Pythagoras: His Life and Teaching, a Compendium of Classical Sources (81 page)

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Authors: James Wasserman,Thomas Stanley,Henry L. Drake,J Daniel Gunther

BOOK: Pythagoras: His Life and Teaching, a Compendium of Classical Sources
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“Accordingly, the cause of vice comes rather from our parents and from our own basic elements than from ourselves, granted that there is no laziness and that we do not shrink from our

(Cf. Tobin,
Timaios of Locri, On the Nature of the World and the Soul
, pp. 66-67, Marg,
Timaeus Locrus. De Natura Mundi et Animae
, p. 146, Burges,
Works of Plato, Vol. 6
, p. 166, and Stallbaum,
Platonis Opera Omnia
, Vol. 7, p. 439)


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