Pursued by a Werewolf (Mystic Isle, Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Pursued by a Werewolf (Mystic Isle, Book 4)
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His voice was so unlike the Hunter she knew. More guttural. More primal. His accent thicker, darker.

She shivered.

“You scared, baby?”

No. She wasn't scared of him. Not right now. Not of him. Of losing this feeling yes. Of not being able to find release.

“You know I wouldn't hurt you?”

It wasn't a statement but a question. He slayed her. So strong but so tender. Holding her as if he'd never let her go.

“Avery—” He obviously took her silence as indecision.

She took a deep breath and stared into his eyes. Releasing her grip on his left hip, she squeezed his forearm. “I know you would never hurt me.” Not like I hurt you.

The slow half-smile was predatory. “Then you must be trembling for some other reason.”

He reversed his hands and proceeded to tease her other breast. She moaned and sank back against him, giving up the fight to remain the slightest bit detached. There was no remaining detached, not when he spoke to her like that. Not when his hands tortured her flesh so sweetly. Not when she would give anything to feel the explosion he was building inside her. Right there between her hips and her thighs.

“Admit it sweetheart, even if just to yourself.” In an abrupt shift, he hooked his hands beneath her shirt and tugged it up over her head. Naked from the waist up, she looked every bit the mussed woman. Flushed skin, tight nipples, quivering stomach.

He balled the shirt in his fists and pulled it across her hips, forcing her back against him. All those hard muscles... She felt them every one of them, coiled and ready.

He whipped the shirt away and she saw it slide across the oak floor behind them. “Admit that you need me. Right now, you need something only I can provide.”

He punctuated his words by ripping the shorts from her body. She gasped at the pain as much as the sight of the white fabric being torn to shreds. But he quickly smoothed his hands over her, erasing the pain. His gentle touch brought another flush of moisture. The look in his eyes as he studied her nude form made her shift her weight from one foot to the other. It was like he saw everything.

All her secrets, her soul, everything she had been and everything she was now. It was unnerving to be the object of such scrutiny. At the same time, she felt empowered. Free.

The intensity on his face captivated her. The way he stared at her ankles and then slowly, oh-so-slowly, worked his way up to her thighs and then lingered at the thatch of curls before darting up to her belly button. Finally he stared at her breasts and he actually licked his lips.

“I don't think I'll taste you. Not today. I think I've waited long enough, don't you?”

He cupped her cheek and turned her face to meet his. His kiss was gentle at first. But it quickly became deeper, consuming. A feast. She clung to his arms and opened her mouth beneath his. His tongue speared inside and she felt light headed. He took and gave. Fast. Hot. A furious mating that built and snowballed until she felt positively devoured.

Then he dropped his hands from her and she stumbled forward despite her hands on the mirror, breaking the kiss. He shoved his gym shorts down, ripped his shirt over his head and then he was back, his big body pressed against hers. He pushed her up against the cold glass again, one hand planted next to her shoulder. The other reached between her legs and tested her readiness.

She growled his name and dropped her forehead against the mirror. Heat sizzled across her neck. That was his doing. He ignited that inside her. Fueled it.

“Spread your legs, baby.”

His words shocked her a little and she inhaled sharply. She should know better. Hunter wasn't a typical lover. In fact there was nothing typical about him. Not the way he made love, not the way he treated her, not the way he lived his life. He was unexpected...and delicious.

When she didn't do his bidding quickly enough he growled low in his chest and slid a knee between hers, sliding her thighs apart. The hand at her hip jerked her pelvis back and she felt the blunt tip of his cock nestle against her opening.

She let out a sigh as everything in her focused on that one central spot. The one place full of nerves that couldn't wait to feel his possession, his pleasure.

He didn't fail her. No. A long, smooth thrust forward seated him inside her and they sighed together. He grazed his teeth over her shoulder and then groaned.

If he was as on edge as she was, this wouldn't take long.

“You're so beautiful.”

Avery tipped her chin up and stared into the mirror. Hunter's big body all but dwarfed hers and the image of him standing behind her, arms braced on either side of hers, balls deep...it set off a little earthquake inside. Delicious ripples spread from her belly out in every direction.

His eyes softened and then he smiled. Like he was one to talk. He was crazy handsome, especially in the middle of sex. All focused with laser like intensity and yet, there was something carefree and effortless about him that mesmerized her.

Having him wrapped around her like a catcher's mitt emphasized everything that was masculine about him, from his hands to his feet to his wide, sculpted shoulders. Their reflection highlighted everything that was feminine about her.

“Ready?” he murmured, brushing his lips across her shoulder.

Her hair hung down like black ribbons, partially covering her breasts. But there was no mistaking the gentle flare of her hips or the light in her eyes, the crinkle at the corner of her mouth. She'd never looked more alive, happier.

“Make me come, wolf.”

“Your wish is my command,” he said as he pulled his hips back. Just as quickly he reseated himself.

She locked her arms and met him thrust for thrust. Every movement took her breath away. In. Out. Back again. Strong. Powerful. He growled into the sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder met.

Holy hell.

Her body surged with another flood of moisture and she rocked up on her toes, eager to take more of him. She felt oddly weightless...almost out of her body. He kept thrusting, crowding her, using those muscles to, well, muscle his way inside. And those lips. Good god, those lips.

He made the best sounds. Somewhere between a gasp and a groan.

Time slowed down as he picked up the pace. His hips rocked hers forward and she repositioned her hands on the mirror to better support their weight.

“We're going to — crack — the glass,” she said on a sigh.

He leaned in even closer, crowding her. His pelvis kept moving, thrusting that magnificent cock into her. And at the same time, they were moving forward. Just a step here. Thrust there. Another step. His chest pressed against her back and he just kept on coming until she was pressed up against the floor to ceiling mirror from her breasts to her belly.

She was so close to the wall that she turned her head sideways to keep from kissing it. They were a tangle of limbs and still, he was holding back somehow. Heat scorched over her shoulders and she soaked it in, enjoying the unusual sensation. She wanted to keep it. Hold it forever.

But then Hunter skimmed a hand down her side and slid it between her legs. Yes, yes, yes.

He kissed the corner of her lips as his finger found her clit and made a quick circle around it. And again. One more time and she saw stars. He was right there with her. His hips pinned against hers as he released inside of her, a delicious growling sound vibrating from his chest through her, teasing her ears.

He kept his finger on her special little pulse point and she convulsed in his arms, bucking back into him as her body rippled and twisted.

Perfection. Bliss. No. Perfection.

He circled her clit again and then pressed down with a firm pressure that ignited something else inside her.

“Come for me.”

She already had… But his deep voice, his delicious command, ignited her. A mighty heat swept through every corner of her body and pure, unadulterated pleasure exploded. It had to be an explosion. She'd never felt so...apart. And yet together. Blinded and yet she could see with a startling clarity. She screamed and her voice, ragged with ecstasy bounced off the walls. Everything was better. Her senses, sharper. Her body, warmer.

She couldn't hold herself up. Could barely breathe. And still the pleasure came. Wave after wave of the sweetest feelings. Unimaginable feelings. Physical, yes... but also emotional. Safe. Secure. Happy.

When Hunter stopped pressing her into the mirror, her muscles, high on whatever that fabulousness was, gave out. She started to slide to the floor.

But he caught her and they collapsed backward, his cock still inside her.

“I'll never look at a yoga mat the same way again,” he said.

His skin was wonderfully sweaty from their exertion. She lay on top of him, head pillowed against his chest. Her hair had to be scattered in every direction as she stared up at the ceiling, still breathing deep. Her body continued to tingle.


He grunted in what she hoped was agreement.

“I almost passed out.”

“I'm glad you hung in there. You would have missed the good part.”

“This is pretty good.” She gave a little shimmy, loving the way their bodies fit against each other. Snuggling was not something she allowed herself to do, but with Hunter it felt so natural. She felt whole for the first time in over thirty years. To cover up the deep emotion swamping her like a rough sea, she said “can we do that again?”

His cock twitched and she giggled.

“I take that as a yes.”

“Absolutely. I'm gonna need a nap first though.”

“A nap? You? Mr. Tall, Dark and Ridiculously Buff? Since when do you nap?”

“Mr. Tall Dark and Ridiculously Buff?” he countered, amusement coloring his voice.

“Well you know. I don't like to repeat what the other ladies say...unless it's true.”

There was a long companionable silence, his ribcage rising and falling beneath her back. She stared up at the ceiling amazed at how her body still hummed with pleasure.


His voice startled her. She blinked, glancing around the room at annoyed and curious immortals. Hunter’s brows were lifted in question. How long had she been daydreaming? Had it all been a daydream?

She apologized profusely and led the class into the next yoga position.

She licked her lips and glanced at Hunter. He wasn’t cool exactly, but there was something different about the man. Two days ago he’d been friendly, funny, charming, but nothing more. Yes, he’d swept her up into his arms and there’d been nothing platonic about her feelings. But he hadn’t tried to take it any further.

Of course, compared to his dream self, he was acting like a saint. She shouldn’t compare the real life man with the naughty devil who met her in her dreams.

Darnit, Avery. Stay focused. Mind on the class.

Once again she wondered if he had finally given up on a relationship with her? Or was this new nonchalant side a change of tactic? Was he playing hard to get, hoping to stoke her interest?

Stop thinking about him. Stop looking at him. Was he smirking? She ought to whip out one of her toughest poses just to wipe that--

No. It was just a daydream. No matter how real it had seemed. Rather than get stuck in a downward spiral of questions about his motives, she moved on. Successfully this time.

Focusing on the other students for the remainder of the class helped a lot. But as soon as the class ended she was acutely aware of him again, could feel his eyes on her as she pulled her hair back in a fresh pony tail.

Her practical side, the part she promised herself was her dominant half, knew that sex was about more than romance. It was useful for exercise. Procreation, of course. But release and well-being too. There was no logical reason not to find that release with a man as handsome and talented as Hunter Ciolek.

And she knew for a fact that the real thing far outdid the imaginary Hunter Ciolek.

But one look at him had her practical side shutting down. That was dangerous. Rather than seeing a sex partner, she saw a man. A man with a history, emotions, family, friends, and feelings. A man who made her laugh and brought her drinks. A man who was good to his family and friends.

She took a long sip of water so she'd be forced to look away from him. With a towel draped around his neck the man looked too yummy for his own good. Hers too.

To compound the problem, she hadn’t been the least bit interested in any of the handsome men she’d come across since arriving on the island four days ago. Not one had given her a single flutter, a sputter of interest, and glimmer of an orgasm.

That daydream had been far more than a glimmer. She felt the need to return to her room for a little personal time.

Sighing to herself, she stowed her mat in her bag and cinched the drawstring tight. Pearl had moved their class to early the following morning, so she didn’t have any sort of distraction to resort to.

He’d just stowed his mat when two of his female classmates strode up to him, arms draped across each other's waist in obvious invitation.

Avery rolled her eyes. She wasn't about to vie for his attention. Not that she wanted his attention. She didn't. Except in class. But outside of class, she didn't need anything more than a willing partner who knew how to seal the deal.

A little voice in the back of her mind whispered that he more than knew how to seal the deal. And he was the perfect partner.











Avery gathered her things and strode out the door, needing some time to herself. Distance from the man who’d been filling her mind for far too many days. He was making her crazy. She needed him like never before one minute and the next she had to watch him smile at two life-sized Barbie dolls.

No thanks.

The pull of the sun was strong. She could tell without looking at the time that it wasn’t yet dark out. It’d be easy to
back to the cottage, but she needed a drink. A real drink.

Then personal time.

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