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Elements of Social Science
(Drysdale) 76–8

Elephantis 23

Ellis, Havelock 171–4, 197–8, 202, 206, 219

Encyclopaedia of Sex and
Love Technique


debilitating effects of 195–7

help with 175–7


eugenics 174, 206–7, 220–21, 227

(Randolph) 144, 150

Evangelical Vice Society 69

Every Woman’s Book
(Carlile) 69–70

Everything you Always Wanted to Know about Sex
(Reuben) 246–8

faithfulness 263–4

Family Limitations

family planning

(Sun Szu-mo) 169, 229

Fang Nei Chi
7, 8–9, 56, 58, 71, 184–5, 253

female orgasms 92, 127, 205

clitoral 93, 226

faking 168

recognizing 168

vaginal 93, 226

female sexuality 157

fear of 33–4

as morbid craving 234–5 ‘sex tide’ 36–7, 203–5

fetishism 155, 158, 171–3

Foote, Edward Bliss 129–30

foreplay 16, 40–41, 79–85, 157 30-day regime 40, 82–3

France 13, 52–4

free love 77

Free Thought Publishing Company 86

frequency of sex 35–8

Fruits of Philosophy
(Knowlton) 70, 86–7

Functions and Disorders of the
Reproductive Organs
(Acton) 67

Fundamentals in Sexual Ethics
(Herbert) 158

Galen 32–3

Garrity, Joan 245–6

Gates, Reginald ‘Ruggles’ 201–3

gay sex 27, 98, 114–15, 248, 259
see also

genital tyranny 267

Gouge, William 50

Graham, Sylvester 124–5

Graham Crackers 125

Grantley, Ada 196

Greece 23–4

Guide to Pregnancy
(Savonarola) 184, 190

Gurley Brown, Helen 245

Happiness in Marriage
(Sanger) 219

Heavenly Bridegrooms
(Craddock) 147

Hinton, James 172

Hitler, Adolf 207

Hollick, Frederick 126–8

homosexuality 158, 171
gay sex

honeymoon 90–94

Hygiene of Marriage
(Hutton) 222

I modi
(Romano) 49–50

Ideal Marriage
(Van de Velde) 8, 38, 55–6, 116, 160, 200, 210–13, 216, 222

incest 87

incubi, sex with 8–9

interracial relationships 130

Islam 39, 41

Italy 47–50

Japan 13, 16

Johnson, Virginia 236

Joy of Sex
(Comfort) 12, 28, 94, 102, 153, 244, 248, 257–8, 260–61, 265

Kama Sutra
of Vatsyayana 42–3, 43–4, 64–6, 74, 81, 91, 95, 96, 97, 99–102, 104, 111, 116–18, 120–23, 222, 244, 263

karezza method 115, 142–3, 144–5, 146

Kellogg, John Harvey 131–33

Kinsey reports 235–6

Koka Shastra
(Kokkoka) 21, 75, 119, 169, 244–5, 260

Kraift-Ebing, Richard 157–8

Krishnamurti 88–9

Labour Party 114, 115

Lady Chatterley’s Lover
(Lawrence) 244

Lancet, The 77
Laqueur, Thomas 61–2

Larkin, Philip 244

Law of Population, The
(Besant) 87

Lecture to Young Men on
(Graham) 35, 125

Lectures on the Science of
Human Life
(Graham) 125

Lees, Edith 173–4

lesbians 32

Liber Gomorrhianus
(Damian) 138–9

Licang, Dai Marquis 14

Licang, Li 15

Life Long Love
(MacAndrew) 30, 119, 153

love bites 116, 121–23

Love without Fear
(Chesser) 90, 234

Love’s Coming of Age
(Carpenter) 115

Lucretius 24–5

Madame Bovary
(Flaubert) 235

Male Generative Organs in Health and Disease, The
(Hollick) 127, 179, 250

male orgasm

delaying or stopping 169–70

ice application 152

post-climax calamities 11

Marinello, Giovanni 48

Marriage Art, The
(Eichenlaub) 152

Marriage Manual, A
(Stone and Stone) 227, 228

Married Love
(Stopes) 7, 28, 36–7, 81, 112, 185, 200, 201–5, 209, 211, 223, 230, 241

Marten, John 61–2

Masters, William 236

Mastery of Sex through
Psychology and Religion
(Weatherhead) 227

masturbation 61–3, 77–8, 134–5, 182–3, 212, 225

benefits 32–3, 53–4

causes 127, 133, 249–50

consequences 124, 126, 131, 133, 135, 182, 196, 197, 250, 252–5

cures 62, 226–7, 256

danger signs 251–2

Mawangdui manuscripts 14–17, 80, 84, 105, 113, 155, 168, 175

Medicine Pertinent to the
Infirmities of Women
(Marinello) 19, 48, 160, 170, 180, 191, 239

Medina, Bartolomeo de 139

menstruation, sex during 12, 34, 41

Merrill, George 114

Modern Sex Manual
(Podolsky) 234, 240

Moral Physiology
(Owen) 70, 88

More About the Sex Factor in
(Wright) 224

More Joy of Sex
(Comfort) 261

Mysteries of Conjugal Love Reveald, The
(Venette) 20, 52–4, 57, 71, 86, 178, 186, 189, 190, 208, 209, 214, 239–40, 242

Mystical Marriage, The
(Rous) 51

Nazis 174, 220–21

Necklace, Anodyne 63

New Herbarium
(Durante) 170

Newnes Manual of Marriage
79, 243

Niyar women 142

nymphomania 235

caused by constriction 6

Old Man Young Again

Old Testament 62, 73

On the Nature of the Universe
(Lucretius) 24–5, 186

Onan 62

(attrib. Marten) 61–2, 124, 199, 254, 255

masturbation oral sex 212

female orgasms; male orgasms Orwell, George 115

Our Family Physician

over-indulgence 237–42

Ovid 25–6

Paul, St 31, 139

Peng, Ancestor 15–16, 18


bent 161

enlarging 44, 103

size 160–62

Penitential of Theodore, The
32, 136–7

Pepys, Samuel 51

Perfumed Garden of Sheik Nefzaoui
18, 45, 66, 72–3, 79–80, 96, 103, 104, 108–9, 110, 162, 177, 192, 193, 215

Peru 13

Philaenis 23, 24, 42

physical tricks 152–4

Pill, the 243–4

places for sex 28–30

Plain Facts about Sexual Life
(Kellogg) 131–3

Plain Facts for Old and Young
(Kellogg) 90, 237, 251, 256

Plain Talks on Avoided Subjects
(Guernsey) 133, 252

Podolsky, Edward, 234–5

pornography 46–7, 248

positions 23–4, 40–41, 49–50, 105–13, 205, 212–13

‘Aretinian’ 50

tips for women 26

Practical Schemes for the
Secret Disease and Broken


sex during 209

tests 192–3

Priapeia, The

prostitution 77

Protestant Reformation 50

Psychic Wedlock
(Craddock) 147, 150

Psychology of Marriage
(Ellis) 172

Psychology of Sex
(Ellis) 11, 155, 171–2, 229, 231

Psychopathia Sexualis
(Krafft- Ebing) 157–8

Puritans 50


Randolph, Paschal Beverly 150–51

Rare Verities
(Sinibaldi) 64, 82, 178, 199

Ratimanjari of Jayadeva
111, 175, 263

religious punishment 32, 136–40

Renaissance 46–54

Republican, The

Right Marital Living
(Craddock) 147, 148

Roe, Humphrey Verdon 203, 207

Romano, Giuliano 49

Romans 24–6

Rous, Francis 50–51

Rovering to Success
(Baden-Powell) 181, 241

Russell, Bertrand 259

Sad Smara

sadomasochism 248

Sammy Tubbs
(Foote) 128–9

Sandstone sexual community 261

Sane and Sensual Sex
(Oakley) 108

Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex
(Long) 79

Sanger, Ethel 217–18

Sanger, Margaret 174, 217–21, 227

Sanity in Sex
(Fielding) 158

Savonarola, Girolamo 26

Schreiner, Olive 173

Science of a New Life, The
(Cowan) 6

Scouting for Boys
(Baden-Powell) 182, 253

Secrets of Mrs Isabella Cortese

seduction 42–5

Sefer Hassidim

semen, smell of 8

separate bedrooms 7, 203

Serat Candraning Wanita
107, 161, 208

Sex and Character
(Weininger) 165–7

Sex and Life
(Robie) 85

Sex and Marriage
(Ellis) 171

Sex and the Single Girl
(Gurley Brown) 245

Sex Factor in Marriage, The
(Wright) 92, 224, 225

Sex Technique for Husband
and Wife
(Podolsky) 164, 234

‘sex tide’, female 36–7, 203–5

‘sexual cultivation’ 15–16

Sexual Inversion
(Ellis) 171–2

sexual jealousy 7

Sexual Physiology
(Trail) 19

Sexual Question, The
(Forel) 36

Silver River, The
(Comfort) 258

Slee, J. Noah 218

smacking, slapping and scratching 116–23


smoking 132–3

Solitary’ Sex: A Cultural
History of Masturbation
(Laqueur) 61–2

spermicides 87

Stall, Sylvanus 134–5

stimulants 132

Stockham, Alice 141, 142–5

Stone, Abraham 227–8

Stone, Hannah 227–8

Stopes, Marie 201–7

Strike of a Sex
(Miller) 144

Strindberg, August 167


Tableau de Vamour conjugal
(Venette) 237

Tantric sex 115, 141–5, 146, 150–51

testosterone 235

Theodore of Tarsus 32

thrusts 154, 155

Thy Neighbor’s Wife
(Talese) 261–2

Tiberius, Emperor 23–4

timing of sex 16, 18–21

Tissot, Samuel 63

toes, stimulation with 153

(Stockham) 143

Transmission of Life, The
(Napheys) 67

Treasury of Natural Secrets
12, 189

Treatise of all the Symptoms of
the Venereal Disease
(Marten) 160, 250

Truelove, Edward 88


vacuum cleaners 12


constriction of 102, 152

iron in 10

vaginal orgasm 93, 226

Van de Velde, Theodoor Hendrik 210–13

Venette, Nicholas 52–4

Venice 47

Victorians 76–8, 86–9, 96–7, 102


restoring 60

tests for 58–60

wandering womb 48

Way to Become the Sensuous
Woman, The
(Garrity) 245–6

Weatherhead, Leslie 226–7

Wedding Night, The
(Craddock) 92–4, 147, 149, 163

Weininger, Otto 165–7

Wells, H. G. 218–19

What Every Girl Should Know
(Sanger) 219, 220

What is Sex?
(Wright) 225–6

What Young Boys Ought to
(Stall) 249, 256

Whately, William 50

White, Ellen G. 126

Wife’s Handbook, The
(Allbutt) 88

Wilde, Oscar 115

Wise Parenthood
(Stopes) 205–6

Wolfenden Report 259


good lovers 55–8

loose 64–6

rough sex partners 71–4

unsatisfied 222–3

see also
female sexuality

women’s rights 157

Wright, Helena 224–6

Yellow Emperor texts 17

yin/yang energy 15

Your Sex Questions Answered
(Scott) 230–31

Yu Fang Mi Chueh

Also by the Author

The Hypochondriac’s Handbook



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