Read "R" is for Ricochet Online

Authors: Sue Grafton

"R" is for Ricochet (10 page)

BOOK: "R" is for Ricochet
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“More or less. How do you know all this stuff?”

“Most of it I picked up from my IRS pal in the past couple of months. He says in addition to the CTR, there's something called a Currency and Monetary Instrument Report, the CMIR. This is for the people who physically receive or transport cash—carry it, mail it, ship it—again, that's in any amount over ten thousand dollars. There's another form for casinos, but we don't have to worry about that here. Far as we know, Beck doesn't have ties to any of the big gambling operations, though that's another nice way to scrub a load of cash and get it squeaky clean.

“The government relies on financial institutions to track the flow of cash through the system. Obviously, there's nothing illegal about dealing in large sums as long as all the proper forms get filed. Try to bypass that and you're subject to severe penalties—assuming you're caught, of course. Beck made a point of cultivating a bunch of banker pals and for a period, he was bribing one of them to look the other way. The bank officer would prepare the CTR as required and place a copy in the files, only instead of shipping the original to the IRS, he'd run it through a shredder. Problem is, the banks tend to move these executives from branch to branch, and Beck lost his co-conspirator. That's how he came to the attention of Internal Revenue. Some new VP at Santa Teresa Savings and Loan noticed a pattern of small deposits that he was pretty sure were all linked to Beck or Beck's company. He's been breaking the big deposits into a series of smaller transactions, hoping to skirt the ten-thousand-dollar requirement for a government report. This is the fundamental maneuver in any laundering operation. It's called structuring, or ‘smurfing.' Beck employed a regular road crew of smurfs, who'd go from bank to bank here in town—sometimes from city to city—buying cashier's checks or money orders in the smaller dollar amounts—two grand, five, sometimes as much as nine, but never over ten. The dribbles and drabs were deposited piecemeal into a single account, and then Beck would use wire transfers to move the whole of it to a couple of offshore banks. After that, he'd funnel it back to his clients in a more respectable form.

“Anyway, while all this was going on, the DEA was following the money from the other end, tracking funds through the system from a cartel importing marijuana and cocaine into Los Angeles. At some point, the two paths intersected and a red flag went up. I'd met the IRS investigator at a conference in D.C. about four years back. Shortly after that, he got assigned to the L.A. office to coordinate the task force. Once Beck's name surfaced, the focus shifted to him. The agent, Vince Turner, asked me to act as the local interface. His guys are keeping a low profile because the feds are trying to build a case without Beck's getting wind of it.”

“Oh, good luck. In this town?”

“We're well aware,” he said. “So far they've initiated mail and trash covers and they've been running surveillance, covering his movements in and out of the country. What they need now is an informant, which is where Reba Lafferty comes in.”

I gestured impatiently. “You're kidding. She's in love with the man. She'd never rat him out.”

“Don't be so sure…”

sure. She's smitten. That's how she's managed to hold herself together for the past two years. They wrote to each other and talked on the phone a couple of times a week. That's how she survived. I got it straight from her.”

“Just hear me out,” he said. “You know the background on this.”

“Of course. She ripped off his company for megabucks over a two-year period—”

“While she and Beck were having an affair,” he said.

“I know that. So what?”

“So under the circumstances, doesn't it seem strange he'd take up with her again the minute she gets out?”

“Well, yeah. Matter of fact, I asked her about that myself. She claims he's forgiven her. She says he knew she was self-destructive and couldn't help herself. Or words to that effect.”

He was shaking his head. “Nope. Don't think so. It doesn't ring true.”

“I'm not defending the point. I'm just telling you what she said. I agree with you. It's hard to believe Beck would turn the other cheek. So what's the deal? I gather you know something I don't.”

Cheney leaned forward, lowering his voice. I tilted my head closer and felt the whisper of his breath against my cheek as he spoke. “She took the fall for him. He had her set up accounts for a couple of phony companies. She'd invoice for bogus goods and services, then write checks out of accounts payable. He'd sign 'em and she'd send 'em off to a post office box. Later, she'd pick 'em up and deposit the money to a phony account. Sometimes, he'd wire the money offshore or she'd withdraw the cash herself and pass it on to him.”

“I don't get it. Why's he stealing from himself?”

“He has people to pay off and this is how he covers his butt. He can't siphon off large sums of cash without an explanation. If he's ever audited, the IRS will want to know where the money went. He figured he'd disguise the fact he's draining off the bucks by making it look like a legitimate business expense.”

“Why not use money from one of his offshore accounts?”

“Who knows the rationale? By then he'd cooked up a couple new schemes anyway and he was anxious to shift gears. He talked Reba into going down for the three hundred and fifty thou and he came out smelling like a rose. Since she claimed she'd gambled all the money away, who could prove otherwise? Truth is, she's always had a gambling problem and she was already making trips to Vegas and Reno, which suited him to a tee.”

“But how'd he talk her into it?”

“Same way guys talk women into anything. He promised her the moon.”

“I can't believe she went to jail for him. What an idiot.”

Cheney shrugged. “My IRS buddy says there was talk of approaching her back then, offering to cut her a deal, but at the time, they were just setting up shop and couldn't afford to take the risk. Now it's crunch time. They need the inside track and she's it.”

“Beck must have a company comptroller and accountants. Why not one of them?”

“They're working on that angle as a backup plan.”

“Well, you better tell 'em to work hard. If Reba spent two years in prison for Beck, why turn on him now?”

“You know he's married…”

I could feel my impatience mount. “Of course. And Reba knows it, too. He says it's a marriage of convenience. I think it's a crock and I told her so, but couldn't get her to budge.”

“She's delusional in that case. You see Beck and his wife together—her name's Tracy, by the way—there's no suggestion whatever he's anything less than devoted. Could be an act on his part, but it doesn't look that way.”

“That's how guys are…”

“Hey, women are the same. Percentagewise, women probably screw around more than men.”

“Listen to us. That's sick. How'd we get so cynical?”

Cheney smiled. “It comes with the turf.”

“You think Tracy knows about Reba?”

“Hard to say. Beck's got a ton of money and he treats her like a queen. Maybe from her perspective, it's smarter to look the other way. Or maybe she knows and doesn't give a shit.”

“Yeah, well, Reba's convinced he's kept his wife in the dark, and furthermore, if Tracy finds out, she'll not only divorce his ass, but take him for everything he's got.”

“How's she going to do that? He has money stashed in bank accounts all over the world. And some are banks he
She'd end up with the same nightmare we're facing, which is how to trace his assets. Reba's got that down cold. She knows where the bodies are buried if we can get to her.”

“What makes you think he didn't change it all while she was gone?”

“Why would he do that? He may vary the game plan, but the accounts have been in place for years. Setting up an offshore bank is an expensive proposition. He's not going to go back and start from scratch unless he's forced to. That's why the feds are so worried about tipping him off. They don't want him to panic before they're ready to roll.”

“What do they want from her?”

“Facts and figures, banks, account numbers—whatever she can get her hands on. Some of the information they have, but they need corroboration, plus whatever she knows that they haven't come up with yet.”

“But what's her motivation? You've got nothing to offer. She's a free human being. Ask her for help and she'll run straight to him.”

Cheney reached into the inner pocket of his sport coat and removed a manila envelope that he pushed across the table.

“What's this?”

“Take a look.”

I undid the clasp. Inside I found a series of grainy black-and-white photographs of Beck, probably taken with a telephoto lens. In two, his companion's face wasn't clear, but she appeared to be the same woman. The pictures had been taken on five different occasions, judging from the date and time recorded in the bottom right-hand corner of each print. All had been snapped within the past month. The last photo was a shot of the two of them leaving a motel I recognized on upper State Street. I slid the photos back into the envelope. “Who's the woman?”

“Her name is Onni. She's Reba's best friend. He's been bedding her ever since Reba landed at CIW.”

“What a shitheel,” I said. “And I'm supposed to show her those in hopes of persuading her to turn on him?”


I tossed the photos and they skittered across the table to him. “You have the resources of the entire United States government at your disposal. Find someone else to do your dirty work.”

“Look, I understand where you're coming from, but this isn't penny-ante stuff. What Beck's doing is—”

“I know what he's doing. Don't give me this ‘Money laundering is evil' bullshit. I got that already. I don't see why I should be the one who talks Reba into rolling over on him.”

“We're guys. We don't know her the way you do. Just call her and chat. The woman trusts you.”

“She does
She doesn't even
me. I'm telling you, she got really pissed off when I tried telling her the truth. How can I turn around and call? She'd know I was up to something. She may be an idiot, but she isn't unaware.”

“Think about it—
—before you make up your mind.”

I stood up and pushed back my chair. “All right. I'll think about it. In the meantime, I need to go home and take a bath.”


I did not sleep well. My encounter with Cheney Phillips had generated a gloom that seemed to permeate my dreams. I woke often and stared up through my skylight at the overcast night sky. His proposal had at least served to diminish his appeal. Reba was vulnerable by nature and only marginally stable, given to veering off course in response to her own internal tumult. So far she seemed fine (sort of ) but I didn't want to trip her into a downward spiral when she'd just reached solid ground. She'd been free for two days. What would she do if she heard about this? She'd go off the deep end. On the other hand, she'd pinned her hopes on a bum and what was I to do? Sooner or later, she was going to learn the truth. Was it better to tell her now while she still had an opportunity to redeem herself?

At 5:59
. I shut down my alarm and pulled on my sweats in preparation for a run. I went through my usual bathroom routine—brushing my teeth, splashing water on my face, lamenting the state of my hair, which was sticking up every which way. I looped my housekey in my shoelace, locked the apartment, and started walking at a fast pace toward the bike path that runs parallel to the beach.

Gradually I broke into a trot, my muscles protesting. My feet felt leaden, as though someone had affixed ten-pound weights to the bottoms of my shoes. The sun had already risen and for once there was no evidence of fog. The day promised to be a good one, clear and sunny. Across the rumble of the surf, I could hear the barking of a sea lion, probably some hoary old guy who'd staked out a place for himself on a marker buoy. In hopes of shaking off my depression, I picked up the pace, my sights focused on the bathhouse where I made my turnaround. By the time I started back, I wasn't exactly light of heart, but I didn't feel quite so dead.

I finished my run and walked the last couple of blocks to cool down. When I reached home, I saw Mattie's car parked in Henry's drive.
Oh goody.
I let myself into my place, showered, dressed, and ate a bowl of cereal. As I left for the office, I picked up the tantalizing scent of bacon and eggs wafting across the patio. Henry's kitchen door was open and through the screen, I heard laughter and chatting. I smiled, imagining the two of them sitting down to breakfast together. I knew better than to think she'd spent the night with him. He's entirely too proper to compromise her reputation, but an early morning get-together was well within the purview of Emily Post.

I crossed the yard and tapped on the door frame. He responded, inviting me to come in, though his tone wasn't quite as chipper as I'd hoped. I let myself in, thinking
Henry had reverted to his usual dress code—flip-flops, white T-shirt, and tan shorts. The kitchen showed all the signs of a recent meal—dirty skillets and bowls, an array of spices near the stove. Dishes and utensils were piled in the sink, and the counter was gritty with toast crumbs. Henry was at the sink, running water for a fresh pot of coffee, while Mattie sat at the kitchen table engrossed in a conversation with William and Lewis.

I caught the dynamic in a flash and I could feel myself wince. William had set this up. He'd been infuriated by Henry's attitude where Mattie was concerned. Lewis had no such qualms. I knew William had been chatting with Lewis on the phone, but I hadn't thought much of it. Now I had visions of his maneuvering Lewis onto the scene, assuming Henry's competitive instincts would kick in. Instead, Henry was reacting like a schoolboy, withdrawn and insecure in the presence of his brother's cockiness. Maybe William didn't care which of his brothers snagged Mattie as long as one of them did.

From what I knew of the family history, Lewis—two years older than Henry—had always asserted his superiority in matters of the heart. Neither Lewis nor Henry had ever married, and though I hadn't quizzed them on the subject, there was one reference I remembered. In 1926 Henry had taken Lewis's girlfriend away from him. Henry claimed Lewis had never fully recovered from the insult. Now, to all appearances, Lewis was finally mounting a retaliatory campaign. He'd made a point of dressing smartly—starched white shirt, vest, suit coat, his shoes shined, his trousers sharply creased. Like his two younger brothers, Lewis had all his hair and most of his teeth. I saw him as Mattie must—handsome, attentive, with none of Henry's reticence. The two brothers had met her on the same Caribbean cruise and Lewis had pursued her relentlessly. He'd signed up for Mattie's watercolor class, and while his efforts were crude, she'd admired his enthusiasm and his doggedness. Henry claimed he was only flirting, but Mattie didn't see it that way. Now here he was again, stepping into the picture just as Henry was making headway.

“Coffee?” Henry asked me. Even his voice sounded bruised, though he was covering as well as he could.

“Sure, I'll take a cup. Thanks.”

“Mattie? Fresh pot coming up.”

“Love some,” she said, distracted by the anecdote Lewis was in the midst of telling. Henry wasn't listening. The story was probably one he'd heard before and he knew how it would end. I was so focused on Henry I didn't hear much of it myself. Lewis reached the punch line and both William and Mattie burst out laughing.

I sat down at the table and when the merriment subsided, I glanced at Mattie. “So what's up today? The two of you have plans?”

“Oh, no. I can't stay. I've got responsibilities at home.”

Lewis slapped the table. “Nonsense! There's a show at the art museum. I read about it in the paper and I know it's one you'd love.”

“What sort of show?”

“Blown glass. Extraordinary. It's a traveling exhibit the reviewer called a ‘must-see.' At least stay for that. Afterward, we could have a bite of lunch at a Mexican restaurant right there in the arcade. There's an art gallery across the court you really should see. You could talk to the owner about your work. Maybe she'd agree to represent you.”

William chimed in. “Fabulous idea. Don't go rushing off. Take a little time for yourself.”

I felt my head swivel. William was beaming like a mother at a dance recital.

I said, “Uh, Henry? Could I see you for a minute? I've got a problem at my place.”

“What sort of problem?”

“It's just something I have to show you. It won't take long.”

“I'll look into it later. Can't it wait?”

“Really not,” I said, hoping to signal him with my tone.

He seemed resigned or annoyed, I couldn't tell which. He turned to Mattie. “You won't mind if I slip out for a minute?”

“Not at all. I can tidy up the kitchen while you're gone.”

“That's not necessary,” Henry said. “I'll take care of the dishes as soon as I get back.”

“Take your time,” Lewis said, airily. “We'll get the place all shipshape and then take a walk on the beach. Mattie needs some fresh air. Place is like an oven in here.”

Henry turned a bleak eye on Lewis. “If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to clean the kitchen myself.”

Lewis made a face. “Oh, loosen up, for Pete's sake. You're like a little old lady. We're not going to mess with your precious things. I promise we'll keep all the spices in alphabetical order. Go on. Get out of here. We're fine.”

Henry's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I tucked my arm into his and steered him toward the door. I could tell he was torn between wanting to defend himself and wanting to escape the torment. I didn't think Mattie was being mean. Her affection for both brothers was doubtless genuine. She simply wasn't tuned into the rivalry between the two.

The screen door banged shut behind us and we crossed the yard. As soon as I let him into my apartment, I could see Henry scrutinize the premises, his expression sour, looking for the problem he was there to fix. “I hope it's not the plumbing. I'm not in the mood to crawl under the house.”

“There isn't any problem. I had to get you out of there. You need to chill out. You can't let Lewis get under your skin like that.”

He gave me a stony look. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

I couldn't tell if he was actually that obtuse or feigning ignorance to avoid addressing the point. “Yes, you do. Lewis is flirting, but he flirts with every woman he sees. It doesn't mean anything. You've got twice his charm and twice his good looks. Besides, you're the one she came to see. You can't let him swoop in like that and sweep her off her feet.”

“Swoop and sweep?”

You know what I mean. She's taking the path of least resistance. That doesn't mean she likes him any better than you.”

“I wouldn't be so sure. Mattie couldn't set aside time for me. Let him propose an outing and suddenly she's got all day.”

“But you could have proposed something just as easily.”

“I did. I suggested breakfast.”

“And she agreed. The only thing I don't understand is how Lewis and William ended up over there as well.”

“A remarkable coincidence. The two were taking their morning constitutional and just ‘happened' to be passing as she pulled into the drive. They stopped for a chat and naturally, she invited them to join us. Now she intends to spend the rest of the day with

“She never said that. What's the matter with you? So Lewis came up with a plan. Big deal. Think of a better one and stand your ground.”

“It's not up to me. It's Mattie's call. Lewis is being pushy and competitive, vying for her attention. The way he's acting, he might as well be eight.”

“Well, that's true,” I said. “He is competitive with you.”

“Precisely. And it's revolting—grown men scrapping over her like dogs with a bone. No gentleman should impose himself when it's a lady's right to choose.”

“Mattie isn't choosing. She's being nice.”

“Fine. She can be as nice as she pleases. Far be it from me to interfere.”

“Oh, come on, Henry. Don't be like that.”

“But that's how I am. That's exactly how I am.”

“Stubborn and proud.”

“I can't change my nature. I refuse.”

“So don't change your
Change your attitude.”

“I won't. If she's so easily swayed by his
as you so aptly refer to it, then perhaps I've misjudged her. I assumed she was a woman of integrity and common sense. He's vain and superficial and if she finds that appealing, then so be it.”

“Would you get off your high horse? You're only taking that position to avoid a fight. You think if you go head-to-head with him, you'll lose out, but that's just not true.”

“You have no idea what I think.”

“Okay. You're right. I shouldn't speak for you. Why don't you tell me how it feels.”

“It doesn't ‘feel' like anything. This is all beside the point. Mattie has her preferences and I have mine.”


“That's right. I prefer to be accepted for myself. I prefer not to dictate the behavior of others or have them dictate to me.”

“What's that got to do with Lewis?”

“She thinks he's entertaining. I do not. In addition, I find his sudden appearance highly suspect.”

“Really,” I said. I was reluctant to communicate my own suspicions about William unless Henry voiced them first.

Henry went on. “I believe she spoke to Lewis on the phone and he flew out in response.”

“Where'd you get that?”

“He didn't seem the least bit surprised at finding her here, which means he knew in advance. And how could he have known unless she told him herself?”

“He could have heard from someone else.”



“Rosie doesn't
with Lewis. Why would she talk to him? She barely talks to me.”

“William, then. He could have mentioned it in passing.”

“I see you're determined to protect her.”

“All I'm doing is injecting a note of reality. No one's plotting behind your back. Well, Lewis, maybe, but not Mattie. You know better.”

“You're implying I'm paranoid, but this is not my imagination. Mattie's intention was to come for breakfast and then drive straight home. Lewis suggested something
off the top of his head
and now she's delaying her return. Yes or no?”



“Let's not argue. I don't think there's anything afoot, but you do, so let's drop the subject. My only point…well, I don't even know what my only point is. My only point is don't give up on her. And that's all I'm going to say.”

“Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my kitchen and my little-old-lady ways.”


I went to the office and locked myself in. Truly, it was more restful to ponder crime than human beings in love. Here I was trying to talk Henry
the very thing I was trying to talk Reba
out of,
and neither one would listen. Then again, why would they? I've bungled every relationship I've ever been in so it's not like my advice is worth much.

I opened the window in hopes of creating a little cross-ventilation. The thermometer outside on the window frame read 74 degrees. It felt hotter than that to me. I sat down, put my feet up on the desk, and rocked back in my swivel chair. I studied my surroundings with a sense of discontent. The windows were so dingy I could hardly see out. Grime on the windowsill. Dust on my fake plant. My desk was covered with junk and the trash can was filled to capacity. I still had boxes I hadn't unpacked since I moved in and that was five months ago. What a slattern I was.

I got up and went into my tiny kitchen, where I scrounged under the sink for a bucket, a sponge, and a quart of virulent yellow liquid that resembled toxic waste. I spent the morning scrubbing surfaces, vacuuming, dusting, shining, polishing, unpacking, and putting things away. By noon, while I was hot, tired, and sweaty, my mood had improved. But not for long.

BOOK: "R" is for Ricochet
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