Pygmy (12 page)

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Authors: Chuck Palahniuk

BOOK: Pygmy
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Hemline lifted delegate appareled burka, below hemline revealed clear-yellow body hair legs. Burka flap so display paramilitary combat boot issued desert operations, male size fourteen double-E laced so girdle such dense leg fur.

Fellow delegate merely continue chatter, grope, eat hashish cake. Delegate Russia slide stealth hand within own tunic, hand emerge around bottle sloshing clear liquid vodka. Fellow delegate clamber as infant bird, all head tilted backward, teeth yawned open at roof while Russia splash vodka down each swallowing throat.

From foot of operative me, this agent extract boy of cows boot, swing boot to batter podium, heel pound lectern so microphone transmit as great sound boom. Over speakers, deafening boom. Splitting ear boom. Crashing boot heel, boom sound, boom sound, boom, until general assembly no able communicate among delegates.

Boot boom until floor assembly chamber silent.

Until Magda whisper retreat. No tug tunic.

Until voice of operative me stand alone.

As representing vast pile United States, this delegate announce apology. Announce immense regret how American nation contain merely 3.6 percent total world population, however consume 95 percent total world energy resources.
Express sorrow how seven from every ten American citizen suffer morbidly obese, blind plus amputated of every arm and leg. Vent remorse over wealth American economy constructed atop backbone African slaves. Genocide native peoples. Exploitation ethnic immigrants. Subjugation female citizens and sacrifice conscripted males into slaughter of imperialist warfare.

As speaking for vast American citizens, this delegate announce motion to sanction United States. Announce this nation to immediately cease exporting degenerate mass culture. Immediately disband constituted states, from current now create result fifty petty fiefdoms. Nation of Montana. Nation of Arizona. Nation of Florida. Fifty battling insect kingdoms.

In continuing, announce to forgive all overseas debt. Additional to pay sanctions amounting to all hoarded gold money Fort Knox toward gaining affection of esteemed third-world nations. Plus to make available own cherished American children, ship overseas as lifelong chattel slaves, gesture shown of goodwill.

Floor of general assembly silent, reek only vodka, cannabis smoke. Listening ear.

Expressing much vitriol, this delegate proclaim former United States to summarily execute by slow torture—bloodletting or cooked alive atop bonfire—all existent own leaders, present and former, on every levels. From vile corrupt federal president to evil puppet maid of parking meters. All to be tortured before corpses dragged through public street and head mounted pointed pike.

Next now, panting declarations of operative me, moment required pause to draw another next inhale; at that silence, Magda interject.

Perhaps microphone adjusted too loud. Perhaps assembly so quiet. Magda voice only whisper, but explode so reverberate every corner of chamber. Magda say, “Insist hear, comrade…”

Broadcast so resonate throughout all delegate, Magda voice say, “I am big with child…”

Delegate Argentina, delegate Japan, delegate Myanmar retaining cannabis smoke locked in lung, exhaust smoke into bursting guffaw. Next now, whole entire chamber filled guffaw. Flood guffaw upon guffaw, great waves buffeting stage. Stink breath of ridicule eroding operative Magda, laughter consuming operative me.

General assembly erupt laughter roar. Conflagration laughter.

Next now, delegate appareled burka reaches hand to grip own hemline. Delegate lifts hem to reveal within: trouser leg cuffs rolled to knee, display torso, expose face of Trevor Stone-field. Reveal tucked behind buckle of waist belt: Colt DA snub-nose.38 caliber, alloy-frame version, two-inch barrel. Trevor hand gripping trigger Detective Special.

Into ear of operative me whisper Magda, quote pugnacious visionary Vladimir Lenin, heroic autocrat, say, “One man with a gun can control a hundred without one.”

Muzzle flash. Loud retort. Stench gunpowder smoke.

Same current now, head of delegate Sri Lanka explode.

Second muzzle flash, head of delegate blond cornrows Zaire explode. Next then, East Timor fez explode. Egypt turban. Feather headdress Brazil explode.

All much valued education of nations, all cultures and legacy, every event history celebrated as holiday, children of future. Contribution to civilization. State ideology, language, laws, all of these blasted. All aspiration and crimes. All opinion and prejudice. Pulverized and shattered. Concept of the
deity, ethics, native aesthetic. All best ideals of nation made steaming gray meatloaf, evicted from turban or Afro or jeweled crown out exit wound.

Delegates paralyze. Delegates flee screaming. Other delegates remain laugh, belch vodka, or cough bloodshot-eye cannabis smoke.

Pig dog record pogrom through camera. Cat sister ducking fruit head, bananas, and plastic pineapple so shelter beneath delegate desk, keyboarding telephone summon police. Magda in refuge behind podium, debate if burdened with fetus able execute Leaping Hyena, Monkey Mash, or Launching Leopard,
, for neutralize attacker.

Quote, “One man with a gun can control a hundred without one.”

During all, Trevor snub-nose remain erase fellow youths. More explode heads.

Eyes of operative me cast on cargo within Magda blouse, enlarged bosom, and this agent say, “Comrade, actual in truth impregnated?”

And Magda, agent 36, fashion mouth of half smile, wipe bread baguette to mop mustache with eye water, black ink saturate white bread. Soiled bread. During all, tilt Magda face forward then back, face forward then tilt back, repeat to make head meaning “yes…yes…yes.”


Begins here fourteenth account of operative me, agent number 67, recalling former marched parade event in celebration
. Reviewed by supreme high commandant
. Assembled military force combined infantry and artillery home nation
. Occurrence parade dated back many year. For official record, repeat recounting here formative history of operative me.

For reinforce early best important training of this agent.

Depicted here vast apparatus for national defense, stretch length central boulevard, filled one curb to opposite, ranked solid many battle tanks thunder rolling steel treads. Battle tank Leopard 1A5 sourced Belgium. Tank Type 99, 96, 59 sourced People’s Republic of China. Infinite row, tread clanking stone pavement. Tank Zulfiqar MBT sourced Iran. M48 Patton sourced Lebanon. K2 Black Panther tank sourced Republic of Korea.

Boulevard great capital city, lined citizens cheering behind cordon rope. Lavish paved sideline central boulevard, press solid many mouth shouting tilted backward, throwing cheer so display only teeth. Many hand froth sky, whip blue sky countless number proud national banners.

Blue sky, no cloud mask against admiration of sun.

For official record, all generation operative drilled participate. Operative Tanek. Operative Magda. Operative Mang. Follow strict squad leader signal utilizing baton. Leader command forward march, standard eight-to-five stride, cover five
yard each eight step. Standard stride 22.5 inch. Matched speed battle tank, artillery rockets.

Ranked between infinite battle tank, parade 90-millimeter caliber Kanonenjagdpanzer antitank artillery, sourced Germany. Impressive barrel 152-millimeter antitank gun type ISU-152 sourced former Soviet Union. Also Soviet 2S4 Tyulpan self-propelled mortar measure 240 millimeter of caliber.

March along imposing majestic field grenade launcher. Momentous vast acreage self-propelled assault gun Rooikat 76 sourced South Africa, field gleaming weapons, extensive rolling plantation thrilling steel metal and ammunitions pass in review.

Planted row after row such total power aspiration, operatives march forth as proud harvest. Prepared for reap.

Citizen crowd clutching behind rope, witness assortment antiaircraft Oerlikon thirty-five-millimeter twin cannon sourced Switzerland, prompt citizen swoon. Chest balloon much inhaled pride. All faces flash cheering teeth. All hand brandish whipping flag.

Out of horizon roll black river foot soldier, many ten thousand so form black flicker of infinite left trouser legs stride forward. Black pulse as infinite black right leg trouser take stride. Horde soldier dense so assume single black column. Row beyond number. Soldier beyond able count. Black pulse and pulse and pulse while so dense leg together stride, so infinite arm shoulder rifle. Great harvest shining ripe soldiers, vast marching acreage flash as division leader order face grandstand for review.

Helmets without end, inspired howitzer, field guns, siege cannon, and noble battle tank stretched out one horizon until the opposite, always progressing, no able enemy this state resist.

Approaching review grandstand, venue hosting boundless brilliant leaders this state, unlimited great wisdom national statesmen, approaching march operative Oleg, operative Chernok, operative Vaky. All stride exact 22.5 inch. Operative heel immediate before clanking tread battle tanks. Boot of operative forever shadowed looming at back, tower above operative, FV101 Scorpion tank sourced Botswana.

Amid din so numerous proud cheering citizen, hollering, pressed behind cordon rope as runners after marathon race so many million miles now no able break finish line. Panting citizen strain against cordon, hand grip rope, tilted forward until faces within parade. Citizen teeth and hair press among passing light autocannon. Faces dodge progress self-propelled mortars.

Within din cheering, voices say, “Oleg.” Say, “Oleg, look here!”

Before short distant, female citizen clinging cordon rope screaming mouth exact same mouth of operative Oleg. Citizen female, blue eye mirror eye of Oleg. Female say, “Darling, my Oleg!”

Flanking female, citizen male also strain behind cordon, fanning hands for attention. Male brandish stuffed bag, sewed of artificial animal fur, bag stitched with pair black button eye, stitched with nose and mouth to fashion miniature fake bear. Citizen male flailing small bear, say, “Oleg.” Scream say, “You’re alive!”

Rank and file marching operative Tibor, operative Ling, operative me steady approach deranged male and female citizen. Parade dress uniform. Issued sidearm Beretta nine-millimeter, semiautomatic, double-action, recoil-operated. Polished black boot. All stomp unite. All stride as single stride.

Lunatic female duck own head beneath cordon, violate
rope, crawling along road pavement stones by hand and bent kneecap, say, “Wait.” Lunatic male follow below rope clutching imitation stuffed bear. Male citizen display hair duplicate to operative Oleg. Duplicate same Caucasoid nasal bridge, prominent zygomatic arch above each cheek. Same pallid Oleg complexion. Deranged male throw self into street, say, “We’ve found you.”

Eyes all operatives cast at baton of squad leader, mimic tempo signal. All stride 22.5 inch. Thunder clank battle tank treads immediate behind operative heel. In front, judging gaze unbounded state superiors to witness from grandstand.

Lunatic male and female grovel pavement stones, scramble hands to bridge gutter, stumble to walk upright. Keening wail. Wielding stuffed bear. Deranged male and female dodge moving steel mountains, Challenger 2 battle tanks sourced Oman, skitter between chewing treads Ml Abrams sourced Somaliland. Demented citizen overcoats flapping open. Citizen hands reaching. Outrunning battle tank T-84 Oplot sourced the Ukraine.

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