Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“What you think doesn’t matter, daughter,” the older female remarked, her voice laced with disapproval. “You
Jefferson’s Mate, and he’s chosen you as a candidate for Luna. Each candidate will be tested to see her suitability to rule with the Successor, and so shall you be. You must be courageous in the face of challenge and uncertainty.”

“As always,” Julianna grumbled sullenly.

“Yes, as an Alpha always must.”

an Alpha.”

“But you will be.”

Julianna snapped her mouth shut over a snarl and searched for Jeff among the guests. Did she want to be Luna? No, she wasn’t here for the job. But she
want Jeff. She always had, even when she’d been too young to attract him. The crowd shifted just enough to allow his face to appear. His eyes met hers across the tent, and everything stilled.

Recognition flooded through her, recognition of her True Mate, the yang to her yin. Her nipples hardened, and arousal slid down her back, pooling between her legs in hot wanting. Jeff’s eyes shifted to gold, and his nostrils flared, even as far as he was from her. She lifted her chin and smiled a challenge at him as she made her decision. There was no way in hell she’d tolerate any other female touching Jeff. She wouldn’t compete to be Luna, but she’d compete to win her True Mate.

“Yes, I will.”

She inhaled and relaxed her tense shoulders, presenting the image of a strong, confident woman. Sebrina nodded with approval.

“If I really am Jeff’s Mate, tell me what’s going to happen tonight, in detail, so I can be prepared.”

“After the dinner, you’ll be introduced and presented to the pack as a new packmember. You must swear fealty to the current Alpha and agree to abide by all pack rules.”

Julianna nodded. “And after I’ve been sworn in?”

“After this, the candidates for Luna will be announced and presented. I suspect you will be presented last because of your recent induction into the Callowwood Pack. Don’t be offended by your presentation order. It only reflects your recent inclusion in the candidacy.”

Julianna raised her eyebrow at the mention of hierarchy but said nothing. She wasn’t offended at all.

That’s just my human instincts. The wolf probably would resent her placement.

“You’ll be required to socialize a short time before taking your leave of the Alpha. He will offer you a token of his favor, showing everyone that you’re a candidate for the Successor’s mate. You must always have this token on your person, even if it’s not visible, so the pack knows of your status.”

“Keep the token on me at all times, okay.”

“There’ll be seven tests that you must pass to become the Successor’s mate, and you must always be on your guard because you won’t always know when you’re being tested,” Sebrina warned. “It’s a sign of an effective leader to be calm and courageous under pressure, and what you do when you’re being tested will be an indication of what you’ll do as leader.”

Julianna grimaced. “No warning of when we’re being tested? Great.”

“Like life, daughter. I’ll help you and teach you all the protocols of our pack so you’re aware of the rules, but you’ll only gain the position of the Successor’s mate through your own efforts.”

“You’re assuming I want the position,” Julianna pointed out, her guts churning with her anger.

“Don’t you?”

“No, I don’t.”

Sebrina fell silent a moment and just looked at Julianna with her serious gold eyes. Julianna had answered honestly, and nothing could intimidate her, but she wasn’t finished yet.

“I don’t want to be Luna, but I
want Jeff, and I intend to be his Mate. If that means I must become Luna, then so be it.” Then she sighed and looked down at her hands, rubbing them together to sort out her thoughts. “I know less about this world than I’d like, and I’m concerned I’ll do something wrong before I’m aware of my mistake. I don’t know if I could be a very good leader of humans, much less Moon Singers, but it’s not in me to give up easily.”

A smile creased the old woman’s face, and she nodded with satisfaction. “I wouldn’t expect it of you. You have a fighter’s spirit. You may feel unprepared or uncertain in the position of Successor’s Mate, and it is difficult to learn everything in the short amount of time we have, but I’m certain you can do it. You’re meant to be Jefferson’s Luna. You simply must show it to the rest of the pack so they’ll accept you.”

I’ve only gotten the fighting spirit recently. Eighteen years ago, I ran.

“How did I do that? I haven’t been here long enough to earn the candidacy, much less the position.”

“It is your destiny, daughter, and you must walk this path whether you want to or not. Have courage and never doubt your ability to do the job the Lady Moon has set before you.”

Julianna wanted to snort derisively, but she had too much respect for her elders. Instead, she returned her attention to the tables around her. They filled as the guests took their seats, and she hoped none of them had heard her quiet conversation. It occurred to her that she was at the court of a king where everyone vied for position and knowledge of one’s opponents equaled power. Admitting she knew nothing about this new world could get her dismissed or worse. So she smiled pleasantly at the people joining her at the table and waited to see what would happen.

Breathe slowly and show them you’re confident. Confidence is key. They can smell fear. Never let them see you sweat. This is where you’re supposed to be,
she told herself.

Yeah, this is where I run screaming.

Tawny settled into the chair beside her with a delighted smile, and soon all the places had filled but two. Richard strode through the crowd on his way to the podium wearing his jacket and Stetson. Julianna eyed the hat with interest.

It is a crown.

Her eyes narrowed when she thought of the interview she’d had with him and his family. She was glad she’d kept her cool throughout it. She suspected they’d been judging her eligibility as a Luna candidate. Would she have lost her cool if she’d known they were werewolves then?
Probably. And then I would have lost their respect, especially when they’re considering me for Luna candidacy.
She didn’t see Jeff anymore, but she could feel him nearby. His strength and heat tickled her awareness, and she almost rose from her seat to seek him out with the encouragement of her Sister.

Your Mate. Yours. Go find him and prove it.

going to freak everyone out and embarrass myself and Sebrina.

Julianna gripped the table to keep herself seated as Richard began to speak.

“Good evening and welcome, everyone, to tonight’s gathering of the Callowwood Pack.” Richard’s voice flowed over the crowd, full of wildness as if he was more likely to launch himself off the podium and run through the woods than stand there and give a speech. “Tonight is a very special evening for many of us, and I’m honored that you’ve attended to witness it. We have a couple of announcements before dinner, but the bulk of the ceremony will happen after.”

A murmur ran through the guests, but no one protested.

“As most of you know, I’ve been the Alpha for a long time, and it’s been a great honor for me and my family.” Richard swept the crowd with his gaze, command in every inch of him. “We’ve grown as a Pack and as a community, living amongst the humans in peace and prosperity. It’s taken hard work and understanding on our part to remain in such peace. Humans aren’t always easy to live with, and only their continued ignorance of our people in town keeps the balance and peace. It’s a true testament to all of you that there is such peace in Callowwood.”

Mild applause and another murmur went through the crowd, and Julianna felt her own admiration for this community. She was certain
of the humans in Callowwood had
idea the town had werewolves, much less the number sitting under the tents tonight.

“However, times have changed and so must we,” Richard went on, his face taking on some sadness. “I’m old and old-fashioned, and I’ve ruled in my times. I won’t say I was right all the time, but I won’t say I was terrible for this Pack. I believe I’ve done the best I could in the time I had.” He paused as several cheers and hoots of approval came from the crowd, but he held up his hands to quiet them down so he could finish. “We’re all a product of our times, and when times change, we must change with them, but it gets harder and harder to see the clear path the older we get. That’s why I’ve chosen to step down as Alpha as soon as my son Jefferson has taken his Mate and whelped his first child.”

The crowd cheered louder, and it sounded like a chorus of wolves howling away at the night. Julianna bit her lip, trying to stay calm. The words
taken his Mate
sent fire shooting straight to her crotch, and she shivered at the thought of Jeff
her anywhere.

“So, tonight, I present my son, Jefferson Mac Lightfoot, future Alpha of the Callowwood Pack!”

The crowd roared with approval as Jeff strode up beside his father. Julianna momentarily lost the ability to breathe as his wide smile flashed at the crowd. She stiffened her legs, clamping them to the seat of her chair to keep from jumping to her feet, running over to him, and throwing herself into his arms. She wanted to breathe in his scent and feel his hard body against hers.

As if called by her desire and arousal, Jeff’s eyes zeroed in on her and blazed burnished gold in the spotlight. His head came up, and his body shifted just enough to suggest he was ready to move quickly.

Yes, bring it, Mate. Come take me!

She shivered with reaction to her fantasy, gripping the seat of her chair until her knuckles felt like they’d pop out of the skin.

The energy around her became nearly overwhelming until Richard took Jeff’s hand, lifting it victoriously. Jeff’s gaze shifted away from Julianna, his face relaxing into easy amusement, and Julianna’s rational mind regained control.

Whoa back there, girl! I don’t do public sex!

A mixture of disappointment and jubilation swelled into the space of diminishing arousal. For a moment, Jeff had looked at her with predatory intent, as if he’d devour her with his whole being. But then he looked away, and she wondered if she’d imagined his intensity. His expression had resumed the bland friendliness he showed the world, and his eyes had returned to their sedate golden green.

Does he still want me?

Of course, he wants you. You’re his Mate!
For once, Julianna was grateful for her inner voice.

Relief flooded through her, and her body relaxed. Sebrina and Tawny leaned back out of her peripheral vision, sharing some communication, but Julianna’s attention remained riveted on Jeff’s presence.

Julianna couldn’t look away. She didn’t
to look away.
invited her to the party, and she’d take full advantage of his invitation, even if it meant she stared at him all night. He was irresistible He always had been. And if she was nominated as a Luna candidate, then no one could fault her from enjoying the view of the prize as much as she chose.

“We’ll resume the festivities after dinner.”

The Alphas waved and sauntered toward Julianna’s table, her gaze never leaving Jeff’s form. She watched him walk toward her like a woman waiting for a big piece of chocolate cake she didn’t have to share with anyone. He was delicious, and she’d savor every little bit she could get.

God, he walks like sex incarnate! How the heck am I going to be able to sit here with him all night and eat?

Julianna knew the two open seats at the table remained for Jeff and his dad, and sweat trickled down her back as her excitement rose. Fortunately, Tawny sat on Julianna’s left and Sebrina sat on her right, curbing her urge to crawl into Jeff’s lap all night.

When Jeff and his father stopped at the table to pick up their plates, he paused and stared straight at her once more, his eyes back to the molten gold she’d seen earlier. She met his gaze boldly, knowing her nipples pushed against the fabric of her halter bodice like beacons. His nostrils flared, and his jaw tightened, but he retreated to the buffet tables. She watched his ass the whole way until Sebrina pulled her up from her chair.

“Come, daughter. Let’s not keep the betas waiting too long,” Sebrina remarked with amusement.

“What? Oh, yes, of course.” Julianna felt a blush stain her cheeks as she followed the older woman.

Only a few others joined them at the buffet. Brenda Solaris, the Winthrops, and the Cutters, and another young woman she didn’t recognize filed in behind them. It took Julianna a few moments to realize Tawny still sat quietly at the table, sipping her water as she chatted with another guest who remained. Julianna frowned. Why were the men eating before Tawny? Wasn’t she part of the ruling family?

She almost asked Sebrina about it until her brain kicked into gear.

Come on, you’re dining with werewolves. Think about it. The “alphas” eat first, just like in a traditional wolf pack, then the “betas”, then the “omegas”

The pecking order had already sorted itself out behind her with Brenda Solaris in the lead, Cameron Winthrop and her parents next, Tammy Cutter and her parents, though her sister remained at their table, and the unknown woman taking up the rear.

BOOK: Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack (Siren Publishing Classic)
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