Putting The Baby In Babysitter (Breeding Fantasies)

Read Putting The Baby In Babysitter (Breeding Fantasies) Online

Authors: Amber Adams

Tags: #erotica, #threesome, #menage, #group sex, #multiple partners, #oral sex, #lesbian sex, #impregnation, #barely legal, #babysiter

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Amber’s Author Page


Breastfeeding Fantasies


Breastfed By His

Breastfeeding Her

Breastfeeding Her

Breastfeeding Her

Breastfeeding Her

Her Husband's Dairy

Milking His

Milking His

Milking His Mom,
Breeding His Sister


Breeding Fantasies


Bred By

Bred By Her

Bred By Her

Bred By Her Personal

Bred By The Best

Bred By The Highest

Breeding Her Royal

Breeding His
Sister's Girlfriend

Having Daddy's

Her Husband's
Breeding Ranch

Milking His Mom,
Breeding His Sister

Putting The Baby In


Daddy Fantasies


Bred By

Daddy’s Anal

Daddy's Bachelor

Daddy’s Gloryhole

Daddy’s Little

Daddy’s Masked

Daddy's Midnight

Daddy’s Pregnant

Daddy’s Sorority

Double The

Having Daddy's

His Daughter’s New

His Daughter’s Oral

Milking His

Sleeping With


Mommy Fantasies


Milking His

Milking His Mom,
Breeding His Sister

Mom’s High School


Pregnancy Fantasies


Caught Pregnant And

Daddy’s Pregnant

Double The


Sibling Fantasies


Betting On Her

Breastfeeding Her

Bred By Her

Breeding His
Sister's Girlfriend

Dancing With His

His Sister’s New

His Virgin Sister's
Graduation Present

Hot For Hubby’s

Hungry For A Brother

Shaving His

Taming Her




Daddy Fantasies

Sibling Fantasies



Putting The Baby In Babysitter

Smashwords Edition. Copyright 2012 by Amber


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Amber's Other Titles

About Amber

Copyright Information


Jerry and his wife
needed a babysitter while they attend the company dinner. His hot
neighbor Amber seemed happy to help.

When they came home
and caught her watching porn in their bed, Jerry’s wife didn’t
explode; she told the young woman to keep going. Amber shocked them
both when she begged Jerry to make her pregnant.

That changed

Warning: This erotic
short story contains explicit sex between consenting adults. The
plot involves intercourse
between a man, his wife, and
another woman
. The plot also involves the
willing impregnation of the babysitter.
All sexually
active characters are over the age of eighteen.


Putting The Baby In Babysitter


Jerry Tanner fidgeted with his black bowtie
until it looked perfect and nodded in satisfaction at his
reflection. He didn’t care for getting all dressed up, but he
certainly liked how refined he looked in a suit. The expression on
Paula’s face as she stood behind him, stunning in her little black
crepe dress and peep toe stilettos, told him she agreed.

His wife wrapped her arms around his waist
and laid her head on his shoulder. “God, you look so sexy. Why
don’t we just skip the awards banquet? I can give you a better
prize right now.”

He turned into her embrace and kissed her.
“That sounds much more exciting, but my boss already told me that
he’d see me there. Besides, the babysitter will be here any

“Amber won’t mind if I send her home and pay
her anyway.” She sighed deeply. “I suppose you’re right. It isn’t
every day my husband becomes the employee of the year at a Fortune
500 company. I’m so proud of you, honey.”

He ran his hands up her back, just grazing
across her bare skin between her shoulder blades. “Maybe we can
slip out a bit early and run back home for some hot, sweaty

Her smile widened. “You’ve got a deal,
mister. I’ll come up with a suitably delicious award of my own over
my tasteless chicken jerky dinner.”

The doorbell rang, breaking up their sexy
talk. He trotted down the steps in the foyer and opened the front
door to find the babysitter waiting for him.

Amber had moved into the neighborhood last
year and would be heading off for college as soon as the fall
semester began. He was honest enough to admit that was probably the
only reason Paula had agreed to hire her to look after Jerry
Junior. Amber had the kind of looks that made happily married men
drool and made wives volatile with jealousy.

He opened the door and smiled at her. “Good
evening, Amber. Thanks for helping us out. Come on in.”

“I’m always happy to help, Mister Tanner. I
love little Jerry. Babies are so awesome.” She walked past him and
started up the stairs toward the baby’s room.

He couldn’t help himself from standing there
and staring at her as she moved. Fuck! She was a living wet dream:
long, lean, tanned legs; firm little ass; trim waist; and bouncy,
mouthwatering tits. Tonight the lithe blonde wore a white fitted
blouse that was just a little too tight for his peace of mind, and
a brown plaid mini-skirt that barely covered her fine ass, and thin
white cotton panties that peeked out as she walked up the stairs.
Her knee-hi socks inspired schoolgirl fantasies about the

He took a deep cleansing breath, closed the
door, and followed her up. She’d already taken little Jerry from
his crib and was making funny faces at him and talking to him in a
high pitched baby voice as he smiled and cooed.

Paula turned her head just in time to catch
him taking a second look at the young girl’s outfit. She gave him
The Look
, then rolled her eyes and shook her head, mouthing
. She returned her attention to Amber. “All the contact
numbers are on the fridge and everything’s just like last time.
We’ll be home late, if things run on schedule; say around eleven,
possibly later. Any questions?”

“Yes. How can you bear to leave this little
cutie? He is just
adorable! I wish I had a baby.”

Paula rubbed little Jerry’s head. “He
amazing, but you’re just a kid yourself. You need to live
your life first. Trust me; you don’t get much of one after you have
a baby.”

“I wouldn’t mind. I could stay at home with
my parents and they’d help me while I go to school. If the right
guy came along, I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant in a second, even
if he didn’t want to get married.”

Paula shook her head. “The impulsivity of
youth. Well, we need to get going. Call me if you have a problem or
any questions.” She gave the baby a kiss on the forehead and walked
over to stand beside her husband. “Let’s go, stud. Your admiring
throngs await.”

She followed him down to the garage and
didn’t say anything until he had the car started and they were on
the way to the ceremony. “You know I can see you drooling over that
girl, right?”

He smiled at her. “I’m sorry. It’s hard not
to. However, you have nothing to worry about, babe. I’m not
interested in anyone but you.”

“Oh, it doesn’t bother me. You’re a man. You
can’t help but look. It’s the faulty wiring in your brain. What
matters is that you’re faithful. I know you’d never stray and that
means a lot to me. Hell, I’m not immune to her looks, either.
Jesus, did you see those legs? I’d kill for a figure like hers. If
I weren’t married and ten years older than her, I’d probably make a
move on her.”

He laughed. “That says a lot, considering
you’ve never shown any interest in women before.”

“Maybe you don’t know me as well as you
think. There were several times in college when I considered
experimenting. Maybe we can do a little role-playing when we get
home. I could dress up in a nice tight skirt and pretend to be
Amber. You could seduce me and try to talk me into having sex with
you. And your wife. I could beg you to put a baby inside me.”

The thought of that almost made him turn
around. His heart literally skipped a few beats and his cock was
rock hard. A fact his wife didn’t miss.

“That turns you on!” An ill-timed giggle
ruined her tone of accusation. “You want to bang that young thing
and imagine her going down on me! Do you know what that makes me
want to do?”

“Slug me?”

“Hmmm. There’s an idea. But what I was going
to say is that I want to go down on you while you’re driving, but
that wouldn’t be safe,” she said virtuously. “So, be a good boy and
then we’ll go crazy when we get back home.”



The awards ceremony wasn’t nearly as boring
as he’d feared. Of course, part of that was because he was in a
near continual state of arousal. He wife didn’t let a minute go by
without running a foot up his leg, putting her hand on his thigh,
or discreetly whispering something pornographic in his ear. He was
lucky he didn’t come in his pants.

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