, I looked into his eyes and let myself get lost there. He was so handsome and smiling at me so lovingly that the words I wanted to say were suddenly bubbling to the top. "I love you—" I blurted out, "I’ve always loved you," I was suddenly smiling at the admission, though my eyes were shoving tears out at an alarming pace. "And I followed you around like a little puppy dog for so many years—I’ve nearly died so many times without you. You are my air," I could hear my words dying on a sob, but Seth took just the smallest step toward me, and I was able to regain control of my voice. "You are my light. You are my own personal obsession," I let out a little laugh as his smile widened a bit, "I can’t imagine my world without you. I promise to never again let my brother scare you away or hit you," everyone laughed at that, and I saw Desmond, out of the corner of my eye, throw his arms up in the air in surrender. "And I promise to attack anyone who tries to get between us," Seth raised his eyebrow at that, and I smiled in response before taking another deep breath to become more serious and, oddly, more composed. "I swear to love you better than anyone has ever loved another person for all time. All this I promise as your wife for eternity." He stroked my lips with his thumb as we waited for permission to kiss.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." That simple statement sent everyone off into cheers and whistles as Seth pulled me crashing into him in a fierce kiss that left my already shaky knees even weaker. Before we could get too caught up in the kiss, Desmond shoved us apart and pushed Seth away to hug me.

"Congratulations, sis, it’s been a long time coming, hasn’t it?" he said into my ear so he could be heard over the noisy cheering. Tears were in my eyes again as I pulled back from him, nodding.

I was vaguely aware of being passed from person to person and hug to hug, but my attention was really centered on Seth’s location. Finally, Esperanza appeared and announced that there would be some pictures taken before dinner, but that the bar was set up just down the beach with carts waiting to take everyone there.

After a half hour of pictures, Esperanza drove us up to the reception location. I thought I was dreaming when I saw the vision in front of me. It mimicked the dinner on the verandah the night before, but the number of candles, torches, and lamps were multiplied. A large rectangular table draped in a white tablecloth with two large centerpieces of red roses and orange lilies sat on a large wooden plank platform. Surrounding the entire platform were poles that draped thin, white fabric between each other with more roses and lilies tied to each one. It was breathtaking. We got off the cart and entered the ethereal reception area as Esperanza said into a microphone, "May I present, Mr. and Mrs. Seth and Alexis Keller." Everyone cheered and chanted, "Kiss, kiss, kiss." Who were we to deny them? Moments later, I could hear Desmond and Greg yelling, "Okay, stop kissing, stop kissing," then laughing at themselves. Could we help it that we found each other entirely irresistible?

Dinner was extravagant, and the champagne that seemed to flow freely was delicious. Seth and I danced all night long. Ace and Brad tried to claim a few dances with me, but Seth wouldn’t budge for them. He did, however, allow me to dance once with Wyatt and once with Desmond, but only because I scowled at him. It was really a perfectly magical night.

My favorite part of the evening was definitely the garter toss. Seth seductively pulled the garter off my leg with his teeth, pausing for effect as he breathed warmly on my inner thigh. He drove me crazy when he allowed his hands to rest on my knees as he pulled the garter down my calf. When it was finally off my leg, he purposely put his hand on my upper thigh where the slit in my skirt exposed my skin as he pushed himself up off the floor.

"Have I mentioned, yet, how much I like this dress," his low, deep, sultry voice sent desire through my veins. "Especially right here," his warm, strong hand squeezed my thigh. He then turned around and let the garter fly at the guys. I noticed Brad and Greg jump at each other in a perfectly choreographed crash that landed them laughing on the floor. Ace had pretended to be saying something to Susanna and missed the toss altogether, which left Desmond to jump for the garter. Poor boy, he actually cheered for himself over having beaten the others. I smiled at Wyatt, who winked back at me. We both walked over to Desmond who was giving Seth a high five.

I decided it was time to get involved in this plot. "So, Des, I guess that means your next, huh?"

"Lex, that’s such a joke, it never happens that way."

I looked at Wyatt, who put his arm around Desmond’s shoulders and laughed, "Son, you remember how your dad used to be crazy about Lady Luck?" I watched Desmond nod and had to walk away to hide my laughter.

A few minutes later, Seth came back over to me and swept me into his arms for a slow dance. "Is that story true? What my dad told Des?" he whispered in my ear.

I nodded, "But I’m sure that your dad failed to mention that he set it all up with the bachelors at his wedding so that my dad was the only person who was actually
to get the garter. Everyone else was trying to make sure that my dad was the one who caught it. He felt it was time for my dad to settle down, and I think it’s time Desmond settles down, or at least starts thinking about it."

Seth shook his head, "You’re quite the schemer you know that?" I took this as a compliment since he wrapped his arms around me more tightly. I think he was pleased with my attempts to plot out Desmond’s future, or at least, that’s what I decided to let myself believe.

After a few more drinks, some very kind toasts, and a piece of deliciously fluffy and moist orange cake, I was ready to be alone with my new husband. His hands were starting to wander and I felt we were giving everyone a show they weren’t interested in seeing. I pulled Seth’s head down so that I could whisper in his ear and roll his earlobe between my thumb and forefinger, "I think it’s time you make love to your wife."

He didn’t even look at me, just pulled back a bit and nodded in Esperanza’s direction. She picked up the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Keller a happy life together and a wonderful night." This, of course, brought on another round of hugs and congratulations that I suffered through with a smile on my face.

As Chelsea hugged me and gave us her best wishes, I was struck by the pure happiness I saw in her eyes. She was genuinely happy for me and for the fairy tale ending I was getting instead of the jealousy you would see in even the best of friends’ eyes. It made me love her and appreciate her friendship all the more.

Finally, though, Seth and I were able to extricate ourselves from the arms of our very loving friends and family members. I climbed onto the cart, and we pulled away from the reception, but instead of following the path back to the main hotel, we veered off on another course, one I hadn’t noticed before. "Where are we going?"

"It’s a surprise," he had that cocky grin on his face again.

20 Paradise


My question was answered, though, when we pulled up to a small villa set just high enough above the beach to afford a spectacular view of the full moon set high overtop of the ocean. I climbed out of the cart and moved, trance-like to the edge of the pathway staring out at the grandeur of the view. I supposed we had the same view on the beach at the reception, but it was so quiet here. All I could hear was the gentle sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and all I could see was the moon lighting what looked like a white pathway from the edge of the horizon shimmering right up to the shore of our own private beach. Seth’s arms circled my waist as he kissed the top of my head as I closed my eyes, leaning back in his arms.

"The bar is stocked, and there is a bottle of champagne by the pool." We turned to see Esperanza standing near us. "If you should require anything further, please use the intercom button by the bed. Enjoy your evening, and once again, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Keller."

"Thank you Esperanza," Seth replied before turning back to the view with me in his arms. It was magical just standing there with him in this private paradise. I was afraid to speak for fear of ruining the moment.

"How about a swim?" he whispered huskily in my ear. I nodded, and he pulled me toward the villa. It was decorated just as I would imagine a private beach house to look like. We walked up a pathway that was dimly lit by large hurricane-like lamps set high upon white posts to the front of the villa. The porch was a grayish colored wood that looked weathered while the villa itself was constructed of bright white beams and turquoise shutter doors. Seth pulled me into the little house and I was greeted by a large slate tile floor, a high-beamed ceiling with what appeared to be a roof of palm fronds. The bed that occupied one wall was huge, larger than a normal king-sized bed and covered in a fluffy white comforter and two layers of large, crisp, white pillows. To add an air of romance, mosquito netting draped down from the center of the bed to fall at each side of the white wooden headboard. A small whicker dining table with matching chairs for two and a seating area with a whicker loveseat formed a small living room area.

As comfortable and lovely as the villa was, the most breathtaking part was definitely the tall turquoise shutter doors that surrounded the entire villa. Each door slid open accordion-style to reveal the awe-inspiring view. As I stood looking out at the ocean, my eye was drawn to small tea light candles that lit up our own little private pool.

Standing there, I was reluctant to move, wanting to just enjoy the moment, enjoy my surroundings, but I felt Seth behind me untying the corset that held my dress together and was reminded of a stronger urge running through me. He kissed my neck as he finished untying the binding, pulling my dress up over my head and tossing it onto the whicker loveseat. The way he looked at me made me flush with fiery warmth that spread instantaneously throughout my entire body. I could see
feel his eyes move over every inch of my body. I couldn’t hold back any longer in pulling him into a kiss equal to the fire he had just started within me. I grasped desperately at the buttons of his shirt, fumbling through each one as quickly as I could until it was lying on the loveseat with my dress. He reached for the clasps that held my bustier together, but was taking far too long for my mood, so I pushed back away from him, smiling seductively as I unclasped the garment and let it fall beside me.

"You are so ridiculously sexy." My heartbeat increased to a rapid tapping when his fingers looped into the band of my thong, but I kept enough control to step back from him for a moment.

"Wait, you didn’t get to see the best part."

"Mmm," he moved close to my body again and reached out to rub the back of his hand along the edge of my breast, "I beg to differ."

I managed to push away from him and spun around so he could see the back of my thong where "Just Married" was embroidered.

I heard him chuckle behind me before his fingers once again grabbed the band of my panties and began to tug them off of me. "Cute, baby, but I’d rather appreciate them on the floor." I stepped out of the panties and, as he moved back up, his hands slid slowly and softly along the contours of my curves until he was turning my face back toward him while he kissed me gently. His tongue slid slowly past my lips driving me insane with desire as his hands went to the back of my neck, unclasping my necklace. I seemed to regain enough sense to take off my bracelet and earrings and set them on the loveseat with the rest of our discarded items, but when I turned back to face him only to find him removing his pants, my intelligence level dropped again to an all-time low. He was so handsome and muscular; I could stare at his body all day long and never get tired of it. The white silk boxers he wore didn’t hide the fact that he wanted to make to love me just as much as I wanted to make love to him. He moved slowly and seductively, removing his boxers and watching my reactions the whole time, effectively driving me insane. Just when I was about to lose control and jump into his arms, he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

It was strangely erotic to walk around outside naked with the salty ocean breeze touching me all over. For a moment, I just stood there running my fingers through my hair, staring out at the ocean.

"If I were a painter, all I would do is paint pictures of you just like this." I opened my eyes to see Seth standing waist-deep in the sparkling ocean, staring intensely at me. "You were so stunning as you walked toward me today with that slit in your dress teasing its way up your thigh. I thought you could never be more beautiful than you were dancing and smiling in my arms this evening, but I was wrong." I could hear the jagged edge to his voice and see him try to swallow it away to speak. "With the moonlight touching you and that sexy smile on your face, I… I…"

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