Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3) (6 page)

BOOK: Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3)
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Quinn pushed up to his elbows and rubbed his face roughly
with his hands. She stood there and admired the way his muscles moved under his
skin. Quinn yawned loudly as he pushed himself up to sit on the edge of the
bed. Of course, the first thing hers eyes saw was his very large erection
jutting up from between his legs. When Margot lifted her gaze to his face, he
was watching her with sleepy eyes. Margot smirked and raised an eyebrow at him.


“Happens every morning,” Quinn rumbled and shrugged slightly.
Margot loved his voice. It was deep and raspy and it sent shivers of pleasure
down her spine.


Margot rolled her eyes as she turned and went to the other side
of the room where her bag was. Quinn got up and got into the shower, while
Margot did her makeup. He emerged from the bathroom about fifteen minutes later
with a towel wrapped low around his hips. She could not help but ogle his
impressive physique. When Margot looked up, Quinn was eyeing her warily. He
growled low and tore his eyes away from hers. He went to the closet where he
hung up his garment bag. He pulled out his suit and laid it on the bed. Then he
went to his suitcase and pulled out a pair of underwear and an undershirt.
Quinn kept his eyes averted from her, as he got dressed. Margot frowned. She
wondered what was on his mind. She seriously doubted that he would tell her if
she asked.


Quinn looked very handsome in his suit. Margot never saw him
with the jacket on; he looked good in it. The suit was a charcoal gray color,
his shirt was a medium blue, and his tie was a light gray and blue paisley
pattern. After fixing his hair, Quinn turned toward her.


“You ready?” he asked.


“Oui. Can we grab something to eat first?” she asked,
grabbing her purse.


“Definitely. I need coffee,” he grumbled and started for the


Margot followed him out of the room. It was somewhat odd how
he pretty much acted as if they had not slept together last night. If he hadn’t
been naked this morning, Margot would have thought it was a dream. He has not
given her one touch this morning. No kiss, no kind of acknowledgment about what
they shared last night. Not that Margot thought that it meant anything. It was
just sex and she was drunk, but a kiss good morning would have been nice.
Margot has never been in this situation. She did not know how to feel about it.
At first, she was a bit hurt and upset, but she did not want to be that kind of
woman. Now she was just baffled and confused. She understood that he was not
big on contact, but was it so hard to have at least said something or given her
a small kiss? Just when Margot thought she fit together a piece of the puzzle
that was Quinn, another piece fell away to leave a big gaping hole.






The seminar was long and boring and Quinn was seriously
cranky. He did not want to go through another two days of sitting through
watching some stick-up-his-ass talk about shit he already knew. Margot paid
attention for the first half of it, but she started to get bored, also. And
when Margot gets bored, she fidgets. Quinn almost strangled her today. He
thought about many creative ways to end her fidgeting, many of them involved
duct tape. Duct tape was a man’s best friend after all...
no wait, that was


Once back at the hotel room, they decided to get room
service since neither of them felt like going back out. He changed into
sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a zip-up hoodie. He sat on the bed with his laptop
and went through his emails. Margot called room service with their dinner order
while he was changed. He watched her as she hung up the phone and moved around
the room.


She might have gotten on his nerves today, but he definitely
felt differently about her since they started this trip. He appreciated what
she did when he was strip-searched. It was humiliating enough to have to do it
and it would have been even worse if she had watched while he showed a couple
of dudes his asshole.
Fucking TSA
He was glad that she understood and turned around.


Then she came onto him last night and they ended up sleeping
together, and she was incredible. He couldn’t remember sex ever being that
good. She kept saying things in French, as if she couldn’t think straight
enough to speak in English. It was seriously sexy. Just thinking about how her
voice dropped to that husky murmur made him hard. When they talked afterward, she
was compassionate and understanding yet again. She didn’t ask a million and one
questions. She only asked the most important, and accepted the answers he gave


So, now what? Did he want to pursue this to see where it
went? Should he just leave it alone and go back to being just coworkers? Quinn
really didn’t think that was possible. He wanted her too much, even when she
was getting on his nerves today. He caught a whiff of her perfume at one point
and was ready to shove her against the wall and take her in front of everyone.
He’s never had a woman affect him like this...ever.


The longest relationship Quinn has ever had was two months.
After a while, women got tired of having their questions ignored or brushed
off. Quinn wasn’t a big talker. He didn’t want someone he really didn’t care
that much about knowing his whole life story. He had a hard time trusting
people in general and most women had a hard time understanding why he didn’t
trust them enough to share his secrets. They also got tired of not knowing how
he felt. Quinn did not share his emotions. He wasn’t one to tell a woman how he
felt about her. His thought process was that if he was with her he obviously
liked her.


Margot bent over to grab something out of her suitcase, her
ass facing his direction. Quinn couldn’t help but stare, she had a fine ass. He
scrubbed a hand over his mouth to make sure he wasn’t drooling. He was just
about to act on the perfect opportunity when he remembered that he didn’t have
any more condoms.
He bet the little convenient store in the lobby had some. He could run down
there and probably be back before their food arrived. Quinn set his laptop on
the bedside table and grabbed his wallet, phone, and room key. He stood, shoved
everything in the pockets of his hoodie, slipped his sneakers on, and started
for the door.


“I’ll be back,” he said and walked out the door without
waiting for Margot’s response. He pulled out his phone and called Sebastian.
Most likely, a mistake, but whatever, he needed to talk to someone.


“Ribbit, ribbit.” Sebastian answered after the third ring.


Quinn laughed. “You are such a dick.”


Sebastian chuckled. “What’s up, little brother?”


Quinn rubbed the side of his face as he walked toward the
elevator. “Swear you won’t make fun of me?” he asked.


“Man, you know I can’t promise that.” Sebastian snorted.


“I slept with Margot,” Quinn blurted.


“What?” Sebastian squawked.


“Last night. She was drunk and came onto me. I couldn’t


“Oh, you naughty, naughty boy, you! Your balls are bigger
than I thought. Doesn’t she get on your nerves though?”


“Not last night,” Quinn snorted.


Sebastian laughed. “Nice. You planning to make this a common
occurrence?” he asked.


“I’m not sure. I’m on my way to pick up more condoms
anyway,” Quinn murmured.


“Awesome. Give it to her good. I heard French women like to
get freaky-deaky. She doesn’t have any whips in her suitcase does she?”
Sebastian asked. He was obviously getting a kick out of this.


“I should have called Chris or Henry. I don’t know what I
was thinking calling you.” Quinn sighed.


Sebastian chuckled. “Oh come on! You called me because you
needed some comic relief. I gotcha back, bro.”


“Stop being an ass,” Quinn muttered and hit the down button
on the elevator.


“Alright, fine.” Sebastian huffed.


Quinn and Sebastian talked for a few more minutes before
Quinn hung up with him. Sebastian was insane. He definitely made the right
choice in calling him. He did need a laugh after everything that happened to
him in the past couple of days. Quinn walked into the little shop in the lobby
and found the condoms. They only had a few to pick from.
No biggie.
They had ultra-sensitive ones that would
work just fine. He grabbed two 3-pack boxes and went to pay.


He returned to his room to find Margot sitting on the bed,
eating her dinner while watching TV. Quinn’s food was on the table. His stomach
rumbled loud enough that she glanced over at him with a surprised look on her
face. He scowled at her and walked over to the table. He decided to sit there
and eat since he got a burger and didn’t want to make a mess on the bed. After
eating and placing the tray with the empty plates outside the door, Quinn and
Margot settled on the bed together to watch TV before going to sleep. Margot
forfeited the remote to him after he held his hand out for it for a good five
minutes. He had to stifle a smile when she had muttered something in French,
most likely a curse, and slapped the remote into his hand. Quinn flipped
through the channels until he found a movie that he thought both of them could
enjoy, Lethal Weapon 4.


Half an hour into the movie, Margot started giggling, but it
wasn’t a funny part or anything. When Quinn looked over at her, she was
covering her mouth and nose with one hand while waving the other in front of
her. He couldn’t hide his shock.
No fucking way!


“Margot! You did not just fart!” Quinn exclaimed. He was
absolutely dumbfounded. No woman has ever farted in front of him, not even his


“I am sorry!” She laughed. “You would have never known if it
did not smell!”


Quinn burst out laughing. He caught a whiff and laughed
harder as he clapped a hand over his nose. It wasn’t that bad, but he decided
to play along. He was laughing so hard that he had tears running down his face.
He couldn’t remember the last time he laughed until he cried. Margot too was
laughing so hard that she had tears running down her face. She gave him a
playful shove, which only made it harder for him to breathe.


He just couldn’t believe that Margot farted. It was true
that he never would have known if it did not smell, and it’s not like she could
have blamed it on anyone else because it was just the two of them in the room.
Margot was completely unashamed though. She didn’t look embarrassed at all. She
just thought it was funny. He absolutely loved that about her. People farted,
it happened, no reason to be ashamed about it. Quinn would bet his savings
account that if any other woman did that in front of him, they would have
balled their eyes out in mortification.


As their laughter slowly died, they both wiped tears from
their faces. Quinn looked over at Margot as she continued to snicker. He
couldn’t help himself; he reached over, threaded his fingers through the silky
hair at the base of her skull, and pulled her into a hungry kiss. Margot sucked
in a sharp breath through her nose as she melted against him. Her hands
tentatively settled on his shoulders. Quinn waited for his usual feeling of
unease to force him to remove her hands, but it never came. He kissed her with
renewed fervor.


“I guess I should fart more often if this is the reaction I
will get,” Margot murmured when they broke apart for air.


Quinn laughed, and then went back to kissing her. She moaned
as her fingers moved to tease the hair at the back of his head. Quinn growled
low. Her touch felt so good, so right, and he wanted more. He used his body to
push her down onto the bed, and wedged his hips between hers, as he covered her
body with his. He was so caught up in the kiss that he didn’t realize that her
hand trailed down to his ass until it was too late. She gave one cheek a
squeeze and that was it, full-blown panic consumed him.


Quinn tore his mouth away from hers and let out a hoarse cry
that sounded terrified even to his own ears. He scrambled off her so fast that
he fell off the bed, landing on his ass. He scurried back until his back
slammed into the wall. He sat there panting for a moment before he pulled his
knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. Quinn dropped his
forehead to his knees as he tried to slow his breathing and pounding heart.

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