Put a Ring On It

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Authors: Beth Kendrick

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Praise for Beth Kendrick's Novels

New Uses for Old Boyfriends

“[Kendrick's] newest [is a] perfectly tailored tale of love, family, friendship. . . . Kendrick's gift for creating endearingly flawed characters combined with her impeccable sense of comic timing ensure that her books will always be in fashion with discerning readers.”

(starred review)

“Another enchanting, heartwarming Black Dog Bay–set story of reinvention and romance. . . . The lightly magical town feels like a welcome vacation to a favorite resort. Kendrick has a light, breezy writing style that manages to take readers on unexpectedly poignant journeys with some startling twists and turns on the road. An astute and charming look at friendship, love, and self-discovery.”

Kirkus Reviews

Cure for the Common Breakup

“Beth Kendrick has reminded me once again exactly why I love her books so much.
Cure for the Common Breakup
is packed with humor, wit, and a lot of heart. A charming and exceptionally entertaining story! I can't recommend this book highly enough.”

—Jane Porter, national bestselling author of
The Good Wife

“Beth Kendrick has written a sharp, sassy, surprisingly emotional story that will make readers laugh out loud from page one and sigh from the heart at the end. Light and lovely perfection!”

—Roxanne St. Claire,
New York Times
bestselling author of the Barefoot Bay series

“Utterly delightful! Summer Benson will charm and disarm her way into the hearts of readers as easily as she does the residents of Black Dog Bay.”

—Meg Donohue,
USA Today
bestselling author of
Dog Crazy

“Kendrick's impeccable sense of comic timing and flair for creating unforgettable characters make this effervescent novel a smart bet for romance readers everywhere, while the novel's deft integration of the topics of family, friendship, and community ensure it can easily attract a broader readership as well.”

(starred review)

Cure for the Common Breakup
, you won't be short on laughter, romance, or drama . . . a fun, lighthearted, romantic, and hilarious novel that is perfect
for your summer beach read. The protagonist is sassy, spunky, and snarky. I loved each of the characters.”

The Gazette
(Cedar Rapids, IA)

“Kendrick's writing is witty and captivating, and her characters are an endearing swirl of complexity. . . . The plot whistles along, taking a few unexpected turns that make the inevitable happy ending more textured and satisfying. With snappy dialogue and a breezy tone that still manages to support emotional depth, the author keeps us turning pages and rooting for Black Dog Bay and everyone in it.”

Kirkus Reviews

The Week Before the Wedding

“Kendrick proves she is the leader of the pack when it comes to fashioning cheekily clever love stories, and her latest will delight readers with its delectably acerbic wit and charmingly complex characters.”

(starred review)

“In an engaging story about matters of the heart, Kendrick perfectly captures the struggle between who we really are and who we want to be. With its endearing characters and page-turning plot, this novel balances humor and emotion in a way that begs it to be read in one sitting.”

RT Book Reviews
(4½ stars)

“A delightful romp with depth.”

—Heroes and Heartbreakers

The Lucky Dog Matchmaking Service

“Graced with a stellar cast of captivating characters (including an adorable pack of scene-stealing canines) and written with both sharp wit and genuine wisdom, Kendrick's latest effervescent novel is a hopelessly, hopefully romantic treat.”

(starred review)

“If the title does not grab your attention, Kendrick's writing will. . . . An engaging, thoroughly enjoyable tale of finding soul mates of the four-legged and two-legged varieties. . . . When you put this book down, you will have a smile on your face and warmth in your heart.”

RT Book Reviews
(4½ stars)

“Kendrick not only shines in portraying the subtleties of female friendships, but also at rendering the unbreakable bond between man (or woman) and dog.”

Publishers Weekly

“If you like dog stories, romance, a little kick to the characters, and a story with a happy ending, try this book . . . a funny, pleasant story. . . . [It] makes one want to go and seek out other Beth Kendrick books.”

Deseret News
(Salt Lake City, UT)

The Bake-Off

“With her usual literary flair, Kendrick delivers a scrumptious literary confection expertly spiced with humor and seasoned with just the right dash of romance.”

Chicago Tribune

“A warm, winning story about the complications of sisterhood—and the unexpected rewards.”

—Sarah Pekkanen, author of
Catching Air

“A sweet, fun, and entertaining look at family, love, and the perfect pastry. . . . Fans of women's fiction, foodie fiction, and novels about sisters will delight in Kendrick's descriptions, vivid characters, and fast-paced, hilarious dialogue. A book that often had me laughing aloud—and wiping away a tear at points.”

—Write Meg!

“This story is sweet like a great dessert—just the right amount of sugar and spice. It's a story that celebrates both sisters and the therapeutic benefits of baking.”

News and Sentinel
(Parkersburg, WV)

“Wonderful! Kendrick manages to cook up a tender, touching, and very funny story about the complicated relationship of two sisters torn apart by their own stubbornness and brought back together by love and pastry. With a fresh plot and richly layered characters,
The Bake-Off
is a winner.”

—Ellen Meister, author of
Farewell, Dorothy Parker

Second Time Around

“Kendrick deftly blends exceptionally clever writing, subtly nuanced characters, and a generous dash of romance into a flawlessly written story about the importance of female friendships and second chances.”

Chicago Tribune

“A funny, charming story about the power of female friendship.”

—Kim Gruenenfelder, author of
Keep Calm and Carry a Big Drink

The Pre-nup

“Witty, juicy, and lots of fun! Say ‘I do' to
The Pre-nup

—Susan Mallery,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Yours for Christmas

“A smart, funny spin on happily ever after!”

—Beth Harbison,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Driving with the Top Down

“In the exceptionally entertaining and wonderfully original
The Pre-nup
, Kendrick writes with a wicked sense of humor and great wisdom about the power of friendship, the importance of true love, and the very real satisfaction of romantic revenge done right.”

Chicago Tribune

Also by Beth Kendrick

New Uses for Old Boyfriends

Cure for the Common Breakup

The Week Before the Wedding

The Lucky Dog Matchmaking Service

The Bake-Off

Second Time Around

The Pre-nup


Fashionably Late

Exes and

My Favorite Mistake


Published by New American Library,

an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC

375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014

This book is an original publication of New American Library.

Copyright © Beth Lavin, 2015

Readers Guide copyright © Penguin Random House, 2015

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Kendrick, Beth.

Put a ring on it / Beth Kendrick.

pages cm.—(Black Dog Bay novel; 3)

ISBN 978-0-698-18848-8

1. Single women—Fiction. 2. Man-woman relationships—Fiction. 3. Marriage—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3611.E535P88 2015

813'.6—dc23 2015018142


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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