Race to Destiny 4 (11 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Race to Destiny 4
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Chapter Sixteen



Mia woke later that afternoon, out of
a deep sleep by two sets of wandering hands on her body.  For a moment she tensed up, wanting to curl into a ball, scared from what had happened to her in the past, but then her men came into her mind.  She smiled sleepily and stretched her body, offering it to them with pleasure.  She knew that was all they offered her, pleasure.

We want to mate together now, sweetheart, are you ready?” Striker whispered.

Mia moaned when she felt their fingers becoming more firm and exploring more.  She nodded and turned so both had better access to her, and she to them.  They untied the robe she had fallen asleep in and pushed the edges over her shoulders revealing the naked flesh underneath.  Her cheeks grew warm and she wanted to giggle for some reason.  They must have seen the look on her face and both of them paused.

“Yes?” Striker said with an amused looked.

Hey, I think she was gonna laugh when we were trying to get her excited.  That means she is questioning our manhood right?” Eric smirked.

I think you are right, Eric,” Striker said and she saw the appreciative smile on their faces as they looked at her body.  Then she heard one of them growl and she smiled. 

No way, I would never do that,” she said innocently.

Striker laughed and pulled the robe away from her body completely.  She saw both of their eyes darken with desire.

“What about my romance?” she whispered.

How about a massage first?” Eric whispered and flipped her over suddenly.

He smiled when Mia groaned into the pillow and closed her eyes.  Striker reached over and grabbed a bottle on the nightstand, they would have to thank Cat later.  A light, citrus scent filled the air as they smoothed the oil on her creamy skin. 

Striker grinned as he mirrored Eric’s motions across her shoulders and up and down her spine to her lower back.  It made both of them grin as they went slowly and Mia began wither.  They took their time stroking her and when they reached a certain spot she would moan and arch her back, both men fought their impulses of rolling her over and taking her.

Baby, are you a virgin?” Eric whispered.

No…but not recently,” she moaned.

Taking it slow, they massaged every inch of her skin, including her feet and hands.  She started moving more and when they both reached their destination between her legs they pulled back, making her protest with anticipation of what she was expecting.  They smiled and looked down at her, and Eric slowly turned her over so they could massage her front as well.  The way they could scent her arousal, she was going to be more than prepared soon.  The glistening of her juices was evident as she was exposed to them once again.

Her cheeks were rosy this time with passion and her nipples were just begging for attention.  Eric stroked her stomach and moved lower as Striker instinctively took over massaging her top.  The dual sensations almost drove her wild and Eric smoothed more of the oil on her thighs and lower legs, making sure he missed the apex between her thighs.  While Striker did her shoulders and then abdomen, watching her nipples harden as they continued to touch her.

Striker circled her breasts, avoiding the tips until she was moaning.  Then Eric smiled and Striker bent and took her nipple in his mouth.  She cried out loudly when his mouth closed over her nipple, and with one hand he pulled the other one gently at the same time. 

Eric leaned forward and kissed her lips, exploring briefly before he moved his way down her body.  Eric settled between her legs and Striker helped by pulling one of her legs over his, exposing her core to him to admire.  Eric kissed her up her inner thigh and then slowly ran his tongue up her slit, then moved to the other side and did the same thing.  She was squirming with impatience.  Eric slid two fingers into her suddenly and she whimpered at the feeling. 

Striker leaned up and took her mouth in a demanding kiss, making her confused on what she was reacting to.  His mouth was demanding and hard, but she gave as good and she got, opening her mouth and inviting him to take what he wanted.  Eric began pumping his fingers into her, and she moaned against Striker
’s mouth.  When Eric suddenly bent forward and sucked her clit into his mouth, she gasped and pulled away.  With a growl, Striker grabbed her cheek and turned her back, continuing his onslaught as Eric and he somehow worked a rhythm that drove her crazy.

She moved wantonly against them, practically begging them to finish what they had started quickly, she was going to go nuts in a minute.  When Striker pulled back and whispered in her ear,

Mia screamed and let go, feeling herself shatter around him, but they weren
’t even close to being done, they quickly switched places and repeated it again, this time the opposite.  She was going to pass out from the pleasure.  By the time she came again this time against Strikers mouth, she could have curled over and gone to sleep but apparently, they were nowhere close to being done.  When Mia opened her eyes it was to see both men grinning at her sated expression smugly and Striker moved toward her, covering his body with her.  She smiled and gazed into his intense eyes.  She reached down and tried to wrap her hands around his impressive girth, she wondered how this was going to work, but Striker kissed her and all thoughts went out of her head.  He pulled her hand away and then pinned both of her hands above her head, making her breast rise to his eager mouth.  She kissed him and was so lost in the sensation of the feel of his touched as he moved from her mouth down to one breast and then back, and then he did the same thing on the other side. 
Damn, her men were fucking hot

Finally, Striker placed his blunt head against her opening, and he slowly moved until he was ready to enter her.  He nuzzled her neck and she responded to him, her wetness growing again.

Mia thought about her previous experience and she knew that these men would wipe them out of her mind forever.  She was still untouched in their eyes, as either of them had not taken her yet.  No other men would even compare to these two and she could feel herself finally admitting to herself the depth of her feeling for these two men.  They had grown on her slowly.  Making her fall in love with them before she even realized it, she grinned, she would tell them later. 

She arched her back and moved against his hot cock, giving him permission to move forward.  He took it without a beat of her heart passing and he thrust firmly but slowly into her.  She gasped at the feeling of fullness, she experienced nothing like it ever before.  Striker moved slowly and deliberately unit he was buried inside her.  The feeling was like no other.  This was the romance she was wanting, forget the other stuff, this was heaven being taken by them.

Mia surrendered herself over to them with the knowledge that she was giving them her heart as well.  Striker moved in and out of her until she was ready to scream, he hit her in just the right space, and just the right time, where she could feel her body getting ready to explode.  She met him stroke for stroke with her hips adding to the sensations.  When her released her hands and began to move faster, she held on for the ride.  Striker leaned over and licked the side of her throat, and she shivered, it was right where he had bitten her before.  Giving her a minute to catch her breath before he claimed her.  Striker moaned in satisfaction when he bit her and she convulsed around him. 

Mia couldn
’t hold back, she screamed her love for him, which filtered through his foggy brain and he released her neck.  “Baby, I feel the same way, you are my world and I love you,” he whispered and she felt their bond snap into place.

Striker rolled off her, kissing her shoulder gently as she moaned from his withdraw.  Eric sat to the side and grinned. 
“That was fucking amazing, watching the two of you together.”

Come on, big boy, you’re next,” she grinned and waited.

Are you sure you aren’t too sore?” he asked and she rolled her eyes.

We were meant for each other right, well let’s seal this shit.”  She laughed and Eric grinned happily, moved to lay on his back, and pulled her over him. 

Ride me,” he said and positioned her above his straining cock.  “Take it slow,
,” he whispered, and she nodded. 

Her pulled her to him and kissed her.  Allowing her to set the pace.  She sunk over him slowly and he had to fight to remain still as she took him all into her.

Mia sighed, he was just as thick and long as Striker was but from this angle, she was able to slide smoothly over him without waiting.  When she was finally full, she leaned over, laid against his torso, and kissed him.  Their mouths tangling as she began to move.  Slowly she caressed his cock as she slid up and down his shaft.  It was amazing to feel the difference of their bodies, but both feeling so right inside her.  She couldn’t wait to feel them together at the same time, the connection would be out of this world.  The closeness she could feel with both men right now was overwhelming.

She signed as Eric began kneading her breasts, making her passion rise even faster than Striker had.  She could feel the tightening of her pussy walls as it readied to explode yet again.  Mia picked up the pace as the need grew and finally Eric couldn
’t hold back, he reached and took her hips and held her in place as he took over, rising into her at a fast pace.  She gasped as he hit her in the sweet spot every time.  The emotions flowing over her.  Mia opened her eyes and saw the light radiating from Eric—it was beautiful and golden.  Like nothing she had ever seen, it wrapped them in a blanket but she could see Striker was with them as well.  Covering them.  Joining them.

Mia screamed when she felt herself fall over the edge. 
“I love you.”

Eric repeated the phrase to her and held her fast as she collapsed on top of him.  He held her as she passed out in exhaustion. 

“Wow,” Striker said.

You can say that again,” Eric said breathlessly.

Wow,” Striker said and the men felt their mating snap into place and Mia sighed deeply as if she felt it too.

This is gonna be one hell of a life with her,” Eric whispered and rolled her between them, both men kissed her briefly, and they fell into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter Seventeen



They all three knew that Cami wouldn’t wait much longer for them to arrive for the meeting.  They were already thirty minutes late and lucky the little Alpha hadn't barged into their bedroom.  The meeting had already been delayed from last night to this morning so they could rest.  They headed down the path to the main house and entered through the same patio doors Cat had led them out of earlier the day before.  When they entered, Jax was there to greet them and show them where the meeting was being held.

Everyone turned to greet them as they entered and Cami narrowed her eyes at them.  "It's about damn time.  You are late and we have business to discuss.
”  She sniffed indignantly.  "I am willing to excuse you because I can see you mated.  Congratulations.  Mia?  You are okay?"

Mia blushed and said, "Yes, Cam.  I am fine."

Cami looked her over carefully and then nodded.  "Okay, boys and girls.  Time to chat.  Everyone sit."

Orfeo took the head chair with Tripp and Cat on
either side of him.  Cami and Jaden sat at the other end of the long table.  Everyone else sat with their mates in between them, Jo and Cloe smiled and leaned back to watch the show.  Orfeo nodded to Cami, obviously, the Alphas were going to run the meeting, and he was fine with that.

Cami stood and said, "First things first.
”  She turned to face Mia, Striker, and Eric.  "What you three don't know is that Mia is part of the Senate.  Our seer saw that she is the human representative.  Now, as her mates, you are part as well."

Mia opened her mouth to say something but couldn't seem to speak.  She turned to look at both her men and they seemed just as surprised.  Mia looked at the others sitting at the table and saw they all had known and were smiling in welcome at her.  "This can't be
,” she whispered.  "How can I be part of the Senate?  You all do so much and have so many abilities, how will I be of help?"

, Mia, don't think that way.  You are going to be a big help.  Make no mistake.  You are a member of this Senate,” Cami said firmly.  "We also have to deal with the threat against us.  It seems Roarke is going to try to take down the Senate before it can be built.  We cannot let that happen.  This fucker needs to go down.”  Cami slammed her hand down hard onto the table.  Everyone jumped except for Jo, Cloe, and their mates, they were used to the bloodthirsty side of their Alpha female.

stood and put his arm around Cami, trying to calm her.  He looked at all of them.  "Stop scaring the straights, dear.  We need to tighten security here, which is being done.  We have also spoke extensively with the Chosen and we agree we cannot just hole up and wait for another attack.  We must go on the offensive."

Orfeo nodded and said, "I agree.  I will not be a sitting duck.  I want to rid ourselves of this threat once and for all."

"Agreed,” Jaden said.  "The best way to do that is to find out where they are."

Cami turned to Mia.  "You said you had information.  Will any of it help us in this?"

Mia thought about what she had heard while in Roarke's employ then she nodded.  "Yes, I believe I do have some good information.  I know where he has some men stashed and how he works."

"Good.  Let's get some maps and begin to work on this.  I want to raise an attack against the Rogues and soon
,” Jaden announced.

,” Orfeo answered.

"I will go get the maps
,” Tripp said and he left the room.

"Tell us what you know
,” Orfeo said to Mia.

Mia began to fill them in on all she had heard while in Roarke's employ.  She had only been there a short time
, but she had been smart and kept her eyes and ears open.  Now that she no longer felt threatened or traumatized, she could clearly recall most of it.

They all worked through the day, stopping only to eat lunch and then they continued.  They poured over maps and communicated with the Chosen over conference calls to coordinate plans.  Everyone was ready to start an offensive attack against the Rogues and start wiping them out.

Mia showed them all she knew, telling them where different houses or buildings were located that were owned by Roarke.  The Chosen sent Enforcers out to recon the areas and scout for signs of Rogues.  Orfeo worked with Drago, Striker's father, to coordinate scouts to head out to different European locations.  No one was taking any chances.  They wanted good information and then they would plan a strike.

At the end of the day, everyone was tired and they all met for a nice dinner in the large dining hall in the main house.  Afterwards, the men went to have brandy in Orfeo's office while the women had wine in the sitting room.

“Oh my God, I never thought they would leave us alone,” Cami said and looked at the women in the room and looked serious for a minute.  “Now we need to do a ritual, so all of you are now in the Bitches Pack, it is a requirement to hang with us.”

Really, Cami, Cat is pregnant,” Jo scoffed.

Yeah, well she is the designated walker for us, so suck it up.  She can still drink grape juice and get high on life with us,” Cami said.

Cloe snorted. 
“Ladies, welcome to our hell dealing with her, but for once she is right.  We have this little clubish thing we have going on.  Ii is a good idea since all of you are surrounded by testosterone.  Once every few weeks, and on special occasions, we have a ‘girls only night’.  This is where the guys HAVE to leave you alone, and take care of all the shit we do.  In other words, you need to hold meetings for the club so the guys get used to it, or they will totally suck you in.  This is the place to bitch, complain, and plan things that your men will usually smile and placate you.  You are the real leaders of the Clan, and it is time that they knew it.”

Right,” Cami said and popped opened a bottle of their finest wine.  “I hope that because this is awesome wine the hangover will be better tomorrow, but whatever.”

The girls laughed and Cat crossed her arms across her chest. 
“Why was I not told of this before, I mean come on, now I am knocked up and have to sit here and be the voice of reason.”

Cami smiled. 
“Hey, we have all been there, just get ready cause drink or not, this is gonna be a fun night for all.  Trust me.”

Mia relaxed and looked around the room at the ladies she would be friends with, she could only hope that Cami
’s relationship with her Council would be the same here.  She loved the feel of the close-knit group they built.  When she was in their compound, Mia had felt safe; they had made sure they showed her the security.  Since they arrived late, and she was exhausted, Mia had not had a chance to look.  It was something she would rectify.  If they were so determined to get her, then they will be on their way now.  They Council need to be ready.

Stand up, ladies.”  Jo clapped and Mia looked at the wine glasses lined up.  At the end was a glass of juice for Cat who grumpily stood and positioned herself in front of the glass.

Cloe, Jo, if you please,” Cami said formally and the three ladies stood in front of them holding boxes, there were more sitting off to the side as well.

In the tradition of the New Council Pack’s Bitches, we extend our group to you,” Cami said.

We live by a code, one that we are sure you will uphold.”  Jo grinned.

Bitches standing together leading the masses into a new age,” Cloe said.

We look for Alpha females who will lead with a firm hand, and an open heart,” Jo said.

Repeat after me,” Cami said firmly.  “I ‘state your name’.”

The women repeated and the girls laughed.

“I promise to not allow my men to run over me.”  Cami paused and allowed them to repeat.  “I promise to set an example to the women in the compound,” she said firmly and then waited.  “I promise to allow my friends to help me when I need it.”

Mia was grinning at the formality of Cami and the others.

“Finally, I promise to attend the meetings when they are called, produce food and wine for who needs it, and kick whichever mate’s ass that fucked up.  Hold the hair of our friends when they are puking, and keep a case of water in each woman’s room with a hangover remedy standing by.  In addition, create mayhem when needed with the men so they don’t get too complacent around here,” Cami finished and waited.  They laughed and held up their glasses and then emptied them. 

Accept these gift from us to you, we have one for every woman who our Seer has seen, and we hope that soon you will be complete.”  Cloe grinned.  She opened a box and handed it to Cat who laughed.  Mia was given one from Jo who kissed her cheek.  When she opened the box, she burst out laughing.  It was a gold chain with a silver and gold charm hanging down.  The charm was a gold circle with a silver bullet in the middle of it.  The inscription read: Senate Bitches Protect.  At the top of the bullet was a diamond that sparkled. 

Cami let out a war cry and began to hand the bottles around the room, and then went to the door and called for the food to be brought in.  Mia looked at the spread in wonder, they certainly knew how to throw a party, and she was gonna love this if the Senate ladies continued the tradition, which from the looks on Jax, Cat, and Fredi
’s faces was inevitable.


“Should we be afraid?” Eric whispered when they heard the cry.

Fuck ya,” Jaden said and shook his head and looked at his friends.  Darien and Tey were shaking their heads already.  “When Cami and the girls get into a closed room together—someone is coming out wasted.  And they always have some fuckin’ plan up their sleeves that seems to work even though it is totally scary.  Usually one of them are in danger.  We have to drink as well to prepare ourselves.  Orfeo, where is the beer.”

Eric and Striker looked at one another and groaned. 
This was going to suck
, they thought. 


“Who let the dogs out?” Cami crowed and laughed as Jo turned in circles chasing her gorgeous white tail.

They were well into their drunken state as Mia looked around the room at the group of women.  Cloe had Jax in the corner of the room with a gun, showing her how to shoot out the window.  The men had pounded on the door at the first shot.  Darien begging his mate not to shoot anyone or create a gaping hole in the house, which earned a good laugh from the women.

Jo had shifted with Fredi who romped around the room until they needed a drink.  Fredi was barking at her sister and rolling on the ground apparently laughing.  Cat was yelling encouragement to the group as they continued to be out of control.  Then there was Mia and Cami who had begun singing into a candlestick for entertainment, standing on the chairs and dancing.

The wine had gone down only by one case; there were four more sitting in the corner. 
“Wait,” Cami called and held up her hand.  “Shift, bitches, it is time to show these ladies how we plan.  Cloe, put the gun away for now, we may need it though.”

Jo shifted and pouted. 
“But I almost caught it this time,” and fell into the chair laughing.

Shut up,” Cami laughed.  Once all of them were in their seats, snacking and glasses full again, Cami leaned forward.  “Now let’s put on our thinking hats, girls.  We know the men are going to plan an attack.  Which means we will be in charge of the compound while they are gone.  I am pretty sure we can come up with some things to help.  Of course, they will all leave the Enforcers, and Warriors.  Therefore, we can use them.  But Mia is the one they want right now.  We know it is because of your weird, freaky blood.  Regardless, they won’t get you.”

Mia shrugged and laughed. 
“Hell no, I will shoot them all in the nuts if they get close.”

Good girl,” Cloe said and held up her glass.

Jax fell off her chair as she tried to hand the gun to Mia. 
“Oops, sorry, Mi...Ma…”

No probs,” Mia waved her hand, grabbed the gun off the floor, and held up it.  “Watch,” she said, stood, and weaved her way to the window on her un-cooperating legs.  She opened the window and closed one eye, hoping to clear her vision.  She saw the tree she wanted to shoot.  Mia squeezed the trigger and they all heard the howl.  Open looked in surprise as the others ran for the window.  Cloe pushed her way through.

Ass shot, he will live.”  Cloe smirked as they watched men running for their fallen friend.  “Hey, sorry ‘bout that but, dude, really?  You couldn’t hear her cocking the gun.  DUH, wolf hearing.  Walk it off.”

She turned and grinned. 

The women laughed and went back to their meeting.  The whole incident earned them another round of pounding at the door by their mates, but they only just talked louder.  By the end of the meeting they had a plan that was gonna drive their men nuts, but it would work, Cloe, Jo, and Cami assured them.  It involved a slingshot, a tube of glue, and raw meat.  They all had no problems with the plan, it sounded reasonable at the time.

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