Push the Envelope (10 page)

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Authors: Rochelle Paige

BOOK: Push the Envelope
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“Never have been before. You were a little restless before you
woke up. I felt you moving next to me.”


“I’m so sorry! Go back to sleep. I’ll hop in the shower while
you rest some more.”


His eyes heated as he glanced down to the opening at the top of
the robe. It had parted, the tops of my breasts visible. “Not a chance in this
world that I’d be able to go back to sleep with you naked in a shower this
close to me.”


“Well don’t expect me to invite you into my shower time, bucko.
I take my showers very seriously.”


His finger trailed over the top of my breasts. “You sure about
that? I could wash your back for you.”


“I’m pretty sure washing my back would be the last thing on
either of our minds if you got in the shower with me.”


He leaned in for a kiss, and I wrapped my hand over my mouth
since I hadn’t brushed my teeth yet. Undeterred, he dropped light kisses on my
neck instead and moved towards the opening of the robe. I gently nudged his
head away as I scooted off the bed. He lay there, the sheet draped over him,
with his robe nowhere in sight. He looked like a sex god with his hair tousled
and a sexy gleam in his eyes.


“Promise I’ll be good,” he said as he crossed his fingers and
put them behind his back in an exaggerated movement.


“Good at being bad? That doesn’t count,” I tossed over my
shoulder as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. If I looked at him,
even for a second more, I was going to cave and beg him to join me. He was just
too damn tempting. I heard his deep laugh through the door and locked it for
good measure.


The robe dropped to the floor, and I saw a trail of light red
marks he’d left on my body with his nips and nibbles. They were barely visible,
but the sight of them thrilled me in an unexpected way. Sex with Brad had been
good, but that didn’t even compare to last night with Drake. If he could make
me feel this way with just oral, then what was I in for when we went all the


I hurried through my shower. I wouldn’t be surprised if Drake
found a way into the bathroom if I wasn’t quick about it. He was definitely
going to be a bad influence while keeping me on my toes. As I finished up, I
heard footsteps by the door, followed by a loud thunk.


“Drake? Everything okay out there?”


“No, help. I’m dying out here,” he groaned in response.


I threw the robe on and pulled the door open, only to find him
standing there staring at me. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”


“I couldn’t handle it any longer. The sound of running water,
knowing it was hitting your naked body. Thank fuck, you put me out of my
misery. It won’t even matter if you used all the hot water ‘cause I’m going to
need the longest cold shower ever.”


I busted up laughing. “Ohmigosh, Drake! You had me thinking you
were at death’s door. Don’t scare me like that again.”


“I make no promises. You might as well tie me down if you’re
ever going to subject me to the torture of listening to you shower again
without letting me join you.”


“Watch it, buster. If you aren’t careful, I’ll tie you to a
chair and put you in the bathroom with me so you can look and hear without


“Don’t threaten me with a good time, baby. The view would be
worth some pain.”


“Pain? I’ll give you pain.” I swatted him on his butt. “You
better hurry up and get ready. I’m starving. Feed me!”


“Let me guess. Pancakes?”


“Pretty please with sugar on top.”


“How about you give me some sugar instead?” Drake said, tapping
his lips with his fingertips.


I reached up to give him a quick kiss and then danced out of his
reach. “Ah, ah, ah. Shower time.”


As Drake took his shower, I rummaged through my purse to see
what toiletries I had on hand for this morning. I’m not sure how she managed
it, but Aubrey had squeezed a matching set of bra and panties, a small
cosmetics bag, and an extra top in there along with the condoms she’d thrown
inside last night. What a relief! No walk-of-shame look for me today.


By the time Drake strolled out of the bathroom

with nothing on but a towel wrapped around
his lean hips

I was
dressed and ready to go. He had showered fast and looked disappointed when he
realized I was done getting ready. I watched, unable to look away, as a bead of
water rolled down his naked chest. His hand reached for the knot in the towel,
and I jerked my eyes up to his face. He was smirking at me, delighted to have
caught me ogling him.


“Go ahead. Do it. Drop the towel. I dare you!” I teased, playing


Drake’s eyes flared as he cocked his head at me. He took several
steps in my direction before pulling the knot loose and letting the towel fall.
I fought hard to keep my eyes locked with his instead of looking down. If I did,
I knew I’d be a goner and we wouldn’t make it out the door for breakfast. I
truly was starving, and I could use a little bit of distance this morning.
Things were moving so quickly, and the feelings he evoked in me were too


“You afraid to look, baby?” he taunted me.


I slapped my hands over my face, covering my eyes to help resist
the temptation he presented. “Nope. Not gonna work, Drake.”


“Nerves of steel, huh? Fine, I’ll throw my clothes on and we’ll
head out to breakfast. Party pooper!”


I threw my stuff back into my purse, barely getting it to all
fit. By the time Drake was dressed, I’d checked the room to make sure we
weren’t leaving anything behind. As we left the room, I turned to look back. I
had a feeling Drake had just made the Hyatt Place my favorite hotel with the
memory of our first sexual encounter etched in my mind. He’d left me wanting
more, too, damn him!


Drake took me to a local hole-in-the-wall diner that served
amazing breakfasts. As we walked in, I recognized several people at tables
enjoying their Saturday morning. They were all friends of my dad, so I was sure
that I’d be hearing from him later today when word got back that I’d been
spotted here with Drake this early. And this is why looking presentable had
been so important this morning. If I had combined my outfit from yesterday with
bed head and no mascara, I’d have a hard time explaining to my dad what was
going on. Now I could just say we’d met for breakfast without worrying that Dad
would know I’d been doing the walk of shame. Yet another thing for which Aubrey
deserved my thanks.


“How is it that you seem to know someone everywhere we go?”
Drake asked as the waitress placed the food on the table.


“When you grow up in a college town this size, you get to know
just about everybody. Plus, Aubrey’s family owns the local bank so they
literally know everyone. We’ve been best friends forever, so I pretty much know
anyone she does, too. A lot of people know me through her.”


“I like how you and Aubrey are so tight. You seem so different
from each other, but you fit together as friends.”


“She’s awesome! I really lucked out in the best friend
department. How about you? It had to have been hard transferring here as a
junior and leaving your friends behind.”


Drake shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, but I can hang out with the
guys on the team or from the frat. Most of them seem cool enough. I’ve hung out
with the team captain, Zach, a few times after practice. He wanted to make sure
I was fitting in okay, I guess.”


“And Jackson? How are things between you guys at the house?
You’ve been getting along when I’m around you both.”


He reached out and grabbed my hand that was playing around with
my silverware. “Alexa, don’t worry about Jackson and me. We’re getting along
fine. He gets where I’m going with you, and I know where he stands with you.”


“I just need you guys to be okay, that’s all. He’s the closest
thing I have to a brother, and you’re becoming important to me.”


“Baby, the last thing I want to do is mess up your friendship with
Jackson. I know what he means to you. Won’t say that it isn’t a little hard for
me to swallow knowing how close you are to him, but I get it. I’ll try to tone
down my caveman tendencies when it comes to him, but not with any other guy.”


I giggled in response. “You don’t have to worry. There is no
other guy, and Jackson really isn’t a guy. He’s just Jackson.”


“You keep thinking about him like that, and I won’t have any
problems with Jackson. Okay?”


“Deal! I can totally agree to that,” I smiled across at him.
“So, how’s your breakfast? Mine is yummy!” I gestured to his plate, wanting to
change the subject and break some of the tension.


“Great omelet. Don’t know how you can get by without any protein
in the morning.” He shook his head as he looked at my plate of pancakes.


“Hey, there are eggs in here, too!”


“Barely. Want some of mine?” he asked as he scooped up a forkful
of omelet.


“Um, no thanks. See how hidden the egg is in my pancakes? So
that you don’t really know they’re in there? That’s how I like my eggs. Yuck!”


He took a big bite and moaned in appreciation. “No eggs for you
then. I guess that means I’ll have to learn how to make pancakes.”


I clapped my hands together in excitement. “Now that’s more like
it! I can even teach you how to make them, too.”


“Works for me. We’ll do that sometime. I like the thought of you
in the kitchen showing me how to make something you love to eat.”


I practically melted into a puddle at his sweet words and the
hot look he sent my way. “Me too.”


“Anything you need to do today?”


“Nope, I’m all yours for the day.”


“Baby, you’re not just mine for the day. You’re mine period.
I’ve had a taste of you now. Not letting you get away.”


Shivers went up my spine at his possessive tone. I looked down
at my plate and sighed. I didn’t want to encourage his pushiness, but I knew he
could tell it got to me. I never thought I’d be the type of girl to get all
mushy inside when a guy turned all alpha on me, but I guess I was wrong. Drake
was quickly working his way past all my defenses. In an odd sort of way, I felt
safe with him because he was so upfront with his bossiness and he let me know
that he felt jealous when other guys were around. How could I not be affected
when he made me feel so wanted?




Drake must have been serious when he
said our night together made me his
because he certainly acted like it after. He wasn’t shy of PDA, kissing me all
the time and touching me whenever and wherever he pleased. I knew I should
probably be offended by his behavior, but I found myself turned on even more.
After Brad had cheated on me in such a public way, I’d felt like it had to have
been my fault. He’d been my first and only lover, so I figured that I just
wasn’t desirable enough to keep his attention. Drake blew that negativity out
of my head by showing me daily that he wanted me. Heck, he made it pretty damn
clear to everyone that he wanted me. Everyone but that girl from the frat
party, at least.


She didn’t live in my dorm, but you’d think she did with how
often we saw her in the mornings when Drake stopped by to pick me up for our
walk across campus. I never saw him treat her any differently than any of the
other girls who still tried to gain his attention, but she seemed to think she
was special. I would usually find her standing closer to him than anyone else,
talking with her hands, and using that as an excuse to touch him. It drove me
crazy, not knowing what had happened between them. I understood that he had a
past, but I would have preferred it to be dead and buried instead of in my face
every day.


A couple months into our relationship, I finally discovered what
their relationship had been before I met Drake. As I walked up to them leaving
the dorm, I glanced at her hand patting his arm as she tried to keep his
attention. Drake wasn’t even watching her. His eyes were on me, devouring me as
I neared. “Morning, baby,” he greeted me with a small smile on his face that
pissed me off even more.


I didn’t find anything funny about this situation, and his smug
grin was about to buy him a load of trouble he wasn’t expecting this morning.
I’d taken about as much as I was going to from this girl, regardless of their
past relationship. If our roles were reversed, he wouldn’t put up with this
shit. He’d just beat the crap out of the guy and pull me away.


I pointedly looked at her hand and then back to his face as I
stood next to them with my arms crossed, not saying a word. Drake swatted her
hand away and looked back at me with an amused expression on his face,
shrugging his shoulders as if to ask what he could do about it. Arrogant


The blond girl barely registered the fact that he’d rebuffed her
as she gazed up at him adoringly. “Ugh! I think I just threw up in my mouth a
little,” I muttered under my breath. At Drake’s chuckle, I realized I hadn’t
said that as quietly as I’d thought. His laughter earned him a death stare from


“Sasha, you’ve met my girlfriend before,” he said as he pulled
me closer. “Alexa, I think you know Sasha. Our families are close since our
moms are best friends.”


“Really? How nice for you both,” I said sarcastically as he
began to unravel the mystery of how they knew each other.


Sasha looked down at our entwined fingers and then back up at
Drake’s face with an irritated expression. Her eyes trailed over his chest
hungrily on the way up. Yay, what a good morning for me. I got to watch as a
close family friend ogled my boyfriend. Yippee. She finally acknowledged my
presence by looking at me like I was a bug she’d like to squash under her foot.


“Yes, it’s great to have so much in common with such a great
guy. I can’t wait to see your family over the holidays, Drake,” she said as she
sent a triumphant smile my way.


Drake ran his hand up and down my back in a comforting gesture
and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Mom’s excited about her annual open house.
I may not be around much. Depends on what plans Alexa has. Wouldn’t want to
spend our first holiday apart.”


Sasha’s jaw dropped at his words. Our expressions of shock
probably mirrored each other since Drake and I hadn’t talked about plans for
the holiday breaks yet. Thanksgiving was just around the corner, and it was my
favorite day of the year. We usually had dinner with Aubrey’s family, and I
spent the night before at her house so I could help her mom start cooking early
in the morning. Turkey with all the trimmings, the Macy’s parade on TV, and
football filled my memories of Thanksgiving each year.


Jumping on the chance to drive Sasha crazy, I leaned up to kiss
Drake and whispered to him, “Childhood friends? You are so going to pay for
this later.” I turned my head and raised my voice so she could hear me. “I’d
hate to be apart too, sweetie,” I cooed.


“But, Drake, your mom would be crushed if you didn’t come home
for the holidays,” Sasha protested.


Drake moved behind me and wrapped both arms around me, resting
his chin on the top of my head. “Didn’t say I wasn’t going to be there. Just
that my plans depend on what Alexa wants to do.”


I chuckled in response and pulled his arms even tighter around
my body. “That shouldn’t be such a surprise, Sasha. Isn’t that what good
boyfriends do? And Drake really is the best.”


Her nose scrunched up in distaste as she heaved a big sigh.
“Whatever,” she huffed as she stomped away.


Drake turned me so that we were now facing each other. “Damn,
you’re so fucking hot when you’re jealous.”


I slapped his arm. “Jealous! What the hell, Drake? She
practically stalks you around campus, and the first time I saw you, you were
having an argument with her. I figured she was an ex-girlfriend and couldn’t
figure out why you let her hang around so much.”


He rubbed his arm where I hit him, acting like it had actually
hurt and pouting down at me. “You should’ve just asked me about her, babe.”


“Argh! You are so frustrating! What was I supposed to say?
‘Drake, you know that blond chick that likes to trail after you all the time
and flirt? Did you just fuck her or was she your girlfriend before me?’ No,
wait. That wouldn’t even have been specific enough ‘cause there are just so
many damn blondes on campus that flirt with you all the time.”


Clearly not fearing the laser-beam glare I was now sending his
way, Drake started to chuckle deeply. “Alexa, I’d only been on campus a few
days before I noticed you. Couldn’t get you out of my head, and there wasn’t
enough time for me to have a girlfriend and dump her for you.”


I stomped my foot in frustration, not sure exactly why I was
getting so angry. The Sasha mystery had been solved, and I didn’t have to think
about them in bed together anymore which had been driving me a little crazy
with how much we bumped into her all the time. This had been building up inside
all this time.


“You could have just shared with me that you knew her because
your parents are friends, Drake.”


“Baby, you could have asked me if it was bothering you. I
figured you knew you don’t have anything to worry about with Sasha. She’s just
a pest that I put up with ‘cause our moms are friends. It didn’t even cross my
mind that I had anything to explain about her. Thought it was pretty clear that
I’m not into her with how I act around her.”


Arms crossed, I started to tap my foot. “I didn’t think you
liked her now, Drake. But it wasn’t clear to me why you tolerated her so much.
Now I get it, okay?”


He pulled my arms away from my body and wrapped them around his
instead. “You gotta talk to me if something’s bothering you. I’m not a mind
reader. Didn’t realize she got to you that much. I’ll make sure she backs off
from now on.”


I snuggled into him, relieved that he understood why I was so
upset. “You’re right. I should have asked you about her before. I just didn’t
know what to say, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to hear the answer.”


“You’ve got nothing to fear with me, Alexa. If this is going to
work, you have to talk to me when something bothers you this much. No keeping
shit inside like this anymore, got it?”


I nodded my head. “I’ll try.”


“Hate to tell you this, but you’re late for class now.”


“Crap. How late?” I asked as I jumped away from him.


“No way you’re gonna make it there in time. Class already
started,” he said, pulling me close again. “Wanna ditch with me? Making it
through our first argument calls for something special. Not a day full of
boring classes.”


“I can’t skip all day, but I could miss my first class since I’m
already late.”


“Come back to the house with me?” he asked.


I gulped in response to the heat in his smoldering gaze. “Yes,”
I whispered.


He flashed me a triumphant grin before we headed off in the
direction of his fraternity. It was strange to walk into the house early in the
morning. Some of the guys were downstairs eating breakfast when we walked in.
Drake nodded at them and pulled me towards the stairs. I could hear their
laughter as we headed up and felt a little embarrassed that they all assumed we
were going to his room for sex.


Drake’s room was fairly neat for a guy, but the covers were
pulled down on his bed. The sheets were rumpled, and I could see the indent his
head had left on his pillow. I could picture him sprawled in his bed last night
as he’d slept. Naked. Oh, God. Now I had sex on the brain.


Moving towards the bed, Drake gently nudged me so that I was
sitting down. He pulled my shoes off, and I watched him kneel at my feet as I
ran my fingers through his hair. He reached up to take my coat off and tossed
it on his chair. He stared at me as he yanked his own shoes and coat off and
dumped them on the floor. He yanked his sweater off, leaving the t-shirt he
wore under it on.


“Lie back,” he commanded.


I fell backwards, my back resting on the bed while my feet were
still on the floor. I felt his fingers pull the snap of my jeans open and slide
the zipper down before he tugged them down my legs. He pulled my socks off with
them and lightly ran his fingertips upwards, starting at the bottom of my feet.
He trailed them up the inside of my legs, pausing as he placed wet,
open-mouthed kisses on the underside of my knees. My legs parted, giving him
more room. I could feel his hot breath as he slowly moved up my inner thighs. His
fingertips had been replaced by his tongue as he moved farther up, his hands
holding my legs open for him in a strong grasp.


“I owe you an apology for leaving you to worry so long about
Sasha, baby. Think I’m gonna make a new rule for us. Any time one of us needs
to make something up to the other, we do it from our knees,” he murmured before
he ran his tongue around the seam of my panties.


I gasped in response to the rush of moisture his words caused.
My panties were drenched and his nostrils flared in response.


“Damn. Think I’m gonna mess up more often if it means I get to
taste you each fucking time,” he said before yanking my panties down my legs,
practically ripping them from my body. “Take your shirt off for me.”


I reached down and pulled my shirt over my head. Before I had it
all the way off, I felt his lips press against my clit. I couldn’t see anything
with the shirt covering my eyes, and my other senses felt heightened. I groaned
deeply in response to the new feeling.


“You like it when you can’t see what I’m about to do. Don’t you,


I looked down at him as I tossed the shirt away. The sight of
his wet lips tilted into a smirk drove me crazy. My eyes met his as I nodded my
head in response, words failing me as his thumbs rubbed the top of my thighs
while he waited for me to respond.


“Don’t move. Stay right there,” he said as he got up to rummage
in his closet.


He came back with a dark red tie in his hand that he placed next
to me on the bed.


“Eyes right here,” he instructed as he removed his shirt,
revealing his sculpted chest. He continued his striptease, slowly popping the
button on his jeans and inching the zipper down. My gaze was riveted as I
waited for him to pull them down his body. I wanted him naked for me, and he
gave me what I wanted as he dropped them to the floor. He stood before me,
wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs. His cock strained against them,
leaving a dark spot of moisture at the tip. I drank in the gorgeous sight of
his body.


“I want to be the last thing you see before I do this,” he
rasped as he grabbed the tie off the bed and reached to wrap it across my eyes.
He knotted it behind my head, leaving me in darkness. “Just feel what I’m doing
to your body, Alexa,” he whispered into my ear before nibbling his way down my

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