Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (16 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“Daddy, stop, I’ll forgive you if you promise not to do it again. Leave the girls alone.” She sounds calm. I whip my head around and look at her like she’s crazy. What
. The. Fuck.

“I thought so. I’ll leave them alone. Next time won’t be as pleasant, Ladies.”  He stands and finally dresses. I’ve seen his privates more than the man
’s I’ve had sex with.


















“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask Ade for the third

After the awful scene in the study I dragged Ade back to my room. I needed to know how bad she was hurt and what happened to her. I ran her a warm bath while she took off her clothing. I never want to see
anything like that again. She’s covered in thin lines. At least a hundred bruises, welts, and red marks. I asked her what caused it and she wouldn’t tell me. I wouldn’t let her turn on the jets because I was scared they would hit her wounds and make it worse.

“I’m fine,” she says drowsily as I brush he
r hair on the side of the tub.

“How many times has he done that to you?” She rolls her eyes up to me and smiles sweetly. Her real smile, not the haug
hty one she uses at Hillbrook.

It’s not that bad, honestly.” Her blue eyes are clear. I see no deceit. I can’t fathom how that beating wasn’t so bad. “I don’t like it, but it’s tolerable,” she admits.

“Twice because of me,” I say in a level voice. It’s not a question. I know it was because of me.

“Not because of you- for you. There is a distinction. You’re my best friend, my sister. What you said to my father is right. Love and comfort will bind a family close together. His control and money aren’t enough. By the way, you scare the shit out of him. He was worried about it, but he didn’t think you could pull it off. Now he knows you can. I’d follow you anywhere, Regina.”

She touches her fingertips to the back of my hand. I can see the tears swirling around her blue eyes.

“Does he do to you what he tried to do to me?” I watch the drops spill over her bottom eyelids and slide down her cheeks. If I could join her in a cry I would. I rub my chest where it aches for her.

“No, he does the cane and other things,” she says shamefully. I want to ask her what the other things are, but it would humiliate h

I let her rest for a few minutes. I’ve upset her and she quietly cries. I drag my nails through her hair scratching her scalp. I
always loved the sensation when my mom would do this to me and I hope it brings her comfort. I don’t know if she likes it, but she doesn’t protest.

“I’ve never been touched like that or kissed anyone,” she says shyly. I already knew that. I thought I knew her
until I saw what her father had done to her. It’s not a huge stretch for me to jump to the conclusion that he molests her too, especially since he wouldn’t cover his genitals.

“You’re only sixteen, Ade. Until last night I’d never do
ne either of those things. Wait until you’re ready. If it’s that Ezra boy, you’ll have to wait a bit longer. He’s still a pup.” I chuckle about the very mature and very gay kid that Ade has a crush on.
“I know he’s gay, Regina. He’s also not a virgin. I don’t even want him like that. I just want to make my family proud. My Dad knows what he is, but he didn’t care because Ezra is so strong and smart. His family isn’t rich like we are. Between his mom’s fortune and his adoptive father, Marcus’ empire, rich doesn’t describe it. Their billions match our millions. I’m a disappointment to my father and marrying Ezra would redeem me.” She sounds so sad that I want to flee from here and take her with me.

A sixteen-year-old girl shouldn’t be worrying about marrying a fourteen-year-old billionaire. She shouldn’t be a high school graduate with thrash marks covering her body. She should be at the mall blushing at boys.

“All that I’ve heard out of your Father’s mouth is how his children are a disappointment. And since our conversations have been limited to disappointing children and him trying to rape a new generation of hard-asses out of me, that’s saying something. Grant has no backbone. I know he’s hinting that Whitt is gay. How you can tell with a five-year-old is beyond me. So what if he likes art? What’s wrong with Katherine? What’s wrong with you? Maybe he should ask himself why he birthed disappointing kids. I bet he’d push the blame onto your mother.”

“He is gay. You either are or you aren’t and it’s a from birth kind of thing. If you ask him who he wants to marry when he
grows up, he’ll say a boy. He’s honest about it. I love him so much. I know you were mad at me because I was mean to him. It wasn’t about him. I didn’t want you here. I knew it would happen and I was trying to avoid it. The only thing wrong with Katherine is that she’s a girl, but she redeemed herself by marrying a Junior Senator. What’s wrong with me is that I’m not a boy. I mean, he wishes I were his male heir.”

Why does she care what her father thinks of them when he hits her with an object and breaks his promises? That would make me hate him, not bow down to him.

“Grant is weak,” she states plainly, finishing off the list of disappointments.

“So what?
I happen to like him. He’s not an asshole. Yes, he obviously needs a keeper to help him make decisions. But he’s a good guy. I just know it,” I defend.
“He is.” Ade smiles fondly.

“I’ve seen your hero-worship. I think I’m channeling you.” I smile back.
“He’s a good brother. Someone had to kiss our boo-boos. Did he hurt you?”  Her eyes track across my face looking for a difference between last night’s innocent Regina and today’s jaded version.

“I’m tender, but not because he hurt me,” I chuckle. “I really liked it,” I say shyly. “I want to do it again.” I blus
h and hide my face in my hair.

u just told me to wait until I’m ready. You didn’t. I mean, I know you couldn’t wait, but why was it good since you didn’t?” She’s confused and genuinely curious.

“I was ready, Ade. Your brother woke something up in
side of me that’d lain dormant. I’ve only ever seen two guys and wanted them. I feel nothing when I look at anyone else. Your dad made me physically sick. I wasn’t curious or interested to even look at him. I know he’s good looking and built. He and Grant are so similar. But Grant makes me feel warm and your dad makes me feel cold. The guy you saw and asked about, Roman. I kissed him goodbye- really kissed him, and I actually liked it. What I did with Grant last night felt incredible, but mostly it felt right.”
Adelaide starts to sob hysterically. I reach under her arms and pull her frail body from the tub. I’m scared she’ll drown while she cries. I wrap her in a terrycloth bathrobe and walk her to my bed.

“What’s wrong now?” I d
emand. “What did I say wrong?”

“You’re not just saying it to make me feel better
are you? I can see it in your face, but I’m not sure. I’m so relieved.” She hiccups the words.

“I don’t know how to say this anymore plainly, I fucked the hell out of him- dominated him. I’m sure I drained his ass dry.” I sound annoyed. “What’s the matter?” I’m angry because I can’t help her if she doesn’t tell me what’s wrong. I want to fix it.

“I laid in bed last night imagining Grant forcing you. When I managed to crawl out of bed today, I find my Father actually trying to rape you. I know it’s my fault. I’m selfish enough to admit that I’m happy you’re here with me. I’m glad that you like Grant. I don’t feel as guilty. You guys are perfect for each other. You’ll make each other happy.”

“Whoa- slow your ass down, girlfriend. We aren’t t
ogether like that.” I protest.

“If you could see your face as you talk about him after twenty-four-hours imagine after five-years? I mean it; I want you both to finally be happy.” She smiles at me with tears drying on her face.

“You’ll be my sister for real. I know you can’t be married, but eventually you’ll be married in your heart,” she says dreamily.

I lay on my back next to her on the bed in stunned silence contemplating all she
’d said. I’d threatened that I would make Grant mine. I don’t want to fall in love with him. I can’t risk it. A quiet knock snaps me out of my reverie.

“It’s open,” I call. Ade tightens the robe as the door cracks open.
Whitt’s baby-blue eyes are at doorknob level peering at us from the crack. I can see his tiny fingers clutching the knob. I smile at his cuteness and he takes it as an invitation to enter.

I sigh when I see what’
s attached to his hand- Grant. Seeing them hand-in-hand is shocking. They don’t look like brothers. Whitt is a cloned version of a miniature Grant. Everything about them is identical, even their mannerisms.

“Hi,” Grant says warily as he helps Whitt onto the bed. “I thought I better check on you both after Kristal found me.” He looks at the child and doesn’t say any more.

The look on Whitt’s face says he doesn’t have to. He’s wearing an adult expression of fury and outrage. His father is wrong about him: he’s intelligent, strong, and going to be a formidable adult. Daniel Sr. doesn’t see Daniel Jr. clearly.

“Will you stay in my room with me
tonight and let me read you a story?” Whitt asks Ade sweetly in his small voice.

I was wrong and I will admit it. Pricilla Whittenhower is soft and loving and she i
nstilled that into her children. The fact that the bond survives their abusive, controlling father says just how strong it is.

Grant hands Ade a hardcover copy of
The Secret Garden
and winks. He keeps looking me over making sure that I’m okay.

“Okay, little man, let’s see what troubles Mary and Colin will get into next.” Ade stands and picks Whitt up and settles him on her hip.

“You two have a good night,” Ade says. She casts her eyes to the floor and blushes vibrantly at how that sounded.

I immediately loo
k at Grant. He’s trying not to laugh. I groan and hide my face in the coverlet.

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” Whitt sings as the door shuts
tight, closing Grant and me in.

“I’m sorry. By the time Kristal
found me you were leading Adelaide up the South staircase. I knew you ladies had each other so I went back to my father.” Grant’s tone is numb and lifeless.

“He tried to rape me,” I hiss fiercely.
“I’m not saying that lightly. I can take everything else that he’s thrown my way, but not that. I can’t handle that. Right now I want Ade to bring Whitt back and for you to go get Kristal. I want to barricade us in here behind locks and heavy furniture until I know we’re safe. How can you live like this?” My voice wavers and pitches until I sound borderline hysterical.

Grant surprises me. He walks to the adjoining door and bolts it. He repeats the same with the main door. He pulls the desk in front of one and the bureau in front of the other. He sits a respectable distance from me. I can tell he wants to touch me, but he refrains. He knows that after last night he has to be invited. With what
his father just did to me, he’s being extra cautious and looks completely miserable.

“I can’t live like this.
That is the point. I went to him and told him that if he touches you again that I will leave. I will divorce Cora. I will spill all of his secrets. He asked me if I wanted to know a secret he has about me in return for letting him be with you later on. I told him to go to hell and I walked away from him. I don’t respect him. I hate him. But he controls by fear. You saw what he did to Adelaide. I don’t know what else he’s capable of and I don’t want to find out.” He buries his face into his hands and sighs.

“I don’t understand it, Grant. Why do you all allow it? Why does your mother?” I pull on his hand and settle it on my lap. I play with his fingers trying to forget
everything that has happened.

“My mother thought you were my lover. She didn’t agree when Dad made
Cora and I marry. Dad told her that I had been courting you for the past month. She wanted me to have a family and be happy. She thought you and I would raise our family and let the public believe that Cora was my wife. It was the compromise that she could live with because of my father. I’ll say that there will be less of my father in the house now. My mother knows the truth. Kristal and Martha overheard you in the study. They saw what Adelaide looked like. Kristal ran for me and Martha ran for my mother. Mom never agreed with the way Dad punishes us, but she tolerated it because it was a punishment. What happened with Adelaide wasn’t punishment. What happened with you is unforgiveable. As I left the study, my mother was headed in.” His voice sounds hallow and I want to fix it. His family would live in harmony if it wasn’t for Mr. Whittenhower.

“What do you thin
k will happen?” I ask quietly.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know.” His fingers clench mine. The expression on his face spears
me through the heart.

“I want to start school immediately.
I can’t wait until the fall. Sitting here jumping at shadows will make me insane. Can you make that happen? I need educated so that I can start earning money. I’ll get us out of here, Grant. Will you come with me if I could provide for us?” I’m surprised by the conviction in my voice.

“Yes, after we’re done talking I’
ll contact the Dean. I’ll start dumping most of my pay into your account. He can’t know about this. I’m afraid of what he’d do. I can’t leave Whitt here either. I act as his father since ours has written him off.”

“Would he hurt him?”
My fingers tighten in his at the thought of anyone hurting that precious boy.

“No, he sees him as less and leaves
him alone. I know you think I’m obsessed with money and that’s why I won’t leave. It’s not that. I’m afraid of him of what he will do to us in retaliation. We’ll need a lot of money to keep him away from us. He isn’t above criminal acts to obtain what he wants. You’ve already experienced some of his milder tricks. We can’t do this prematurely.”

He pins me with his gaze and longing stares at me for a few moments. I want to hold him. I want to make him feel better, to reassure him. I want him to hold me. But not while his father’s filthy hands
have soiled my skin.

“I need to scrub myself clean of his taint. Will you be here when I get done?”
I want to kiss him before I go into the bathroom, but I don’t.

“I’ll make a few phone calls to people who can help us. My friend Zee is hiding your bank account from Father. I need him to reroute my pay each week. I’ll call the Dean and set up a time for you to meet tomorrow. Is this alright?” He unsurely asks me.

I want to tell him that he doesn’t need my input and that he’s a grown man, but I can tell that he really does need someone to tell him he did a good job. His confidence is zero even though he’s highly capable of running his own life.

“It’s a plan, a very good plan, Grant. Your Dad’s wrong about you, ya know. I believe in you.” I smile at him and go into the bathroom.



















Chapter Seventeen

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